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Put away your crosses already

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posted on May, 10 2009 @ 03:15 AM
Listen, I understand that the Christians feel very guilty about many things that are in the past of their history...

The Crusades
The Inquisitions
Having a religion based on anti-semitism

But I also know that there are just many who are naive. When are we going to put the crosses away? Why must it be put in the faces of the Jews that the Romans tortured and killed so many of the Jewish in this barbaric manner? Jesus was NOT the only Jew to be killed in this manner ya know..

Is it a trophy of the Roman's defeat over Jerusalem? Is it fun to remind us of our temple being torn down and replaced by a temple centered around a rock?

We are almost halfway through the year 2009 CE and yet, still... a literal flesh and blood sacrifice is still glorified. I do not understand. Those who wear these crosses, are you even aware that your NT is not based at all upon the Tanakh. Nowhere will you find it in the Laws of God that a flesh and blood human sacrifice is condoned for the covering of your sins.

Thus, why I think it is nothing more than a trophy.. Replacement of the Jewish as the Chosen of God by the Church.
Do you not realize that we are not anti-you as you make us out to be? Why so against us?

*mostly directed toward the Christians*

[edit on 10-5-2009 by justamomma]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 04:01 AM
Ooooh lets all feel sorry for the Jew! The Christian Religion is based on a guy who is Jewish so get over yourself. There are no sympathy points here for you so stop with this dribble please, you are only highlighting the fact that Jews continually whinge and whine about this and that but murder women and children with impunity.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth
Ooooh lets all feel sorry for the Jew! The Christian Religion is based on a guy who is Jewish so get over yourself.

Yes, if it were not for the jewish, you all would still be worshiping your rocks and stick gods in the caves.

If Jesus *was* Jewish, then he did not die for the Christians.
If he is greek, then time to own up and take the religion from off the Jewish Scriptures as Christianity has NOTHING to do with the Tanakh.

There are no sympathy points here for you so stop with this dribble please, you are only highlighting the fact that Jews continually whinge and whine about this and that but murder women and children with impunity.

Exactly.. funny how ours is paraded around on a cross and yet, we are blamed for all of YOUR problems. What *are* you talking about... the "murder women and children."

Why is it that you all can not take responsibility for your own lives?? Quit parading one of ours as a blood covering for your sins and start living your life... it is not the Jewish People's fault that your lives suck. Why the need for jealousy?

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by justamomma

We are almost halfway through the year 2009 CE and yet, still... a literal flesh and blood sacrifice is still glorified. I do not understand.

At least Christians haven't used bullying/emotional-blackmail to "persuade" countries to jail people for pointing out that Jesus' fat was not made into soap.

Growing up in Australia as an Anglican in a church-going, itinerant family, I went to many different churches, and never once heard a word spoken against Jews.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 05:03 AM
Not the first time I've heard this kind of commentary.

A lot of jews seem to take public displays of christian symbols very personally, as though the display of said symbol is there for the exclusive purpose of rubbing the jews' collective noses into "it" - whatever "it" may be. Sorry, but you're just not that important.

Funny thing I've noticed, somehow when anonymous pressure is put on getting outwardly Christian symbols removed, the "blame" tends to get shifted onto the Muslims - even though they're the group least likely to be offended by Christian symbols out of all the world's religions. Yet in my experience, the people complaining the loudest and with specific claims of offense - in posts like this one and elsewhere on the internet - are almost exclusively jewish. Odd, isn't it?

Anywahy, there's a lot of reasons people wear the cross. I'm sure a Christian will be along to explain why eventually. I'll leave that to them. As near as I can tell though, most Christians go about their daily lives without thinking about how they're sticking it to the jews every time they don a crucifix.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 05:23 AM
reply to post by justamomma

Listen, I understand that the Christians feel very guilty about many things that are in the past of their history...

oh really....feel guilty about what?Only now

Well all I can say is good luck to anyone that accepts a prophet as actual God-head.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 07:39 AM
I display no crosses of any sort. I may carry one inside my shirt to have the Lord's prayer on my neck. INSIDE my shirt. There is no reason to show it off, but rather tell others. Yeshua did not die in vain. He died so He Himself could become the Lamb and take the sins and burdens of all in His death. One man brought sin into the world and lost his perfection so by a perfect man's death would sin be taken out once and for all. He offered up His life and was Resurrected into life and then ascended into Heaven so we might have eternal perfect life again. Think of it as a ransom.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

I'll have you know that anyone who does not accept the religion of the Beast will be killed or severely tortured. That includes atheism and other faiths.

