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Why are we interested in these topics?

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posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:26 AM
You know, blup, I think a lot boils down to inability to critically think and to a lesser degree, some who have no forward viewing mindset.

We can't leave out, too, those who truly believe that ignorance is bliss...a lot would fight tooth and nail to preserve their answers to the age old "what is ignorance and apathy? I dont know, and I dont care" mentality. For a lot of them, you can't necessarily blame them in their convictions. I know quite a few who would just rather not know, and facing the reality of their image being shattered could terrify them.

Think about it this way, if everyone opened their eyes, thought critically, and saw EVERYTHING for exactly what it was, the unemployment lines sporting psychiatrists would increase tenfold

Some WANT to see it, to the Nth degree, and SOME want to ensure they never do.


posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:29 AM
For me it is personel as i found out that they where using electronic mind control in schools in 1992, and i ahve been monitored with this cr1p ever since. So for me it is personel, to find out answers.

If they are doing this to me, they have not made these weapons just to ruin my life, so they must be doing it to countless others. The op friends, have no idea of the world they live in, and that is up to them if they want to know or not.

Just because something happens, people thing it is just normal, while there are people behind the scenes that want to dictate everything in this world, this is why it is important to know about these things,a s ignorance only helps them.

[edit on 5/12/2009 by andy1033]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Ihniwid
I find that if you bring it up through certain topics they are interested in sometimes they can link them and get it. UFOs for example are pretty easy to get into if you do it in good humor. Other topics, like NWO or black projects and such are often best left to people who think about that sort of thing.

That is very true.
If you do it in a sly or humorous way, then yes.... it is easy to almost talk about any subject.
I think religion is one of the easiest to get people to talk about..

But UFO's, NWO or any other "out-there" conspiracy.... requires some deviousness on our part

Thats why I come here and read threads by people like you =).

Me too.... it's great that so many like-minded people, searching for truth and answers can all be in one place and all talk and help each other along the way.


posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by blupblup

I think you're over-thinking things there...

But seriously...people really do say that huh?

I started getting that when I was a little kid :-)

but not from the people that mattered - my folks let me think whatever I wanted - never put me down for any of it

I appreciate that - to this day

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by theendisnear69
reply to post by blupblup

Well personally I think people underthink, or just ignore things all together. I mean your life literally is easier if you don't think about these things.

Very true, i suppose it's the "if you never know, it's not going to affect you" kinda thing. "what you don't know can't hurt you"

But i would rather be informed, educate myself and find out all the different possibilities and explanations for many things....

"know your enemy" .

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by alphabetaone
We can't leave out, too, those who truly believe that ignorance is bliss...a lot would fight tooth and nail to preserve their answers to the age old "what is ignorance and apathy? I dont know, and I dont care" mentality. For a lot of them, you can't necessarily blame them in their convictions. I know quite a few who would just rather not know, and facing the reality of their image being shattered could terrify them.

After spending about a year researching everything from mysticism, gnosticism, politics, quantum physics, chemtrails, internet marketing, herbal lore and women's mysteries, I suddenly felt overwhelmed at the sheer implications of it all and wondered whether or not ignorance is bliss. Sometimes I think it would be a blessing to not have looked so hard for answers. But I simply cannot stop asking questions or learning. Its like I'm obsessed with gathering as much knowledge as possible. Now its all up there in my head, jouncing around and taking on a life of its own. Connecting the dots and losing my mind seem to go hand-in-hand. LOL.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by alphabetaone
You know, blup, I think a lot boils down to inability to critically think and to a lesser degree, some who have no forward viewing mindset.

In a sense i guess that's true... but a couple of my friends last night (no offense to the other 3 lol) don't fall in to that category.... one has studied and continues her climb up the ladder of psychology and thinks about most other things in a very critical and rational way.... but literally laughs at almost all these topics.

The other is a pretty chilled out and hippie-like guy.
Hates the establishment/government and whatever....but just will not believe in most of these subjects.... NWO or even some of the government related conspiracies.... It makes no sense??

We can't leave out, too, those who truly believe that ignorance is bliss...a lot would fight tooth and nail to preserve their answers to the age old "what is ignorance and apathy? I dont know, and I dont care" mentality. For a lot of them, you can't necessarily blame them in their convictions. I know quite a few who would just rather not know, and facing the reality of their image being shattered could terrify them.

