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People Don't Be Fooled, When You Get The Vaccination You Will Get The Chip. If You Refuse The Vacci

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posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 11:34 PM
I think implantable chips as the mark of the Beast are wrong. It may really just be a mark of loyalty as the Bible says, with no more function than a tattoo.

We don't even need chips for what chips are supposed to be for. For tracking you? You are already completely trackable without a chip.

There is just not going to be much of a window at all between rolling out mass chipping of people and having enough computing power to make chips completely pointless.

Mass face recognition software is coming. Widely deployed eyeball scanners and other biometric readers are coming. All the information anyone could ever need on you will be contained in remote databases, not on a chip in you. There are countless opportunities to nab your DNA and how long before it can be read entirely and put in a database in just a few minutes.

Tracking your movements? Satellites don't need a chip in you to track you. And if you never left constantly monitored areas, after the first time you were picked up by a biometric scanner they would never lose track of you. And some tiny ass chip is not going to let them track you any better if you were hiding in a deep cave or anything so it's all the same.

Maitreya is not and can not be the Antichrist. The numerology is enough to say it's something like that the real Antichrist owns him, or that he wants to be/thinks he is the Antichrist, or something like that. That's all. There are a lot more specific conditions about how to spot the Antichrist. Maybe you ignore one holy book in favor of another, maybe you go with research and your gut on evaluating the information in all of them, but it doesn't make sense to ignore them all completely yet still say there is an Antichrist out there working on the end game.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
reply to post by Miraj

I think you just say that because you clicked on the link and saw that he has performed many false miracles. There is a star in the sky right now. EXPLAIN THAT. His sign of his coming the false one. Yes it is indeed a scam the biggest scam that humanity will fall for. Don't take my word for it though. Take the word of Christ for it. Even demons believe in God, but a true believer also walks in His Spirit through His Son.

Good lord, there's a star in the sky! Surely that is a sign that the Anti-Christ's ascent to power is nigh!

The maitreya is a SCAM. I've never met this Maitreya, so I've naturally never once seen him perform "false miracles". However, it is no anti-christ. It is a well performed scam that some new age british man dreamed up. The Maitreya does not exist.

There, I explained it. Now you can perhaps take reason and logic, or you can accept your delusions.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 02:13 AM
Way to much weird religon posted here on the thread, and its way off the subject. Let get back to reality.

What Id like to know is does anyone know what this GPS tracking mark looks like, is it something metal, a painted mark. sensors, can it be removed? ideas?

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by Pappa_Bear
reply to post by SevenThunders

Back on Topic, I don't believe that they will chip anyone when they mandate vaccinations. Your chip would have to be smaller than they are capable of making them for tracking purposes at the current time to fit thru a Hyperdermic needle, in another couple of years maybe so, but not now, miniturazation is almost there, but not yet.

Are you forgetting nano-technology? They have had the ability to make microscopic chips for quite some time and they can pass through a needle.


Subfields and related fields
Carbon nanotubes


Molecular self-assembly
Self-assembled monolayer
Supramolecular assembly
DNA nanotechnology

Molecular electronics

Scanning probe microscopy
Atomic force microscope
Scanning tunneling microscope

Molecular nanotechnology
Molecular assembler

Nanotechnology, shortened to "Nanotech", is the study of the control of matter on an atomic and molecular scale. Generally nanotechnology deals with structures of the size 100 nanometers or smaller, and involves developing materials or devices within that size.

Nanotechnology is very diverse, ranging from novel extensions of conventional device physics, to completely new approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, to developing new materials with dimensions on the nanoscale, even to speculation on whether we can directly control matter on the atomic scale.

GPS can be sprayed onto things now also. Saw that on a TV comercial two days ago.

There was also a report in the last 7 days(via TV news)of GPS possibly being used in Tattoo Ink.

