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People Don't Be Fooled, When You Get The Vaccination You Will Get The Chip. If You Refuse The Vacci

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posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:31 PM
why cant i see the end of this post?? it will only show the first page!

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by watchtheashes

Oh and justsomeboreddude it is MAITREYA.

[edit on 30-4-2009 by watchtheashes]

Thanks. Hopefully, you are telling me that Maitreya is the AntiChrist. Or, are you just correcting my spelling?

If it is Maitreya then I am disappointed. I always thought the AntiChrist would have a cooler website.

[edit on 30-4-2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:45 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

This is probably not a way to implement the mark. Maitreya is going to do that later when the NWO is formed fully.

I know right? The fact he even has a website is funny and proof he is not the Christ. So is digital transition for him to be seen by every eye. No it is Maitreya man. I've done the RIGHT calculation for 666 which is using alpha-numeric languages such as Hebrew to add the values of the letters of his name. In every language it comes out to 666. All seven Hebrew spellings are 666 as well. Every language has a different base number to use, so the odds are in my favor and Pastor Harry's favor who was the original person who found it. We do not claim to be prophets or the Two Witnesses. We are just doing our duty to our Lord Jesus. We seem to be the only ones really taking it to the fullest extent it can go though. I've pointed a telescope at this "miracle star" and its almost like a UFO...You know what that means. Aliens are the Nephilim and demons.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:49 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

Thanks for the info. I appreciate your concern for everyone. I always thought it might be a Pope. The thought being that he is trying to emulate/mock Jesus, so he would become the head of the first church. Either that or most of the time I just figure we misinterpret Revelations just like they misinterpreted the prophets describing Jesus. They always thought Jesus was going to come back and kick butt on everyone, but it turned out he did it in a way no one expected.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

No, but the Vatican is now saying we should accept aliens as our "cosmic brothers." He may just be the false prophet. Timing timing. UFO disclosure. It's the perfect man-made/demon made plan, but the timing is indeed impeccable.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

This is probably not a way to implement the mark. Maitreya is going to do that later when the NWO is formed fully.

I know right? The fact he even has a website is funny and proof he is not the Christ. So is digital transition for him to be seen by every eye. No it is Maitreya man. I've done the RIGHT calculation for 666 which is using alpha-numeric languages such as Hebrew to add the values of the letters of his name. In every language it comes out to 666. All seven Hebrew spellings are 666 as well. Every language has a different base number to use, so the odds are in my favor and Pastor Harry's favor who was the original person who found it. We do not claim to be prophets or the Two Witnesses. We are just doing our duty to our Lord Jesus. We seem to be the only ones really taking it to the fullest extent it can go though. I've pointed a telescope at this "miracle star" and its almost like a UFO...You know what that means. Aliens are the Nephilim and demons.

The NWO has existed before your mythological savior figure even supposedly came. They don't need to form, they are formed. And the Maitreya is a scam anyways.

Anyways, I would probably take the actual disease over the vaccination. Considering my odds are better when I contract the virus. I'd rather die from swine flu than from Guillan-Barres Syndrome (or become a paraplegic from it)

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:03 PM
I still say the site sucks. I would go with something like this.

Beast Website Template

Then I would go about scaring the living hell out of everyone. Roaming the Earth in the dark and coming up behind people and say I am the AntiChrist Biatches, BOOO!

[edit on 30-4-2009 by justsomeboreddude]

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Miraj

I think you just say that because you clicked on the link and saw that he has performed many false miracles. There is a star in the sky right now. EXPLAIN THAT. His sign of his coming the false one. Yes it is indeed a scam the biggest scam that humanity will fall for. Don't take my word for it though. Take the word of Christ for it. Even demons believe in God, but a true believer also walks in His Spirit through His Son.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

What is the star that is his. Has NASA seen it? What do they have to say about it?

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by watchtheashes
reply to post by Miraj

"There is a star in the sky right now. EXPLAIN THAT."

And just which star would that be ??

Would you please share a star map highlighting this particular star so we may all be enlightened to it's presences.

I star watch most nights and have not seen a new star visible in the night sky make an appearance in 50 years.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by Phazon

What the [bleep] is wrong with you people??? Is the flouride in the water affecting rational reasoning skills? Or, are people suffereing from tin foil hat poisoning?

Has anyone, here, ever seen a hypodermic needle???? Look carefully at one, next time. Notice how teeny-tiny it is.

So....this hysterical ranting about some sort of imaginary "chip" just keeps going, and nobody stops to think?!?!?

So, let's put the issue to rest. Post a photo of this alleged "chip" (warning: you may need a microscope) or else, stop talking about this nonsense.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:34 PM
It's not a star is my point. However when Venus was out it outshone Venus. It changes colors and shape, even position, leading me to believe their words "a star-like luminary of brilliant power." I just call it the star for short reference as do they. It might just be a grandiose UFO that is there almost every night. Yes almost every night. Weird right? NASA= NEVER A STRAIGHT ANSWER and faith aside, I love astronomy and this is not Venus. Why has the moon been acting weird lately? (since late 08) It's not normal to me. The Bible says the moon will be out of whack in the end days. Just a sign. Seriously man either its HAARP or we're in for some serious trouble.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes

Come over here so we dont get busted for derailing this guys thread.

I got busted down to BTS

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by jerico65

...but will there be beer there? I'm not talking any Rocky Mountain mule urine or Anheisuer-Bush bubbling water, I mean will there be some decent IPA's and Belgian tripels?

