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Disclosure before the end of the month, True?? False?? We shall soon see!

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posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:25 AM
Hi there all,

Just finished watching the videos, quite interesting. Has X-Con been covered by CNN for a while or is this the first of?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 03:43 AM
Disclosure isn't going to happen end of.

The governments and corporations of the world have been able to back engineer alien technology for their own ends and gains With alien tech they have been able to produce energy sources we can only dream of, free energy devices that don't pollute the atmosphere, Propulsion systems that can travel extrememly fast and don't use oil based fuel.

These devices serve the purpose in the governments hands for military use, and energy devices for corporations, while we the public only have access to the devices they allow us to have , gas for our homes and petroleum for our cars. Which makes them money.

If we had access to free energy devices then they wouldn't make any money for them, so they charge us for gas and petrol.

Besides we are still a warrior race , fighting amongst ourselves , and the governments and military, even corporations are trying to win over their enemies / competitiors with the best tech, if they released all the info in one go , then the 'enemy' would use the tech to try and beat the 'good guys'.

Disclosure would totally smash the curtain of truth for the governments and they would have to admit they lied for decades, they would also have to admit that they have killed and intimidated people to hide the truth from the public.
Those responsible wouldn't take the risk of being indicted and jailed so they'll wait and slowly release the information in dribs and drabs, acclimitising us to the whole truth, which has an added bonus of letting those responsible die of old age and then they're not in a position to be jailed.

When people talk about disclosure they are expecting a sudden explosion of " Yes , we have been in contact with aliens and here they are" with a line up of aliens for all to see.
Its not going to happen like that so don't get your hopes up to know the whole truth tomorrow, this month or even this decade.
Obama promised a lot but has so far to present any real evidence to us, also there is the 'religeous' aspect of meeting life from beyond the skies.
We are stuck between 2 era's , the old ' the Earth is flat, The Sun revolves around the Earth, God made the Earth in 7 days and Man is the only life in the universe ' days and the new ' we have science explaining all , there is life out there ' trains of thought.

There are those of us who want , expect and can handle the truth and are hopeful of meeting a real life alien who can take ,if not us our children, on a star trek like adventure through space , to explore the universe, and those who's life, loves and beliefs would totally collapse as they realise that what they have been told has all been , if not an outright lie , it certainly would have been truth hidden and distorted.
Imagine a craft landing , and the alien saying " We created you in our image , to seed this world " and various other things , how would the God created the world in 7 days believer react?
To have a 'God' being concept shattered by an alien telling us " there is no singular God being but a collective consciousness" is not healthy .

We want disclosure true, but it would have to be in stages so people can adjust not only their beliefs but they're lives to the new information.
Like automobiles at the turn of the 20th century, they were the pinnacle of class, only rich well off people could afford them , and the old 'frontier' people who had never seen them or heard of them the automobiles were the devils own creation.

I would love to have the Governments of the world unite and as one say " Yes , aliens exist , we have had contact and here they are."


I would start with us the massed public , actually taking the first step , if we all said to our world leaders, business leaders and religeous leaders , " We will forgive you, and your past mistakes or you and your underlings, now please tell us the truth and you shall have amnesty for any past transgressions."

The people who have lost loved ones due to Government 'black ops' should also cast down the selfrighteous gowns and forgive them, it will be difficult but it will all become easier in time.

Offer the governments the hand from the public in friendship and compassion and maybe they shall shake it back instead of trying to break our fingers as we try to poke it in their pies as we nitpick and point accusingly at them.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by BlasteR

I suppose though as the other countries ARE starting to release prior statements and evidence, even if they are quite dated, we the US could follow foot!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 04:44 AM
My favorite part.....

