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New colored tags to replace the mystery colored bar...

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posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by infinite
It will make members think before being blinded by the urge to accumulate stars.

Hey! What is wrong with stars? I like stars!

Better stars than rewards for starting new threads (now that would be bad).

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Sonya610

Stars are prohibited in the Peoples Republic of infinite

Seriously, I do not fear this system will fall victim to the previous problems of the "how do I get points?" threads appearing all over the place, like before.

This is quite smart. In order to progress, you will have to process quality threads that stimulate and encourage a discussion.

I hope, it will kill of the "my dads, uncle, cousin, pet dog, hamster, cat, nan, mum told me...." threads

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Well SO, thats simply awesome. I had no idea you could do anything like that.

Thank you for taking on board what people have said, and my apologies if I got a little shouty in my replies to this thread. You seem to have found a compromise that I figure will make some of us 'Malcontnets' (And yes, I'm going to use that as a term in future threads like this
) happier with the system.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 10:01 AM
I like this new labeling system. It has me scratching my head thinking of interesting topics to start threads about.

It is true that if you don't use your mind you will eventually loose it or at least it won't function as well as it did when it was always active.

Goals and Gold are two good things to work towards.

Be sure you have plenty of gold labels to go around because I'm coming for mine.

I have become lazy since I retired and this is just the ticket to boost me into overdrive making goals to reach.

I'm going for the Gold no matter how long it takes.

Thanks again.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

First if I have offended anyone by using the term whiner, I'm sorry!

I just like what the staff are trying to do, and as we can see this is a work in progress, and thanks to the discussion we seem to be making progress.

In order to be the premier Conspiracy Forum site that ATS is, from time to time it needs to change or adapt, and it is.

This will help motivate members to post new threads, then other members will show with flags and stars whether or not these new threads are good or not, this is a win win situation for us all.

Anyway Im anxiously awaiting the manwife tag for Infinite, cause thats just funny!

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 10:53 AM
Well all in all, I'm liking it... Of course I have been here for many years and the tags just come simply from posting many threads. Eventually you get applauses...

The one thing that these new tags leave out of course, is the ratio of how many posts you've made total versus how many applauses you've gotten. It would baffle me sometimes when a new member would come onboard and within a month or two be showing a high color on their bar.

But you know what? We've got to get that out of our heads. The ratio inhibited me from posting much much more. It would also cause me to do edits to posts rather than making a new post. Because of that, I would not comment on many many threads sometimes- but most times I'd just say screw it and post anyway. Every time you posted and you didn't get an applause, it would degrade your applause to post ratio, and therefore weaken your bar...
I tried to strike a balance between the two.

I would also just like to add that if you really try to bring meaningful content to threads instead of just posting one liners or shallow comments, you will do better. There are several ways to do this:

1) Assist the OP
Many times a thread will be posted and there is much more information that would be pertinent. I know I am guilty of this very thing in many of my own threads. Let's face it, it takes a lot more time. But I will sometimes go and do further searches and bring more links and content into a thread to help the OP. I know that I will almost always star a post in my threads if you help me by bringing in additional links and information on my threads and other's threads too.

But note that there is a caveat to this- if you provide so much information in your thread that you put people in a position that all they can say is "great thread", because you covered it from just about every angle, then that's going to be mostly the kind of comments you are going to get. So there is a fine line there...Just an observation.

2) Research the topic a bit (or a lot if you want).
When you have done this, even a little, you'd be surprised how easily you can make a decent post that is relevant, insightful, and helps bring more meaning to the OP. Again, I suffer from not following this simple but pertinent suggestion.

3) Read the whole thread before you post
If you are replying on page 8, just from reading the thread and other comments you can already gain knowledge to assist you in making an interesting comment.

4) Try to find controversial topics or news
After all, that's what this website is about: "Alternative Topics".

I think we may all know what to do, it's just a question of doing it. And I'll be the first one to admit that I don't do these things a lot of the time. *slaps myself*

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:27 AM
This seems a bit strange. I feel oddly judged, like "hi, long time member but not very good one!" or something...

Oh well, I still love this place.

Obs out

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:30 AM
It can't mean bad member or not, if people didnt post in the threads or flag them then people would stop making threads. We all need each other.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:41 AM
I- I dont know what to say.

I just woke up and i am Gold. I dont know why i have to be such a loser and say stuff i am sorry for later.

I truly appreciate that honor, and i dont know if i deserve it or not, but i thank the owners and mods very much for this.

I promise that i will try to live up to that standard of excellency, in the coming years.

Of course, i will still be my nutty self, i have a reputation to maintain.

