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Disclosure before the end of the month, True?? False?? We shall soon see!

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posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:13 AM
Thought i should post a refreshment of the current Disclosure Scene!

Obama On Aliens

Annual X-Conference CNN News Coverage APRIL 20, 2009

And a little somthing else to ignite your thought again...

Hide message in English
UFO Contact - Former Canadian Defense Minister

Edited 1st and 3rd videos to link only, as embedding would not work sorry

[edit on 19-5-2009 by theflashor]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:16 AM
Personally, I am not holding my breath.

To admit the knowledge of extraterrestrial life by our government.. would be to acknowledge years and years of deceit against the populace.

When does that ever happen?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:16 AM
What CNN is actually covering the X-Conference?

I am taking a look at the videos now...

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by Pokémon

LoL you are behind the times my friend im glad i brought it back up! it was live on CNN Website APRIL 20, 2009

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by theflashor

Wow, thanks for that I never new.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:27 AM
view them all

Playlist can be found here

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:28 AM
i would be totally shocked if there is any kind of disclosure by the end of the month.

no country who has hidden the truth for like 60 yrs is going to release it now, in the middle of a financial crisis and all sorts of crap going down all over the world with nuclear weapons etc.

the government have too much excuses not to tell us at the moment.

although it will be interesting to see what kind of hard evidence this xconference guy can pull out the bag against the government.

will be interesting to see the next moves for sure!!!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:38 AM
I think this is all pre-conditioning exercises for who knows how long?

Until ,

The real secret is let out.

The Project Bluebeam or equivolent is executed.

Or the real encounter takes place.

Time period for each scenario: 1 month to Never

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:42 AM
This came out a little while ago, nothing is gonna happen, this guys is just a whistleblower.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:44 AM
I'll be keeping an eye on this. It would indeed be interesting. I am also looking forward to see what kind of evidence or leverage they think they have that would force disclosure. Did you notice also that at one point he either mispoke or purposly mentioned May 2010. Which would suck then we have to wait a whole year to see what he has or does not have up his sleeve!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:46 AM

Did you notice also that at one point he either mispoke or purposly mentioned May 2010.

he is referring to the next X Con, you should watch them all, find the link in my previous post,

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by amazing

I too will be keeping an eye on this, for a while now I have been looking for credible evidence suggesting so!

Can I find the full coverage of the conference anywhere online? Will the CNN website have a replay stored somewhere?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by theflashor

Thanks I will! I'm just hoping that he wasn't referencing that both the next Xcon and disclosure are to be at the same time. I was also unable to find any follow up intereviews. I would think that there would be?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Pokémon

theflashore has a link a few posts up that should have them all.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:51 AM
Whoops, missed that. Thanks a lot.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by amazing

he states earlier on in his comments that next time they meet for the x-con on that date disclosure will of already took place. And i think it was just a small mix up with the 2 dates. I suggest everyone should watch the Link to the whole CNN Coverage of this, because if this is bull# i am obama!

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:17 AM
Nothing will happen regarding this "disclosure" threat that the man is threatening the government with.

The government has bigger guns than a civilian (or a former government personnel for that matter).

If the man already has his disclosure papers then he should come out and release them already... Perhaps he's still writing a book about it.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:26 AM
This video has been posted multiple times, does it really need a new thread every couple of days?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:38 AM
I doubt this will happen, they have no reason to do so, and pressuring them to do so at this moment I reckon is a bit mean considering all of the stuff they have already got on there hands. If it is disclosed, it wont be full, it would be more like "yeh we confirm that UFO exists, the government acknowledges them" and they will release the reports on sighting. But they wont tell us the full story of ETs anytime soon. Imagine the distress from a minorities around the world?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 02:16 AM
We are decades from any kind of REAL disclosure of anything. If not, longer.

What we have seen released by England and some European countries (these "UFO Files") over the past year or so are probably just a small fraction of what these countries actually have in their possession that has yet to be disclosed. And it makes sense not to have any kind of full disclosure.

