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Scientists Unveil Missing Link In Evolution

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posted on May, 19 2009 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
Sorry I did a fish with intelligence I should have posted up some

TIK TIK TIK Tiktaalik!

Fish with feet.

TurkeyBurgers your point is valid then ok i stand corrected, i see what your saying and darwins theory of evolution is obviously corrent. But to what degree is it correct and it still does not change the fact that this find is over hyped. Most people want proove of the human and ape missing link because there is a missing link. And because humans and apes walk the planet to this day where is the in between?? Its a flaw in darwins theory of our evolution.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 11:51 PM
If you go right to they tell you right on the front page that this stupid thing is the global freaking event! What is the freaking point of having a stupid countdown, an embargo until Monday the 25th, and an untitled book until the 28th? I now officially hate The History Channel!!!

Waste of marketing hype if you're going to release your "This Changes Everything" event before the actual event!!!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by gravitybender
If you go right to they tell you right on the front page that this stupid thing is the global freaking event! What is the freaking point of having a stupid countdown, an embargo until Monday the 25th, and an untitled book until the 28th? I now officially hate The History Channel!!!

Waste of marketing hype if you're going to release your "This Changes Everything" event before the actual event!!!

LOL I agree. Hyperty Channel. Also another thing that makes Lemur Gurl so important in the area of fossil finds is that I think it is VERY complete and very well preserved like it still has the stomach contents of what it ate and it even has fur still on it. Like for an example they have only ever found 6 complete T-Rex fossils EVER so a find of this quality also contributes to its magnitude.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:03 AM
Ok call me a "Bible beater" but honestly haven't we heard this kind of claim before? The Nebraska man? Turned out to be a filled pigs tooth. The Peking man? Just human remains from some ancient man who suffered from rickets. There are some interesting things here too with this case including the "secret" study of the evidence, who and how the fossil was discovered. Too many questions, to many ways for the evidence to be tampered with. Im sorry my friends but this is just a monkey with interesting finger nails.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:04 AM
"Most people want proove of the human and ape missing link because there is a missing link. And because humans and apes walk the planet to this day where is the in between?? Its a flaw in darwins theory of our evolution."

Well I can help give you some clues to that as well. Here is a page from a website that shows MANY different transitional fossil skulls between apes and man. I do not know if this is what you are looking for just trying to help.

That website talkorigins is really cool.

Here is a link to the Frequently Asked Questions that is awesome and helped me a great deal. I hope it helps you find some answers to questions you might have.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:13 AM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
reply to post by theflashor

No what this Lemur girl is saying is that this could be the ancestor of ALL primates! Every primate after this lemur girl could have come from her. Well not her directly but possibly her species! Or a large percentage of primates could have come from Darwinius (Lemur Girl). So Humans evolved from primates but primates evolved from Lemur girl. I prefer Lemur girl to Darwinius.

Gee how absolutley scientific of you hehe I prefer man evolving into man just as we have tested and observed

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:16 AM

Originally posted by Rockstrongo37
There are some interesting things here too with this case including the "secret" study of the evidence, who and how the fossil was discovered. Too many questions, to many ways for the evidence to be tampered with. Im sorry my friends but this is just a monkey with interesting finger nails.

Well you stumped me on this one. I tried doing a search for how scientists prevent tampering in finds like this or specificly how this one was treated in regards to prevent tampering and I could not find anything. Maybe someone else can help us out here?

What efforts were made to prevent tampering with this fossil find?
Who found the fossil?
How was it discovered?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by TurkeyBurgers

The fact that the study was not open to the scientific community, leaves open the door to tampering. In the past there was filling of the fossil like in the case of the Nabraska Man, so we know that this can be done. This just seems too sensational too be true. Why didnt they announce the fossil's existance at least in order for others to examine it? True science is the pursuit of truth, and truth must always be open and in the light. This is especially true when it comes to potentially controversial evidence such as this little monkey. The fact that they did all the study in secret with very few eyes watching truly gives me little confidence that this is really what they say it is.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:33 AM
Well it might not be as exclusive as everyone is making it out to be. I believe that there is a book coming out about it very soon. Two different specials on British television. History Channel. Lots of different scientists had access to it. It isn't really super secret.

