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NEW STS-48 Video - UFOs All Over!

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posted on May, 21 2009 @ 12:13 AM
This is indeed as 'new' video, not the classic STS-48 zig-zagger [which is clearly thruster disturbed nearby particle motion]. Whether it is a genuine NASA video or manufactured on a computer -- needs to be confirmed by providing the date/time of the supposed occurrence. Did Martyn do that?

With the real context data, flight records can be obtained to show when thrusters actually fired, which camera was being used, and which way it was pointed. Most important, it can show the lighting conditions under which the video was taken -- day or night. If the scene was from the shuttle in daylight, the objects can merely be sunlit small nearby debris.

Exubie, cn you tell us if the scene was taken in daytime or nighttime relative to the shuttle?

Why don't investigators gather this information before wildly speculating?

Why don't nvestigators interview prinary witnesses?

Disappointing, but typical.

These scenes, BTW, are typical of viewing conditions performed for the MLE experiment. Check it out -- it also can be illuminating as to what the scenes show.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 01:32 AM
There really is nothing more beautiful than swamp gas in space. Seriously though, I find the 2nd vid under the Op to be the best. Ice crystals or sats my ass. You can clearly see several craft flying from ground level into space at a steep trajectory, man they were moving!

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by Komodo
ok...I've seen alot of the STS vids and I still come back to a few questions...

Q: Shouldn't NASA be deeply concerned with these 'orb like' phenomena? Granted, we haven't heard of any collisions of these orbs with the shuttle, (that we know of) but, even still...

Q: Wouldn't that be major cause for concern for ANY of the Astronauts!

Q: Has NASA even HINTED at what this is?? If so, where are the statements?

I guess I could go on and on.. but, just kinda infuriates me that it's all hush hush when human are being subjected to extremely dangerous missions x 100!!!!!!

Have you even considered that because it is just bits of ice and debris THATS WHY NASA doesn't bother with it.
Also the reason they dont stop these videos, maybe because they like to read posts on sites like this and pi** themselves laughing at all the way out theories people come up with!
In any of these videos you can't tell how far away these things are so you cant tell how big they are plain and simple!

[edit on 21-5-2009 by wmd_2008]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by contemplator
There really is nothing more beautiful than swamp gas in space. Seriously though, I find the 2nd vid under the Op to be the best. Ice crystals or sats my ass. You can clearly see several craft flying from ground level into space at a steep trajectory, man they were moving!

From GROUND level dont think so prove that point start and finish time on video please!

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 02:13 AM
Ok I am not saying one way or another, but could one of you "experts" tell me where ice particles are coming from? Search ice particles from shuttle.

Or if it is just debris floating in space it would cause such a dangerous situation that they could not even do the mission without one of these "ice crystals" or "pieces of debris" ripping right through the shuttle like a bullet.

The shuttle leaves earth orbit at 17,500 miles per hour. That means these pieces of "debris" and "ice" are moving faster than that. It would be like standing in the middle of a shooting range. I don't know what they are, but I don't buy ice or debris. Sitting ducks.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by JimOberg
Whether it is a genuine NASA video or manufactured on a computer ...


Do you even have any proof that would substantiate this notion of yours that the contents of the video were ''manufactured on a computer' and not acquired during the STS-48 mission?

You all but accused Mikesingh of falsifying shuttle pics earlier this week;

...Now you are making insinuations against Martyn Stubbs.... another ATS member.

Please Qualify those insinuations with a minimum of externally-sourced data.

[edit on 21-5-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Originally posted by Phlegmi
These objects are not changing direction. It's probably just some ice crystals or other satellites in orbit.

Ice particles do not behave in the manner in which many of these objects do. Ice particles to not maneuver under their own power.

*It is interesting how many of these multiple UFO events often occur over thunderstorms or are associated with electrical discharge.

