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Scientists Unveil Missing Link In Evolution

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posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:11 PM
check this video out, it helped me understand evolution slightly better

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by SaraThustraEvolution is just the biggest bunch of pseudo goofy non scientific crap the world has ever tried to pull on people. At least mythology and religion won't try to pass beliefs or theory off as scientific fact.

I'm with the we don't know how we got here crowed on this one but one thing I do know for sure is that if you leave a can of Dr. Pepper sitting on a table long enough, it's not going to magically turn into a pack of Marlboro's.

One more time - Pure BS ~

All this post does is show you don't understand what is going on with this article and it's topic. Just because you don't understand doesn't mean no one does.

People who understand anatomy and evolutionary biology see the significance in this. You are of course entitled to your opinion, but maybe you should preface it with: "I haven't done my own research into this topic, and my ideology prevents me from agree with it....thus said:"

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by SaraThustra
Evolution is just the biggest bunch of pseudo goofy non scientific crap the world has ever tried to pull on people. At least mythology and religion won't try to pass beliefs or theory off as scientific fact.

So, the reason the Church tried to ban the teachings of Galileo Galilei wasn't due the Cardinals suggesting the Bible was scientific fact? And, passages of the Bible were used to prove the scientific reasoning for a geocentric model as well.

Let us not forget, during the Middle Ages, religious and mythological methods were used in medicine. Shall I go on with examples?

[edit on 20-5-2009 by infinite]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:56 PM
im telling you,beware the lemur. and they hold a grudge.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 12:59 PM
No Darwinism is Logical and the best understanding we have, although it does have its flaws and this find eliminates just one of them. And it really isnt the holy grail.

Although it dont matter people that beleive in creationism still can, because to evolve me must of had some deep coding into our DNA to get us here today, But darwinism teaches us that a leopard does change its spots.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1

Originally posted by Avarus
You know, it never ceases to amaze me, the amount of ignorance on this board. Especially for a site that claims to 'deny ignorance'. It's so frustrating to hear people make such uneducated claims, and then proceed to defend them. None of us know any more than what the article says (which, in itself has it's own spin on it). It's getting borderline ridiculous.

If you don't agree with a post that's supported by experts in the field, then find some information to back up your bold claims. I would invite anyone with a PhD in human evolution archaeology, with supporting research papers, to comment your little heart out.

Sorry, I'm just getting tired of listening to ignorance, misinformation, and disinformation on a site that presents itself as an alternative news source.

//end rant

Quoted for absolute truth.

Honestly the worlds leading paleontologists mark this find as extraordinary and to them it solidifies the theory of evolution.

But what do you see the retractors do, the exact same thing they always do, they make fun of it, joke about it, and call those scientists dumb. A kind of nose in the air stuck up attitude that somehow we are all morons and they are right, no matter the evidence.

Here is fossilized absolute proof about our ancestry right in front of their chevy chase and they still say "no we were put here in one swell swoop by God or Alien overlords".

It's called ignorance and unfortunately its dense as hell in some people.

yeah and look what it is YOU are telling us is proof prima facie evidence of our common ancestor. That common ancestor would be what again??

yeah uh huh

YOU DON'T KNOW and neither does anyone else tough guy. So they can take their half tweaked manufactured to fit the theory, overpriced over paid piece of junk and pile it up on top of the rest of the piltdown pile o crap they got called the "mountain of evidence" and they will just keep on regurgitating their silly idea that THIS TIME it is the one! Then in six months as is ALWAYS the case for these paleintology morons, when it gets found out they bought a piece of garbage as they have ALL the great allegedly *Block Buster* icons of evolution frauds and faux fossil fake, you will say something like "well see there that just tells us that science is self correcting" PfffT.

The evolution of Darwins Theory never ceases to amaze me nor does its religious cult of blinded by "just so" faith in an empty science. The reason you think this is proof is simply because you haven't got a bedrock foundation of basic investigative backround in forensic biology.

I used to say the same thing about "nose up in the air stuck up evolutionist" I must say, it is refreshing to see them say it for a change

They certainly have got it comin to em

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by theflashor
No Darwinism is Logical and the best understanding we have, although it does have its flaws and this find eliminates just one of them. And it really isnt the holy grail.

Although it dont matter people that beleive in creationism still can, because to evolve me must of had some deep coding into our DNA to get us here today, But darwinism teaches us that a leopard does change its spots.

