reply to post by SGTChas
Hey SGTChas, first let me thank you for your reply to my questions, and the link you provided was interesting as heck. Second, this post I am
responding to was fantastically done. I have three points I would like you to consider
Part 1
With regards to that post. I have thought long and hard about a NWO and how they would go about creating that one world government. Which I am not
completely convinced, my education on this continues. However, I have given this belief some serious thought. If these people are going to attempt to
take over the world for their own selfish reasons, I think you might have missed something they will need to do. Towards the middle of last month,
before the powers that be here on ATS moved that article over to RATS, there was a thread that talked about what the WEB BOT had predicted for this
countries future. Well I read it, and it sent a chill down my spin because how that read is exactly what I would do if this was my evil plan.
Looking back I find it funny, because I said, "well thank god there is no pandemic", and then less then two weeks later holy crap. So... If they
are going to take over this planet they must have a way in Europe and the United States especially, a way to lock people down. When I thought about
this reality, that was the only way I could see them doing so without people reacting badly. Create a pandemic and people will sequester themselves
without to much trouble.
"Hide there is a virus or bacteria that is killing millions."
People by the billions will in fact hide in there houses/homes. Not to mention the fact, those who don't go into lockdown can easily be labeled
looters and shot on sight. Or how about, for the first few days anyways... People will not come together, each afraid to be in contact with anyone
else... And those who the NWOers think are a major threat... Well they can murder them at their leisure and claim the pandemic killed them. How are
people going to know either way? The only thing they can see and listen to is the MSM. Maybe there will be some reports on the Internet, but they can
quickly be dismissed as tin foil hat rumors/lies. Let alone the fact... Did any of you pay attention to how people reacted to this latest pandemic
scare? Not the small amount of people who tried to protect themselves, but the majority of people? A level 5 was declared and everyone went about
their lives as if nothing was going on. If I was part of that plan I would be excited as hell. They must being thinking, It worked, or it's a GO...
Before the MSM reported one case over twenty countries were already infected.
Now when this N1H1 comes back, as the WEB BOT prophecy said it would this fall and winter '09, millions it pridicts ... will die. Imagine how much
work can be done by these NWO people. Let alone the fact, even if you and thousands of others run to the hills, the chances you got out before you or
one of your friends and family became infected is very slime indeed!
Part 2
If this goes down as you claim, I will not be running or hiding anywhere. I will stand tall and defend what is mine. And that includes not only my
friends and family, but also my freedoms. If this goes down I will be busy organizing neighbors and friends, and then quickly moving out from there.
I will be busy leading from the very first day, until either I die, get murdered, or until this ends. If you know your history, and from your posts I
can tell that you do, those who are late to the game are never treated the same as those who began working/fighting from the beginning up front and
Oh you can earn their respect, and through your courage and wisdom they will learn to trust and follow. However, being the one to lead all, or to be
part of the larger group, will never happen. If you look to history, those who were there from the beginning close ranks and no one else is allowed
into that tight circle unless of course some or all die. If not, though people will learn to trust, listen, and follow you, and of course you can
help build and lead in local areas, the bigger picture will be closed to those who did not get their feet muddy from the onset.
Part 3
History has proven when there are injustices perceived or real, the only way to be successful is to have your network setup before everything goes
horribly wrong. As you have seen with this thread, there are many who feel as strongly as you do. Their names and their U2U is open to all. If you
believe you are the one to lead, or if you believe there must be groups throughout the country each heading towards the same goal… You might want to
think about that proven aspect of history. The United States wasn’t built by people from Boston, Philadelphia, and New York each doing things
separately and then some how they all met in the middle. These people began working towards a solution before the first shots were ever fired and
they did so in front of God and everybody. If people believed there was a movement that is working, organized, and openly talking about how to
proceed when things jump off… Then each would know they are not alone and will try to find each other when the time comes.
These are just some points I wanted you to consider and perhaps we should talk about within this thread…openly! I have purposely waited for this
thread to grow in length, to get rid of the flies, before I mentioned any of this.
I await your (and anyone else’s) response.
--Charles Marcello
[edit on 7-5-2009 by littlebunny]