I'm a firm believer in UFO's myself... but for pity sake, these are not UFO's. Yes, Ice particles do behave in that manner. No, they don't have their own power, they are being thrown about by thrusters and other things aboard the ship.
Do you honestly believe for one second that NASA would release or allow to be seen, so many UFO's? If it was live then they would have shut it down.
But NASA doesn't care what you think... it WANTS you to believe they are UFO's... so does the government. It takes your eyes off of the REAL ones.

I would be greatly interested in an ATS poll on this to see how many believe these video's to contain UFO's driven by intelligence means or if they are indeed ice crystals and garbage.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by Alienmojo

I would be greatly interested in an ATS poll on this to see how many believe these video's to contain UFO's driven by intelligence means or if they are indeed ice crystals and garbage.

I too would like to see a similiar poll.

But I would want that poll to also include 'critters' or non-intelligent creatures - Which the STS-75 UFOs appear to be (from the tether incident). Perhaps some of the UFOs in the video from the OP can be attributed to these organisms, which are often filmed near electrical activity; in this case thunderstorms.

*Zorgon elaborates on the matter - with links:


Generally assumed is that life forms, if they exist elsewhere other than Earth, will be microscopic in character. Dr. Norman Bergrun's discoveries of life on the moon, presented in "Lunar Life Forms: Revelations of Apollo 14", demonstrate that this present assumption is erroneous.

Some life forms are small, reminiscent in appearance to those found on Earth's ocean floors but without the ocean, while others appear as large "growths!" Just as some life forms are capable of creating light, such as the firefly, this has also been found to take place with some of the life forms that exist on our moon. It is evident also as on Earth, that some lunar life forms use camouflage to adapt to their surroundings providing the ability to "hide in plain sight!".

These NASA images along with the data contained in Dr. Bergun's latest work,"Lunar Life Forms: Revelations of Apollo 14", can be viewed in a professional presentation exclusively at owned by Mr. Gordon Tibbles, who has been most helpful in making this presentation to you possible.

Dr. Norman Bergrun - Lunar Life Forms: Revelations of Apollo 14

Plasma UFO Over Burlington
Trevor James Constable

This UFO ShapeShifts! Could it be Plasmic in Nature ..or...a 'Space Creature'?


Trevor James Constable, noted military historian and engineer wrote a book titled ' Sky Creatures: Living UFOs.' He claims that some..not all...are giant aerospace organisms -

Wilhelm Reich, believed UFOs to be bio-energetic in nature.

Constable believed them to be as, "...amoebae like life forms existing in the plasma state. They are not solid, liquid, or gas. Rather. they exist in the fourth state of matter - plasma - as living heat-substance at the upper border of physical nature. They consist of calcium and fluids, the metal and the fluids both being in the plasmatic state.

...Normally hidden from us because they are in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, critters occasionally emerge into the visible portion of the spectrum... At such times they are invariably identified as UFOs - which they are, of course, although they are not constructed craft. They are living creatures. Failure to recognize this, and to distinguish creature from craft... has deeply confused UFO research.

As living organisms, critters appear to be an elemental branch of evolution probably older than most life on earth, dating from the time when the planet was more gaseous and plasmatic than solid. They are part of what occultists term 'elementals.' They live invisibly like fish in the ocean of atmosphere. Like fish, I estimate them to be of low intelligence. They will probably one day be better classified as belonging to the general field of macrobiology or even macrobacteria inhabiting the aerial ocean we call the sky."


Mostly invisible "critters" responsible for UFOs? "

*Thanks Zorgon!

[edit on 21-5-2009 by Exuberant1]

[edit on 21-5-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Unregistered
The ufo moving away after a supposed missile was launched on earth is nothing more than a rocket booster

The tether incident has already been debunked in UFO Hunters. The shuttle has multi-layered windows and particles were trapped in between them. As for their doughnut with a notch shape, that is the shape of the light being used much like how you aim a flashlight and see that it creates a peculiar shape. Hence there are no side views or front views of the particles. Have you ever wondered why the tether incident's "ufos" are only facing one way?

You're right about the tether, they do seem to have debunked it to a degree, but the havent managed to debunk the other video of the object moving away at rapid speeds after a supposed missile fired passed.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by SpaceMonkeys

Neither of those videos have been debunked....