Yeah it does, and that is ALL we KNOW for sure is this.
Cats evolve into other Cats and man evolves into man and Dogs evolve into dogs etc, etc, et-tedious cetera.

It is testable and has been observed. You can falsify that idea if you like but I kinda doubt it

[edit on 20-5-2009 by Con Science]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:22 PM
This topic has been debunked as nothing more than MSM bandwagon BS just like the Swine Flu.

Darwinius masillae - The 47 Million year old Lemur - Story Update

"Discovered two years ago, the exquisitely preserved specimen is not a direct ancestor of monkeys and humans, but hints at what such an ancestor might have looked like.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:24 PM
In a blog that I recently read, something stood out to me:

A fossil can never show evolution. Fossils are unchanging records of dead organisms. Evolution is an alleged process of change in live organisms. Fossils show “evolution” only if one presupposes evolution, then uses that presupposed belief to interpret the fossil.

Don't be fooled by the years of lies. We have all grown up learning one side of an argument: evolution is true. What schools and the majority of the scientific community exclude is the truth about irreducible complexity as seen in flagellum and the blood clotting mechanism. Both of these are like mouse traps, if you take away one part of it then it wont work. Darwin explained that if anything is too complex to gradually make simple changes toward its final result then evolution has been completely debunked. Francis Crick said he couldn't even believe evolution but he would rather not think of any other explanation.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:26 PM
Obviously when the amoeba sprouted legs and lungs, the only logical next stepping link between a human and a monkey is a lemur.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by ExistenceUnknown

Stander, it has been shown that humans have a fused chromosome which accounts for the lack of a chromosome pair.

The correspondence of chromosome 2 to two ape chromosomes. The closest human relative, the bonobo, has near-identical DNA sequences to human chromosome 2, but they are found in two separate chromosomes. The same is true of the more distant gorilla and orangutan.

[edit on 20-5-2009 by ExistenceUnknown]

Another just so story, that works just as well and is even more plausable an idea when it is just as easy to say this was done by a common DESIGNER who just happened to fuse the two chromosomes in one female and one male so the next to impossible feat of two mutants who just happen to have the same two mutations and just happen to have happened at around the same time in the same area, just happened to find each other and being mutants of course they will be attracted to each other then mate and rather than the DNA correcting itself as it most certainly would, it doesn't and we get MAN born of two mutant ancestors who none of you have any idea what it was, what it looked like where it is NOTHING much less be able to explain HOW this type of mutation was able to have offspring. Their are so many questions to this miller mandated minutia it boggles the mind to think this could have happened the way miller explains, the math alone weeds it right out of the evolutionary scenario and Ill take the purer science of math over the hoax of haekle and the piltdown palientology
any day

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by warrenb
This topic has been debunked as nothing more than MSM bandwagon BS just like the Swine Flu.

Darwinius masillae - The 47 Million year old Lemur - Story Update

"Discovered two years ago, the exquisitely preserved specimen is not a direct ancestor of monkeys and humans, but hints at what such an ancestor might have looked like.

THANK YOU! Now I can say I told you so to yet another icon of evolution that will most likely STILL end up in our kids text books as the missing link these so called scientists will insist it is and we will continue to graduate more dumb kids thinking evolution is a fact and that we are all products of some primordial oooze that just burped out of thin air one day got hit by a lightening bolt where in the backround we hear Richard Dawkins quasi androgenous voice saying from the clouds as if he was the lord speaking.

"IT's ALIVE!" It's ALIVE!" embed on a backround track oingo boingo music

[edit on 20-5-2009 by Con Science]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Con Science

People like you with your snide and over sarcastic remarks really do no justice to the people who can debate their side of the argument respectfully. Please Con Science, with all the vast knowledge you seem to think you have, explain to me how everything was put on this earth? Since you prefer the purer science of mathematics, explain to me using math, the secret that you seem to have found out while the rest of us are still looking.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by ExistenceUnknown
reply to post by Con Science

People like you with your snide and over sarcastic remarks really do no justice to the people who can debate their side of the argument respectfully. Please Con Science, with all the vast knowledge you seem to think you have, explain to me how everything was put on this earth? Since you prefer the purer science of mathematics, explain to me using math, the secret that you seem to have found out while the rest of us are still looking.

