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If the AntiChrist were on Earth today who would they be or who would you want them to be?

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posted on May, 3 2009 @ 09:34 PM
Contemporary mainstream Christianity is the actual Antichrist.

Think about it for a moment. Jesus spoke of unconditional love and peace, whereas modern Christianity openly endorse violence and bigotry. It doesn't take a theologian to notice the difference.

Just look at the passage from Revelation that the mythos comes from. Ten headed dragon? The ten heads represent the various sects. Wounded in the side and yet did live? Recall the injury Jesus sustained from the Longinus spear.

Now look at the last few lines. The number of man, as it mentions, should be calculated by the number "666" to get the number of the Antichrist. That number, calculated in Hebrew, is the number of Christ.

[edit on 3-5-2009 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 09:49 PM
Wow. these post are hysterical! The Anti Christ is already pre chosen. LOL. Flying Fish is so funny. Anyway, it doesn't matter, cuz anyone that thinks they are the anti christ or any one that thinks they know the anti christ is mistaken. Wow this is funny.........

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Syrus Magistus
Contemporary mainstream Christianity is the true Antichrist. Do the math. It's all in the last few lines. Think about it. Jesus spoke of unconditional love and peace, whereas modern Christianity openly endorse violence and bigotry. It doesn't take a theologian to notice the difference.

The word "Antichrist" means that which opposes or replaces Christ. Anyone, not just the main stream Christians as you soppose are against Christ if they kill and hate and endorse voilence. However if they are loving and forgiving that's another matter. And Jesus didn't speak of unconditional love. He gives us the unconditional offer to be forgiven if we ask for it from a true and honest heart without deception. Love is conditional upon sacrifice. Jesus had to suffer and take all the insults and hate that was given to him daily. Do we do that, or can we do that? If so, that is love but it cost us the right to be right and to be avenged for the evil people do to us every day.

Mainstream Christianity is not filled with bogtry and hatred, unless you are talking about homosexuality, and that's why you say that. I am a Christian and I think homosexuality is a sin and an offense against God. But I don't hate people who are homosexual. I don't hate anyone. I was not told to hate anyone but to love them as myself, and that's what I do.

You, and people like yourself may not like what Christians believe but that's how it is and how we obey our God. It doesn't mean you have to.

On point about the antichrist, here's what the Bible says of him.

From the book of Daniel (Paraphrased) with my (opinions).

And he shall not reguard the God of his fathers (Jews) nor the desire of women (Jesus)(Christianity), but in his stead(office of power) he shall honor the god of forces (sword-Islam). He shal rise up with a small people (minority people) and become strong, and shall take the kingdom by flatteries (elected politician). He shall divide the land for gain (spread the wealth around) and shall cause craft (socery) to prosper, and he shall think to change the times(holy days of worship) and the laws (Sharia ?).

[edit on 3-5-2009 by Fromabove]

[edit on 3-5-2009 by Fromabove]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 09:59 PM
Like i've said before,i suspect the anti-christ is going to be a scientist,a very brilliant one,whose probably a board member of some successful biochemical company.

I mean what else can challenge and match religious miracle but science,some people pray and get healed from sickness sometimes,but scientists make the cure because they know exactly whats going on, which guarantees success all the time.

What god can do like rain fire from the sky,after rigorous study, analysis and creative invention a scientist can do(the nuke and cluster bombs comes to mind), and it empowers man because the knowledge can be shared, explained and adapted .

I put my money on this,religion is no match for the atheistic scientific craze in this forums already.

Religion gives hope to the faithful,science gives hope to anybody,it's not biased,hell you can help yourself with it.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 10:01 PM
I think JC and AC are going to have a hard time impressing anybody when they come down for a visit. I mean we got Chris Angel and David Blaine. I am going to ask both AC and JC if they can levitate better than those guys.

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by Fromabove

Christianity is currently the most bigoted and warlike following on the planet, perhaps in human history.

As I recall, Jesus speaks on homosexuality exactly zero times. The reference to homosexuality comes from the Old Testament. Shaving is also a sin according to the Bible. As is premarital sex. Who are you to declare anybody "evil"? In the words of Christ himself, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

You really need to choose who your God is. Will you worship the angry, jealous, petty, warlike thunder god of the ancient stone age Hebrew tribes or Christ, who would probably disagree with you on homosexuality. It would seem out of character for Jesus to condemn anybody, wouldn't it?

