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The Push to Revolution

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posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Ah, the sound of the huffy pronouncements of the ultra elitist mantra in defense of the status quo; perhaps rendered while in the lotus position for maximum effect… SG, do you sir really believe all that regurgitated palaver, easily heard at any Berkley style lecture, on the evils of the rightist Republican anti-Obama, anti-tax terrorist movement? Is your reeducation at one of the social reengineering institutions, allegedly a college, so complete as to actually believe all the tripe you spew? If so, I can suggest a good deprogrammer to help you.

[edit on 5/12/2009 by SGTChas]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
Doe 21% of the population crying out for "revolution" necessarily reflect the consensus of the american people?

Tell me howmany liberals or moderates out there agree with this self styled trigger happy "revolution"? Get back to me will ya.

Gee, there are already 21% "crying out for revolution"? I really didn't know it was THAT serious yet. I'm surprised it hasn't jumped off already. Normally, around 10% of a population disaffected usually gets some major attention to their concerns, and i don't see that happening here.

BTW, I'm neither a Republicrat nor a Demican, so I reckon that puts me on your "moderate" list. I've noticed a lot of other defectors from both parties too.

nenothtu out

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 12:54 AM
I believe I might have 'found' something to have a Revolution about:

Buckle up, you've been 'folked'.

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the recent resignation of former New York Federal Reserve Bank of New York Chairman, Stephen Frieidman, signals an expanding investigation of New York Attorny General Andrew Cuomo, who is not only focused on the massive New York state financial derivative Ponzi Scheme, but is now centered on money laundry, and possible funding of alleged terrorists in Pakistan.

If one has a heart ailment, they might not want to read this link.

This is only the beginning. Dominos anyone?

This could be the 'first' one?

Rep. Alan Grayson asks the Federal Reserve Inspector General about the trillions of dollars lent or spent by the Federal Reserve and where it went, and the trillions of off balance sheet obligations. Inspector General Elizabeth Coleman responds that the IG does not know and is not tracking where this money is.

Trillions not accounted for? Any Alarms out there? Shepherds?

[edit on 12-5-2009 by Perseus Apex]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Anonymous Avatar

You should re-read the story.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by Perseus Apex

good find...

if 911 ever came to light,police and military will have another outlook on things..

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by Perseus Apex

Regarding your link: Shame on you! InfoWars is NOT an administration approved propaganda organ! Go wash your mind out with soap! Now!

In all seriousness, I doubt that the entire story is true. There are enough things in it that COULD be true, and probably are, but there are several indications that at least parts of it were made up out of whole cloth from and old script.

Ahhhh... but if the portion that COULD be true proves to be so, there are gonna be some (more) ticked-off folks around.

Keep an ear to the ground. That rumbling you hear is the discontent of millions.

nenothtu out

[edit on 2009/5/12 by nenothtu]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by dooper
reply to post by whaaa

whaaa, you are exactly right. The cities will be on fire. Just consider Liberty City, LA, New Orleans, and New York.

It goes sideways, and it's going to be absolute chaos and anarchy in the cities. I've said this before, but you may have missed it - our cities are the hubs of our commerce, banking, and transportation, as well as containing the warehouses that supply the country.

It will all stop. No supplies, no food, no fuel, no banking, no money, and no one gets anymore than what they already have, or in some instances, what they can loot.

The Powers That Be? There will be no PTB.

That's why this is going to come to a grinding halt.

I would guess that it will be complete misery and chaos for around 90 days. If you don't have enough to sustain yourself for a minimum of 90 days, then you may want to rethink your stash.

90 days? Much longer I'm afraid if the infrastructure goes down and I believe it will. Then disease will be spread from those seeking refuge and even those with a huge stash will be to sick to avail themselves of it. Plus what nasties will be loosed from the bio/chem labs. There will be no rebuilding into a constitutional utopia. The survivors will envy the dead. And the children will ask "Why"

Sorry, I'm not a romantic and I don't see a bright and shining future after the orgy of blood lust, so instead of following the "hunker down" mentality, I choose to follow a more prudent strategy and leave for a more intelligent environ where my GF and I can enjoy a nice bottle of beer on some nice secluded beach, far from the screams, senseless death and blood.