Christians and Jews have been persecuted throughout. The Crusades were man's doing. THEY FELT that God wanted them to do it. Also history is history. Look at the word closely. HIS STORY. Hmm? OR Israel His chosen people. Pronounce it carefully and you might get something out of it. Let's switch the E and A and we get IS REAL. Hmmm?

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by justamomma

Yes, if it were not for the jewish, you all would still be worshiping your rocks and stick gods in the caves.

No, we would be sensibly worshipping a varied panoply of Gods in magnificent temples. We would also actually probably enjoy doing it rather than following a neurosis-based religion where you have to feel guilty for everything.
And if the christians hadn't hi-jacked the whole silly exercise in group self-flagellation we'd be a few hundred years better off technologically, have fewer wars and be a helluva lot more able to accept other people's beliefs.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:00 AM
reply to post by watchtheashes

I'll have you know that anyone who does not accept the religion of the Beast will be killed or severely tortured. That includes atheism and other faiths.

Individuals like yourself make me sick!

Have you not forgotten your commandments?
Your idol threats only strengthen my resolve, you do not see that there are others on this Earth that are not BRAINWASHED as yourself; into believing that divinity cannot be found within other philosophies.
And anyway: Exodus 20:3 thou shalt have no other Gods before me.

In case I need to point it out, being judgemental is likening yourself to your God- which is a blasphemy.
You see, in your religious "gobbledygook" your "Loving-god" gets jealsous if anything should usurp its authority- therefore placing yourself in the position of judgement, is obviously to anyone else, thinking that you are an embodiment of God.
Yet, your religion does MIRACULOUS backflips in order to rationalize its actions

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Osmoses

Technology is also why God must act to rid us of the bad and evil of the world. We would eventually use it for bad. It can be used for good, but that's not man's nature now is it?

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

Of course He gets jealous. People would rather worship American Idol idols instead of a living God. That's as plain as the Illuminati can get. America even worships an idol the Statue of Liberty which has a Freemason symbol at the top on the plaque.

That's an idol. Its a representation of an old Babylonian goddess. That makes America Mystery Babylon. You guys want a sign? You want to see? That will be your downfall. I'm not trying to make you feel sick I simply am trying to get the word out. Plus why not take part in the living Yahweh? He's there to be found.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by watchtheashes

Personally, I cant wait for god to come and take all the good xians away to heaven, chuck all the bad ones into hell and the rest of us can get on with our lives and build a better future without dogmatic (and almost universally pessimistic) monotheists.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by Osmoses

I'm not going to be taken. I'm going to remain here until the coming of Jesus Christ. So that I may tell people how to save themselves and not accept the Beast. People on this site will take the Anti-Christ over Christ because he will probably promote the opposite. The only reason people don't accept it is because seeing is believing these days. You'll get to see the UFOs come down and trick everyone and a new savior. His name will be Maitreya. I guarantee it my friend. I'm not trying to force you but simply am warning you.

The UN is in on this thing too.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by watchtheashes

Are you for real

What have I ever seen, whenever I've walked into a chuch: IDOLS.

Your church has it all; complete with images in the form of iconic paintings, statues, basins of water-symbolic representationsof the GODESSES WOMB
, the eucharist, effiges of the"mother mary"- need I keep going?
Your religion suffers schitsophrenia. Its forgotten all the other religions which it has conquered and encompassed, and cant logically explain its progression; it refuses to acknowlegde its own evolution, as a symptom of its own egotistical pomp.
When your church fathers are'nt fighting their way out of paedophilia lawsuits, they are only playing patsy to their real God-Money.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:22 AM
I'm getting extremely tired of all these knife edge attacks on religion just to get some points. That's all they are and everyone knows it.

Usually the person making the attack is an ex christian who's lifestyle and appetite is in direct violation of their moral teachings. The passion to stab the religion comes from internal motivation that is obviously fueled by the conflict their pleasures provide and only serves as proof that they are enslaved by their own guilt.

If you have a problem, stop believing in it so much and the energy you use contemplating the posts can be better used to tend to your moral crisis.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by justamomma

the person 'Jesus' was only 'born' into the House of David...

at the time of his Baptism by the ritual baptism by John the Baptist,
Jesus began a independent ministry which was not tradionally 'Jewish',
he assumed the Title Rabbi but did not come about that title from formal Jewish religious training and an equivelent to 'Ordination' into the Priesthood.
Jesus was a rogue element in opposition to the 2 schools of Jewish theology of the day.