Attempts have been made - Failed Attempts.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 08:28 AM
as entertaining as it is, to see the true believers wet themselves over orbital flotsam and debris, i have to also remember what a disservice to genuine ufo research it represents.

wild claims of these videos showing ufo's flying into space from 'ground level' and gushing over these routine, dull videos as proof of a 'galactic central station' perpetuate the perception of the ufo community being flatly ridiculous.

serious enthusiasts recieve plenty of splash damage from these unfocused, unsupported and wholly flawed spasms of fan-boy glee...

its a shame, almost as if these were meant to deflect from serious study and detract credibility from sober study of the phenomenon.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by DohBama


I appreciate your opinion and continued speculations.

However, you have not been able to conclusively identify any of the objects in the video from the OP.

You must realize that ice and debris do not maneuver under their own power and certainly cannot maneuver in multiple directions and at varying speeds that are exhibited by the the objects in the video from the OP - and which can be seen to do so even before the thruster blast at 00:20...


posted on May, 21 2009 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Originally posted by beautyfrompain

Originally posted by Exuberant1

Originally posted by beautyfrompain
I did find the first video quite interesting but seeing the two objects "jet" off into space after the thruster flash made me think that it wasn't alien.

What about all the objects that were moving in various directions before the thruster blast at 00:20?

Their motion is anomalous, let alone the objects themselves.

I'm sorry but could you refere to these two objects moving before the two blast off? The reason I ask is because there are a few things moving and I want to make sure I'm checking out the ones you're talking about.

Where did I say anything about "two objects"?

Did you even read the post you just quoted?

*Another member was talking about the "two objects': Beautyfrompain.

Ask that member.

[edit on 20-5-2009 by Exuberant1]

Again, my apologies. I was on a nice amount of Tylenol 3's. I must have got the two posts mixed up.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 09:37 AM
I see this video & am reminded that I have always thought that there also are UFOs "that live in our skies" & are living, organic life forms. They use as propulsion the 'free energy' we have yet to access, as we are only now understanding the "dark matter/energy", that is 90% of the galaxy. We can only study the 10% we perceive...(the stuff the Hubble shows us!).
The NASA astronauts are totally aware of these organic UFOs as omnipresent in space & that is why they say things like "there's an object right in front of you...will you look..." then another says "don't worry about it"!!! or "there's a lot of things swimming around up here", & ground control then says "I bet, and we know"!!!

Amazing 'code' and it suggests the harmless nature of these life forms or critters, as famed Ufologist & writer, Trevor James Constable calls them. In his new updated "Cosmic Pulse of Life' he has included the STS-75 "tether" UFOs as examples of these "critters". Scott Carpenter did say.."after John (Glenn) flew, we were really not sure if there were critters, living critters out there in space..."

I also think the constructed UFO craft are built using the same organic materials & are powered by the same "free energy". These are all around our planet, as the NASA videos all show, & they mingle with the "critters", sharing the same operating principles. The structured organic craft are surrounded by a plasma coating, as are the "sky creatures"...they look the same & people see both. Sometimes people say things like ' they seemed alive...acted playfully...didn't act like a MACHINE"..etcetera.

I just think about cowboys riding saddled horses that are doing the bidding of the rider...while 'they' together, round up "wild horses" ...or the animal hides we cover ourselves in, for protection. The EBE/ET, or whatever is doing the same thing, in our skies & the space around the planet. Using the critters/horses as transportation & mingling with wild riderless critters/horses... The tether video does look like something a biology class would see under the microscope! ...Just a thought! That's all.
I add to this a comment re: the night stars on NASA video... the UFOs park among them & appear as stars then move suddenly.
The NASA video of all the people trying to find the Mir..with stars moving, so called "shooting" stars zooming & others pulsating is a great example of UFOs hiding as stars. At the beginning of that clip they all look like stars, not moving at all, until one takes off...then they all start moving fast forward, you can see it even better re: the different directions they all travel.
The post that started this is one of my favorite videos, a good choice ..great threads too...

