posted on May, 3 2009 @ 03:57 PM
ok this thread is awesome, but i have some things to add; if all of a sudden we were to stop reporting all of the bad things in the world and just
reported the good things wouldnt we call that the new world order, you say i want a break, so the government gives you a break, then when it doesnt
turn out good you say its the nwo, so how about instead of getting a break you go out to the people and you convince them to stop commiting crimes and
start following the rules, we need to stop letting the cops do all of the work and you make a difference yourself go out and experience all of this
people themselves generally know right from wrong, we know that the main problems in this world are people that dont adhere to the rules which have
been laid down , and no imk not talking about drugs im talking about stealers murderers and rapests, those who wont even believe in the good ness in
the world, i say it is about time for a drastic revolution, something where people can get involved in the change, and feel the need to change
someones life for the better.