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The Push to Revolution

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posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:42 PM
reply to post by SGTChas

Excellent reply , in fact I was referring to a re-supply situation , not a robbery /home invasion

I had asked one other question: I asked for whom do you rise up and arm

yourself against, and what do you do with him/them when you meet them ?

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by dooper
Southern, I don't know where you live, but you are sorely mistaken about the "majority."

21% of former bush supporters certainly dont speak for the wider consensus of the nation. 300,000 rightwing fringe groups on April 15th do not speak for the entire nation. I dont know what your view of the majority is.

At the beginning of our own Revolutionary War, it was just a handful of patriots. Most others sat on the sidelines, considering themselves Loyalists.

The revolutionary war of the 1700's occured under different conditions from today. The majority of the population among New England and the colonies/territories consisted of first generational migrants and colonists who had recently moved in from mother england and had remained loyal to their mother tonge. Today over 90% of the population consists of well established generational americans who spoke on November 2008.

Its real easy for the fringe to feel they are the only "patriots" in this nation to decide whats good for it. Fortunatly we live in a democracy, where a fraction no longer represent the consensus of the majority.

Someone's going to make a mistake.

There are people who make mistakes, and then there are people do things outright on purpose. When that happens, the nation in its full will be there. However that is subject to the majority, not a faction.

The restoration of order will be by neighborhoods, communities, cities, and eventually States.

That order occured on November 4th 2008. Put away your guns and go back home, your 6 years too late. Which begs to question, where have you been these past years?


posted on May, 11 2009 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Your mistake is common among intelligensia, as taught by academia of today. They say that conditions are different today, that the situation is not the same, and that some of us are living in the past. This is in part because they feel their enlightenment makes them superior.

Like some of the Greeks who would argue useless points, just for the exercise. They didn't mean a damned thing.

The part you don't get is that human nature doesn't change. You can dress different, use different means of transportation, different forms of communication, and even have *ed up ideas of what constitutes marriage, BUT human nature doesn't change.

True, there are a lot of unproductive leeches that live off those fewer who are in fact productive, and they will of course want to sustain themselves off the work of others.

Here's your first clue.

The productive members are getting sick and tired of the parasites, even though they do in fact sway the elections.

They really won't come into the equation on THAT DAY, as we saw how well these folks did in the days of New Orleans.

Not only are they parasites, but these parasites cannot fend for themselves, nor think for themselves.

In a state of anarchy, just how long can a human sustain itself without food? Without means of defense? Without water? Without the ability to do for themselves?

You take care of them. Those of us who actually produce are getting mighty weary of their free ride.

It's almost over.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by dooper]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:05 PM
Has anyone seen my tinfoil hat????

An internal conflict would insure that the country would fall to the Chinese or Russians...

Those that advocate a revolt are certainly not patriots.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by mdsnyh]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by 27jd

This is why I am hesitant to chime in with you all here. You seem on the surface to say it's about Americans taking back our country, but this is clearly a "right wing" thread. I want to see ALL Americans stand up against the corporate owned government and their greedy, thieving masters. But I do not buy into the values most of you who are vocal about revolution right now seem to demand. Praising Texas, but bashing California. That's not unity, in any way shape or form. So is the "right" gonna do this by themselves? If you are successful in taking the powers down all by yourselves, will you turn your rifles on those of us who are not Christian and who are not interested in "conservative" values?

autowrench: I too wonder this. Most Patriot websites are very Christian slanted, and I wonder when all is over if they will turn on the rest of us that aren't Christians? How about it, boys? And remember now, when this does come about, IMO, many will join in, from KKK to cycle gangs, an from survivor groups to vets. We must stand together, they have been dividing us for years now.

I am as angry and ready to rise up as the rest of you, but the only 'values' I share with you all is a love of guns and the outdoors, I have a TRUE desire for this country to be what it was supposed to be, the LAND OF THE FREE. I am very confused about who is the enemy in your eyes though...