There is no nobility in staying and watching the inevitable death of innocents. All this high minded patriotic rhetoric doesn't fool me. I know it hides evil.

Something evil this way comes....yes SGtchas, there is a dark night coming and it will be ages until the dawn.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by whaaa]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:26 AM
Wow! Has everyone read the link posted by Perseus Apex? Everyone... make sure you scroll up and hit that link. You ain't gonna believe your eyes. And star the guy while you're at it. That was a great and timely (as in "on the ball") post.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by Albertarocks]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu
reply to post by Perseus Apex

In all seriousness, I doubt that the entire story is true. There are enough things in it that COULD be true, and probably are, but there are several indications that at least parts of it were made up out of whole cloth from and old script.

Ahhhh... but if the portion that COULD be true proves to be so, there are gonna be some (more) ticked-off folks around

nenothu, I wouldn't be one bit surprised if it's all true. I have no doubt that enough of it is true that Clinton and the whole damned crowd is sweatin' bullets. And if it is proven to be true... well the name Ceaucescu is going to become a verb describing the fate of many of these thieving, murderous bastards.

[edit on 12-5-2009 by Albertarocks]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 02:26 AM
Originally posted by Southern Guardian

How many of the rightwing fringe can account for being at those anti-war protests seagull? Tell me what exactly constitutes an all out revolution? One that represents all of america? Or one that represents a fraction?

I have no idea what to your mind constitutes the "right-wing fringe". To my mind, it was people who disagreed with the course the Admin. at the time took. That crossed political boundaries, my friend. Regardless of what the mainstream media tries to portray.

An all out revolution need not shed blood save in the most metaphorical of ways. Bloodshed is the very last of resorts, haven't I made that sufficiently clear? Those tax/spending protests last month certainly represented all of America, again, just like the antiwar demonstrations of a few years back. What's a fraction? 1/3? 1/2? 5/6? Got some news for you, more people are getting angry than politicos and their cheering sections want to admit. Were I them, I'd be more than a little bit worried.

What is this about? The stimulus? the wars? or just paying taxes in general? I can tell ya the latter two have been around since anyone here could remember. The stimulus, that's debatable, there are those of us that agree with it. There is actually a wider consensus in agreement among economists. It is reality that it will take at least two years to see the effect there of.

It's all those, and more besides... Govt. programs designed to be a hand up, are instead being used as a hand out. Earning one's own way seems to be out of style these days, more's the pity.
Economists? You mean the talking heads who are many of the one's who got us into this mess? Those economists? Do I really need to tell you what I think of their opinions? The effects? What does nearly 10% unemployment tell you? Companies that are icons of American, rightly or wrongly, ingenuity and industrial prowess going broke. What does that tell you? The govt. taking over private industry. That's so anti American as to beggar the imagination. If you're OK with this, we have no common ground.

Your free to voice out what you like, thats your god given freedom. Although a revolution on behalf of "America" carried out by a fraction of that population against the rest, doesnt represent a revolution for America as a whole.

Indeed it is. Yet elements within our own govt. would dearly love to silence that ability for everyone save the fraction that kowtows to their every word.

Again, what's that fraction you keep harping on about? 1/3? 1/2? 5/6? I think, and the govt. fears, it may be much larger than they fear in their worst nightmares. ...and it is a nightmare for them, an aroused population of Americans demanding accountability. Yep, their worst nightmare... The whole of America, naah probably not, yet it is probably a rather significant percentage. Using the April demonstrations as an example, it crosses political and ideological boundaries, good revolutions always do. Whether it sticks or not, is another question entirely... Yet it's out there, and larger than you want to believe.