They are two different deities and two different ideologies. Remember the Dark Ages? The Crusades? Remember the burning of "witches" or the inquisition? The list of atrocities goes on, but these were all done in the name if Christianity. Jesus might have come back again and again throughout history and each time put to death for heresy. Human beings believe in prejudice and violent, not God. There is no religion higher than the truth.

It is an inescapable truth that Christianity is responsible for more "evils" than any other following in human history. More people have been tortured, raped, and murdered in the name of Jesus Christ than every twisted and psychotic serial killer combined. Your religion doesn't win the "Good Judge of Character" award. Catholic priests have sex with children. If that isn't "evil", I don't know what is.

Name one ideology that is responsible for more reckless lunacy, destruction, oppression, and misery than mainstream Christianity. Go on, name one.

[edit on 3-5-2009 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 10:30 PM
I would like to be the Anti-Christ!

Not because I am especially evil, out to rule or destroy the world, but I just love being contrary!

I make my living being a no-man, not a yes man...lots of butt kisser yes men exist, but businesses and the world need no-men too to say that's a really stupid idea.

For instance Christ wants to rule the world from Jerusalem...what a stupid idea...the food is awful, the culture is pitiful, most everyone walks around in fashions even Wal-Mart wouldn't sell brandishing a loaded M-16.

Now Miami...that would be a great Capital to rule the world from...everyone walks around in the latest summer fashions practically all year round stylishly showing skin and if they have a beard they at least trim it instead of going for the Grizzly Adams look.

Baklava is nice every now and then but how about some variety for pity's sake...Miami has great tasting desserts from all over the world, and because we are not pinned down shooting at one another all the time we can work off those calories at our very own legal nude beach!

Yep, I hate to say it, but the Christians need a good no-man, an image update, a change of long term strategy, and a pedestrian friendly fun inviting capital city.

They need an Anti-Christ...I will need a company car by the way with a gas credit card, and an American Express and Visa Business Card for my incidental expenses, a private secretary, private office, 6 weeks paid vacation, 6 sick days, a stock option plan, a bonus for converts, and a high 6 figure starting salary, a publicist, a lawyer, and a beautician.

Copies of my resume are available upon request and audio tapes of me laughing sinesterly are likewise available...sorry I can't do screen tests, for some reason cameras never pick up my image?

Send all requests to One Rockefeller Center, Pent House, New York, New York, Attention: Jay.


[edit on 3/5/09 by ProtoplasmicTraveler]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:26 PM
Well, if anybody bothers to actually read the Bible, it says that he(yes HE) will be from the middle east, be young and be loved by everyone. Hmm. Who does that sound like??

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by antichris

Jesus? Well, not quite. He is not loved by everyone, but does command the single largest following in the world.

[edit on 3-5-2009 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on May, 3 2009 @ 11:41 PM
How can Christ be the anti Christ? Sheesh, think before you type.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:15 AM
So ironically, Christ is classicified as violent and,um, whatever else negative people can say about Him. God is staight up, He doesn't play games. It must suck to be all about political correctness and act like you are something you're not. Who are you people? Perfect creatures? Wow, I sure would like to meet you. Please let me know who you are, I would be honored.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:27 AM
Don't know what book you been reading,but Jesus never spoke of unconditonal love and peace. People are so funny, God made us in his likeness and there are some things that are abhorent. Please read your Bible people, before you speak. It's real easy to speak with knowing, know then you can speak. No hate, just tough love ya'll.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by antichris
How can Christ be the anti Christ? Sheesh, think before you type.

Jesus himself is not the Antichrist. The concept of "Christ" is an addendum to Jesus. "Christ" means "anointed one". It is an esoteric state of consciousness assigned to Jesus the man intended to elevate him to Jesus the god. Christ is intended as a title, not a name. Pallas Athena is another example. Modern Christianity is opposed to the teachings of Jesus overall. What would Jesus say about the obscene wealth of the Catholic church? The endless wars waged and atrocities committed in his name? The violence and bigotry aimed at homosexuals? Christianity is completely at odds with Jesus himself. It is the Antichrist. That is what I mean.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by antichris
Don't know what book you been reading,but Jesus never spoke of unconditonal love and peace. People are so funny, God made us in his likeness and there are some things that are abhorent. Please read your Bible people, before you speak. It's real easy to speak with knowing, know then you can speak. No hate, just tough love ya'll.