Oh for sure....i think that is the main reason... just don't care.
Even if they do find out (like last night/the conversation with friends) they still don't care because they fail to see how it could possibly affect them.

Think about it this way, if everyone opened their eyes, thought critically, and saw EVERYTHING for exactly what it was, the unemployment lines sporting psychiatrists would increase tenfold

Some WANT to see it, to the Nth degree, and SOME want to ensure they never do.

I guess.... but also change would HAVE to happen.
Because everybody would know and just demand it.
At the moment it's like... "oh, those crazy few conspiracy theorists, they're nuts huh?" Now if it was like 4billion people who were "clued-up" and angry about being lied to... it would be "er...ok, what do you lovely people want..?"

I dunno man.....

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
The op friends, have no idea of the world they live in, and that is up to them if they want to know or not.

Exactly, i think 99% of the population is of that mindset

I think more people are waking up.... but not nearly enough.

Just because something happens, people thing it is just normal, while there are people behind the scenes that want to dictate everything in this world, this is why it is important to know about these things,a s ignorance only helps them.
[edit on 5/12/2009 by andy1033]

Yep....that is why more people SHOULD be interested.
If more people knew.... then more info would have to come out or invariably would come out.

[edit on 12/5/09 by blupblup]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by blupblup

LOL, well brother,

I think you may be attempting to shoot at a target that moves at the speed of light.... an unattainable goal.

There will never ever ever be enough to information to satisfy individual interpretation of any specific topic to the masses. Perception becomes reality to whomever is looking at it.


posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by alphabetaone

Very true mate

I can but dream.....

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
I am going to have to think about this. I guess it is like believing in God if you know what I mean,
If they haven't experienced a UFO then they find it hard to believe and people like to burst other people bubbles.

I do know what you mean.... it's a matter of faith.
For many/most of these conspiracies/topics, there is very little evidence and so convincing people is very difficult.

And yeah... it is that mentality..... "well, if i SAW a ghost/ufo/demon or whatever..... then I'd believe, but until then, i just don't care.

I even waited a couple years before i got the courage to tell anyone I had a telepathic experience with a UFO, now if you read my Post I seem normal, lol

But that's it... it was your experience... there is no way to make anyone believe, it's a matter of choice and perception i guess.


posted on May, 12 2009 @ 11:16 AM
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident.”
- Arthur Schopenhauer -

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth will make you mad.”
- Aldous Huxley -

"You look at the floor and see the floor. I look at the floor and see molecules"
- Dan Aykroyd. -

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 11:45 AM
I'm lucky in that my partner is very open to all the conspiracy stuff and we discuss it periodically. He's the only person I really talk to about it all. I always had an interest in the alternative subjects but it wasn't until I stumbled across ATS last year that I got into it all pretty heavily. I can barely watch TV anymore and why would I want to when there are a hundred fascinating things to read and think about. I suppose a big part of why I love it is because I find it so stimulating intellectually but mostly because I have always been on a mission to find "truth" and the deeper into the rabbit hole I go, the further I want to's endlessley fascinating, rather like being in a real life detective story really.

When I first began posting some links and comments on my facebook page, a psychologist aunty of mine saw it and was so concerned she rang my mum , concerned for my mental health

The truth is that the reality of what's going on in the world is quite insane, but so few people want to see it or ever will see it. I think alot of people are just incapable of seeing it or just do not have the inquisitive gene. Their lives are about work, tv, sleep, sex, food yada yada and that's enough for them.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by cosmicpixie

Originally posted by cosmicpixie
I can barely watch TV anymore and why would I want to when there are a hundred fascinating things to read and think about.
it's endlessley fascinating, rather like being in a real life detective story really.

I wish more people were like that.
I rarely watch TV either.... i much prefer to read a book or watch a documentary online or just read and post on ATS.

And yeah.... it is a like crime we're trying to solve, different people with different parts of the puzzle all coming together to help.
It's great.