I understand that one of the reasons they didn't immediately publish anything when it was first discovered was that they did NOT want to screw up and announce something that was false until they COULD study it thoroughly and gather more clues from it.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:38 AM
While the significance of the bones in the feet/hands signify a relationship with common day humans, i just still dont agree with the idea we evolved from Apes.

Ability of reason, speach and mental thought..

I cant get past the idea that our intellegence is from a higher being.
Perhaps they moulded our physical form after apes, seeing as how they were mobile, able and willing.

There's too much of a missing gap from this lemur, or apes to humans.

Show me a species half way between, one thats taller, upright, thumbs and so forth, but still resembles an ape, and ill reconsider it.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:40 AM
I agree that it's significant and a great discovery's not very mind boggling or earth shattering. It changes nothing. It's like discovering a new species of tree frog in the amazon rain forrest. What does this really change?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:42 AM
Both the creationists and evolutionists are wrong in my opinion. I think it's far more likely we were genetically engineered by ET, and this 'missing link' is another red herring to throw us off-track from our true origins. Very suspicious as calls for UFO disclosure grow louder and louder by the day.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by emsed1

The implications are mind-boggling but time will tell if this pans out or not.

It could have earth-shaking consequences for humanity, or it could just be another riddle on the path to find out who we are and where we came from.

How do we deal with this if it turns out to be true?

This is incrediby deep. Very deep.

From HolyDarknessVa.

The bible beaters and anyone else who refuses to belive that we have evolved will be on this thread like white on rice.

As for me, I know this will pan out and prove that the human species has evolved and will contuie to evolve for millions of years to come

For any of this to have earth shattering consequences you have to make it mean something to people with an attention span longer than a sound bite. about those Redskins?? Did you see the Lakers game or that NASCAR Race. Did you Dance with the Stars last night?? Did you watch American Idol??

I am absolutely certain that this discovery will be able to win out over the competition I mentioned. They can even drown the public with repeat broadcasts of it on the Hitler..I mean the History Channel THe average sound bite will only reach for the remote.

Are any of you catching on yet? No evolution going on behind the remote controller. None what so ever!! I dont care what Ida evolution going on here behind the remote controller or past the next sound bite. I cant imagine what some of you are thinking.


posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by TurkeyBurgers
"Most people want proove of the human and ape missing link because there is a missing link. And because humans and apes walk the planet to this day where is the in between?? Its a flaw in darwins theory of our evolution."

Well I can help give you some clues to that as well. Here is a page from a website that shows MANY different transitional fossil skulls between apes and man. I do not know if this is what you are looking for just trying to help.

That website talkorigins is really cool.

Here is a link to the Frequently Asked Questions that is awesome and helped me a great deal. I hope it helps you find some answers to questions you might have.

aaah yes the old chimpanzee, skulls and many "doctored" skulls of Australopithecus aficanus or "Lucy in desguise with diamonds" '___' hallucination that another pathetic pile of piltdown propaganda passed off as fact back when it was first discovered and artisans would create entire skulls from a tooth or bodies from a monkey skull. Kids still believe this stuff years and years after it has been debunked because Darwinists NEVER get around to removing the JUNK they believe is science. In Fact Most of us can walk into the halls of modern public school system biology class and find ernst haekles tweaked fraudulent embryo drawiings in the text books and then we have their spin on DNA that I remember lurking on this wensite years ago when all the darwinists were sweeping DNA's digital code under the rug calling it nothing important just a simple molecule is all move along nothing to see here. Or when they were always giving excuses for how hard it is for a fossil to become a fossil and why there were so few transitional fossils. Then one day someone in the darwinist community came up with the idea that ALL fossils are transitional when the fossil record shows stasis. I have heard the mechanism for sexual selection then, later it was "punctuated equilibrium" then it was random mutation and natural selection or what we have always known as adaptation with variation. I remember when creationists used to explain how the domestic dog proved that evolution doesn't take millions of years and evo's would ridicule them as only breeds of dogs and not evolution.