Possibility of no decent beer or no beer at all = reason to fight to stay the heck out of there.

And...I am not getting any shot either. The gov't can get the Bernie Mac (RIP) speech that he gave Kid on House Party 3...(sorry, can't say that here)

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 09:46 PM
I believe this to be a big hype to have people scared as they usually are in the first place and load them with strange chemicals into other peoples bodies. In my opinion all people do not require vaccines. I, for one, will not get it nor would many of my family members as well. I remember when the whole of the US took the flu vaccine and 1000 died from it alone and not from the flu. Remember medicine is not meant to work for everyone. If you are on other medications this flu shot could do you in and you will be spirited away to the next world rather quickly. Just stay calm and wear a mask and go about your daily business like shopping and other things that needs to be done during the cause of your day. The media is just making much ado about a small problem. But people being people tend to get over excited about too many things in the modern world of ours.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by Brothers

The mask doesn't help you. Unless, if you were infected, then the mask would help others around you.

Just be cognizant, wash your hands often, don't rub your eyes or stick your fingers in your nose. (Always good advice, eh?)

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 10:37 PM
There is no antichrist.


fear tactic.


your just putting faith into something someone else told you with 0 proof.


if your terrified. move to canada. or start protests, cause NOTHING is going to get done when all the hardcores just sit on their asses talking on forums. thats what makes me laugh. everyones so against the flu vaccine and #, sit in your homes waiting for your turn.
i dont get it.
if it comes down to it, no one is banded, it'll be them vs 1, them vs 1, them vs 1, them vs 1. not them vs us

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 10:41 PM
The mark will come at some point in the near future, but I would not expect it to be an implanted chip. Too many Christians, and even non-believers, know this Futurist propaganda, and will never allow it to happen. Though the threat of there being an implanted chip will always be just over the horizon, making people compromise into receiving the real mark. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that the mark must be implanted, but rather that it will in some way involve your forehead or hand. I would look more for it being the Bio-metric ID cards that are going to end up being the intermediary between the currant system and the system of implantable chips. Bio-metric ID’s, meet all the criteria of the mark according to the Bible.

Additionally, I would not be looking for a singular human antichrist, as this is also unbiblical. Anyone who rejects Christ is antichrist according to the biblical definition of the antichrist. What you are really looking for is the Beast of Revelations, which is a World Superpower, not a person. If you don’t believe me, simply read Daniel, the book that John based his symbolism for Revelations on. It is made exceptionally clear in Daniel that the Beasts are all Nations, or World Superpowers of their day, not individual men. The first beast of Revelations is a conglomeration of the 4 beasts of Daniel, meaning it is Rome, who ingested the previous World Powers of: Greece, Persia, and Babylon. The beast that comes up after Rome is the Final World Superpower, and comes into existence when Rome is wounded. That final Superpower is based on the Roman system, starts out as a Christian Nation, and finally turns to the Evil side then enforces the Mark.

Choosing the Mark is going to be about showing loyalty to a government, not to an individual. Again, looking at the currant world situation, this fits the ID. You are either “On our side” and get the ID to show you're a good citizen, or you’re on “Their Side”. This is difficult to explain, but this goes back into Rome again, and what it meant to be a Roman Citizen back when they were the currant World Superpower.

As far as the chip being in shots…
Eh, nah, I doubt it...

The currant chips are the size of a grain of rice, require a special syringe roughly the size of a leather awl, and you need a local anesthetic. You cannot accidentally get a chip through a normal injectable syringe ATM, we don’t have that level of technology in implanted devices yet. I would look for it to be something much more mundane seeming, that is the only way it is going to be possible to “deceive the very elect”. Again, I would watch the new Bio-metric ID’s myself.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

Unfortunately you are several years too late, that was done already, I can find every house in my neighborhood and get the gps coords for it from mapquest or google maps already.

Back on Topic, I don't believe that they will chip anyone when they mandate vaccinations. Your chip would have to be smaller than they are capable of making them for tracking purposes at the current time to fit thru a Hyperdermic needle, in another couple of years maybe so, but not now, miniturazation is almost there, but not yet.

side note: if i refuse, then I am already breaking the law, so what would it matter if I fertilized my garden just a wee bit more, or would that cause more gubment stooges to grow

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by Phazon
Ok i'm new to this replying of post and all i come to read and research so if i mess up on how to reply i'm sorry.

Now PLEASE pay attention if you (people) believe in the mark of the beast then you must know that this chip is not it. Why you ask ? Because there is a 88.3% chance 92% the people on the web will be dead before the mark comes into play.

Yes that is allot but if you believe in the mark of the beast then you know- (i will only use the Holy Bible for this not the other Holy text)- That 1st (from memory) one 4th of the people well die then blah blah blah a horn and poof one 3erd of the people,sea,sun,moon,earth dies or is darkened.

After this and only after this the beast will rise to full power and demand the mark BUT no matter what, it is YOU that says yes or no even if no means death. It never says they will hide it in a flu shot (or whatever) and if you are alive at that point and think you are lucky to have lived or you don't believe in God or think the mark is not that bad at this point in time- (remember what you just survived) - Then smack yourself hard!

Thank you for you time forgive me for anything out of place i tried to remember the right Holy text and keep it short.

P.s Anyone that does not believe in God then good news.........Who cares about the chip or other implants maybe you could be superhuman to you there is no God so there is no beast so there is no mark.

Again Thank you for your time.

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