I will make it clear for you, from my point of view. The Federal Reserve Bank, and the Rich Elite bankers, the Shadow people who stand behind our government and direct them from a place of secrecy, and plan our demise. Crooked politicians, judges, and lawyers, and police officers who subvert the Constitution they have sworn allegiance to. That's who. Some others may have more than this, but I believe these are the real bad ones. The true terrorists.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:10 PM
Honest question: if a revolution occurs that is in any way violent, do you expect to retain the support the tens of millions that will lose their jobs, their savings, and their way of life? Supporting a very fundamental change of government to pre 20th century levels might sound good in a 6000 character post, but an actual one would be a domestic nightmare for everyone that wasn't completely isolated on a farm independent from the rest of civilization. It would make the economic crash that just happened look like a period of bountiful growth and plenty.

Companies would stop functioning, people would panic and make runs on stores, there would be riots and chaos in the streets. When a person has had their life and hard work taken from them and they don't know if they'll be able to feed their family, then everyone around them can become an enemy...and that is when this revolution of you vs. the Federal government becomes you vs. the govt. vs. them vs. them vs. them, etc. and the collateral deaths sky rocket.

Who would maintain our infrastructure? Utilities? Phones? With massive jobless, how are even state and city level governments expected to be able to perform day to day operations with no tax revenue?

I just honestly don't see any possible or real revolution that is violent. Any real change you want needs to happen through the system, because if you tear down the one we have now violently, you're going to have nearly 350 million people branding you an extremist terrorist, and no one is going to be on your side.

Look at what the Democrats and specifically Obama did this past election cycle. They organized grass root campaigns, canvassed heavily, registered voters in large numbers and ran on a platform that appealed to a broad majority of voters.

If you're willing to pick up a gun and 'take back the country', you should first and at least be willing to pour all your time and effort into a third party you believe in. They're out there, trust me!

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
My question here isnt when this "revolution" will begin, its what will happen when years have gone by and the talk of "revolution" is still be echoed among the fringe. Will you recognize then that there is no revolution?

Revolutions are started by a wider consensus of the populous frustrated with the current state of the government. Those individuals, who barely make a fraction of the population, frustrated at the democratically elected president, mostly based on ideology and personal dislike, are of no business to start any revolution, and do not represent the wider consensus of people of these United states of America.

There will be no revolution, because the people feel no need to have one.

[edit on 11-5-2009 by Southern Guardian]

Yes, and the the reason the people feel no need of revolution is they are slack-jawed entertainment junkies who don't have a clue. They are the vast hordes of sheeple who drudge off to work each day to enslavement in meaningless jobs, come home at night to drink beer and watch "reality tv" till they float off into lala land and then start the whole play over the next day. Mindless dredges of society start no revolution and deserve the NWO as their reward.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Seany
reply to post by SGTChas

Excellent reply , in fact I was referring to a re-supply situation , not a robbery /home invasion

I had asked one other question: I asked for whom do you rise up and arm

yourself against, and what do you do with him/them when you meet them ?

I asked that same question in another thread and just got an nebulous answer of "those that take away our freedoms"

I feel there will be a real "event" but it will not even come close to an orchestrated revolution with leaders and flags and a coherent purpose.
I see no real leaders in this thread.

It will be groups of armed men, factions, much like in the French revolution, eventually fighting among them selves for control of resources and power.

More closely resembling chaos, anarchy and hell on earth. More like "mad max"

Or as a student of American attitudes and culture...."Revolution...great man, sign me up but can it wait till next week; I've gotta take my kids to the dentist."

or the little wife says...."Honey, no revolution until you fix the garage door and take little Virgil and Betty Ray to go see Hanna Montana"

[edit on 11-5-2009 by whaaa]

[edit on 11-5-2009 by whaaa]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by MikeboydUS

While you make a valid point. When you think about it though, aren't there still similarities between the french/bolshevik revolutions, and those of the war of independence?

The french were fighting against their own govt./king because they kept usurping and abusing their power, enforcing harsh treatment of serfs/servants. The bolshevik revolution was a similar situation in which (if my history is correct) we had the proletariat (the working class) waging war against the Czar whom also was abusing their powers and treating their workers inhumanely.