After the disasterous policies of the last administration its going to take years to recover back to smaller government. Aint going to happen over night.

This doesn't go back to the Bush administration, nor even the Clinton administration. This goes back years to the point where people began to think that the govt. should do all our thinking for us. Don't you get it yet? This is America's fault as a whole. We allowed this to happen. It's up to us to fix it.

And yet the vast majority of your fellow "patriots" here dont want to pay any taxes for it. You know the stimulus is targeted just towards your concerns provided above. As for the closed borders thats an issue you go to polls for, not necessarily incite all out anarchy on the nation.

Look, I can't speak for my fellow Americans, I'm not so conceited as that, but I pay my taxes, and because I do...I expect to get my monies worth. That monies worth doesn't need to go overseas to support some misguided global sociological experiment...nor to support govt.'s that don't have my nations interests at needs to stay at home supporting the population that pays those taxes. Now this is local/state issue for the most part, but I get very tired of seeing the rampant social services fraud that is perpetrated by people fully capable of finding jobs and working for a living. These social services are intended as a hand up, not a hand out.

Closed borders? What are those? Americans have spoken time and time again to the need to close the borders to illegal entry, both north and south, and better protection of the coasts, yet time and again, save for a few voices, mostly from the fringe right you so despise; we are ignored. Well guess what? The voices are getting louder, and louder.

And yet your accepting of it, claiming it for the nation as a whole, when its only the consensus of a fraction. What is democracy to you? When do you feel you represent a nation? When a bunch of self proclaimed "patriots" call the shots?

A revolution isn't always about guns and knives, friend. A revolution is a fundamental change in the attitude of the society towards its rulers...elected or not. Our founding fathers changed their attitudes towards their rulers, too...remember reading something about that in school? I make no great claims to leadership ability. I'm certainly no George Washington, or Thomas Paine...I'm fairly certain I can't match the eloquence of Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin, nor the quiet brilliance of Adams. But America has a habit of producing these sorts of people when she needs them the most...I have faith that she will again. That person is out there... A catalyst is needed. Most unfortunately that catalyst is in the works.

No one wants a revolution. But more and more people are seeing that it may become necessary. This isn't an issue of left or right being upset about losing an election, though there is indeed a small element of truth to that, however the discontent crosses political boundaries, only the blind can't see that, or people too caught up in the left/right thing.

Revolution. Not something that I, personally, want to see. But I don't blind myself to the very real possibility that it may indeed become a reality. But yes, I'm reluctantly OK with the possibility that it may become necessary. Reluctantly, because my country, the country my father bled for in three wars, that his brothers served, that my sibs served, and my mothers brothers all served...will never be quite the same again. For the better? For the worse? We don't know, and that's scary. But the direction we're headed is even scarier.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by seagull

Very well said..

sorry I have nothing more to add at this time...

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 02:57 AM


posted on May, 12 2009 @ 05:05 AM

Originally posted by unfndqlt
I grew up in the blue ridges, and have recently returned home. I agree with you, the attitude has changed. Those who pay attention to what is going on in the world today know nothing good will happen out of this power grab. I do not think anything will be happening anytime soon though, we are still too fat and too happy. Give it some time, and keep ready.

i'd say to keep a look out for septemberish... and may 2010... for sure keep a lookout for fireworks........... (not literally)

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Redpillblues
reply to post by whaaa

Leaders will fall into place,when men put everything they have lived for be on the line,you be surprised how even the most immature man can act..

things will fall into place..This isnt a recruitment site or organizing thread..

So the Revolution will be organized and recruited on www.? That's the silliest thing I've ever heard.

Hmm. Since the advent of the World Wide Web, it has been used like the printing press before to recruit and educate. For anyone to not know this is quite silly.

For good or bad the World Wide Web has been the herald of unheard change since the advent of the Printing Press, from anti globalist protesters to Islamic militants.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by SGTChas

Firstly, if you're not already a writer/author, you should be. And that's from one writer to another.
Absolutely wonderful.