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by secretnasaman

Greetings Mr Stubbs!

Wow, thanks for stopping by the thread - you are the one who made it possible.

Trevor James Constable was definitely worth researching and provided some excellent material.

Do you think that the hand-held camera from the Tether Optical Phenomena Experiment might have been sent up to capture the critters on video?

I often wondered about this because NASA declared the mission a Success - even though they lost a satellite and (used) tether....

Then there was that press conference they gave afterward; what a sham...

Even the highly-informed bigfatfurrytexan has questions about the event :

" Why did NASA declare the mission a success after they lost a multi-million dollar satellite? Would they not be better served testing their tethers with something OTHER than such an expensive piece of equipment? Why was it called a "success"? "

*And it seems that no answer can yet be found to this question of why an obviously failed mission was declared a success...

If the primary objective of the tether mission was to use the electrical energy generated by the tether to attract and excite orbital 'critters' - then that would explain it being declared a success .

-Oh and about the sts-63 incident where MIR cannot be found amongst the UFOs and stars - I recently made a thread on it; here:

New STS-63 UFOs - The Smoking Gun?

(I used one of your newly released videos in the OP of that thread and posted the MIR one shortly after - Thanks again!)

[edit on 21-5-2009 by Exuberant1]

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 10:27 AM
Brilliant...goes to show that some people need life from outside, standing in front of them and even then will manage to say....`nah, that´s not real´
that´s telling how far we are isn´t it.

Deny ignorance peeps!
good job for the first footage.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by secretnasaman

Do you have any updates on the third phenomena? the one with all the fast streaks of lights. This phenomena probably fascinates me the most and is extremely hard to think of an alternate explaination, just wondering if there was any new info on it as I would be very interested.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by GOTZEUS

start at about 8 min
and to the OP i dont think those are ice but what do i know. great vid S&F

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
Do you even have any proof that would substantiate this notion of yours that the contents of the video were ''manufactured on a computer' and not acquired during the STS-48 mission?

You all but accused Mikesingh of falsifying shuttle pics earlier this week;

"All but..' Cut the whining, Exubie, accusing folks like NASA, or 'skeptics' and 'debunkers', of being liars, falsifiars, traitors to humanity, etc etc is standard rhetoric in these parts, so get some thicker skin.

And asking for checkable proof isn't calling somebody a liar, either.

However, dodging the request for checkable proof -- which you just did -- is a strong indicator of which side in a conflict has facts on its side, and which doesn't.

Thanks for practically making my case.

No independent verification ==> no credible claim.

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 02:49 PM

The NASA astronauts are totally aware of these organic UFOs as omnipresent in space & that is why they say things like "there's an object right in front of you...will you look..." then another says "don't worry about it"!!! or "there's a lot of things swimming around up here", & ground control then says "I bet, and we know"!!!

Amazing 'code' ....

Martyn is still big on 'knowing' what ordinary spaceflight jargon REALLY means, stuff like:

..."Switch Power bus A to B' means, "Martyn's gonna flip when he sees this,"

... "The potty is plugged up again.." means "Let's use the public channel instead of the superscret channel so Martyn can overhear us and make another youtube post..."

"The view of Earth is magnificent.." means "That view of unearthly spaceships is scary..."

These may sound ridiculous, but... Seriously.

How about the infamous line about "we're sending you a new state vector" getting garbled in Martyn's mind to "We order you to stay vector" [which Martyn interprets as 'hold your course and say nothing about the UFOs you are watching."

What Martyn think the astronauts are 'totally aware of' is stuff he imagines, and 'reads into' phrases he simply doesn't comprehend the actual meaning of. His cast of imaginary friends -- purged Canadian astronauts, scientists who confirm all his ideas but later when asked deny ever having said so [because of brutal gummint coverup pressure], secret maneuvers of NASA comm satellites to 'trick' him -- testify to his imagination, not his accurate reportage.

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