Then we have our war of independence. We still have a group of colonists that were subject to british rule (essentially, servants/proletariat) who simply got tired of the abuses of power by king george, got tired of being misrepresented and unacknowledged (again, just as the serfs and the proletariat got tired) and decided to revolt.

I guess the only difference I can find is the fact that we're no longer fighting an enemy from an ocean's away, but instead, the enemy will be in our own backyard. But the core principles as to WHY are still the same though. So whether it be the war of independence, the french or bolshevik revolution, the reasons will be the same.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by mdsnyh

I believe that the Russians, the Chinese, and even the Japanese (before WWII) have pretty clearly annunciated what THEY think their chances of holding an invaded US would be.

Do you have particular qualifications to overrule the opinions of those foreign generals? You know something the professionals don't?

nenothtu out

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by whaaa

My line of questioning was heading that way

This thread , and the other 2 ??? Sarge started , saying the same thing is

really just a "Bonfire chat" with Bruce Springsteen singing

GLORY DAYS in the background

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Avenginggecko

Where does it say a political revolt has to be a sterile proposition? If we are lucky, this will never happen. If enough speak about it and at least consider it and let the District of Criminals know about how they feel it might "CHANGE' the agenda! All it takes is for a group of individuals who can reveal themselves as true statesmen and not power grabbers and stick to those principals and get elected, it will make all the difference! If the consensus is that this can never happen then eventually it won't matter which companies close up or how many people are out of work because the way things are going, there won't be anything like that to worry about because there will be no companies left!


posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Avenginggecko

Well we can go back to colonial scrip? Essentially a money system with no interest or debt attached. Which by the way was printed specifially ONLY by the govt. as it's supposed to be, and not by a private entity as it is now.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

I see no real leaders in this thread.

that statement is rediculous...If you base thoughts like that over interweb chat..Your obviously out of touch..

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by mdsnyh

The Chinese are smarter than that. They don't want the US and all the parasites that suck the system dry.

And the Russians? They've got a pretty sweet deal going for themselves. In fact, they warned the current Administration about pursuing his socialist goals.

You see, both China and Russia have already been there.

And done that.

And it didn't work for them either, just like it isn't going to work here.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Redpillblues

Originally posted by whaaa

I see no real leaders in this thread.

that statement is rediculous...If you base thoughts like that over interweb chat..Your obviously out of touch..

These men here are the most vocal I've heard. Where do we look for leaders?

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by whaaa

Leaders will fall into place,when men put everything they have lived for be on the line,you be surprised how even the most immature man can act..

things will fall into place..This isnt a recruitment site or organizing thread..

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by dooper

I'm thinking the Russians might actually be a support base (sort of like the French in the first revolution). They've got no great love for the US govt at the moment. Their generals are already aware that taking on a torqued-off, armed, American citizenry is an untenable situation.

The Chinese have too much invested in the current financial structure, but probably wouldn't do much more than yell at the UN. Otherwise, they'd be facing the aforementioned citizenry in front, and the Russians sneaking up behind them.

That's he way I see it for now. This analysis subject to change without notice.

nenothtu out

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by Avenginggecko

Aveng, may I sincerely suggest you read all the posts, as many views of how this would go down have been discussed at length.

Thus, you will find that many of your questions have likely been addressed.

Savings? There are no stinking savings! Washington has already flushed savings and equity down the toilet!

As far as extreme groups getting a handle, post-event, it won't happen.

We're talking about a significant portion of the population that is increasing daily in their frustrations, and their numbers.

If an asteroid hit a full session of Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Executive office while occupied, many of these problems could be quickly reversed.

I can't tell you how many folks would change their votes today if they were able.

No one wants a bloody revolution. No one wants a root canal.

But sometimes, the pain becomes too great to ignore.

And we're getting there fast.

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Redpillblues
reply to post by whaaa

Leaders will fall into place,when men put everything they have lived for be on the line,you be surprised how even the most immature man can act..

things will fall into place..This isnt a recruitment site or organizing thread..

So the Revolution will be organized and recruited on www.? That's the silliest thing I've ever heard.

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