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Armed Revoultion Possible, Not So Difficult

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posted on May, 12 2009 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by dooper

ok I lied, one more post....that was a great post , still laughing. I star your post Dooper !

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by FX44rice

You do what you must do, which is first, provide security for your home. You would try to secure your perimeter from roving bands, set up blocking positions, and provide round the clock early warnings.

You then organize the neighbors and you secure your neighborhood in the same manner, to protect from roving groups of predators.

Once that's done, you carefully make contact with other neighborhoods, on and on.

Before you know it, and it will take time, you've secured an entire township. Later, a town.

Then, the county. Finally, the State.

And that's when the Federal BS stops. That's when the patriots and those who fought to keep local and then state order, would demand that the State you live in, draw the line against the same, overreaching Federal government that precipitated this event.

This scenario is more likely, as no one wants a bloody assault on Washington. They can just be neutered in the reorganization portion of restoring order.

Does that make any sense?

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by dooper

I noted in combat, and let me stress that point as a military in combat conditions behaves a lot differently than during peacetime.

In combat, we would note those other members, who were enjoying it too much, were on the edge all the time, had a chip on their shoulder for the predetermined enemy, and would go to extremes in the performance of their duties.

They would be warned by others, and if they persisted, often enough, the next firefight, they were shot.

And not always in the front.

That is the professional soldiers angle , what of the discipline of mixed "resistance" ?
How do you marshal such a disparate group effectively ?
In such a "fast and loose" environment with chain of command & communication issues , i would imagine it would be a series of splinter groups .
Variations on a theme ?.

If the expertise of the "resistance" is drawn from the ranks of ex-military , what experience would they have of fighting an asymmetrical war ? The ability to draw on massive fire power from sea and air , or call upon reinforcements would be non-existent.

Would it be "the Madhi Army" play book?


posted by dooper

I'm not worried at all about our military. We leave them alone, and I have an good idea that they'll be more than happy to leave the citizenry alone.

We have all watched the Pakistani Army try and walk that tightrope ..... i would imagine that sooner or later events will conspire to draw them into the conflict , assuming they are not in it from the get-go .

I value the ability to ingage with current and former U.S military , as it is an insight one never gets on the MSM. Concision in the media- see that such a debate never fits between commercial breaks.
Its why i enjoy ATS .

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by FX44rice

You can start by doing research on where your local militia is based and ask them personally. There's also Oathkeepers (google it)

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by UmbraSumus

Actually, it's pretty easy to get cooperation. In times of trouble, you'll find that others will find comfort and security in numbers, if for no other reason, than to not feel alone.

Believe me, when the cold realization is made that the cavalry is not coming, folks will brace up and cooperate. Those that don't want to, to hell with them.

It would be wise to make a few contacts in advance. Don't tell them what you anticipate, but just share the fact that "I live right over there. Here's my phone number. You every have any trouble or need any help, you don't hesitate to call. I can be here in moments, not minutes."

You make friends, you have already placed yourself in a position of being proactive, and you're half way there.

Take a real look at your neighborhood. There are natural barriers, natural lines of egress and ingress, likely approaches from higher traffic areas or from the "undesirable" areas of town.

Anticipate. Always attack yourself aggressively. And then defend those areas. And attack yourself again. On and on. After a while, you've pretty much covered the most likely approaches and tactics.

Strength in numbers, and you'll find the numbers.

Or more likely, they'll find you.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:15 PM
As one who believes in a more spiritual than political solution to our problems, I never post on this type of thread. I can assure nonetheless that eventually-historically those who opt for nonviolent, pure enlightenment-knowledge will be solely on the right side of history-evolution of consciousness. We will be favored over those who can rely only on brute force; however noble the intentions.

It's so strange that, in all the anti-federal this and that bluster I've read on this site, I've never heard any serious opposition to THE one entity that most makes the feds federal (since 1947) - the National "Security" STATE in general. No one has really spoken out against the basis of secrecy itself. Until the foundation of (REAL) government is changed, it will always be "meet the new boss, same as the old boss." Real truth, justice, peace, love, freedom and whatnot is in having a contained enough ego to seriously reject government-politics as we know it... and religions... totally. Give it up and welcome the (eventually) provably higher (or definitely high enough) nonhuman beings, you frightened dweebs (where applicable)!