People made God in their likeness to be warlike, jealous and petty. The bible was in the hands of cruel, twisted men for thousands of years before being made available to the general public. It has been rewritten so many times, it scarcely resemble the original version. It is time to evolve, people. We're not cavemen anymore. We do not need fairy tales to explain our origins when there are far better explanations available from people who know what they're talking about. It is time we revise our concept of God as well, from a justification for tyranny to an ineffable source of unconditional love, enlightenment and creativity. The universe is infinite, and so too would God have to be. There is no place for narrow-minded thinking in an infinite universe. Consider that.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 12:42 AM
Jesus is the son of God. He was sent here to save us, how is that so hard to understand? People can believe in celebrity, money, a president, but can they believe in the Son of God? How many people have actually met a celebrity or a president, but yet still think those people are important? I will put it this way, Paris Hilton(love or dislike her) is well known, but do you think any one will speak of her, let alone quote her in 2000 years?

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by antichris
Jesus is the son of God. He was sent here to save us, how is that so hard to understand? People can believe in celebrity, money, a president, but can they believe in the Son of God? How many people have actually met a celebrity or a president, but yet still think those people are important? I will put it this way, Paris Hilton(love or dislike her) is well known, but do you think any one will speak of her, let alone quote her in 2000 years?

Jesus is only the son of God in two out of the four Gospels. There are plenty of figures from ancient times whose legacy survives to this day. The divinity of Jesus was most likely added to add credence to his worship. You'd think if it were true, it would be in all four Gospels. Catholicism, the first form of mainstream Christianity, was entirely politically driven. Power over the masses is the goal of most religion, not liberation. Humanity needs to evolve beyond these neopagan concepts of worshiping a dying and rising demigod and elevate its collective awareness. Name one source from Jesus' day that justifies his existence besides the Bible, which was written long after his apparent time of death. Moreover, do some reading on demigods like Dionysus, Mithra, Krishna, and Horus. They are all the same, more or less, as Jesus' story. I am a supporter of the idea that there was a real man from that time who did many of the things Jesus was said to have done, but I also believe that the divine pagan aspects to his persona are artificial, stolen from older myths.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by Syrus Magistus]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 01:13 AM
Three major religions believe in the old testament. I also happen to believe new testament. You believe what you believe and I will believe what I believe. I don't, nor have the power to convict anyone. Everyone is welcome. Love everybody, brother.

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 04:44 AM
Hey........psssssssssssst, over here! Hey, You want to see a recent picture of Jesus? I got one you know. The real deal. He was hidden in the wall in adam's cave. There were more heads around but we found Jesus okay...he had the crown of thorns. Also got this giant blue skull, he still has a pipe in his mouth, either adam or goliath i suppose. If you go quietly you can see them in debris765nju pictures

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 05:00 AM

Originally posted by antichris
Jesus is the son of God. He was sent here to save us, how is that so hard to understand? People can believe in celebrity, money, a president, but can they believe in the Son of God? How many people have actually met a celebrity or a president, but yet still think those people are important? I will put it this way, Paris Hilton(love or dislike her) is well known, but do you think any one will speak of her, let alone quote her in 2000 years?

Two stars for the worst analogy on the planet.

The difference is, those people exist, and we all know that. Fairy tales are just that, they aren't real. History does not speak of them, mysteriously only the book about the fairy tales confirms them.

Then it gets even worse:

So ironically, Christ is classicified as violent and,um, whatever else negative people can say about Him. God is staight up, He doesn't play games. It must suck to be all about political correctness and act like you are something you're not. Who are you people? Perfect creatures? Wow, I sure would like to meet you. Please let me know who you are, I would be honored.

This completely mindless paragraph is quite perplexing. It's the incoherent ramble of someone regurgitating garbage. None of this even makes any sense.

You probably went to a brainwashing camp like the one in this video:

And I know your blinders are heavily covering your eyes, but read all 500 comments left on youtube. This stuff is sickening.

[edit on 4-5-2009 by king9072]

posted on May, 4 2009 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by antichris
Don't know what book you been reading,but Jesus never spoke of unconditonal love and peace.

This is what is wrong with the world these days. People choose the best line they want to hear instead of doing some fact checking. Your ignorance is showing, go read the Gospels. All of them. Then study them.

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