Secondly, we should indeed trust the old and the wise. They have seen a lot in their years that we can't even imagine. War is sanitized now to the point where people don't really understand the horror of it. I dare say even a lot of those serving don't really understand that when they push a button, people die.
It used to be that you had to look your enemy in the eye before your take them down. In the 2 world wars, camaraderie and respect were often shown between opposing sides, even while trying to kill the other, but now a button and an order is all you need, no moral core is required and you don't often have to face the responsibility of that simple action.

I may be blasted for that, but it's a fact. It doesn't make those serving any less important, but it does mean that actions are often taken without the thought they once were.

Older generations have seen it all before, they've learned from their actions and the actions of their peers and leaders. We, seemingly, have not learned those same lessons of history. The pages of a book can never teach the reader about the taste of blood in the water and the smell of a recently fired weapon drifting on the breeze.

While I don't think a complete revolution, in a military sense, is inevitable, the old man sees the signs of dissent, he senses the mood of the people and knows what a government does when it's backed into a corner (any government does the same).

All should indeed heed the warnings, on both sides, and act carefully but accordingly. Moderation is the key here, no side should allow one action to determine the future, but I do fear that will happen soon. All it would take is an event of such public outrage among the select few on a specific side, and the dissent turns from vocal animosity to direct action.

I didn't realize until I just wrote it that I already see the two distinct opposing sides in this, and before a shot has even been fired. Does that mean I already see civil war coming? No. But it could suggest that if I can see this from the UK, many others in the US must see the same two sides and are just waiting for the first shot to be fired.

Perhaps your next civil war has already started in theory?

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by SGTChas

Beautifully written, and beautiful sentiment. I agre - the time for talking has passed.

Liberty has always demanded her price be paid in blood.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 08:10 AM
I really doubt that whole article is true, at least I hope it's not because if it is then its even worse than I thought. I guess if you look at history though the bankers have always funded both sides of wars why would it be any different today. It would be nice if we could see some justice being handed out there is so much evidence of fraud insider trading etc etc going on right now, I honestly don't know how half of congress and wall street are not locked up.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by seagull

I wish I had your brain! Then SG wouldn't trounce me everytime we cross words.
At least I think he might be trouncing me. It's hard to keep him on target long enough to tell if I'm hit or not.

Excellent point about his use of the word 'fraction'. The word by itself means nothing, until you attach a magnitude to it. I also noticed his failure to define the magnitude.

One other thing is his persistent claim that I bemoan my taxes. Not sure, but I don't think I've ever done that. Not since I was in high school, anyhow. I've always paid my taxes without a peep. As a matter of fact, I've refused my tax refunds for the past several years, all the way back to Clinton. I figured the government needed them worse than me, or they wouldn't have taken them in the first place. I may have issues with what has been DONE with the tax money, but I've not complained about paying them.

I'm not sure where he gets that notion.

nenothtu out

[edit on 2009/5/12 by nenothtu]

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:41 AM
SGTChas, you know what you are talking about.

When they declare martial law soon and attempt to disarm the American people, and the first shots have been fired at Americans who refuse to surrender their arms, shedding innocent blood; they will have their revolution. Guerilla action will commence with targets of opportunity picked for their disruptive value to the struggle. Prisoners will be asked for their parole and those who give it will be marked; those captured again in combat after having given their parole will be shot under the Geneva Convention. Those who refuse to give their parole will be kneecapped.

All law breakers, muggers and thugs will be tried and hung, or shot on the spot as caught; this to include looters.

Civilian Detention Centers will be main targets once the initial situation stabilizes. Political prisoners will be marked for rescue as soon as their holding areas are identified. This will be accomplished with direction from National Guard and Army Reserve militia command coordinators.