So... you seem to claim him, also deny him in the same sentence...
defend him and prosecute hime in the same paragraph.


history is loaded with false Jewish Messiahs & other wanna-be types

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by KRISKALI777

I don't go to any Church that will worship an idol nor am I a part of any denomination. You people constantly attack my faith, and yet the biggest conspiracy is one of no faith. The Illuminati are manipulating the world right now, and they worship none other than Satan himself. You think George W Bush was plain stupid. He was PLAYING stupid so he could really screw us. He alone piled up our debt beyond anything 224 years of Presidents did. He turns to the good lord(not capitalized because he means Satan) for strength and says the God he knows promotes peace and freedom. Skull and Bones.

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by justamomma
Listen, I understand that the Christians feel very guilty about many things that are in the past of their history...

The Crusades
The Inquisitions
Having a religion based on anti-semitism

I'm a Christian and I don't feel guilty, at all, about what other misguided people did a long time ago. I just don't want it to happen again. We should learn from LONG PAST mistakes. The third example is just wrong.

But I also know that there are just many who are naive. When are we going to put the crosses away? Why must it be put in the faces of the Jews that the Romans tortured and killed so many of the Jewish in this barbaric manner? Jesus was NOT the only Jew to be killed in this manner ya know..

Yeah the misguided ROMANS also killed a lot of people (as did the misguided Christians).

Is it a trophy of the Roman's defeat over Jerusalem? Is it fun to remind us of our temple being torn down and replaced by a temple centered around a rock?

No, it is only a symbol of what Jesus Christ endured. Nothing else, but you know that don't you? If not, just do a little research and calm yourself down.

We are almost halfway through the year 2009 CE and yet, still... a literal flesh and blood sacrifice is still glorified. I do not understand.

No, if you knew what you were talking about, then you'd know that the cross stands NOT for a literal flesh and blood sacrifice but for God's forgiveness of our sins. Clearly, you do not understand.

Those who wear these crosses, are you even aware that your NT is not based at all upon the Tanakh.

I don't even know what the Tanakh is. Clearly, the NT is NOT based on Jewish teaching. That is what makes our faiths different. If it was based on Jewish teaching, then we'd be Jews.

Nowhere will you find it in the Laws of God that a flesh and blood human sacrifice is condoned for the covering of your sins.

That is correct. The Laws of God do not condone flesh and blood human sacrifice. Neither does the New Testament. Remember, the ROMANS, with Jewish conspirators, killed Jesus' body. Christians believe that through Christ's death, God has forgiven our sins. We no longer are under the Old Testament Laws of God (Leviticus for example) because the Laws of God can never fully be followed by human beings because of original sin.

Thus, why I think it is nothing more than a trophy.. Replacement of the Jewish as the Chosen of God by the Church.
Do you not realize that we are not anti-you as you make us out to be? Why so against us?

I take it you're Jewish. I am not against you. I love you. Why do you think that I am against you? Do you even know me? No. You do not. You think you know my personal intent of you, and yet you've never met me. Please do not categorize. Christians are just like Jews in the respect that we are individuals who think and act individually. You accuse Christians of categorizing Jews all the same, yet that's exactly what you do.

Where do you get your ideas of all Christians being against you? Perhaps you should re-evaluate where you get your information.

[edit on 10/5/2009 by Iamonlyhuman]

posted on May, 10 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by KRISKALI777
reply to post by watchtheashes

Are you for real

What have I ever seen, whenever I've walked into a chuch: IDOLS.

Your church has it all; complete with images in the form of iconic paintings, statues, basins of water-symbolic representationsof the GODESSES WOMB
, the eucharist, effiges of the"mother mary"- need I keep going?
Your religion suffers schitsophrenia. Its forgotten all the other religions which it has conquered and encompassed, and cant logically explain its progression; it refuses to acknowlegde its own evolution, as a symptom of its own egotistical pomp.
When your church fathers are'nt fighting their way out of paedophilia lawsuits, they are only playing patsy to their real God-Money.

I suppose you're talking about the catholic church. You do know not all Christians are catholic, don't you?

That said, paintings, statues, basins, etc. are not idols unless the person worships them. Do you have paintings that are special to you in your house? The same for churches. They have special meaning but the people do not worship them. I do think, however, that Roman Catholics come awfully close to worshipping Mary, thus the reason I'm not a Roman Catholic.

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