So, however many among you rabid anti-feds are equally as anti-secrecy, I hope we can become friends. Otherwise I couldn't give a # less about guns and "God," and will always be repulsed by both. Freedom is won, or primarily, by the pen (intellect and imagination), not the sword.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by Dean Goldberry

Dean, as you already know, we disagree, but I do sincerely appreciate your post.

I would suggest that for advancement, both are required.

Just from my personal observation, however limited that may be, a condition of lawlessness requires brute force by good men who want nothing more than peace and the desire to return to a peaceful home.

Once the dirty work has been done, it's time for those who can take up the effort and put the pen to good work.

Just a slight difference.

Not so one would really notice.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by dooper]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:24 PM
I am all for writing my congressmen and senators and calling and faxing, and I have done this over the years perhaps 200 times or more, but the last several times this was done enmass by millions of citizens, the house and senate shut down their email servers and locked up the phones and voted anyway against overwhelming counts of constituants.

The immigration reform bill was one, and the financial bailout was another..... Only by a small margin did the immigration reform bill fail, several times (3) which is now again going to be rammed down our throats , when greater than 78 % of US citizens say NO to illegal amnesty.

And then the bailout was another "we know whats good for you now shut up" manuever. The list is long and true, 'they are not us'. I'm very tired of their behavior and so are many others who want our government and constitution back.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:49 PM
i don't think a revolution would gain enough popular support due to the majority of the public's faith in TV news MSM.....

sure those in the know with guns could knock off a ton of misguided or corrupt "enforcers" of a corrupt gov't........but unless you get the majority of the people on their side i would believe it may be futile.......

When the french revolted they had the "press" on their side........look it up..............american revolters will be labeled "DOMESTIC TERRORISTS" and the SHEEP scared....will buy what the "gov't protectors on the MSM would say" hook line and sinker

That is why any INTELLIGENT REVOLT would start with the MEDIA....seriously

were i to wake up and hear that the programer directors and big wigs directors/ editors OF MSM channels were being kidnapped till they agreed to report things fairly or quit.....i would cry tears of joy and believe the country had a chance......till THE MEDIA is shown a message.... it is a game of seeing how long we can delay a collapse

[edit on 12-5-2009 by cpdaman]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:50 PM
Armed Revolution is not only possible, but probable.

The only thing preventing it are cowardly people who don't believe WE could achieve the goal of taking our country back from the idiots in Washington D.C., which are the majority of folks because they are too into their beer, tv, and whatever self centeredness or self absorbed moments they are in to.

At the time of the American Revolution, only 6% of the population participated in the war and war effort to free us from the rule of the British Monarchy.

America has 330 million people within its borders. 10% would make a significant if not extraordinary fighting force. 15%-25% would cause those in Washington D.C. to hear the Brown Noise. 30%+ would send a clear message to them that we mean business.

[edit on 5/12/2009 by Evisscerator]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:54 PM
First of all, If a civil war were to break out in the US between the state governments and the federal governments, the federal government would call in outside forces to quell the "decenting" states. Most likely inciting anger amongst the whole citizenry thus, causing more to decent.

Secondly, The military's of the states would more likely align themselves with their states rather than the federal government. Any military members over seas would immediately demand to be sent back to the US to fight for their constitutional rights. And if they are educated they will side with the states.

Thirdly, Citizens all over the US will fight for their rights, most just need a leader to follow.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Evisscerator

Nothing new. During our Revolutionary War, a very small percentage actually did the fighting.

Face it. Some are unable. Some are unwilling.

Yet the few always have made things happen all across the spectrum of human endeavor.

Nothing new.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:19 PM
armed revolution? well do you fight when you haven't eaten for days? how well do you fight with disease? Who will care for your family while you're out playing cowboys and indians?

Don't take that too much out of context. I understand the motivation behind the writer's words. I too have a similar passion for re-establishing the republic with a higher level of morality and humanity.

But the powerful forces in the world have contingency plans for such events were they to occur. They fear revolution more than satan himself since the end result may deter their power grips on society and their luxurious lifestyle. They survive to maintain status quo, however that must be done under their rule.

