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Extraterrestrials Passing as Humans

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posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by uplander

When people place you on a pedestal, it is almost impossible to live up to each ones idea of how you should go forward with your career.

This has been Sylvias career. She chose to trade her talents and gifts as a monetary means for making a living. You cannot blame a girl for wanting to eat. And for every psychic that charges there is a balance of those that do not for what ever reasons they choose.

Not every Judge makes the right decisions based on facts 100%, not every poet hits your heart each time, not every Doctor makes the best decission for every patient, not every housewife is a good homemaker all the time, no Truck Driver finds his way each time without getting lost on occasion, no one is 100% all the time.

So if you are a psychic and you go through a slump and make some poor predictions, that does not make you a fraud, it just means you are inherently human.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by antar
Excuse me, but from my personal experience there are many strings of reality which do not fit into your perception of reality.

a string of reality? and what composes this string? do you mean a vibrating superstring; the origin of matter in this universe? or what?

As the earth and its subsequent and parallel realities merge and dance , timelines will and are affected.

and you know this because... you imagined it? or what?

Subtle and not so subtle changes occur which often change the entire course of history as we see it.

history does not change, it is the future that changes.

but what does this have to do with psychic power?

When a prophet or seer gives hints to future events it is always with the understanding that they are but directions that will occur if sustained at the current rate of descent through the dimension of time.

so these predictions are worth nothing at all. just as good asking anyone on the street what they think will happen. priceless.

When I see events they sometimes happen almost instantly, and at other times they may take years to unfold. And then there are others that I can say are thwarted or changed by a cosmic consciousness which like the arm of a river can rapidly change directions and its course.

again, just as good as asking any random person what they think will happen in the future.

Having an open mind does not mean a hole in the head but a willingness to trust all of the unknowns which are not your personal experience. Not blind faith, but trust that you have the ability to grow in your experience, your thought processes and ideals of the world around you.

trust the unknowns? experience is scientific observation and verification. science has proven its worth by the wealth of knowledge regarding the universe we exist in. psychic powers have proven nothing but it's own dis-proof. time and time again.

For the closed minded the world is already dead. A stale place which robs them from cradle to grave in a monotonous and bland sequence of predictable events...

the universe is amazing, alive and inexhaustibly fascinating.

this is so even without the benefit of believing in fictional, unprovable 'super powers'...

who's close minded? you cant even consider that psychic powers are non-existent, and that the universe carries on just fine without them.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:10 AM
Seems this thread is moving off topic and getting derailed.

There are some really great existing threads on Sylvia Brown and the arguments behind seers.

So that said, how many of you have actually encountered people that you suspected as not being native Terran's?

What happened? Tell your story, and dont mind the skeptics because without them we would still be sifting through the muck and mire of those gullible which believe everything they are told or read.

Skeptics keep us on our toes and help us feel stronger about our convictions.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by antar

When people place you on a pedestal, it is almost impossible to live up to each ones idea of how you should go forward with your career.

This has been Sylvias career. She chose to trade her talents and gifts as a monetary means for making a living. You cannot blame a girl for wanting to eat. And for every psychic that charges there is a balance of those that do not for what ever reasons they choose.

Not every Judge makes the right decisions based on facts 100%, not every poet hits your heart each time, not every Doctor makes the best decission for every patient, not every housewife is a good homemaker all the time, no Truck Driver finds his way each time without getting lost on occasion, no one is 100% all the time.

So if you are a psychic and you go through a slump and make some poor predictions, that does not make you a fraud, it just means you are inherently human.

its a wonder she simply didnt just win the lottery whenever she wished and provided her services as a gift to humanity...

interesting that.

judges and doctors are not using supernatural power to predict the future, they are using proven knowledge and the best judgment they can, based on that recorded, proven and constantly refined knowledge.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
reply to post by DohBama

No, like not bothering too much with closed minds. Its impossible to convince you.

it is very easy to convince each and every person alive.

do you need convinced that airplanes use differentials in air pressure to fly?

does anyone?

is that demonstrable?

do you need convincing proof that electrons orbit atoms?

that magnetic fields exist?

that chemical reactions exist?

it is all there, for anyone interested to know, undeniably.

not impossible to convince at all. research opens minds on a daily basis.

have at it.

open our minds.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by DohBama

Thank You for your well supplied reply. Seems we do agree! For me it is more than just Science and even Einstein was taking the next steps towards understanding the connection between meditation , awareness on a cosmic level and the next step in the sciences he loved so much.

