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I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore.

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posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 02:57 PM
Some of the older members will remember this rant from the movie Network. For those that haven't seen it and as a refresher for those that haven't seen it in a while, here it is:

Hear all he's upset about? Same today, 33 years later.

What's the point intrepid? It's all well and good to be angry at the way certain things are but is this approach one that is conducive to seeking solutions and relief? While one is "shouting at the breeze" points of clarity may be missed that would have a positive impact on ones life.

There's been a lot of this on the board lately with the political, economic and health issues that we are dealing with but is ranting for the sake of it going to help? A little... maybe. Look for something constructive. Do some research and see if YOU can come up with possible solutions. As with all things you get out of it what you put in.

So folks, in these trying times, there's been way worse in my lifetime btw, don't sit there and stew. Also don't come here just to be upset. Negativity will attract the same and then there will be people shouting at each other. You can see it on the board, often stepping over the lines of the T&C. And remember the words of Chiun, another movie, Remo Williams, "The fool chatters whilst the wise man listens".

Chill gang, it's going to get better.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:01 PM
Awesome thread, intrepid. I totally agree. Network is an awesome movie!!

We can all use little breaks once in awhile. Or big breaks. *nod*

Or just cutting the news access. That works, too.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Guilty as charged. Thank you for pointing this out. I think the frustration with various issues in this country are palpable, and causing lots of problems themselves.

There's a thread ongoing now that I have been a poster in that is a prime example of this frustration and angst you so aptly describe. At least in my personal case. I've said things that were downright wrong, and I know it! This is what the current environment is doing to me, a normally quiet and mild mannered dad!

I just went to my front door and yelled this at the top of my lungs, and I feel much better now. Never mind the illegal immigrants mowing next door staring at me and shaking their heads. I feel marginally better.


posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Chill gang, it's going to get better.

Well that's not going to help at all ... as we all know ...

"Expectations are the building blocks of disappointment"

So everything is going to be just terrible folks!

There you go, that should make everyone fell better ... eventually.

You're welcome.

Doorman: Good afternoon, Mr. Beale.


Doorman: Sure thing, Mr. Beale.

[edit on 28 Apr 2009 by schrodingers dog]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Network is one of my favorite movies of all time, I can't watch it too many times. It's one of those movies that has so many great quotable lines in it. Paddy Chayefsky was such a brilliant writer-- if you haven't seen this film, put it on your netflix *NOW*. Another great film from a dialogue perspective that Paddy Chayefsky did the screen-play adaptation for is the musical western "Paint Your Wagon," it too has a ton of great quotable lines.

This scene from Network is very worthy of ATS, almost prophetic:


[edit on 28-4-2009 by hexagram23]

[edit on 28-4-2009 by hexagram23]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:37 PM
That was a horrible movie that just happened to have some great rants lol

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Anhero

Which one, Network or Paint Your Wagon?

We are all entitled to our opinions of course, but do remember that Network is from 1976 and won a number of acting awards:
Peter Finch won best actor
Faye Dunaway won best actress
Paddy Chayefsky won best screenplay
Beatrice Straight won best supporting role
for a total of 10 Academy award nominations

It also won 4 golden globes and is on the top 10 of the Screenwriter's guild for all-time best films, and top 100 for the American Film Institute's best films of all time (I believe at #61).


[edit on 28-4-2009 by hexagram23]

[edit on 28-4-2009 by hexagram23]

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:58 PM
Hi, GOOD movies fans.

If you want another GOOD one, see "Z".
Costa Gavras, or Gravas?
( I am not home. Can't do searches ).

And, another GOOD movie is the first line of my sig. . .

Blue skies.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:02 PM
Whoa, whoa guys. This wasn't meant to be a movie review thread. I was using the attitude of Finch in this movie to make a point as to what's been happening on the board. Trying to point out that yelling isn't going to help things out.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Good points Intrepid, and good to be reminded now and then. I somewhat disagree about the yelling, though. It just needs to be a personal growth experience, not an abstract form of communication

Here's what works for me: I hook up my 200W amp, plug in the guitar, and chase the @#$@#% wild roosters away. Sure, I could eat them, but I'm saving them for later, when things are more dicey. They don't seem to fancy Tool, Foo Fighters, AC/DC, nor Generation X. Wankers.

I'm a firm believer that people need a place to scream, really scream, without fear of judgement. To this end, I intend to open up a chain of screamatoriums. Screamations. -- Small, soundproofed rooms with discrete entrances and exits located strategically near government buildings. For an additional fee, one can record their screaming and take it home and enjoy it later on HD DVD.

People have always needed to blow off steam. World leaders, before declaring war, should be forced to step into a boxing ring against their opponent, just for the sake of having to bleed themselves for their decisions, if nothing else. So scream, people, and crank up t he music and sing along like you don't care, and REALLY DON'T care. Just let it out and keep doing it until you feel better.