Your guns will be taken in due time. The preparations are being made now. The appointment of a new Supreme Court judge will be the affirmation they seek to gain a majority judgement....for the protection of ourselves from ourselves and others.

Do not be fooled by these international elitists. They have thought long and hard on this matter, as have we. They have many solutions at hand including disease, pestilence, weather modification, nationalizing basic necessities such as food and water, devices for mass crowd control, surveillance, legislative power, enforcement power, tracking devices and many more.

Change will occur in due time with the change in beliefs. This may take decades or centuries, but it will not happen in my lifetime. So many of us live our lives fully without knowing the truth of things, and therefore it is difficult to say that one has contributed to the betterment of society. I do not know many truths myself, but I know that my life consists of many mistruths, misperceptions and fiction. All of which were implanted into my mind starting as a child through various institutions and devices of mind control (e.g., TV).

Man's basic emotions of greed, fear, love, anger, joy, sadness and others have always ruled in man's choice of right and wrong. These intrinsic emotions are the levers that are used to manipulate us daily according to our master's wishes. Most seek happiness without the impingment upon others, but through cooperation and giving. Our masters have manipulated the equation for happiness, and soon they will seek our souls and minds for their treasure chest. They will come for it all. They have been planning for decades, and most will not even know when it arrives. That is their power over us.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Evisscerator

You do not have to be brave to fight the machine and win. We simply need to act together and take our work product off of their table and put it on our table to feed people.

The globalist corporatist cabal can not rule people that do not cooperate. We know just how fragile the system is and that is why a sudden change of habits of people, with them in mass dropping off the grid will crash the system.

See my thread for more details on this. It covers exactly what it would take for us to have a revolution without need to initiate any violence to accomplish it.

How the R3volution will be won.

I think that self defense is primary and immutable but violence should never be initiated that is the sin of the state and why they are all coming down soon. The corporate state has been judged by the hearts of the many and they have been found wanting.

I mean it is now revealed that children were sodomized in front of their Mothers on camera by the US government agents in Iraq.

I want no part of a state that can condone this and then turn a blind eye in the next administration and say "Change" "Yes we can" and then that same state goes and shells a mud hut village in Afghanistan for hours and hours with illegal white phosphorus and high explosives leaving nothing but mud puddles with bits of women and children in them in their wake.

This is just one act on one news day. The state and that is every state is at their full time purpose of causing human misery and death on a global scale.

It will take concerted efforts and world wide peasant uprisings and non cooperation with the state to starve this beast that threatens our future. We can thrive and survive without them but they can not do the same.

If we but evolve as a species beyond the need of a nanny state we can all be truly free and secure.

[edit on 5/12/2009 by UFOTECH]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by jeffsmathers

Of course then I love the argument of voting out the people you don't like. Sure this would be fine and dandy if I had someone to vote for that would actually change anything. Ron Paul is pretty much on his own trying to follow the constitution.

Does anyone really believe the agenda would be any different at all if McCain were to have won? Either way you would have voted for the same agenda just a different method of getting there. There is no choice when your two options are given to you from the same source.

What most fail to realize here is that the Government is NOT listening to the people. When 98 percent of the US population was against the bailouts and congress still passed it anyway, what else do you need to know?

When congress passes a bill such as the patriot act that is the most blatant violation of the Fourth Amendment and the constitution and then allows the Federal Government to spy on it's own citizens what else do you need to know?

That is plain and simple treason which is punishable by death in most circles.

Both McCain and BHO voted for those bills. Where is our choice??

We the people were not only sold out, we were out right stolen from with out a single Law Enforcement Agency or Government employee employed by the people taking action and standing up for us with the exception of a few congressmen who have been consistently marginalized.

We the people are not being heard or represented and the list of travesties goes on and on and on.

First and foremost everyone needs to understand is that NO ONE wants violence or bloodshed. NO ONE is advocating it. What is being said here is the Government is pushing us to a point where soon we run out of peaceful options to maintain our Freedom and Liberties. Eventually if they continue down this path where they keep pushing the people into an ever smaller corner the only way they can push harder will be through the use of force.

Once that threshold is crossed it will inevitably lead to a nation of Armed Citizens immediately defending themselves and pushing back with force.