All centralized command structures will shift to State National Guard Commanders in the free states, as soon as possible once militia leaders receive state guard commissions. Then full scale combat missions will commence; the groundwork for this having been laid since the late 90’s.

autowrench: Are you looking into the future? This is the way I see it too. The Revolution will in no way be like before, with open warfare inflaming the countryside, most of it will be fought in houses of the States, and in courtrooms. It center of the States regaining control of their State, and the laws therein. The various National Guard soldiers will be under control of the States again, not the FED, as they are now. This is the problem, you see, the Federal Government has gotten too big, too powerful, and too controlling, and the States seem to bend to their every whim, like seatbelt laws, speed limit laws, and so on. I live in Ohio. My government is in Ohio. As far as I am concerned, Washington D.C. has no power over my government, and needs permission to even operate in same.

seagull, you too have it down...

An all out revolution need not shed blood save in the most metaphorical of ways. Bloodshed is the very last of resorts, haven't I made that sufficiently clear? Those tax/spending protests last month certainly represented all of America, again, just like the antiwar demonstrations of a few years back. What's a fraction? 1/3? 1/2? 5/6? Got some news for you, more people are getting angry than politicos and their cheering sections want to admit. Were I them, I'd be more than a little bit worried.

No one wants a revolution. But more and more people are seeing that it may become necessary. This isn't an issue of left or right being upset about losing an election, though there is indeed a small element of truth to that, however the discontent crosses political boundaries, only the blind can't see that, or people too caught up in the left/right thing.

Revolution. Not something that I, personally, want to see. But I don't blind myself to the very real possibility that it may indeed become a reality. But yes, I'm reluctantly OK with the possibility that it may become necessary. Reluctantly, because my country, the country my father bled for in three wars, that his brothers served, that my sibs served, and my mothers brothers all served...will never be quite the same again. For the better? For the worse? We don't know, and that's scary. But the direction we're headed is even scarier.

autowrench: I personally think there will be some bloodshed at the first, what worries me in this scenario is all the crazies out there with a gun who care not for anyone else. And for those who think the revolutionaries will face a well equipped army, think about it, the ones we are really against are bankers and politicians, and they have to be scared already for the many people taking about it.

All of the America Flags has a lot of blood on them, all for Freedom. At least, that's what we thought the wars were about. Do we let the fallen soldiers blood cry out to us?

detachedindividual, thank you.

Secondly, we should indeed trust the old and the wise. They have seen a lot in their years that we can't even imagine. War is sanitized now to the point where people don't really understand the horror of it. I dare say even a lot of those serving don't really understand that when they push a button, people die.

autowrench: War is sanitized now, not like the old wars, bodies all over the place, and blood everywhere after a battle, not it's done by remote control, and the MSM only shows a little to keep folks into it. If the common man ever saw the true face of war, there would not be any more.

Like I said, the best way to do this is for the States to stand up to the FED, and take the power into their hands again. The Treasury could be ordered to again coin money, and the seize gold reserves from the banks and the Federal Reserve, and the IRS. A flat tax would pay for everything, and everyone has to pay, for it would be a consumer tax, not an income tax. The only thing is, I fear it's too late to save the American economy from further slipping down the slope into bankruptcy. I say put your leaders on notice; if they fail their Constitutional Oath, or take money from a Lobby, or do anything criminal, take they out of leadership, and brand them as criminals, like they are. The elections are rigged, so forget about doing this at election time...this has to be down in your face style to be effective. The Common Law can be used for many things when it comes to this, a sworn affidavit must be answered and honored, just as a contract must be followed to the letter.

posted on May, 12 2009 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by detachedindividual

I think that it has already started . . . but we have not reached the violent stages yet.

Those stages are creeping up on us though.

As for the comment 5 pages back saying this is just trying to relive the glory days . . . I was never in the service. It did not sit well with me when I thought about doing it. So no good ol' glory days for me . . . but I am on this train 100%.

I was a police officer though, and have shot one person two dogs . . . so I am not a total waste of space in the upcoming war for freedom.

[edit on 12/5/2009 by xxpigxx]

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