When we become a more evolved species as a whole and begin to find out why there are so many dark and unanswered questions that lie within our own human brain, then we will also have reached to an enlightened space which will incorporate both the seen and the unseen.

The psychic realms are just as real as the known variables which you respect, at this time it may a much larger leap of faith to become at least open to that which cannot be quantified in the known scientific paradigms.

Without the Spiritual and Unknowns added to the scientific method, than it can never bridge over to the next higher dimension of learning for the meditating scientist which IS without a doubt the New Man.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by antar
Skeptics keep us on our toes and help us feel stronger about our convictions.

in spite of the avalanche of evidence that proves otherwise...

blind faith is not a very solid foundation for proof that anything exists.

i could just as easily claim to see invisible aliens all around us.

how can i prove this?

well, you'll just have to believe me. why not?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by DohBama

Again you need to remain on topic before this entire thread gets placed under serious scrutiny.

So I ask you not about psychic powers and gifts, but your opinion of Extraterrestrials walking among us ?

I promise you they do exist and even if I provided you a video, you would call photo shop, CGI and the likes, Lol, you really should head over the forums where you can soar with others of your same intelligence levels, you will change nothing here.

I have to go for now and enjoy the day.

Yes aliens do walk among us, I know for fact.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by DohBama

One day you will read a story from me about a guy that did just that and how I invited him to my house for two consecutive nights of abduction and how it changed the course of his life. It is Science as it is not repeatable , like the moment before this Universe was created, no proof, just a resonance I carry with me and after, he did too.

I know aliens walk among you.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by antar]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by DohBama

One more thing, I did enjoy our heated discussion, you are a true skeptic and I do respecct that, just continue that open mind I also see you carry.

See you around and go easy on the Op, he/she has few threads and this was a good idea.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:34 AM

I , too, have had thoughts of ET living among us. My idea has to do with the blending of alien and human genes.

This is my thoughts also. I am prone to think that a lot of, and by that I mean many ETs were in on our human development from the very beginning, as is evidenced in ancient texts and art.

What most fail to realize is that were not instantly created from dust and breath from God. The original life spark came from something, I will not disrespect it by calling it a common name such as "God." From what I have learned by reading books on this subject, and hours of internet researching there were several races involved. the Anunnaki altered the genes and DNA to create the human body, this is spoken about in the Bible, "Lets us create them in our likeness, and image." I have read the Sirians gave us the spark of energy that made us animated and have a connection to the universal mind.
Others were involved too, Peladians, and probable many others in smaller ways. We are like a zoo to them, you see. An evolutionary science laboratory on a world full of life, a water planet, in the sweet spot in orbit, which I think was no accident, as with the Moon also.


I believe that there are many humanoids that roam this earth, some are in positions of power others are sitting on the sidelines waiting for their call up.

I would go as far to say that anyone that has been abducted and has some recollection of contact are indeed themselves as close to alien/human than they think.

Our governents know this and they try to supress it but of course as everything must come to end so it shall, the clock is ticking and soon we will be conditioned to except that 'people' are different.

The conditioning process is mainly down to media influence tv,radio,newspapers, movies e.t.c

I believe this also, especially about humanoids running the governments of the world, and the sleeper ones who have yet to wake up. And yes, they control the MSM too, I think you already knew that.


Proof is not a game. But there are skills, such as psi, that are studied and used by the military, that are not easily tested or studied as the very area of the mind that is receptive is so under the zen mind, and once you use rational thought or analytic overlays.....

