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Our President of faith abandons his faith

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posted on May, 6 2009 @ 03:28 PM
Ignorance never sleeps


1.) Not too many christians voted for Obama because of his stance on abortion.

2.) The POTUS cannot show loyalty to any religion, even his own. The POTUS is to represent the people and govern their best interests on THIS planet with no regard to an after life or higher being. This is the POTUS job in this country that says "freedom of religion". It's no longer separation of church and state if the POTUS is favoring one or the other.

3.) If he goes to church too often, he's accused of pandering.
4.) If he doesn't go to church enough, he's accused of blasphemy.

Make up your minds, stop letting others do it for you.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by 5thElement

GAY?? How the heck did gay make your list. Being GAY is a lifestyle, or preference, or genetic, but certainly not a religeon and IMO should not be grouped with Muslims, Jews, etc.

I happen to be heterosexual myself but I would certainly vote for someone who is GAY.

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 05:39 PM
From Wikipedia:

"There have been several national days of prayer in the U.S. before the day was made official in 1952. The Continental Congress issued a day of prayer in 1775 to designate "a time for prayer in forming a new nation". During the Quasi-War with France, President John Adams declared May 9, 1798 as "a day of solemn humiliation, fasting, and prayer," during which citizens of all faiths were asked to pray "that our country may be protected from all the dangers which threaten it".[1]"

Let me repeat the last line: "...of all pray that our country may be protected from all the dangers which threaten it."

Given what's going on in the world, no matter whom you pray to, I can't see why we couldn't use a little of that right now!!

posted on May, 6 2009 @ 06:36 PM
Anyone who has read the Bible would know that Jesus said prayer should be a private thing. Yet the people whining would prefer a Prez who makes a public thing about his religion and how much he prays.

Jesus picked corn and ate it on the Sabbath because he needed to, and didn't care that this disgusted judgemental Jews who classed it as work.

National Prayer Day is like a Sabbath, and Obama sees the need to work.
With what's on his plate, we should be pleased he's working hard, not berating him for not keeping up appearances.

Only Jesus can judge who is and who is not a Christian. The rest of us should be too busy removing the wood from our own eyes to worry about the dust in someone else's.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Kailassa

Kailassa, you said it perfectly! Star for you!

I'm glad there are still people breathing that know what true Christianity is all about.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by Bombeni
By the end of his term he will abolish Natl. Prayer Day, period, imo. After him mocking the Bible the way he did, I know he is not Christian. No Christian would mock the Bible. You may not understand every single thing about God but you aren't going to mock Him if you believe.

Ok I have to ask. How and when did Obama mock the bible?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Night Watchman

Originally posted by Bombeni
By the end of his term he will abolish Natl. Prayer Day, period, imo. After him mocking the Bible the way he did, I know he is not Christian. No Christian would mock the Bible. You may not understand every single thing about God but you aren't going to mock Him if you believe.

Ok I have to ask. How and when did Obama mock the bible?

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Bombeni

So, quoting passages from the bible is considered mocking it? Really? You honestly believe that?

Clearly he is not mocking the bible but rather rightfully mocking those who selectively quote bible passages to condemn behavior they personally find offensive.

As a Christian, I am offended much more by those who use the bible in attempt to force incorporation of their own beliefs into the laws of the land. If you don't see the danger in that then I'm not sure what to tell you.

You say a true Christian would never mock the bible? I would suggest a true Christian would be more concerned about Jesus' teaching with regard to judging others.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by Night Watchman

Uh-huh. I'd have liked to seen him give that same speech before 11/4/8. He'd be back knocking on doors in Chicago today and selling raffle tickets at block parties.

[edit on 7-5-2009 by Bombeni]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Bombeni
reply to post by Night Watchman

Uh-huh. I'd have liked to seen him give that same speech before 11/4/8. He'd be back knocking on doors in Chicago today and selling raffle tickets at block parties.

[edit on 7-5-2009 by Bombeni]

Ummm...the speech was from 2006. So, I'm not getting your point.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:30 AM
"But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees from the hidden place will reward you." Matthew 6:6

Let us not turn prayer into an "event". I think Jesus would have avoided photo ops.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Walkswithfish

it is important because if he means what he says, he should be willing to lead his country in a prayer before his maker. to show that he has faith and that he was telling the truth!

i bet that when he does pray, he down on his little prayer mat facing meca.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:33 AM
Erm, isn't there an article in your Constitution about separation of Church and State?

Why is this so controversial? God's place is the Church not the executive branch of government.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Night Watchman

I wasn't aware of that, I didn't see the speech until a few weeks ago myself, as I think is true of many people. The MSM never reported on it during the campaign, which would have been devastating to his election so I am not surprised. He could hardly get out of the speeches his preacher made, this one if it had gone mainstream in 08 would have closed the lid on his campaign, of that I have no doubt.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Bombeni

The MSM never reported on it during the campaign, which would have been devastating to his election so I am not surprised. He could hardly get out of the speeches his preacher made, this one if it had gone mainstream in 08 would have closed the lid on his campaign, of that I have no doubt.