*cough* I feel better already.

Cheers Intrepid et al

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 06:33 PM
Did it ever occur to you that we like to argue?

"I'll have the 10 minute argument please."

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 06:59 PM
I think what intrepid is getting at is even though many of us are very passionate about certain topics, it's better to check our selves and keep the board flowing in a 'semi-controlled' manner.

I'm the first one to admit that I get pissed sometimes on this board. It's normal, we're human. But, what makes the world go round is when you leave the baggage at the door and act like grown ups are supposed to act.
It doesn't mean don't try to prove your point. It means proving your point in an calm, relaxed, intelligent manner. AND, try (my biggest peave) to ignore the trolls... we all know there out there. Thats what the ignore button is for.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 07:13 PM
That little china man in remo williams was the best!!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Whoa, whoa guys. This wasn't meant to be a movie review thread. I was using the attitude of Finch in this movie to make a point as to what's been happening on the board. Trying to point out that yelling isn't going to help things out.

I wonder if your remark will set your OP on the correct path. If not, you can try using capitalized letters and then . . .

Well, I bet that your not the one who will start yelling something about "dumbasses" in your next explanation attempt.

In comparison with some of the tools of persuasion used around here, Finch's rant sounds like Pope's Sermon at Mass of Lord's Supper. Not that I would complain; I kinda like it that way -- all that dynamics and decibels.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 07:56 PM
I've seen a lot of this as well in the Health Isues forum.

Rants are perfectly acceptable, in the appropriate thread. You can find that thread here, on BTS.

If you do some research, add some links, post some quotes and then add your own opinion followed with what you think can be done to solve the problem, you can turn your rant into an informative thread that will be a great contribution to ATS. That thread deserves to be in it's respective forum, not in the RANT forum.

I think this ties into the "I agree" posts. High-value posts are what sets ATS apart from the rest of the discussion world. Let's not ruin it......

Thanks Intrepid.


posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 09:43 PM
Well i feel this tends to put things in perspective. I do apologize if im out of order but i myself feel that occasionally we all do need to smile at life and enjoy it.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by Retseh
Did it ever occur to you that we like to argue?

"I'll have the 10 minute argument please."

i tried to get my kids to do the argument clinic for their school talent show, lol!

But really I wanted to say this is a beautiful thread and a wonderful reminder of such simple rules which dont need following if you come here as a member and not a shark.

I have fallen into the anger abyss, yet it garnered me two warns which were not worth it. I received a message from some respected members who said for me to not feed the trolls, lol I didn't even know what that meant at the time, but soon found out.

If ppl are on you just ignore them. There are far too many people you will resonate with to waste time on the ones you dont, kind of like me going to a buffet and eating only the things I detest, whats the point?

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 12:20 AM
reply to post by intrepid

"The fool chatters whilst the wise man listens".

So true - yet life seems to indicate there is even a third kind of person -

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 07:03 PM
Whoa, whoa guys. This wasn't meant to be a movie review thread. I was using the attitude of Finch in this movie to make a point as to what's been happening on the board. Trying to point out that yelling isn't going to help things out.

So are you saying that we should all get on the busses that the officers tell us too!! take all our jewelry and clothing that the officers tell us too! then go into the showers that the officers tell us too!

sorry man i am going out kicking and screaming all the way.

and if insane laws are inforced on me i am not shutting up about it.

as i beleive most of our founding fathers would have something to say about your above post.

think its called conformity and i will have nothing to do with it.

posted on Apr, 30 2009 @ 04:09 PM
Two things are for sure in my humble opinion, anger unbalances anyone from making suitable pro and cons weighed and considered responses that truly do serve them best in the short and the long run and…

Intrepid is just one very awesome, extremely wise, and brilliantly informed moderator!

Of all the personalities on ATS his never ceases to amaze me because he always seems to merge intelligence with fairness and heart, and that’s something that only people who consistently and in a disciplined way constantly give themselves check ups from the neck up can do.

If I understand his post correctly once again there is that big heartfelt wisdom saying…stop, think, consider, see the problem for what it really is…an opportunity to make the world a better place…and be a conspirator towards making it one by contributing productively towards a solution in a way that shows empathy and consideration towards those people and posters you might even consider as being part of the problem you are trying to turn into a genuine opportunity to make your life, the lives of others and the world a better place…

Patience is a virtue…

Though one of my all time favorite movie scenes was O’Connell in the Mummy telling Evie as the zombie like street denizens out to slaughter them were rapidly advancing on their position replied…”Not right now it isn’t”

Evie was undaunted though and refused to be rushed and found the key to saving the day…so what if it wasn’t until the next day that she could save it.

Thanks Intrepid.

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