When I first began posting some links and comments on my facebook page, a psychologist aunty of mine saw it and was so concerned she rang my mum , concerned for my mental health

An that's exactly the kind of reaction that keeps most of us from discussing these things right?
I's just insane that people cannot honestly fathom that things are not as the media or government would have us believe they are...

Their lives are about work, tv, sleep, sex, food yada yada and that's enough for them.

Yep.... and fair enough....I'm not judging... it just frustrates me sometimes how people seem to turn a blind eye to these topics or just think of them, mostly, as fantasy...

[edit on 12/5/09 by blupblup]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 02:45 PM
I want to approach this from two ways; what I think is happening and what I believe.

What I think is happening...

A few problems here.

1. Association - People like to form opinions on the populace FROM the populace. Most of us have seen Conspiracy Theory (fine movie IMO) We see that he looks like an absolute crackpot and madman until finally he proves his theories to Julia Roberts. Then we have the untold thousands of people who have claimed the end-of-the-world dates since day one andI am fairly sure nobody has been right yet. The populace sees this and when you mention an honest conspiracy, you get lumped in with the crazies who think their dog is talking to them and telling them to kill others.

2. Your 'buddies' - This is honestly one of the biggest problems I think. You have a set of people who are here discussing feasible topics like 9/11 and such matters. These people (though I often disagree) have concepts that are practical. Kennedy's assasination has many open holes and they can be filled with many ideas of what actually happened. These people (again, whether I agree or disagree means nothing) have worked hard and study their favored topics and present mostly clear arguments. Now...

On the flip side of that coin is the other percentage (and I think this group is larger) who spouts off every single idea they have. It's hard for me to pick examples without sigling some out so I am going to pick things I haven't read yet such as reptiliians, Hitler is still alive, (and my absolute personal favorite) 'The end of the world that I predicted earlier was wrong, here is my new date." When you look at the side-by-side comparison as an outside viewer, you are going to start noticing a trend and forming an opinion that alot of the theorists are nutjobs. (Once again...and I BEG you to listen..this is not my feelings on anyone here)

3. Bliss...and for this I am going to switch to personal opinion time...

What I believe...

Ignorance is bliss. Let us say you have an incurable disease that have no real symptoms before death ensues. Nothing you do is going to fix it. Do you want to know or not want to know? Well that is a personal question and nobody can answer for you. I personally don't want to know. Now that isn't to say that is how you should handle it but therein lies the issue.

You have around 300 million people in this country and clearly there seems to be problems with our economy and politics but on a day-to-day basis most aren't as affected as others and thusignorance is bliss to them. If the end of the world is indeed Dec 2012, what difference does it make finding out how it's going to happen or why it is happening. Does it change how you live knowing it? Probably...and that makes me insanely miserable because you cannot stop it if it truly is that bad so why live in misery? For some the truth is comfort, for others it is pain. I am guessing that most people feel the pain when they hear things.

See alot of people instantly jump to the sheeple comment. These folks who blindly follow the 'lies'. The thing is, what is s bad about it? You live your life and are aware of what you want to be aware of. Alot of these folks seem a bit happier to me. Now again, if you want to chase these stories, by all means. In reality I chase some too but most things mean nothing to me when it comes to the wildest of theories such as the end of the world. Again though...this is just my opinion and I am doing what I can to lend light to what I think it happening.

Thanks for listening if you did!


posted on May, 12 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by KyoZero

Originally posted by KyoZero
1. Association - The populace sees this and when you mention an honest conspiracy, you get lumped in with the crazies who think their dog is talking to them and telling them to kill others.

That is one of the main problems i think.
It's like the bad apple that ruins the barrel.....
It's extremely difficult to overcome this and for most people, i think they need to personally experience something before they will start looking into these things....or perhaps a friend or loved one will "open their eyes".

On the flip side of that coin is the other percentage (and I think this group is larger) who spouts off every single idea they have. It's hard for me to pick examples without sigling some out so I am going to pick things I haven't read yet such as reptiliians, Hitler is still alive, (and my absolute personal favorite) 'The end of the world that I predicted earlier was wrong, here is my new date." When you look at the side-by-side comparison as an outside viewer, you are going to start noticing a trend and forming an opinion that alot of the theorists are nutjobs. (Once again...and I BEG you to listen..this is not my feelings on anyone here)

Oh definitely, i totally agree.
I personally think these are the people who damage the credibility of conspiracy theorists more than any other.
By constantly spewing and not researching topics that they start posting about and supporting.