The need to chip us, would be the senerio where Martial Law had to be invoked for whatever reason.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by azureskys]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by Miraj

Anyways, I would probably take the actual disease over the vaccination. Considering my odds are better when I contract the virus. I'd rather die from swine flu than from Guillan-Barres Syndrome (or become a paraplegic from it)

right man.

my mother had the vaccine in 1976 and she lost all movement in her legs for an entire 2 weeks while being sick as hell. thankfully shes okay and normal, regained her leg movement, she was only 20 something. she told me she literally crawled around her apartment for a week before she could walk with supports..

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 05:39 AM
Yeah there's something very funny about these vaccinations. The first is that they haven't even produced a vaccine yet supposedly. More importantly though.

When they say things like "FOX News is already talking about jail time for people who refuse mandatory vaccinations"

Other people are saying similar things. Here's what doesn't add up. Why do I have to choose to take the vaccine? If they just wanted me to get the vaccine they could just taz me, hold me down, and stick in a needle in me. Why do I have to choose to accept it?

That does sound something like NWO or religious or mark of beast type stuff. Like a free will type thing. Why is it so important that I accept it? If they just cared about the vaccine why couldn't they just arrest me, force feed it to me, and release me? What's my free will have to do with it?

[edit on 1-5-2009 by tinfoilman]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by 11andrew34

We don't even need chips for what chips are supposed to be for. For tracking you? You are already completely trackable without a chip.

There is just not going to be much of a window at all between rolling out mass chipping of people and having enough computing power to make chips completely pointless.

Mass face recognition software is coming. Widely deployed eyeball scanners and other biometric readers are coming. All the information anyone could ever need on you will be contained in remote databases, not on a chip in you. There are countless opportunities to nab your DNA and how long before it can be read entirely and put in a database in just a few minutes.

Tracking your movements? Satellites don't need a chip in you to track you. And if you never left constantly monitored areas, after the first time you were picked up by a biometric scanner they would never lose track of you. And some tiny ass chip is not going to let them track you any better if you were hiding in a deep cave or anything so it's all the same.

I think face recognition software is already here, and is being used on a daily basis. The National Security Agency has satellite arrays that can track you using your cell phone, and most everyone has one of these, one variety or another. A Christian woman the other day in the library was telling me about the mark of the beast, and all the time was holding a cell in here hand. I told her you already have it, and when she balked at this, I just pointed to her phone. I then asked her what she would do when Jesus called up, and directed her to the camp, or craft, to be taken to the slaughter? The look on her face was worth a million dollars. BTW, if you live in a city, you are on camera most of the time. Walk into a bank, or approach an ATM, you are on camera. Walmart has them all over the inside roof of their stores, and they track you from stoplight to stoplight.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 08:44 AM
Humanity has been desensitized through technology. Now robots are killing people and apparently we're farther in that technological nightmare than ever. I have no problem with technology if it is used for good, but human nature seem to make us make terrible weapons. Maitreya is not made up, take Creme's word for it. I think he is nuts yes, he doesn't seem to realize these aliens or whatever who come with Maitreya are not what they claim to be. Even those nut job astral projectors know there is something up there, but they don't know they might be deceived.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:07 AM
I don't think we have camps of these kinds in the UK. The place is just too small. Anything like that would be noticed very quickly. Due to population density you can't really get away with stuff like you can in the outskirts of US states so easily. If there are these kinds of plans maybe it's US only.

Also playing devil's advocate here, the MSM reports it could be 2-3 weeks before a kind of vaccine is made (not just tamiflu or such)..

But maybe that's the amount of time needed before this actually gets serious...

That said, I'll probably buy a few tins of food at some point in the next few days :p

[edit on 1-5-2009 by AR154]

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 09:41 AM
I had a census worker come to my house as well, but not to the neighbors ( who voted fro Obama). They said my house was not even listed that it exists.
While I have only been here 2 years, the house has stood for more than 30 years.
What IS here is a person who has NEVER registered to vote (me) at all. ( I'm 45) And, don't tell me I have no right to complain if I don't vote. I have the right to complain that no one running is worth voting for.

