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Amazingly clear UFO vid from Moscow

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posted on May, 3 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Looks like another cgi fake. Also apparently it's supposed to be a busy supermarket, yet there's doesn't appear to be a single person in sight.

What you should do if you spot a UFO.

1. The No. 1 thing to remember is REMAIN CALM! But protect yourself from any hazards real or perceived. Be prepared to take evasive (but not aggressive) action to get out of its way. Remember: You might be witnessing the event of a lifetime and will want to remember every detail. You can't do that if you are hysterical.

2. Be objective. Not every UFO is extraterrestrial. Eliminate every other possibility (within your means) first. Only after that should you consider the possibility that what you saw might be a true UFO.

3. Use a camcorder or camera to record the event. Try to keep reference points in the field of view, as this will aid researchers in analyzing the film. If you do not have a camera or camcorder, draw pictures of what you saw and the area around it.

4. If you have a tape recorder, record your description of the event as it happens. Include reference points on this tape also. For example, "I am about 10 yards from the big oak tree and the craft is 30 yards beyond that." If you don't have a tape recorder, write down your observations right after the event.

5. If other witnesses are present, ask them to write or record their observations. But do NOT discuss the event with them (at least until after your observations have been recorded) as investigators want to know what you saw, not what your neighbor saw.

6. If the UFO left some trace of its presence behind, do not disturb the area around it, and restrict access to the site (it's not a crime anymore; it's now a crime scene). Photograph the area around the site before you enter the area, and make note of the exact position of everything. Take close-up photos or videotape the evidence before touching it. Remember: You don't know what you're touching, where it came from or what type of hazards might be associated with it.

7. If the sighting is from a distance, at an arms length, what would it take to cover up the object? A quarter? A penny? A dime? An aspirin? Or would it take something bigger? A golf ball? A baseball? Or a tennis ball?

8. Try to judge the distance from you to the object, the object's altitude and its speed. Was it across the street or was it over the next field? Was it treetop level or was it a few hundred feet up? Did it cross the sky in five seconds or five minutes?

9. Should you encounter some type of extraterrestrial being associated with the craft, be prepared to take evasive action to protect yourself. From a safe distance, in a concealed position, photograph or videotape the being. If you are unable to safely get photos of the being, draw it and write down a description as soon as it is safe to do so.

10. Immediately report the event to a UFO research organization for investigation. There are several such organizations around the world. The Mutual UFO Network is the largest and most noted of these organizations, with investigators in all 50 states and around the world.

How to spot a UFO

It's not that hard to create a UFO hoax, theres plenty of tutorials on the net showing you how to do it. Have a go, but just don't post it on ATS claiming that it's real.

UFO video Tutorials

[edit on 3-5-2009 by kindred]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 02:26 PM
Sorry guys, it has CGI written all over it. I do these vids all the time. In fact, I have one that would be considered completely real, but it isn't.

hmmm..maybe I'll post it.

Anyway, things to look out for CGI videos from a CGI artist,

1. Frame of reference - UFO is always near a building or some other hard object to make motion tracking easier. Trees and clouds are very hard to motion track.

2. - Slow zooms - It can often be difficult for motion tracking software to properly detect and calculate zooms.

3. UFO shooting off at high speed off frame. - Usually you will want your UFO to zip off off screen before the camera reacts, because if the camera tracks a fast moving object and is shaking and wiggling, it's nearly impossible to motion track and you'll get movment anomalies.

I'll post a video of something similar that i did for giggles on my manbird13000 site and post here shortly.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by stewartw2
This is one of clearest UFO vids I have ever seen, I have run an analysis on it and it is probably not, if not certainly not CGI-what do you think?

[edit on 2-5-2009 by stewartw2]

Nice well packaged video I say and quite fake.


1. Photographer follows the motion like they know what is going to happen next.

2. For those of you that understand motion tracking in "motion," there is always an anchor point in the frame (the side of the building) at all times to attach the motion tracking dots to and re-render perfect motion tracked scenes.

IMO, this case is closed.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 02:45 PM
What do you all make of this??

Did a country-sized UFO hover above Switzerland last month?

On the morning of Friday the 24th of April of this year employees at MeteoSwiss (Switzerland’s meteorological department) got the surprise of their lives. Huge circular fields hovering over Switzerland were picked up by their radars (picture above). The blue coloured circles covered the entire country. The question was asked as to whether a massive UFO was in the upper-atmosphere above the scenic mountainous nation or perhaps these circles were signs of an imminent hurricane.

Country- Sized UFO

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 02:58 PM
This screamed CGI to me the first time i viewed it. What gave it away for me is the acceleration at high speed. I've seen lots, and lots of CGI videos where the UFO accelerates off at high speed, and this one looks just as generic. The effect is subtle, but after you've seen hundreds of the same thing, you begin to recognize the characteristics of CGI movement/animation. A very disappointing video to say the least.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
What do you all make of this??

Did a country-sized UFO hover above Switzerland last month?

On the morning of Friday the 24th of April of this year employees at MeteoSwiss (Switzerland’s meteorological department) got the surprise of their lives. Huge circular fields hovering over Switzerland were picked up by their radars (picture above). The blue coloured circles covered the entire country. The question was asked as to whether a massive UFO was in the upper-atmosphere above the scenic mountainous nation or perhaps these circles were signs of an imminent hurricane.

Country- Sized UFO

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 03:04 PM
Here is a demonstration of a motion track UFO video I did in just 10 minutes. If I took a whole hour it would be almost perfect. Key things to watch out for are solid anchor points for motion tracking. I used the street sign as my anchor post to track the zoom and paning of my video camera.

[edit on 3-5-2009 by manbird12000]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 03:12 PM

Originally posted by Republican08
For some reason it doesn't look real, So I looked at the comments on the page.

