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Codex Alimentarius : How Worried Should We Be?

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posted on May, 18 2009 @ 03:01 PM
This video that you referenced is a must see. It covers the NAU, NWO and explains the current econpomical collapse. THis was taped in 2007 and this guy has hit it on the nose. Imagine two years from now? Anyway great video! Thank you... Star, star, and star...

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Darthorious

Well yes, there is fear mongering a plenty on this topic. But there is also plenty of evidence to indicate that the intentions behind Codex are not good.

That is why I made this thread. So we can all sift through the information for ourselves to see what can be verified and what can be discarded. If we base our opinions on what we think we know about government, industry, and standards of trade practice, we run the risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak.

On the other hand, if we base our conclusions on fear mongering paranoia, we run the risk of making bad decisions based on shoddy information. Not to mention the risk of losing credibility.

I won't reach my final conclusion until I've gone through all the information for myself. It will take some time. As with many of the topics that get discussed on these forums, I suspect that the truth will be found somewhere between conspiracy theorist paranoia and everyday common sense.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Lightmare

Fear mongering? This is the big chess move of the nazi/nwo, complete control and domination of the human race, through food. This was thought up by a nazi, serving time for crimes against humanity and implemented in the UN on his advice. The head of codex alimentarius is the wife of the head of Monsanto.

How much clearer can it be that this is something incredibly FEARFUL, without any need to to induce mongering? This isn't one of those hard to figure out conspiracies. In fact, we're royally up the creek without a paddle if its not crystal clear in everyones minds.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by mystiq

Please do not get the wrong idea, Mystiq. I'm not saying that the conspiracy theories are all just fear mongering. Quite the opposite, in fact.

I believe that this Codex is totally dangerous and completely evil. That is why I feel it is important to go through all the information with a fine toothed comb to separate the facts from the paranoia. That is why I made this thread. There is plenty of information out there on this topic. Some of it has credibility. Some of it does not. Our purpose here is to determine which is which. That way, we can all make informed decisions on what to do about it.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
reply to post by Lightmare

Fear mongering? This is the big chess move of the nazi/nwo, complete control and domination of the human race, through food. This was thought up by a nazi, serving time for crimes against humanity and implemented in the UN on his advice. The head of codex alimentarius is the wife of the head of Monsanto.

How much clearer can it be that this is something incredibly FEARFUL, without any need to to induce mongering? This isn't one of those hard to figure out conspiracies. In fact, we're royally up the creek without a paddle if its not crystal clear in everyones minds.

I agree with you mystiq. But I also agree with Lightmare.

So we can all sift through the information for ourselves to see what can be verified and what can be discarded. If we base our opinions on what we think we know about government, industry, and standards of trade practice, we run the risk of throwing the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak.

On the other hand, if we base our conclusions on fear mongering paranoia, we run the risk of making bad decisions based on shoddy information. Not to mention the risk of losing credibility.

I want to see the evidence. And having all the hard info centralized on one thread makes a great deal of sense to me.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by soficrow

Exactly. Later tonight I will try to go through that article that Squiz linked to earlier in this thread. I want to go through all the sources that are linked to in the article and try to determine how credible the information is. But I will wait to go through it until later tonight when I can give it my full attention.

We must make sure that whatever conclusions we come to are indeed correct. Our health, happiness, and perhaps even our very lives may depend on it if this really turns out to be what it looks like.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 04:05 PM
I don't know if anyone has posted this, but I receive lots of information from this site:

They read the Codex and sent info to many. And their assessment...? That it is theNWO's efforts to starve us and poison us.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 04:49 PM
The problems in this world are complained about by old men,the problems in this world are caused by old men,the world is run by old men.

Too many c(r)ooks spoil the broth.

Two heads are better than one,unless they disagree,then they are just two heads in disagreement,and nothing gets done.

The road to hell is paved in good intentions,the problem with intentions is that what is good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander.

I know that this reply to this thread may not seem to be pertinent.

But think about all of the crap that has happened in this world,and is happening.

And you can't help but to stop and wonder if it is not all screwed from the get-go,wrong from the start,absolutely wrong.

And these old quotes about cooks,geese,old men,roads....etc.

Were made by people who saw the truth through the BS,but had no credentials so people would take what they said about what they saw seriously.

The issue is not credentials so much as that one being credentialed has proven he/she will tow the line.

The codex alimentarius is simply a way to make it easier for corporations to profit from us,by feeding a bunch of credentialed stooges our money for nothing.

And then simplifying the methods of mass food preparation to maximize profitability.

Corporate BS,a giant scam.

Again,same old,same old,same old BS.

Just my take,2 cents....etcetera

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 05:46 PM
is this thread a joke you might want to look at the basics, its not that this might happen it cant happen, its impossible and im not using the word lightly

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 05:46 PM
yes but i dont believe it not at all

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 06:28 PM
Here's a bunch of videos about Codex and Fluoride. Interesting stuff.