Once again you are right on, mystiq, I too am aware of this. The Remote Viewing Project and Project Phoenix proved this beyond doubt in the 60s. This technology has been altered by recording the mind of a psychic onto a computer, and being able to see the virtual mind on a computer monitor, it can be altered, and downloaded again to replace the original mind set. Thin of it like this: That which is the human brain is organic hardware, an interface for the universal mind that surrounds us all. The universal mind is the software, and is pure energy. We all have connections to this mind, but some connections are better than others, and some have developed even better connections by not applying filters and doing ritual and meditation. We are all psychic in one way or another, and to deny it is self induced fear. Some of us are beginning to see into other dimensions, and have realized it's a lot bigger than any of us thought.

My point is we are in the end times. The Earth is coming to the end of a cycle, and we are all going to be moving on, one way or another unto the cycle is complete to other worlds and other dimensions of time and space. We have been here before, we will come to this again in the future. The electrons in our human bodies are turning from negative to positive, I can feel it in myself, and I can see it in others. This is our tools for Ascension. Only a portion will be taken off in a psychical manner, the rest will be given the needed tools. You can choose not to use the information being downloaded into your mind on a daily basis via everything you see, do, read about or hear. You can dumb your mind down by using hard drugs, and you minds are being dumb-ed down by microwave frequencies through all of the cute electronic devices we all carry around with us and play with all the time.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by DohBama

Originally posted by mystiq
reply to post by DohBama

No, like not bothering too much with closed minds. Its impossible to convince you.

it is very easy to convince each and every person alive.

do you need convinced that airplanes use differentials in air pressure to fly?

does anyone?

is that demonstrable?

do you need convincing proof that electrons orbit atoms?

that magnetic fields exist?

that chemical reactions exist?

it is all there, for anyone interested to know, undeniably.

not impossible to convince at all. research opens minds on a daily basis.

have at it.

open our minds.

No body has to. With certain types of things, such as all things ufology, you have to be there and experience it personally. The plus side in this, is many people can go ahead and do just that, and if they actually have contact, say with an et passing as a human, it will occur in a way that will convince them 100%. They'll have their own personal proof.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by mystiq]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by antar
Thank You for your well supplied reply. Seems we do agree! For me it is more than just Science and even Einstein was taking the next steps towards understanding the connection between meditation , awareness on a cosmic level and the next step in the sciences he loved so much.

einstein never connected physics and psychic power. meditation is purely a biologically mechanical action, which only affects humans, not humans affecting the universe. our brain functions are purely electrochemical reactions that we have a degree of control over.

again, nothing to do with telepathy, or seeing into the future.

When we become a more evolved species as a whole and begin to find out why there are so many dark and unanswered questions that lie within our own human brain, then we will also have reached to an enlightened space which will incorporate both the seen and the unseen.

i wonder if proto humans ever wondered if they would be able to drive around on freeways if only they one day became 'more evolved'?

probably not. this new age rubbish is not impressive to anyone with an open mind. it has no practical value and makes very little sense. it is diversionary nonsense, akin to 'technobabble' to distract the uninitiated.

The psychic realms are just as real as the known variables which you respect, at this time it may a much larger leap of faith to become at least open to that which cannot be quantified in the known scientific paradigms.

they are most certainly not. faith has no value and is no foundation. where does faith come in to play with quantumn entaglement research? scientists are not satisfied with 'well, it seems to work, and thats good enough for us, no need to find out any more...'

they do not rely on faith, and they reveal the secrets of the universe, in a real and practical way, which is loads more than anyone can even hint at in regards to new age and psychics...

just the opposite, actually.

research brings real gold from a real goldmine, fictional new age b.s. produces only imaginary gold and is currency only in the world of make-believe.