It's not surprising that the media did not report the speech because they aren't, as an entity, in the habit of running a speech which, to the majority of Americans wouldn't be all that controversial.

And I disagree that this would have had much of an effect since the overwhelming majority of voters, who would include a candidate's religious beliefs as an important decision making criteria, vote Republican on a consistent basis.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by hounddoghowlie
reply to post by Walkswithfish

it is important because if he means what he says, he should be willing to lead his country in a prayer before his maker. to show that he has faith and that he was telling the truth!

i bet that when he does pray, he down on his little prayer mat facing meca.

Okay, three things wrong with this line of thinking:

1.) You have no idea what Christianity says about Prayer if you believe prayer should be made into an event

2.) Your post actually got a star ...
but not surprising really

3.) First off he's not Muslim. But if he were, why does it matter to you? So anyone who is not Christian is the enemy? Do you know who that sounds like?

Grow your own opinions and stop letting other people influence them for you.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by Rockstrongo37

Its quite disturbing actually.

When it comes to Obama can anyone answer and prove any of the following questions with complete accuracy but preferably all of the questions as this guy is of course the president. He should be known pretty well by the people supporting him as every other president had a background of some sort.

1) Where was Obama born?
2) Name one significant achievement that is not attribute related, set aside being elected to congress or the presidency when answering this.
3) What religion is Obama?
4) He is known for being a lawyer constitutional law professor, an author and obviously the president now according to Wikipedia but name one time that Obama has sworn on a bible without messing it up to this day?
5) Explain exactly what his vision of "change" is?
6) Point out one time that he has actually did something he said he would besides attain a position?

Anyways I have more but I doubt any Obamamessiah worshippers will answer these, I must be a republican, a racist, a christian etc because I am actually asking but name calling aside I hope someone can answer this.

I await a reply but I only have a limited amount of life left.

[edit on 7-5-2009 by XXXN3O]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Night Watchman

Originally posted by Bombeni
By the end of his term he will abolish Natl. Prayer Day, period, imo. After him mocking the Bible the way he did, I know he is not Christian. No Christian would mock the Bible. You may not understand every single thing about God but you aren't going to mock Him if you believe.

Ok I have to ask. How and when did Obama mock the bible?

First off, I do not consider myself a "Christian" although I am religious.

Didn't he mock the people who "cling to their guns and bibles" or something like that? Also sitting in Jeremiah Wright's church was a mockery, and using religion to get elected is a mockery (albeit he has a lot of company there).

The problem is that most Christians do not know enough about their own faith to condemn or defend it. The agnostics and athiests are able to routinely educate Christians about their own beliefs. My problem in the U.S. is that everyone who is religious think they are Christian without knowing what they actually stand for.

I don't want to get off topic; the statement above could probably go for most Americans as well. I wonder how many Americans could pass a citizenship test? I wonder how many enemy combatants can? It is pretty sad when your enemy knows you better than you know yourself.

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:55 AM

Originally posted by hounddoghowlie
reply to post by Walkswithfish

it is important because if he means what he says, he should be willing to lead his country in a prayer before his maker. to show that he has faith and that he was telling the truth!

i bet that when he does pray, he down on his little prayer mat facing meca.

This post should be good enough, however I'd just like to add that Obama is our President, not our religious leader.

Religious leaders should lead public prayer, not a government leader.

He has every right to observe prayer (or NOT) in private and, in any way he wishes, whether it is a christian prayer, Muslim, Hindu, or any other religion that he wants to observe.

[edit on 7-5-2009 by Walkswithfish]

posted on May, 7 2009 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Originally posted by Night Watchman

Originally posted by Bombeni
By the end of his term he will abolish Natl. Prayer Day, period, imo. After him mocking the Bible the way he did, I know he is not Christian. No Christian would mock the Bible. You may not understand every single thing about God but you aren't going to mock Him if you believe.

Ok I have to ask. How and when did Obama mock the bible?

First off, I do not consider myself a "Christian" although I am religious.

Didn't he mock the people who "cling to their guns and bibles" or something like that? Also sitting in Jeremiah Wright's church was a mockery, and using religion to get elected is a mockery (albeit he has a lot of company there).

The problem is that most Christians do not know enough about their own faith to condemn or defend it. The agnostics and athiests are able to routinely educate Christians about their own beliefs. My problem in the U.S. is that everyone who is religious think they are Christian without knowing what they actually stand for.

I don't want to get off topic; the statement above could probably go for most Americans as well. I wonder how many Americans could pass a citizenship test? I wonder how many enemy combatants can? It is pretty sad when your enemy knows you better than you know yourself.

He did a speech where he took a biblical text completely out of context to fit his own agenda for the speech.

I think this is what is being referred too?

But hey, hes the president so its ok for him to say whatever he wants about religion because he is not a religious leader. Why mention religion then? Why not just keep it politics?

[edit on 7-5-2009 by XXXN3O]

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