My snide remarks? ha ha ha sorry you don't have an apprecaition for dry humor but so that you know in the future and don't have to get personal with me, what YOU think of me, is really none of my business. My remarks are made to those in this article and a science that has done MORE than its fair share of "snide remarks" to anyone and I do mean anyone that has any other ideas about how we got here. The sarcasm YOU use on the other hand is directly aimed at me and BTW, no offense takin. I would direct you to many links that I would suspect you wouldn't care to read and one might suggest mean I have belief in flying tea pots, unicorns and spaghetti monsters, none of which is true however.

If I thought what I believed was anything you are genuinely interested in, I would think you wouldn't be so snide in your asking. Just because you take the criticism Darwinian science of evolution so personal doesn't mean I was talking about you.

Just your religion

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by Con Science

Your the one who came in to this forum with the "matter-of-fact" attitude trying to demean and belittle a point of view different than your own. My understanding of evolution is hardly religion. The reason being is that I am at least open to new ideas. Unlike people who try to fit facts to their belief systems and demean and belittle anything that doesnt fit their narrow view of how they think the world works. Not to say this is you though, since I know nothing about you.

As far as your point of view goes. I would have been genuinely interested in it if it was presented respectfully and sans the "dry humor".

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by Con Science

My snide remarks? ha ha ha sorry you don't have an apprecaition for dry humor.

There is nothing humorous to what you wrote nor is their any sign of intelligence either.

In your idiotic rant you supplied ZERO evidence to back your assertion while those brilliant Paleontologists are sitting there with a 47 million year old beautiful piece of evidence sitting in their laps.

It boggles the mind, here is blatant proof of a species that carries traits of monkeys, lemurs and us and you think it's one heaping pile of bs.

You know what I find hilarious more than anything, is people like you who have been hit with a shovel over the head with evidence still sit there shaking your head in disbelief, but in the same turn want people around the world to take the NWO, Aliens and Government conspiracy's seriously.

I would even venture a guess that the same people who think Ida is crap also believe the Iraq war was justified, Iran is out to kill the world, Liberals are the enemy and Rush Limbaugh is right about everything.

Open your mind and for once read and learn about something before slamming others who took the time to understand the world they live in.

In other words you have ZERO LEGS TO STAND ON, so excuse us if we think your statements are completely foolish.

[edit on 20-5-2009 by AllexxisF1]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 02:49 PM

people who try to fit facts to their belief systems and demean and belittle anything that doesnt fit their narrow view of how they think the world works.

This is in fact evolution in a nut shell. Every new perhistoric peice found is said to be the missing link. Later it will be found that the more advanced organisims lived in the same time period. Like neandertha were once thought to be "the missing link" untill they found that modern man lived at the same time then they were called a diferent species and we did not evolve from them. So everytime science produces a link it turns out to be just another species. Without all these missing links the tree of life falls down. Seems to me like they are people who try to fit facts to their belief systems and demean and belittle anything that doesnt fit their narrow view of how they think the world works.
This fossil proves the relation of a lemur and a monkey. It does not say anything about people comming from apes, however there are things we still share in common today with lemurs and monkeys

[edit on 20-5-2009 by The Mack]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by ExistenceUnknown
reply to post by Con Science

Your the one who came in to this forum with the "matter-of-fact" attitude trying to demean and belittle a point of view different than your own. My understanding of evolution is hardly religion. The reason being is that I am at least open to new ideas. Unlike people who try to fit facts to their belief systems and demean and belittle anything that doesnt fit their narrow view of how they think the world works. Not to say this is you though, since I know nothing about you.

As far as your point of view goes. I would have been genuinely interested in it if it was presented respectfully and sans the "dry humor".

I beg your pardon? The title of this thread has a "matter of fact" written all over it pal and if you're wanting to pick a fight with someone, choose someone more your level of anti religious sentiment because you won't get anywhere with me. You have proven yourself a hypocrite

"You are looking at it only from one side. What happens when the trees who are too tall to be eaten reproduce? They become taller than some of the deer can reach. Once again the process repeats until now you have a generation of deer taller than the first group.- ExistenceUnknown"

Yeah, YOU said that.

This is your open mind? Yeah you said this and many other quotes that allow for open minded discussion AS LONG AS IT IS DARWINIAN. As in this paragraph where for who knows why, what would natural selection know about tree height to direct or guide the expression of DNA longer necked deer or what ever the next species of "Deer" and BTW DEER is all they would ever become observable and testable.

