posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by badmedia
Have to agree here.
A dis-info agent would not bother to debunk as that is too easy and ineffective to a blind believer anyway.
A true dis-info agent however would use existing conspiracy theory's and elaborate on them even more in an effort to take the original idea so far
off track it no longer has anything to do with the original idea for example:
Aliens are in control of what laws are passed
All the sudden there is strange evidence that they are not only in control but they hold key positions in govt.
Oh look at this video did you see his eye looks like a cat eye it's a sign he's of reptilian ancestry
Oh look he's a reptilian
Oh look the president is too his eye in that one frame looks like reptilian eye
Oh look this news caster has a weird eye too oh man look at his tongue now it slithers
Oh's no the reptilians are in charge of everything and have infiltrated the govt. and news crews.
Just using as an example but over the years I watch this one grow first hand as if someone wanted us to believe it even though the final idea has
nothing to do with the original.
IMO that is how a disinfo agent would operate only on a more subtle level. After all it's not about what the truth is it's about the manipulation
of the masses through psychological warfare slowly bringing in info to steer the direction of the original belief to a completely different
It can contain the same end idea it just needs to look so outlandish that the end idea can't possibly be true because the path taken to the idea is
so insane it just looks like crazy talk to the average person.