Right now, I think they are underestimating the American people.
It's not just the economy we are ticked about.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by Phazon

Dude - really, President Obama has better things to do than go door to door marking them.
And believe me when I tell you, even if one of his security detail lives up the street from me and our daughters go to the same elementary school, there is no way the Secret Service would let the president, no matter who it is, go door to door. Chill.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by jerico65
Well, as long as I get three hot meals a day and a top bunk in the FEMA camp, I'll be good to go.

I'm working on getting an administrator position at one of the camps, so I'll make a reservation for you. Any special dietary requests?

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

I have no idea. Sorry for one line.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by azureskys

Originally posted by amatrine
There will not be a chip in the vaccine. The mark of the beast is something that the Antichrist, who is KNOWN to the world at this point, will require everyone to take to prove their loyalty to HIM. It will not be something hidden in a flu vaccine.
Now could they put something else in there? Sure.

How are you so sure that the "chip" is not "the Mark Of the Beast"
What does the "Mark" look like exactly??

Not saying it is not a chip. Just saying it would not be in a flu vaccine when the antichrist has not made himself known yet.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Miraj

Me too!! I had gullian barre, and it was no cake walk. I have CIDP from that so it relapses all the time. My life has never been the same.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by ATADJADED
I had a census worker come to my house as well, but not to the neighbors ( who voted fro Obama). They said my house was not even listed that it exists.
While I have only been here 2 years, the house has stood for more than 30 years.
What IS here is a person who has NEVER registered to vote (me) at all. ( I'm 45) And, don't tell me I have no right to complain if I don't vote. I have the right to complain that no one running is worth voting for.

Right now, I think they are underestimating the American people.
It's not just the economy we are ticked about.

My neighbor yesterday told me that the census guy was asking her who watches her kids when she is at work etc..... That is spooky. Why do they need to know that!!!

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by Phazon
If You Refuse The Vaccination You'll Be Sent To The FEMA Camps.

This is how you will get the chip implanted in you when you go to get the vacination, how else do you think they'd get Christians to get the chip?

Also FOX News is already talking about jail time for people who escape quarantines or refuse mandatory vaccinations aswell as Martial Law. -

Also Obama and ACORN are Marking EVERY Front Door in America with GPS co-ordinates and the workers doing it don't even know the reason they're doing it. -

[edit on 30-4-2009 by Phazon]

[edit on 30-4-2009 by Phazon]

The real 'mark of the beast' will not be vaccinated for certain ailments...although a chip could be used for other reasons unknown.
The mark of the 'beast' described in the Apocalypse will be a full acceptance of knowing what is being done!
It will happen when the Antichrist is in power and those that will follow him.


posted on May, 1 2009 @ 11:35 AM
The census worker dude just came to my door.

He did have his little computer strapped to his wrist, he wanted to know if there were any other dwellings here besides the obvious of my place being a duplex, he said they were trying to establish if there were any other types of residences in the "home" that weren't noted as an address.

He also said that they were gathering the information to enter data for the census collection next spring.

I gave him a bit of a hard time, but he was a sweet kid and just doing his job so I wasn't too hard on him.

It is interesting to have this happening right now with all the other speculation.

No where to hide!

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 12:05 PM
Who is to say that you don't get the chip along with your vaccination anyways?

Also I would recommend watching the movie "Right at Your Door" for and consider the possibilities of what would happen for a thing like this to occur.

posted on May, 1 2009 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by Eye of Horus

What Id like to know is does anyone know what this GPS tracking mark looks like, is it something metal, a painted mark. sensors, can it be removed? ideas?

I've been wondering the same thing. My first thought was 'why don't people just change their front doors' (after the GPS thing) then there will be a load of gaps in the grid.

Probably showing my ignorance here
but it seemed like the perfect solution to me.

[edit on 1-5-2009 by berenike]

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