But i will....darn it, if its a slow news day, i will get out there and make news just so we can have a busy board and be the #1 Conspiracy board on the planet.

Love you all. And i am truly flattered.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I just woke up and i am Gold.

Check out this post

Since flagging started, I calculated the average number of flags-per thread, and flags-per-replies on popular threads. As it worked out, threads with more than 20 replies received an average of 0.112 flags per-reply. Certain many threads are stand-outs, but this is a level-set site-wide average.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 11:58 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I just woke up and i am Gold..

You always were to me

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
Actually, it now does to the best of our ability.

Since flagging started, I calculated the average number of flags-per thread, and flags-per-replies on popular threads. As it worked out, threads with more than 20 replies received an average of 0.112 flags per-reply. Certain many threads are stand-outs, but this is a level-set site-wide average.

So I erred on the side of caution,

Well I cant see anybody not seeing that as fair.

It helps the older members scores and levels the field. Its only fair that they get the recognition they deserve. After all if it wasn't for their activity I and I feel many here would have not noticed that such a great site existed in the first place.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:01 PM
Thank you SO for explaining that to me.

I know you are a very fair man.

Alright so maybe i wont go out and make news...
that could be dangerous!!!!!

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:19 PM
Ah, I see a few tweaks over night and most are happy.

A thought occurred to me though. Is anyone going to put, "I'm a Gold contributing member on Abovetopsecret" on their resume?
Just a little balance.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:23 PM
The main problem with more and more mysterious label showing up as rites of ATS passage is that they don't seem to transmit any particularly useful information in themselves. The biggest benefit to the color bar was that is was so cryptic that most ignored it as completely meaningless and inert, that is, until it someone brought it to everyone's attention in a thread. Who was it? I really don't remember.

Now, with the big factious labels, they convey just enough information that people's personal, prejudiced associations to the terms take hold at first sight. "Novice" already had to be changed to "appentice" obviously to remove the stigma associated with being a "novice".

Just showing number of flags, stars, etc. allows for a period of learning in order to derive some meaning from those stats, one that is personally derived from exploring content, largely free from initial bias, except likely the notion "more must be better".

Edit: It looked like "novice" turned into "apprentice" sometime between leaving yesterday and coming back today. Honestly I wasn't paying much attention so I might be way out sync with something or other.

[edit on 5/16/2009 by EnlightenUp]

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:23 PM
Wow... I'll say this much, you all really DO CARE.

It's amazing, frustrating, flattering, maddening and incredible all at the same time.

Every time we change something on ATS we know there is going to be a "dust up", this one is right up there with some of the best/worst.

The reality is there is no way we can ever make this perfect. We are only human after all (yes, even S.O. is human
) and we are limited by what the programing is capable of.

I guess the only thing I can say is that anyone who thinks we aren't striving to be the absolute best we can be, is just wrong. You'd be floored with what goes into this forum behind the scenes. Dozens of brilliant, fair minded people volunteer to help us keep this site as close to a living, dynamic representation of the Terms and Conditions/Vision Statement as humanly possible.

But you already knew that...

Millions of people come to read what YOU are saying every month.

Those who create the content that bring them here are being recognized and thanked, not only those who create the threads, but those who contribute to them with that unique insight that is

Really, THANK YOU, is all we are trying to say in all of this.

After reading this thread, I am left with a sense that our membership truly cares and if that's the case, we can never be be drowned out or shouted down...



posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe

I promise that i will try to live up to that standard of excellency, in the coming years.

And that is a critical observation.

I know for a fact that this new system has renewed a sense of responsibility in me to step up my game and start contributing higher quality content.

For if this system is going to mean something, those of us who are fortunate enough to have the "higher" tags have a responsibility to lead by example. If we don't the tags will lose their intended meaning.

Anyhoot, thanks to the Amigos and the rest of the staff.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog

Originally posted by dgtempe

I promise that i will try to live up to that standard of excellency, in the coming years.

And that is a critical observation.

I know for a fact that this new system has renewed a sense of responsibility in me to step up my game and start contributing higher quality content.

Yes sir
I was thinking about this just last night. I'm hoping to be on my "A" game at all times.

good post.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 01:03 PM
Obiously noone is going to acknowledge what I was saying because of my "peasant" status, but how about place a hyperlink or an "alt" tag on those badges of honor to obtain information about what they mean. I felt a natural impulse to go click them to find out more and actually tried it.

posted on May, 16 2009 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by EnlightenUp
Obiously noone is going to acknowledge what I was saying because of my "peasant" status, ...

Now that's entirely the wrong attitude to start carrying like a chip on your shoulder around here.

You're request is a valid one and makes sense but it would garner more favour without the negativity.


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