Then I watched them steal that same example for dogs to justify an explanation for punctuated equilibrium calling all the varietys of dog, "species" when it was ridiculed for calling it that by creationists.

Obfusating the vernacular of this particular area of science is what darwinists do and the evolution industry is in the midst of yet another re-vamp of the entire evolution story and this time stealing from the ID people the same concepts and ideas they ridiculed as NOT science back when they with the help of the ACLU and PBS bastardized the dover VS kitzmiller trial on television.

The science of Darwinian evolution is on its deathbed and has kept medicince in the stoneage having become exactly what they accused creationsist of attempting to do to science. They have in fact become the antithesis of science and turned it into a religion . To even question it is blaspheme and they defend it with all the pomp and zeal of a hell fire and brimstone baptist preacher looking as ridiculous as the landover baptist.

No wonder our science scores have dropped so far back. It is because we are still looking for silly missing links to satisfy the idiotic need to say to creationists, "see I told you we came from apes" as if they actually WANT to be primates so much, everything they discover is an addition to that proverbial mountain of BS they call " evidence"

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:58 AM
We will never have real trasitional fossils only species that randomly appear. There has been evidence of modern man that dates back before lemur girl here but it is usually thrown out because it pisses evolutionists AND christians off. Evolution has yet to provide any 1/2 way points between species, as there should be many found through changes over time.
One of the problems is there are different schools of though as far as evolution goes. And they are exchanged to explain away what ever they want.
there are no trasitional fossils- evolutionist will tell you that it happened by random mutations (magically changed for no reason)

evolution is not real- evolutionist will switch gears here and parrot off somthing like "evolution happens over time and can be observed with the -insert animal here- and they changed within -insert time period here- and thats why they are _______ now. (note how it contradicts the no trasitional fossils explanation and how observable "slow overtime evolution" has not produced new species"

The theory of evolution is the only thing i have observed slowly changing over time.The man from ape theory keeps falling on its face so the theory has to keep changing.

see how this "evolution of man" does not go in a straight line, its kind of all over the place. And if you were to add the apes that were around that whole time while that evolution was taking place and add the apes that are still around today it would make even less sence.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Con Science

What do you believe Con Science? Not Creationism? Not Evolution? Is there another theory that anyone has proposed? What is your take on the fossil record and how creatures came to be the way they are today?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by The Mack

I would also like to know what you believe The Mack. What has your research into all of this given you in the way of a theory of what is going on and how we got here? I have never heard another theory besides creationism and evolution. What theory do you believe?

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Con Science

Wow, couldn't agree more. Especially what you wrote about going into modern schools and taking a look over the science books they likely have. Heck when I was in school only 15 years ago they were still teaching us about the silly lightning in a bottle experiment meant to reproduce the primordial ooze/lightning hypothesis of how life began - and that has been debunked since shortly after it was publicized. If anything, it showed that intelligence was needed to create a closed system with the correct variables for "life" to emerge!!

Star for you.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by TurkeyBurgers

Well i will not go to far into it becuase it would require its own thread. But i can give you the basics. you have a life force (whatever you want to call it) and that is capable of changing the organisim as well as animating it. For there to be change in an organisim over time with the introduction of something new in the environment the education part of death would have to survive death. Basic survival instincts come from the life force not DNA. Now it would be my theory that this life force is somewhat collective to some degree to keep things working properly. With the theory of evolution nothing should ever stop evolving it should keep going prey should be constantly adapting to keep away from its predators and predators should be getting faster to keep up with its prey. Things like the opossom have reached their perfected form as they have not evolved in about 80 million years which is why they are called living fossils.
I think humans fall into a different category as we are much smarter than the animals but our newborns are dumber than newborn kittens.

as a side note the evolutionist response of why something evolved a certian way always sounds like intellegent designer.

[edit on 20-5-2009 by The Mack]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:22 AM
This is an abomination untu the lord!

I like it!

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