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 09:03 AM
As much as I would love to have our other worldly friends show up on national tv and say "we are here" I dont think it will happen. Even if they did tell us anything they would not show us anything we havent already seen more than likely. The more I read about disclosure the more I think it wont happen the way we would like. I could be wrong which would be nice but I dont see why they would do. What would they gain?? We all know the Govt is all about what they will get out of something and I dont see them getting anything but # with a full disclosure. I would love for them to tell us and show us what they know but I personally think it's doubtful. I will be waiting for the ones who gave the ultimatum to give us what info they have though. I hope they dont back out either!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 09:49 AM
As much as I am hoping for some kind of disclosure by the end of May...I won't hold my breath for it. Further more I think if this guy has hard evidence for an ET presence he shouldn't threaten the government to disclose their information "or else", I think he should just release it to the public NOW, get the MSM to cover it etc. Maybe then, just maybe the government would be forced to open up.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 11:52 AM
I don't think disclosure will happen just yet. I think the Missing Link will be found first. That would destroy the faith of many and allow the conscience of the mind to accept aliens much easier.

Right now God is in the way.

Although, the Vatican last year did give the OK to believe in our space brothers and with that single act many consciences were raised.

Out of the darkness comes our minds and into the abyss goes our souls, huh?

I hope disclosure happens soon. I personally believe we are one global event away from disclosure.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by DamitJim

I have to agree with this as well. The administration won't bow down to any threats. MSM should get serious about the subject and start revealing factual events, and not the every day UFO sighting that we all hear about.

There have been many credible witnesses come forward to date, including at this conference. They will have to take notice sooner or later. But I also think they may wait until other Countries divulge their information first. You wouldn't want to tip your hand just to be first to reveal that we're not alone. That way they would only have to release bits and pices and not the whole story.

I personally would like someone from NASA to come out and explain their thoughts on all the anomalies we've been seeing from the Shuttle missions.

Just tell us it's biological, it poses no threat to humankind, and you don't know what it is. That would probably not cause any public panic that they are so worried about.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by SlinkyDFW]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Disclosure has already happened. It has been happening on this planet in many different forms and in many different ways throughout the history of this planet. Do we really need the US government or any other government to disclose the topic? I have a brain. I'm an independent thinker. I don't need a government or some form of media to form my thoughts. They will form regardless. Besides, last time I checked the citizens employ the government. Certain citizens need to disclose before the government does (speak up whistleblowers). Not to degrade those who are ignorant but seriously if you don't believe this planet has been visited before and that other life forms don't exist perhaps perhaps you are the alien. Or even better the less evolved form of the human being. Drakes Equation anyone? Lets add to that equation with current knowledge.

Universe= 13.5 billion yrs
Earth= 4.5 billion years

That means this planet is aprox 1/3 the life of the known universe. now FOR FUN (no need to fight) lets assume that we are the only life forms in our "third" part of the life of the universe and that life in the universe evolves at the same rate. Meaning that there will be only 3 life forms in the known universe and the 3 different forms are all evolving at the same speed just in different times. Lets just assume that we believe what science says and that the Sumerians truly were the 1st inteligent civilization. (thats at least what I learned in High School). That means life on this planet is aprox 6000 yrs old, in the 2nd third of the universe it is 12000 yrs old, and in the 3rd it is 18000 yrs old. Now anyone with a brain knows that we have structures built on this planet older than 6000 yrs old and one could assume that would mean SOMEONE built these things (not natural). But even IF our civilization is ONLY 6000 yrs old, imagine what that the other 2 life forms in this universe are capable of??? Now one with a brain realizes that life is probably more abundant than just 3 different forms, and that inteligent life does not evolve at the same speed.

Now realize that the universe is 100,000 light years across, so if a civilization were traveling half the speed of light they could explore the known universe in 200,000 years. A long time but most Human Beings would agree that there is life somewhere in the universe older than 200,000 years old, even if you don't believe it has visited this planet.

So to explore the ENTIRE KNOWN UNIVERSE at 1/2 light speed would only be one ten-thousandth of a percent of none time (if my math is correct, missing my calculator) 0.001%!!! In universal time, that's nothing. Whether you believe in aliens or not one would have to admit that 0.001% of anything is a mere speck. And thats just assuming a civilization couldnt go faster than 93,000 miles per second or construct folds in space-time or any other means of travel. Seems to me that not only have we probably been visited, we've probably been visited multiple times by multiple life forms.