A few make fun of this very website ATS!! People must really hate us outside of here!

I think it's not real it's just too good to be true.. PHAGE!
He did not make fun of ATS, he pointed towards here for proof if someone didn't believe him.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by kindred

How is somebody going to remember all of that when and if they do see a UFO? I remember seeing one once, I was driving on a back road towards my girlfriend's house one night, and I saw one just hovering at the top of a mountain. Then, all of a sudden, It seemed to "leap" over to the other side and out of sight. I was extremely excited and shocked. It happened all within 5 - 10 seconds and I didn't have a camera.

Not having audio, by the way, shouldn't immediately throw out someone's UFO video. Some digital cameras may not record sound. Just a thought. But honestly, how is someone supposed to remember that when and if they actually see a UFO? I understand the part on writing down everything afterward, but having an audio recorder? I mean, anybody could hoax that.

I'll admit I was taken in at first, but after reading the rest of the thread and looking at the details of the video, I hate to say that I feel it's a fake. I would love for actual evidence to arise that we aren't the only ones in the galaxy (which I firmly believe we aren't) but this isn't going to do it. Someone in an earlier post said that they only way would be if a UFO landed on the front yard of the White House. I think that would be a good start lol

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by Republican08

If not for the PHAGE'S of the world, then everybody would be running around calling every hoax that comes down the pike an alien space ship.

I am calling CG on this video because the photographer does not zoom in on the ufo, but rather on the corner of the building. He is doing this because he needs to keep the space to the right of the corner for the ufo to be added later. If the ufo were in the original video, he would have zoomed right to it instead of zooming to the corner of the building.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
Most of them, as far as I'm concerned, share much of the same characteristics as this video.

Exactly. It reminds me of how all the "Duende" videos coming out of Latin America all seem to cling to the exact, same format. We've seen plenty of videos just like this one, and it just doesn't feel authentic.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Pondering Soul
OP i noticed the first picture on the article is the same as your avatar, which you have had for some time, so i can't help but wonder, are you responsible for that web page? is that why your saying its absolutely real and couldn't be CGI or anything else besides aliens? sorry but this video was no more impressive then the 20,000 other videos almost identical to it.

This is CGI, I'm sure I'll be flammed for that, but that's expected, the truth hurts.

Yes you right actually he own that website :

All the above thread back linked to same website by OP

I think he should be banned permanently !!

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by manbird12000

in 10 minutes? I didn't realize it was so easy!

The exit of the object in the OPvid is what caught me for fakery. Combined with your demonstration of anchor points, I would definately say this is a closed case. That and the abscence of people in the marketplace, etc. etc. etc.

Too bad, that'd be a great video if it were real.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:06 PM
Fake. CGI.

Second line......

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by Republican08

For some reason it doesn't look real, So I looked at the comments on the page.

A few make fun of this very website ATS!! People must really hate us outside of here!

Thats the only way to know that you're truly being effective in helping reveal the truth - when others hate you for your efforts.

Side note: Why is it that every single video out there of a UFO - even a fake one - has the worlds worst camera guy?

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by digg_ats

I'm not sure if he owns that site, or is just a "super fan", lol. But it has happened on here in the past. Folks who want to drive traffic to their personal pet sites will post stuff here with links. Often, it is nothing more than sensationalistic, ignorant know, the stuff that makes us all out to be fools to the average folk out there.

This video is a good example. Poor CGI, but good enough to elicit some pretty out there comments from folks around here. Which makes me weep for the future of this subject.

We appear to be our own worst enemy.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by digg_ats

A) I have nothing to do with All News Web as I have said many times.

b) You seem very, very, familiar with the workings of ATS for someone that has posted once. Suggesting someone should be banned in your first posting?????? Isnt it against the rules to have more than one user? (I don't know)

c) Hi Chadwickus!

[edit on 3-5-2009 by stewartw2]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by Thain Esh Kelch
Looks exactly like all the other 'UFO standing still, then accelerating at extreme speeds' CGI movies that are all over the web.

I agree, it's vanilla. There was nothing spectacular about this video, though it was new so that's refreshing. Judging from the supposed distance of the object behind the building it was too blurry. At that distance at least some reasonable level of detail should have been visible.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:36 PM
I don't frequent this forum often but if you're looking for "outsider" opinions - then I say it was fake. It looked like CGI all the way, and not even a particularly good animation. When the camera was zooming in the "ufo" didn't quite match the motion of the zoom-in. Then that hokey fast-acceleration-exit-stage-left thing, seemed staged in order to convince everyone it had to be a ufo since only a ufo could do that. Otherwise it would just be some nondescript blob in the sky.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 04:40 PM

I get excited thinking maybe, just maybe, someone actually filmed something not from this planet, AND I GET DISAPPOINTED BY ANOTHER CGI VIDEO!!

You know, the way the CGI object in the video leaves the view, it has the same exact characteristic as this other fake UFO video that I debunked not to long ago.

I think it is the same guy crapping these things out of is arse, all over the u.f.o. community.

Not sure if he is trying to get people to follow his cult. Or maybe, trying to get people who want to believe, to believe. Or if he is trying very hard to be "the guy that cried wolf". Or maybe he is making fun of the u.f.o. community because he doesn't understand that it might be possible for another life form to discover super life support systems that keep life forms alive long enough to travel vast distances, and maybe have near light speed travel.

Or maybe he is just trying to get web traffic, or make a CGI portfolio, or he is hired to do "search engine optimization" by putting his links on A.T.S. and other high ranking websites.

In the end... this video, and the wanna be CGI artist who made it, just highly disappointed me.

[edit on 3-5-2009 by 0nce 0nce]

B.T.W. stewartw2 who made your avatar?

[edit on 3-5-2009 by 0nce 0nce]

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