There are so many reasons why people don't buy into these topics but the two aforementioned reasons are THE main ones in my opinion.

What I believe...
Ignorance is bliss. Let us say you have an incurable disease that have no real symptoms before death ensues. Nothing you do is going to fix it. Do you want to know or not want to know?

I would personally rather NOT know too...
But then that, again in my opinion, is not the same as, for instance, the government killing it's own citizens in a false flag operation.

If we could prove that they were doing that then much could be done to raise awareness and perhaps lives could be saved.
Whereas if it were just our own life we're talking about, and whether or not we should know if we have the mystery illness..... it actually makes no difference.

I don't believe the two are comparable.

If the end of the world is indeed Dec 2012, what difference does it make finding out how it's going to happen or why it is happening. Does it change how you live knowing it? Probably...and that makes me insanely miserable because you cannot stop it if it truly is that bad so why live in misery?

I personally don't buy in to the whole 2012 thing.
But if we were all going to die (i know that there are many random theories as to what will or will not happen in dec 2012, but this is example is for the sake of the discussion) then knowing we are all going to die is not going to help.

But out of those i listed Government conspiracies, disclosure, Religion and 9/11 if we knew about any or all of those....then that may fundamentally change the way we look at our own existence, lives, universe and each other.

As i said, I don't go for the extremely wacky or completely insane theories, although i still keep an open mind, i just concentrate on those that have real promise or we have actual evidence for and can work together to solve.

See alot of people instantly jump to the sheeple comment. These folks who blindly follow the 'lies'. The thing is, what is so bad about it? You live your life and are aware of what you want to be aware of. Alot of these folks seem a bit happier to me.

Yep, i totally agree.
I've even said to a couple of people on here....that i envy those people at times....ignorance is bliss... and bliss is good right?

But i am glad i got into these subjects when i was younger and I'm glad i have the ability to think critically and look at things such as news and government policies with more of a critical and conspiratorial eye.


[edit on 12/5/09 by blupblup]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
but not from the people that mattered - my folks let me think whatever I wanted - never put me down for any of it

I appreciate that - to this day

Yeah.... i was lucky in that respect too.
In fact it was my mum who bought me a big book of unexplained mysteries when i was about 10..... that really got me into some of this stuff.

And i think she believed in certain paranormal things....

So yeah, that was cool.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by blupblup

Originally posted by Spiramirabilis
but not from the people that mattered - my folks let me think whatever I wanted - never put me down for any of it

I appreciate that - to this day

Yeah.... i was lucky in that respect too.
In fact it was my mum who bought me a big book of unexplained mysteries when i was about 10..... that really got me into some of this stuff.

And i think she believed in certain paranormal things....

So yeah, that was cool.

yeah, my parents were the same way. it was even my stepdad that opened me up to the NWO/Martial Law in america thing. He had a firsthand experience and it led me to some research. Its definitely one if my biggest interests now, along with UFO/Disclosure and the odditys in religion. Sorry if this is a little off topic, but does anyone know anything as to the authenticity of the Talmud of Jmmanuel...the real deal or falsified crap?

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 03:45 PM
Ignorance is bliss.

On one occasion one of my friends started talking about how the world is f'd up and we went on to talk about 911.

Well after maybe a couple months I brought that topic up and he said "What?? idk anything about that man? really?", so I said, "ok never mind then."

Some of this is well known throughout people but they would rather not begin to untangle the web of lies. Its just a big mess. So people seek an escape from this through whatever they like doing.

If the topic comes up I'll go on about it but I've learned that not too many people are open enough for conspiracies.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by BrainPower
yeah, my parents were the same way. it was even my stepdad that opened me up to the NWO/Martial Law in america thing. He had a firsthand experience and it led me to some research. Its definitely one if my biggest interests now, along with UFO/Disclosure and the odditys in religion.

That's cool.... at least you had someone to get you into these topics.
Now if only everyone had somebody, then everyone would start to think about things and start researching stuff and reading books instead of watching mindless drivel on TV.

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