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We must end the rising "culture of negativity" (SOLUTION POSTED)

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posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:11 PM
Maybe the problem isn't negativity, per se. Sounds like people are fed up with repetition of entrenched positions. Discussion with rigid absolute stances can act to polarize. That kind of going around in circles gets boring, both from 'skeptics' and 'believers' on various issues. It doesn't add anything to the exploration of the topic, and the vehemence of the entrenched positions tends to squeeze out more reasonable discussion. A culture of reactive trollery.

Maybe we need something like the 'Carousel' in Logan's Run: "Warning! You've now been judged persistently boring and repetitive! Blink! Blink! Blink! ZAAAPP!!!"

[edit on May 5th 2009 by Ian McLean]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:11 PM
I think people, including me, are "Skeptical" about many things we thought were true and reliable. People become skeptical when presented with real and true information.

I would say, "just let it ride", as I think collectively we are in for a ride.

You got to know that 80% of whats posted here and presented on the cable networks is falsehood.

It's ok not to believe.

What's your user name?

Please don't ban me!

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:12 PM
I think people, including me, are "Skeptical" about many things we thought were true and reliable. People become skeptical when presented with real and true information.

I would say, "just let it ride", as I think collectively we are in for a ride.

You got to know that 80% of whats posted here and presented on the cable networks is falsehood.

It's ok not to believe.

What's your user name?

Please don't ban me!

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:12 PM
I think that maybe a negative ticker could be added where if you feel a person has been overly negative and has brought nothing to the party then you could mark them as negative, the same way you can as a foe or friend. I know this would be open to abuse however in the long run you would easily be able to track the biggest trolls then warn or ban them simples me thinks
, maybe its because I am so damn positive it seems an easy solution to a big problem. I like the sound of Friend Foe of Troll

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:19 PM
This may be a harsh comment and totally stereotypical, but it is just my thought on the matter.

Being a conspiracy site, it is bound to draw a few nut jobs. I think 99% of the ATS user base is filled with intelligent people, but the left over percentage is a group of out spoken individuals that feel like they are contributing to threads here, when in fact they are just adding the mindless "You are right, this sucks, we are all going to die tomorrow" type thought - which IMO does not help.

There is only one way to solve your so called problem, if that is even what it is, and that is to delete the posts that contain such material that I listed before.

But then, how would we know opinion from goop.

All we can ask for is thought out posts, and even if it is only a few lines, at the very least, they can have meat to them.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by WarmthofSunlight

What does negativity even mean in this context? Ad hominem? Rejection of subject matter? Your momma jokes? Contrary arguments? Links to Alex Jones?

Ad hominem, mother and wife ...

Don't be silly - you already know this !

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:22 PM
"It's impossible to work under conditions where they confused negativity with objectivity. You can't fool the fans." Marv Albert

alternatively ..

"A clear understanding of negative emotions dismisses them." Vernon Howard

[edit on 5 May 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:23 PM
I can be a very sharp tongued individual when provoked and have been known to launch the occasional "zinger" but I don't mind negativity or looney theories. I think people have a right to be negative lunatics as long as they are polite about it.

This is a tough problem in an environment like ATS where provocative discussion is encouraged. Manners have to be taught. In fact it is important to teach the value of manners. People forget their manners in the heat of the moment and make things unpleasant for everyone. Crimes are committed in the heat of the moment with much regret afterward.

How do we teach people to control the heat of the moment?

Here's a suggestion. When one finds oneself getting angry on ATS, count to ten slowly before posting a response. Ask yourself "Is my response really advancing the discussion or repeating and hammering home a point I already made."

In Buddhism there is the concept of "the noble silence." Sometimes it is more effective to leave your opponent's foolishness hanging in the air, than adding to it with your own foolishness. My 2 cents worth.

[edit on 5-5-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Ian McLean

Maybe the problem isn't negativity, per se. Sounds like people are fed up with repetition of entrenched positions. Discussion with rigid absolute stances can act to polarize. That kind of going around in circles gets boring, both from 'skeptics' and 'believers' on various issues. It doesn't add anything to the exploration of the topic, and the vehemence of the entrenched positions tends to squeeze out more reasonable discussion. A culture of reactive trollery.

Who draws the line between 'efficiency' and 'intolerance' ?

Just asking ...

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord
What one person considers "outlandish" another considers "relevant".

500 years ago, anyone speaking about the Earth not being the center of the universe would have been considered "outlandish".

Who decides.

The owner of the website?

But, and consider this deeply and seriously, the one piece of the puzzel you may consider "outlandish" or "crazy" may be the one piece of the puzzel containing the keystone that may in fact be one of the keys to solving what in the heck is going on.

A closed mind and proud heart gather no knowledge......cmh (me)

[edit on 5-5-2009 by ofhumandescent]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:28 PM
You need to get rid of - and I mean delete - posts that are clearly stupid.
You can see them right now on your home page...
"Statues of Angels on the Moon" - I mean... come on...

What you need:

People who dig around and find stories of stuff: These stories can help bring out evidence and the story grows... A person might post a text story about a subject and then 10 others post images, reports, news items etc. Brilliant... and the core purpose of your site.

