posted on May, 10 2009 @ 02:16 PM
After some experimentation yesterday, we've launched a new feature that provides a modest reward for our most prolific members... the elimination of
advertising on the discussion board.
For all members who have at least 250 posts, have received at least 250 flags for their threads, and at least 250 stars for their posts... advertising
on the discussion board area will be automatically disabled. These members are in the "250/250/250 Club," and a new link in their mini-profile
(displayed next to their posts) indicates the milestone. Also, your stars and flags are now shown on your profile page.
Unfortunately, the home page and any other page ending in .html isn't part of this, as those pages are "static html" and thus
are unaware of your membership status. But while your on the board, viewing threads, recent posts, forum indexes, etc... you'll see no ads.
One (small) way to say thank you to those members, and also give other members an interesting milestone based on quality contributions to ATS.
edit to correct the numbers to 250 -- the code was written that way, but I put 200 into the announcement thread, sorry.
[edit on 10-5-2009 by SkepticOverlord]