Without the Spiritual and Unknowns added to the scientific method, than it can never bridge over to the next higher dimension of learning for the meditating scientist which IS without a doubt the New Man.

no, without those, scientific research cannot be corrupted into mystical nonsense that has the opposite of real value in the real world.

scientific research is revealing the origin of our universe. what has the psychic friends network done for anyone?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by antar

Not only do they walk amongst you, but they hold jobs in your community as well, well some of your communities anyway, or within an hours drive most likely.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by antar

Appreciated, antar. I didn't expect my first thread at ATS to generate this much activity.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by mystiqWith certain types of things, such as all things ufology, you have to be there and experience it personally. The plus side in this, is many people can go ahead and do just that, and if they actually have contact, say with an et passing as a human, it will occur in a way that will convince them 100%. They'll have their own personal proof.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by mystiq]

another flawed assumption.

if flying saucers from another planet exist and are flying around in our skies, abducting cows and peeking into our windows, then they can be recorded and documented.

no 'faith' needed.

an e.t. posing as a human, really... why dont you grab a video recorder and canvas where a large crowd is, like say a festival, a downtown event, or whatever, and when you spot a space alien in disguise, ask them about it on camera.

if anyone in cleveland wants to do a similar thing, i will be glad to assist, you point out the space beings and i'll engage them in an interview.

proof. nothing has to be pretend.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:48 AM

Cayce is another fraud. It is very helpful for so many unquestioning true believers who will blindly buy into any random git with claims of "super powers"...

Yes, they are all frauds, aren't they friend? I go blindly into nowhere, my friend, I go with eyes and mind open to all possibilities. Have you studied Cayce, read his writings? I doubt you have. Cayce had a gift, and he used it to help people. This is fully documented and has been written about in many books. The "Sleeping Prophet" could go into a sleep trance while focusing on his patient, and tell others what was wrong, and just how to fix it, he even did this for himself as a child.

I will agree there are a lot of charlatans out there who try to make a buck predicting things, but! This is no reason to call them all frauds...there are also a lot of people out there who are in touch with things not found in the normal human mind. Remember the filters? There are those who put these on you from childhood....parents, teachers, preachers and peers, and many keep these in place for their lifetime. They call it "blissfully unaware."

I went to Virginia Beach in 1999 to Edgar Cayce's home and hospital. I spent many hours in his library reading what he said, it's all written down for anyone to read. There a lot of occult books there too, I read some of the "Sword of Moses," a magickal book of spells, incantations, and symbolism, and some in the "Lesser Key of Solomon." Some good reading there. I walked down to the little park that he has created for himself, by a little creek with a waterfall, and I sat there for a few hours where the great man sat. It was a very spiritual experience for me.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by antar

Again you need to remain on topic before this entire thread gets placed under serious scrutiny.

the topic is how 'psychics' are detecting space aliens among us.

i am merely scrutinising the documented reliability of these so called 'psychics'

how can they be believed about beings from another planet in the mcdonalds drive thru, and swimming at the public pool if they are not credible regarding enything else they claim?

entirely. on. topic.

So I ask you not about psychic powers and gifts, but your opinion of Extraterrestrials walking among us ?

I promise you they do exist and even if I provided you a video, you would call photo shop, CGI and the likes, Lol, you really should head over the forums where you can soar with others of your same intelligence levels, you will change nothing here.

i produce cgi media, i model and animate for interaction and video presentation. i study the latest techniques and am aware of who is hot in the field.

i would not rely on 'faith' to identify a convincing bit of footage or not.

Yes aliens do walk among us, I know for fact.

and just how do you know this?

because you simply believe it is so?

i believe 6 legged elephants fly over our heads.

i know this for a fact. cant you see them?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by mystiq

identify them.

point them out.

what are the distinguishing characteristics that give them away?

the antennae protruding from their heads?

or perhaps their cluster of eyeballs where we would merely have two?

it cant be that difficult to single them out, if so many on this thread alone ee them so routinely.

can it?

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by DohBama

People can come here if they wan't to learn too. Here

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How much does this "Academy" charge to teach these super powers?

Wow man, I detect a harshness to your tone. And by the way the Telepathy Acadamy doesn't cost anything to join. The "regestered only access was to keep undisirable people from wasting everyones time by beeing stupid.

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