Insiders: People who work for agencies who post reports. Preferably with some hard facts that prove themselves or their subject.

Video and Photographic Evidence: This is the key to your site. Without this it's not compelling. By far the best would be daylight stuff.. there are way too many little lights in the sky...

Skeptics: People like me who say to themselves: "Does this prove anything beyond a reasonable doubt" and engage the topic, and at the same time will call out the stupid stuff...

Editorial: You simply MUST use Editorial judgement so as not to become a web version of the Weekly News. With the massive growth (as indicated today on your site!) you will receive a huge number of kids who post stuff for fun or because they actually believe without question what they see on the web.

Please delete the real junk... please. Because your site becomes worthless otherwise. Or at the very least close the thread, warn the poster and indicate "Proven False" on the thread.

Likewise when a story goes 'hot' and is flagged and makes YOU think "wow" put that on your home page...

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by visible_villain

Why, the blinky-computer that runs the Carousel, of course. Oh wait, you mean outside the metaphore.
Well, perhaps the current star-and-flag system can be considered an indication of one-side of that. Showing member opinion of new and unique content and thought-provoking expression. Those don't have much impact beyond individual threads and posts, though. Or do they factor in to the mysterious 'color bar' equation shown under each avatar?

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:35 PM
Heres an example of a thread with 21 flags, but not too many on there supporting the OP due to some aggressive skepticism. But the subject is very compelling evidence and is akin to the landing at a school in Africa where the children drew many pictures and were interviewed extensively. Despite the flags, not too many are going to go on, and the OP is pretty upset.

This aggressive skepticism in the view of such a large case to me indicates an agenda beyond ordinary skeptics.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:38 PM
Shame on you skeptic OL.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
Heres an example of a thread with 21 flags, but not too many on there supporting the OP due to some aggressive skepticism. But the subject is very compelling evidence and is akin to the landing at a school in Africa where the children drew many pictures and were interviewed extensively. Despite the flags, not too many are going to go on, and the OP is pretty upset.

This aggressive skepticism in the view of such a large case to me indicates an agenda beyond ordinary skeptics.

Are you talking about the same thread where the POOR OP called skeptics

Mental cases , called people liars , made lying statements then edited them

out ?

Even though solid evidence to the contrary was given to him countless times

Ya , I cried for him.....

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by Ian McLean

Well, all I can say is that everybody is in their 'own spot' on the 'path' of 'waking up' ...

Merely by virtue of the fact that people come here to 'interact' with each other to 'discuss ideas' means that their needs in this regard have not been met elsewhere, so here we all are ...

And, as I have mentioned already, some are more 'skillful' in this effort than others ...

I mean, if there's a continuing pattern of an 'abusive nature,' then that's probably an 'issue' for 'management' to resolve ...

As for the rest of it - why not everybody lighten lighten up a little, get off the 'high horse,' and just try to 'play nice' with everybody else here in the ATS 'sandbox' ...

I know - Rodney king already said it best - "Why can't we all just try and get along" ...

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:58 PM
Hey SkepticOverlord, I think I should respond because this is a very important topic to talk about. ATS is a very addictive fascinating and informative place I have visited for a year now.

What part of the solution is, is that the ATS motto, "Deny Ignorance" can be interpreted in so many ways. Does deny ignorance mean to inform people of their ignorance and give them information to cure the ignorance? Does it mean to actually deny the ignorant person? Does it mean deny any topics or posts that may be "ignorant" so some?

Is negativity a form of people trying to participate in denying ignorance.?

What is ignorant. Is it relative? If I know more about apples than oranges, and another knows more about oranges than apples are both parties somewhat ignorant?

I think maybe this deny ignorance may be getting confusing to newer members. We may be ignorant on what denying it is in the fist place.
I feel bad for questioning your sites motto, please forgive me and I do mean all respect.

As for threads that seem silly or stupid to some and the question on whether or not to get rid of them in the trash can..... I totally disagree. ATS is addicting and fun because the silly and stupid threads are what make it so interesting.

I beg you not to fix something that is not broke.


posted on May, 5 2009 @ 08:58 PM
None of this has anything to do with "discussion", "debate", or "discovery".....every bit of it is a reflection of the YouTube and MySpace culture.....

Look at me

It's the "look at me, see what I can do on the intarwebz!!!"......

It's hopeless....this type of venue invites the lowest common denominator...if you're looking for real discussion, discovery, and sharing....go isn't happening here.

[edit on 5-5-2009 by cranberrydork]

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 09:00 PM
Big thread just skimmed through it,so i apologize if this has been suggested.

Why not just let us police ourselves by creating a "Negative Star system".
After say 10 or so "Negative Stars" the offending post is automatically removed.

posted on May, 5 2009 @ 09:01 PM
I don't think you can police negativity. How would it be defined? One person might take it as humor, others might take it as truth, one person may be offended... it is too subjective.

The great thing about ATS is that it fosters discussion. Some of things we discuss ARE negative. These things may make people feel fearful or worried, even depressed. Other things may make people feel like they are not alone or even hopeful. Discussions are rarely black and white.

Negative threads very often play themselves out and fade away.

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