This thread is a discussion of assuming that line will be crossed when the people are forced to defend themselves and a Government that seemingly is unwilling to back off and heed to the voice of it's citizens.

This is NOT a discussion of an aggressor that is an armed insurrection fueled by blood lust and a desire to kill everyone in sight.

I feel it is safe to assume that EVERYONE on here would much rather be left alone and live in peace and does not condone violence as much and this is a hypothetical discussion of what if... where the what if is we must defend ourselves through force because we have no options left.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by UmbraSumus

Actually, it's pretty easy to get cooperation. In times of trouble, you'll find that others will find comfort and security in numbers, if for no other reason, than to not feel alone.

Believe me, when the cold realization is made that the cavalry is not coming, folks will brace up and cooperate. Those that don't want to, to hell with them.

It would be wise to make a few contacts in advance. Don't tell them what you anticipate, but just share the fact that "I live right over there. Here's my phone number. You every have any trouble or need any help, you don't hesitate to call. I can be here in moments, not minutes."

You make friends, you have already placed yourself in a position of being proactive, and you're half way there.

Take a real look at your neighborhood. There are natural barriers, natural lines of egress and ingress, likely approaches from higher traffic areas or from the "undesirable" areas of town.

Anticipate. Always attack yourself aggressively. And then defend those areas. And attack yourself again. On and on. After a while, you've pretty much covered the most likely approaches and tactics.

Strength in numbers, and you'll find the numbers.

Or more likely, they'll find you.

I can attest to this.

During our recent hurricane, our neighborhood banded together and helped each other out.

Now the neighborhood is pretty . . . tight

[edit on 12/5/2009 by xxpigxx]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by DeadFlagBlues

Yeah, you're right. Best not even to try. You might stub your toe. They'll give up anyway, faced with our superior arguments and deep-felt belief.

You're afraid of your rights being taken away. You're afraid of words on a bill that haven't been passed. YOU ARE AFRAID of things that go against your will that cannot and probably will not be immediately vetoed, either by the people or the politicians. Instead of doing your best to make a dignified stance and restoring the integrity of our political body, you subscribe to an armed resistance that's going to be the silver bullet to restore all the things you're so worked up about. You think the majority of people are going to be okay with thousands of armed men encroaching on their homes with their families inside? Even if your intentions are pure, could you imagine how afraid they would be of the unkonw? How threatened people would be? There's no smiley face pamphlet you could give them to make them swallow the visual of rugged armed men running through their neighborhoods as they're watching the news about a "domestic insurgency." How do you think that would turn out for your movement?

Could you then rely on peaceful means to quail the dissent towards you? Could you afford to try? Which side is "better?"

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by dooper

Ok. What you are describing sounds like "Civil Unrest."

The roving predators you refer to would be who? They would be the citizens acting out with violence, looting, destruction, etc., etc. Right?

This would not be a roving brigade of Feds or Military soldiers right?

At the onset of this civil unrest you refer to, unfortunately, 80% of the population will be begging for help from the Nat'l Guard, Military, or any other capable Govt agency, to fend off the unruly violent citizens.

This is how the Govt would prefer things to happen to gain even more control over the citizens.

Good Intended citizens (as you) let's say, trying to implement help and control over the civil unrest will be dealt with forcefully by Govt forces with the authority to assert control over the poulation. Who's right who's wrong here?

Anyways, I believe this scenario you speak of is being Mis-Labeled. At least in this thread. This does not define an "Armed Revolution." It defines Civil Unrest.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:45 PM
hehe i love it when some ask what they think a typical citizen could do against the army its hilarious especially to think of some of the crack jobs that i know who are always getting ready for the "revolution" and have a school bus full of everything that scares me.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:47 PM
I think we should give deadflagblues a bit of slack. He's thinking, he's trying, and I can't tell you how many times I have gotten a bit crazy here on a few threads, as the MODS can well attest.

Push comes to shove, he'll be in the right spot.

Doing the right things.

Not everyone has seen the same things, and it probably took some of us a while to come around.

After all, not one of us in recent years could have foreseen the pure * of the current situation, nor would we in our wildest dreams ever come to think what we're now thinking out loud.

And that's what this is all about. Get it out, chew on it, learn, reevaluate, and chew on it some more.

What's coming should scare the living * out of anyone.

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