Below is my interpretation of a dualistic reality and how logic fits into it.
The universe seems dualistic in nature of that is expanding truth to me, 1's and 0's, yin and yang, from macro to micro and symbolic... so
conceptually, it's interesting that one side of our brain deals with logic while the other deals with imagination.. but it seems to me like
imagination is the essence of is endless possibility and logic is how it is observed.. it takes a form or structure... your computer
could be shooting off a bunch of 1 signals but it's when you add those 0's in that you get that binary magic, which is every computer process you
observe (programmers stop me if I am wrong).
So it seems to me that you have the essence and the manifestation of, or the observation.. the logic that tries to observe, perceive, construct,
explain or imitate the essence.. so you get the balance, this dance.. a back and forth... and it occurred to me one day... "how can you logically
explain imagination?" and when I think of that, I think of the
golden ratio, the spiral, the
representation of a yin/yang (the conic spiral being my choice reference).. and I think of it as being infinitely endless.
Like in mathematics, we have all these repeating digits with no end.. so is there an end or what? Following more digits, tracing back the fractals of
creative expression, (logical / observational.)
So that says to me....
You can never satisfy logic completely. (How many times have you seen Spock's logic smashed? ha ha. )
So in that sense.. if I try to use logic to help myself overcome doubt.. well some doubt always remains. It is when I am able to let go and feel it in
my heart / "awareness", belief structures detatched, am I able to find release from this struggle.
The fact that it is a struggle is another thing I take note of, for it seems to be that any kind of resistance is to go against the flow, whatever
that might be. Our spiritual awareness or whatever you choose to call it, conflicted with that ego-mind that struggles with identity.. it could be our
very perception of reality, the struggle itself, that is a denial of our true nature. To deny one's true identity. I learned shortly after I started
meditating that once I stopped trying to be something I'm not and just go with the flow that I have found a higher sense of identity. Less
guessing/imitating and more BEING.
So to try and put it more clearly how I feel about this.
We'll say we may or may not have a concept of a soul/ego.. a representation of our logical perception of identity. Again, the symbolic references
with the words i'm using... to focus on the function or logical aspect but denying the essence(imagination) seems like an incomplete picture. You can
use logic to try and explain how something works but again, how I feel about this endless spiral: you could have what seems like a sound, scientific
explanation shattered by "co-incidence", "miracle", or just plain cosmic coolness.
(infinite consciousness at work?)
So we'll say, that even though some of us might lack that awareness of a possible "spiritual essence"... the logic mind can still kind of place
it's "greater self" on the perceived stage set before us. One might view the deeper aspects of astrology or something of that nature to see
repeating patterns and relations, and how even though their very thoughts and actions seem highly individualized, they still fit into a perceivable
synchronistic flow.
This seems to be the big ego-smasher for me and to accept that perhaps my seemingly individual thoughts might not be entirely "localized" after-all.
Or to take it a step further, that these individual thoughts could be a culmination of cosmic energies/information at work. Perhaps an attitude that
might be commonly felt or a symbolic / literal manifestation over an area (limitless?).
So what am I getting at? Well.. if your brain conceptually, or perhaps on the "physical level" represents your qualities, sentience, capabilities of
perceiving existence.... then why use only half of it? Eh? Scientists out there, your formula's started as imaginary did they not? And to those
who live in imagination land, how can you get anything done?
Perhaps it's a realization that our desires, functions etc..are part of a pattern of information and thus as long as we allow ourselves to be
attached to "the simulation", then we experience duality.
So a spaced out, motionless, eventless, existence vs a robotic one?
People say to me that you can't use logic to become more spiritual and I have to say I can see where they are comming from, but in my opinion, it's
my understanding of the dualistic nature that allows me to release attachment from the need to logically define my existence ( an endless spiral to me
). For in doing so, places me in a box with rules, and a filtered perspective. For example.. we see the simulation before us.. we know that our body
is impermanent and that we are bounded by "programs" like gravity, temperature, basic living conditions we deem NECESSARY for life as it is familiar
to us, depending on perspective etc, (conceptually isn't it all just information that flows or conflicts?).. but in our imagination we are without
limit... and perhaps.. just perhaps..if we somehow realize that we have some control over the rules of this situation
power of attraction), then suddenly these "logic limitations" seem to bend as the
universe (or consciousness) sees fit.
So at the end of the day... realizing that I can "bend the matrix" isn't going to matter much to me compared to the realization of expanded
identity, and awareness of universal duality and consciousness as I experience it.
If you're looking for god, try not placing it in a box.. perhaps this is why the logical types find the god concept so hard to comprehend, because
the essence of creation just might be....well...undefineable essence....pure infinite possibility, imagination..of which it expresses itself perhaps
through a creator or sub-creators (stars, planets, people)... in acting on our creative expression is excercising our "godly essence" perhaps.
So if you're trying to find "god" or your "divine essence"...try removing any image or representation that comes to mind, and just become aware
of it, just BE it. Any meditators out there might relate to what I'm saying... where you feel something undefineable but it's just THERE..
The more I continue like this, the expanded perception, awareness and balance of my being (energies / soul / chakras etc), the more I am able to
detach myself from that "energy body" and home in on that "divine sense". And when I mean balance, I mean natural balance, not control... for
control to me implies or indicates a struggle that won't last. For example.. i used to struggle to love people, to not be so judgemental.. so I had
to excercise control to love.. but when I had a realization of the possible, endless innaccuaracy of my judgements, combined with this sense of a
universal flow (that yes, manifests "saints" and "jerkwads").. that I was able to detach myself from the need to judge, (for I accept that I
don't know their full story), and to accept people for who they are under the surface of that "cruddy exterior"... to love their essence rather
then ego. I mean hey.. if you're a jerk, who likes that? So it's more of a respect and acknowledgement of their deeper place in nature.
In a nutshell, I want to expand my sense of identity, its a calling...and logic, observation/ creative expression is a beautiful thing I respect, but
it's in letting go of logical perceptions do I find my "sanity", and find myself. To remove limitations and expectations to me seems key to
"seeing the clearest picture." I put quotations because I speak of a picture that is sensed / felt and might not have a literal expression, as Alex
Collier's alien buddies call it "The is-ness"
On that note..even though I might talk of love and light, I try to present it as an opinion or belief structure.. for if it transcends a belief
structure into a conceptual inner-truth, then how can I truly explain that sense of "divinity"? It could be that you and I have that same truth
"within", and it's just a matter of realizing it.
Beware of those who preach their truth as if it's written in stone: your scientists, your priests, and even your "new age philosophers". Belief
structures can be limiting.
Before I end, I want to add an open invitation to present us with perfect logic. And I don't mean shapes like cubes or something, but rather logic
that explains the essence of imagination / timeless, limitless essence. You just might have the formula for "GOD".
Some say love and light, today I'll say "may you find sanity"
BTW I think these pictures illustrate this universal madness:
Both of which are observational, yet in their observation demonstrate that even though their is a logical pattern, it is possibly infinitely endless,
from the micro to macrocosm, all a vantage point, a matter of perspective.
And this was a screenshot taken from a video presentation of
Antony Garrett Lisi's
E8 Theory, or "Theory of everything."
I just about fell out of my chair when the image formed into that one. I had realized this was an image I had seen in my "3rd eye".
The endless possibilities man.
Moderator-Note: Title changed at OPs request.
[edit on 16-5-2009 by Skyfloating]