To my inadequate brain it only makes sense ; )

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:20 PM
reply to post by GeechQuestInfo

well said Star for you mate!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:34 PM
I really highly doubt it. Whatever they disclose is going to be super boring and not even worth it. Would it be awesome? Yeah of course. Practical? Probably not.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by OneNationUnder

Ask and ye shall receive:
Disclosure is exactly what this world needs right now. A good kick in the pants and galactic wake up call. Ahh Free energy, now thats a stimulus program.
Stop all the fussin and fighting and get with the galactic program Earth.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by The Undertaker]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by The Undertaker

another well said post which i totally agree with

[edit on 19-5-2009 by theflashor]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by OneNationUnder
I don't think disclosure will happen just yet. I think the Missing Link will be found first. That would destroy the faith of many and allow the conscience of the mind to accept aliens much easier.

Right now God is in the way.

Although, the Vatican last year did give the OK to believe in our space brothers and with that single act many consciences were raised.

Out of the darkness comes our minds and into the abyss goes our souls, huh?

I hope disclosure happens soon. I personally believe we are one global event away from disclosure.

The "missing link" has been found my friend...

EDIT: I'm having problems linking from the SKY news website. Finding another source now!!!

[edit on 19-5-2009 by SKUNK2]

Here is a BBC news link.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by SKUNK2]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:51 PM
There have been a lot of great points in this thread. But I have to agree that I do not see this happening this month or anytime in the near future. Would it really help the people of this world or cause mass panic because a lot of people are still left in the dark. The GOV would lose out big time and have to say "my bad" and that will not happen. There have been landings but the GOV covers them up and does not allow the MSM to report on it. Those who speak out are killed, oh wait sorry they kill themselves. Anything short of a mass landing will be nothing more than a whisper in the wind.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:56 PM
I don't think it will happen either. The government has a lie for a lie and an excuse for an excuse. Whatever "evidence" these people have will be quickly shot down and control over this will be exercised.

However, I do think that the timing for disclosure couldn't be more perfect. The aliens show up either in person or in our minds creating another grand distraction. Meanwhile more money disappears, torture photos are burned, a few major "truth-seekers" are killed, Pelosi bends over for the CIA allowing her to stay in power, the dollar bill is replaced with actual monopoly money, the populace willingly starts to line up for tamiflu, the government raises taxes on EVERYTHING....I mean I could go on an on as to why this would be a great time for the government to disclose.

Who knows, maybe this May 25th History Channel thing somehow directly correlates to this event. The air time for shows regarding extraterrestrial life on this channel have increased significantly in the last 5 years, and especially in the last year. U.F.O sightings are up across the entire globe. Something is definitely going on. Maybe the people involved with the X-conference have been working in conjunction with the History Channel for something pertaining to disclosure...

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by OneNationUnder
I don't think disclosure will happen just yet. I think the Missing Link will be found first. That would destroy the faith of many and allow the conscience of the mind to accept aliens much easier.

Right now God is in the way.

Although, the Vatican last year did give the OK to believe in our space brothers and with that single act many consciences were raised.

Out of the darkness comes our minds and into the abyss goes our souls, huh?

I hope disclosure happens soon. I personally believe we are one global event away from disclosure.

Well here is the missing link.

ATS link


So now we need the mass landing and we can move on in our galactic lives.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:01 PM
I agree with the very first reply by twitchomatic.I don't think the governments or the military of this world ever intend to fully give out the information they have on UFOs because admitting to the public that they have lied for many years would totally disintigrate any faith the public has left in them.It would destroy civilisation as we know it and the PTB don't want to lose their power.The affects it would have on Religion,Economy,Science etc,etc. are Huge!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:06 PM
i disagree it would not distroy civilization as we know it. We are all to afraid of going into chaos so much so that it just wont happen. Actually over half of all human chaos and death on this planet is caused by govermental actions and choices (weather it be for wealth or other motives)

All the governments of the world need to come clean and state that the cover up was not their choice but previous elected officials choices. That way they are not to blame right?

[edit on 19-5-2009 by theflashor]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:09 PM
Ok this might be a little out of the box here but maybe the whole one world currency, nwo, fema death trains is part of the disclosure. Might this be the change obama is talking about?

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