The simple fact that these countries documented and retained all this documenation proves some kind of coverup has been going on. And, if nothing else, it is "proof of concept" that it would make sense for the U.S. to also do the same. Especially since we are talking about UFO's that can potentially be of "national security interest" since it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility to study the cases close enough and learn something from this bizarre phenomenon that could be of some kind of technological significance.

Project bluebook denied that UFO's were of any significant National Security Interest. But here is where the contradiction lies.. Project bluebook also admitted that of the 12,618 UFO reports involved in the report, 6% of those were classified as unexplainable/unknowns. We NOW know that some explanations were being given for some of these UFO sightings/events that don't even match the witness descriptions. So 6% is a pretty big number.. But it is probably an extremely small estimate of exactly how many of those 12,618 UFO reports were actually unexplainable. If 6% of those are unexplainable, then project bluebook actually proves, if nothing else, why the government would be interested in such a coverup.. And how it would make sense to downplay the findings only to realize that something remarkable was really taking place.. Even if the majority of those reports really did have some kind of explanation (which they probably did). In this sense, Project Bluebook seemed to only act as a calming mechanism for the public after "UFO Hysteria" made its way into the popular culture of that era.

The military is much more cavalier about stonewalling the public with regard to FOIA requests related to UFO events. Sometimes there are contradictions to the military's submitted information, and for the government this is probably both a blessing and a curse. The Stephenville events this past January proved that quite well. The military initially lied about aircraft being airborne that night (more specifically, the one commander you would've expected to know this in the first place), and once they realized that the FAA had actually released all the radar information from that night (proving they were lying) only then did they decide to change their story. Of coarse, this particular example is much more interesting if you read the full MUFON investigative report. But it proves that the military seems to be the usual first line of defense as far as disinformation that becomes publicly disseminated regarding major UFO events. This is a tool that has been used by the government for decades.. The Roswell crash is one example. So is the Kecksburg UFO crash.

We know that other countries have withheld information, because not all of these "UFO Files" have been released. With the more amazing cases, If I were working for the government I'd want it kept secret too that I have no control over what unidentified objects do in my airspace. In fact, it makes complete sense to retain all the information regarding the more eye-opening cases you can actually learn something from.. Especially since the government can retain this information and not have to share it with anybody, not even our closest allies (so long as a lid can be kept on what really did happen). days turn into months, months turn into years, and the more credible and significant UFO events will drift away into myth and legend reserved for X-file types with nothing better to do. This is the greatest conspiracy in the history of mankind.

The debunkers can try and debunk the entire phenomenon on a case by case basis, but the phenomenon as a whole speaks volumes as to what is really taking place. Especially when you have reports involving astronauts, pilots, engineers, politicians, police officers, etc..etc.. The list goes on. The evidence speaks for itself. Are we to believe that these are all explainable cases when even Project Bluebook (probably the biggest, official UFO debunking effort ever) concluded that some of these UFO cases were completely unexplainable? That hardly seems likely. Especially when you actually see some of the more amazing videos of these objects, and hear the honest truth from people with nothing to gain at all (in many cases they actually have alot to lose by coming forward).

The dislosure project, I think, was a big first step.. But it couldn't be farther from any kind of official government disclosure. And even if some form of disclosure ever takes place, it would still make sense for the government to sift through ALL that information and retain the "intel" it can. So even if we see any form of disclosure in the form of official documentation and/or "UFO Files" it is always going to portray the UFO phenomenon as interesting, bizarre, but ever-elusive since any real evidence can still be kept secret.
Meanwhile, the government can say.. "Here is our information related to UFO's. See. We weren't lying!"

Any form of disclosure in this country would likely be an act to appease what the government sees as "technology converging on the phenomenon". In other words, as technology becomes better, imaging capacity improves, we are going to learn more and more that there really is something going on here.. And the evidence recorded by the public at large is only going to become more detailed. If the government can release information that calms people down over all this (especially after the famous NASA videos and the Stephenville UFO wave) then they can just maintain the same lid on the really important information that it has maintained since the Roswell crash.


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