You answer with:

"These do not represent a straight-line evolution of the species however it is definitely a start."

This comment was made about the mammalian horse line. Something you already know is false yet YOU called it a start. Yeah a start in the wrong direction. This is what I take issue with is when you say:

" The lack of these "straight-line" fossils does not disprove evolution,"

So my question is, WHY USE THEM? Why did they use them then hide them in the basement of the smithsonian? Ill tell you why, they only serve to confuse the issue and today we find College level text books full of erroneous so called scientific data they are saying doesn't disprove evolution.

Well ya know what, it doesn't disprove the flying spaghettii monster either now does it and is why it is useless to even comment on it either way.

You then say: " it only means we have not found the proper evidence yet." Well when ya find it, let me know so I can debunk it. If I can't Ill believe it.

in another post you have said:

"That's funny because the people I see who most often follow this thought process are religious fanatics.... Ever hear of anyone killing someone in the name of Evolution?- ExistenceUnknown"

another one of your anti religious antagonist statements typically given by an atheist who is bent on advancing their religion by belittleling Christians in the name of science.

To that last snide remark, yeah I have heard of someone killing in the name of evolution and it has happened too often where many millions more have died over that tired old example you give to disparage and malign the religious. Perhaps you have heard of him? Adolf hitler was his name and eugenics was his game named after Darwins Brother.

then you have said this:

"Evolution is not limited to athiests. They most certainly do not run hand in hand. Athiests claim there is no god. This is an absolute position on which they claim to KNOW. Again I say, knowing something that you can't know takes faith.- ExistenceUnknown"

You have faith alright. You have faith in evolution yet have admitted it is only a theory and not a fact. You believe in it.

Nuff said.

You didn't come in here to debate, YOU came in here because you didn't like what I was saying about your religion, then you got personal with me where I pointed it out and offered a solution to NOT get personal. That wasn't to be however as you INSIST on trying to cast me as someone you think you have the room to judge when in fact you do NOT and we have a saying that we find in the bible. It says before you spot the speck in my eye ,,

Take the LOG out of your own.

[edit on 20-5-2009 by Con Science]

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 03:05 PM
reply to post by The Mack

First thanks for the civil response. I will agree that SOME people who call themselves scientists will follow evolution like a religion, so in that case your example is true. However, Scientists are the ones who will ultimately judge whether this goes in the books as another link in evolution or as a mockery. It is up to the community of scientists to evaluate the claims of the few who are presenting it.

My statement was referring to people who follow the Abrahamic religions who are so obstinate in their pursuit to show evolution wrong because it is in contradiction with the their religious doctrines. The majority of scientists don't look at a fossil and immediately go "AH HA!, Missing link, Proof of evolution, GOD DOES NOT EXIST". They do not go into it trying to disprove God. The outcome of most scientific observations simply point to a natural world, not a supernatural one.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1

Originally posted by Con Science

My snide remarks? ha ha ha sorry you don't have an apprecaition for dry humor.

There is nothing humorous to what you wrote nor is their any sign of intelligence either.

In your idiotic rant you supplied ZERO evidence to back your assertion while those brilliant Paleontologists are sitting there with a 47 million year old beautiful piece of evidence sitting in their laps.

It boggles the mind, here is blatant proof of a species that carries traits of monkeys, lemurs and us and you think it's one heaping pile of bs.

You know what I find hilarious more than anything, is people like you who have been hit with a shovel over the head with evidence still sit there shaking your head in disbelief, but in the same turn want people around the world to take the NWO, Aliens and Government conspiracy's seriously.

I would even venture a guess that the same people who think Ida is crap also believe the Iraq war was justified, Iran is out to kill the world, Liberals are the enemy and Rush Limbaugh is right about everything.

Open your mind and for once read and learn about something before slamming others who took the time to understand the world they live in.

In other words you have ZERO LEGS TO STAND ON, so excuse us if we think your statements are completely foolish.

[edit on 20-5-2009 by AllexxisF1]

I have zero legs to stand on? I am not making the outrageous claim, YOU ARE! So you prove it and do it without calling me an idiot just like the tpical tactic of ridicule so often seen I was reffering to given by this so called science community.

You want to believe that thing proves something fine. As the post above yours already has shown it is NOTHING!

get over yourself Proffessor, you got JOHNSON


[edit on 20-5-2009 by Con Science]

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