[edit on 18-5-2009 by dingleberry77]

[edit on 18-5-2009 by dingleberry77]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 08:20 PM
many thanks to OP for re-focusing in this issue.

it surely be-hoves us all to be more aware of our natural surroundings and take more responsibility for our own well-being.
were i to don my tin-foil hat, i would have to point out that there is a large industry of natural/homeopathic remedies out there as well, who may just be every bit as ruthless as the pharmaceutical companies.

codex is nothing new though, surely? this battle has been fought for many centuries. physicians vs apothecaries, nicholas culpeper circa 1650. culpepers is still pretty much the bible on natural herbs. the physicians didnt win then.

a link:

in england, many beneficial plants grow in profusion and are called weeds: hawthorn, wild garlic, blackberry, comfrey..loads. you dont even need to buy 'supplements' really, its just lying around waiting to be picked up and eaten.

better still, as you excercise the right to walk around commom land, take the seeds (or cutting) of a beneficial plant and spread it wherever you go.

if i understand correctly the patent/copyright 'laws', a naturally ocurring substance may not be claimed.
please do correct me if im wrong tho; i often am.

my point is, that 'codex' is no new battle. it has been waged for centuries, and in best EU tradition, they will not take NO for an answer; the question will just keep on being asked until the answer changes.

surely there are more good people out there than bad. surely the natural state of the human being is that of a beneficial nature. surely there are fewer and fewer willing to sell their souls for pieces of paper printed with a currency symbol.

we all can see codex for what it is. but lets not give them too much credence/

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 11:59 PM
The book Co-Evolution by Alex Newald

If offers an explanation for Codex Alimentarius, Alien greys are doing a deal with certain humans to reduce the human race population, and tend to do this by introducing a virus. By preventing the use of vitamin pills, the population will be that much easier to kill off.
He offers a solution, stay fit and healthy ! Keep away from unhealthy foods and you should survive.

In late February 1989, Alec Newald arrived in Auckland after what should have been a three-hour drive from Rotorua in New Zealand. Soon he realised he had lost ten days but had no idea how that could have happened. Through a series of revelatory dreams and later, hypnotherapy sessions, Alec was able to piece together the puzzle. Alec had spent those 10 days in the company of some advanced, benevolent extraterrestrials, travelling to and from their home planet and participating in their day-to-day activities. What he learned of these people, their language, lifestyle, technology, history and their plans is nothing short of mind-blowing, for these aliens have special relationship with Earth's and humanity's past and future history. All hell broke loose not long after Alec's return to Earth when he was visited by secret government-connected 'scientists', demanding to know the details of his trip. Refusing to cooperate, Alec soon found himself the victim of a sinister set-up.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 12:21 AM
link I've been going through this article that was mentioned earlier. If you have not yet done so, I strongly encourage all of you to read the article. Also make sure to check out the links within the article so all of you can decide for yourselves the veracity of the information. You can also find additional information at the same website. Thanks again to Squiz for bringing this to our attention.

Here is the link again for those who have not yet read the article.

In a nutshell the article seems to indicate that Codex is not some swift apocalyptic take over that will swoop down on the world at the end of this year. But rather, it is a gradual and deceptively methodical take over that will eventually replace healthy natural foods and remedies with genetically modified foods and artificial pharmacuticals if it is not stopped.

The implications of that are astronomical. And yes, it could very well be used by the globalist elites as a tool for population control once all of the pieces are in place. Don't just take my word for it though. Please read and verify the information for yourselves. Consider the implications and connect the dots before you come to any conclusions.

[edit on 5/19/2009 by Lightmare]

[edit on 5/19/2009 by Lightmare]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by Lightmare

Thank you for that. I had my suspicions about the NSF, though I figured that the Codex was a threat, regardless.

It's nice to have additional input.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 02:26 AM
We all know the threats and are ready on ats

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 06:10 AM
In the USA, I suspect it will be a very gradual influence. Just as they don't follow through with the national ID at the state level. What will probably happen first is for the feds to effect importation of foreign goods. Since they can try and apply that without state participation. Well, that's good for the local business. There certainly will be a black market if they try and ban herbs and vitamins in general. Though the other side of the coin is that in many respects, those items are something of a scam. For many people, the best solution is to plant a good healthy garden anyway and avoid eating prepackages foods and avoid drinking city water. Buy sea salt and trace minerals. By good detox tools (not herbal formulas) and clean up the life style and habits. In other words, bad as it may become, it also can provide some positive motivations and further "Illuminate" people to the conspiracy.

posted on May, 20 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape
This post is not very savvy... Looks like some people here are not getting the main points.

Why on Earth do you ask why we want to take vitamins and supplements?

Many people try and experiment with various supplements with success. A simple example: echinacea extract or root powder with vitamin C can chase many colds away.

Maybe someone young with a lot of money and leisure time doing a lot of sports and eating organic food won't even get them - ooops! healthy young people just got the swine flu. And... there will be no more organic food if Codex folks get their way... So even this side-argument is blown...

Finally: just because you don't believe in something, that doesn't make it right to agree to its banning in a modern constitutional republic as long as they do not interfere with your freedom...

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by chiponbothshoulders
I'm not against young women...

Quite the contrary.

I have raised one.
And she (20) is quite aware of her generation's duty to revolutionise a lot of things - we may as a result end up in a world where there is no money and people live in communities.

Maybe we need external help for that.

Or we will end up in a dumpster complaining to each other that "my style of cancer is better than yours..."

The entire approach of Codex is wrong. And the time has come to deal with that APPROACH, not only where it hurts!

Legalism and interests will not take us anywhere. If there is still way out for "us" here.
For me, a good metaphor for the Codex-creating insane society is the giant trash continent swimming in the Pacific. Thousands of miles of trash. Check it out folks - you can google it and get videos easily.

My daughter does not buy that whole package. Over half of her generation do not, especially young women. They are intimidated by this crazyness and cannot deal with it and they mostly want something else. For a while it came out like being a rocker, wearing black etc.

The hippies and the 60's were nothing compared to what is coming.
She is writing a novel on tech and antitech society. The class of 2012 gets a reunion.

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