reply to post by echodogene
what we are inside is a question a question someone is asking of something..
You see.. the problem with us silly humans is that we ask WHY always we use our ego we do not see the bigger picture..
we give birth do our kids ask why? we gave birth? No they don't do we ask a tree why it grows? does a tree ask why it grows? ??
you see its about the very thing we do "the question" that is the important part in all of this..
the question IS the answer .. that is the riddle and the very reason for all of this we are in.
it goes into infinity for a reason .. TO get answers to ITS question not yours or mine
we are a function of the question we are one side of the answer it requires us to ask in order for IT to get its own answers..
its not complex tho it did take me along time and death
and i did not go to sleep and die for a nothing and wake up knowing life itself IS the reason why our universe is here....
our pretty universe is a self replication of you thinking YES OR NO the only problem is We cant ask it WHY because itself IS a question
hence infinity .. but there is a funny side to it.. infinity is a good thin it means we can be here FOR infinity .. we can even make our own question
and get others to ask WHY..
rule of the game.. KEEP the game going at all costs .. do you think the universe was made just to torment us?? NO it has a reason and that reason is
to keep it going..
not a big bang.. BIG BIRTH its alive.. i do not know what in but i can assure you we are in ITS mind
not god in a toga but something more real as real as the wind blowing on your face as real as the sun warming your skin
as real as you posting on ATS .. WE are IT and IT needs US "all live" is IT
and to be self ego about IT is not a good idea.. why? well .. it just shows you have a lack of understanding about who and what you are "take away
all the dogma" brush off your cobwebs and understand the essence of all life not just YOU. things become more clear
Your mind is on show for all of us "life" to witness we life inside it
crazy yes? logical VERY..