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The REAL DisInfo Agents Are Skeptics!

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posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 02:52 PM
First I would like to start off with a David Icke quote:

"We have outsheeped the sheep as they need a sheep dog to keep them in line. Whereas we keep each other in line as no-one dares to be different for fear of ridicule."

A lot of people say the government pays people to go on forums and spread disinfo is this true? Yes, it is true.

However, we don't need disinfo agents to confuse us because we have our very own skeptics that do the disinfo job for them.

You can see this on ANY thread that gets popular. ANY.

You will see the "skeptics" say very simple sentences to the point where it just shows their pure ignorance.

I've seen sentences such as these on many different types of threads:

"You are delusional there's no 9/11 cover up."

"There's no aliens, you need to check your medications."

"Crop circles are made by farmers when they are bored. Nothing to see here."

"There's no proof that our minds effect our reality."

"Reptilians? Yes, I'm sure lizards can walk on two feet and control humanity."

And the list goes on.

The people that say these things ONLY write a few lines and nothing more.

Could some of them be disinfo agents? Yes, of course.

MOST of these people however are ignorant skeptics. I don't even consider them "skeptics" really because a skeptic has a logical argument of some sort.

They will ridicule any poster that says ANYTHING that goes against what they believe in because they know that if the poster is right, then they've been believing a lie, and they don't want to accept the responsibility that perhaps they ARE believing a lie.

The skeptics make the threads seem foolish and a waste of time to make anyone interested in learning more to QUIT. This is their job indirectly, or even in some cases direcly.

Now am I saying ALL skeptics are trying to ridicule threads and persuade people NOT to learn the truth and pursue more information? Of course not. However most do a good job of trying to make people think finding the truth is bad because you'd get ridiculed for your beliefs.

I, for one, am not afraid of ridicule for such thing only shows ignorance in people which don't want to accept the responsibility that they could be potentially wrong, and that they've been believing a lie their whole life.

THIS is how the Illuminati/Powers that be, etc. "control" us. They don't worry about "conspiracy theorists" because they KNOW that ANYONE who comes out and says something that's not part of the "norm" would be ridiculed which helps remove opposition and less acceptance of the potential TRUTH.

Also, some of these skeptics always demand PROOF. Some things in life you can NOT prove in the physical sense using our current primitive science. It is NOT possible.

Science can NOT prove intuition, feelings, emotions, dreams, how the heart works, what is the mind, how the mind works, etc.

It is simply not possible because such things would require a beyond this realm explanation, and scientific communities don't want to accept such things because it would shatter their current theories.

So my advice to people is to IGNORE the skeptics if they have nothing intelligent to say. If these skeptics are presenting an intellectual debate, then by all means they have the right to, but what they DON'T have the right to is preventing people from evolving mentally.

This is NOT their right.

Deny Ignorance.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 03:04 PM
Over all your post is well written, but you lack objectivity. The problem isn't with people being "skeptics" or "believers". It is the attitude, which you clearly outlined, and which both can potentionally be guilty of. I would recommend ignoring anyone if they don't have something intelligent to say.

Now, with regards to proof - that is a valid request. For what reasons are you stating that proof isn't need? For some of the posters here, the claims made are quite incredible. However, completely ignoring any evidence and jumping to a conclusion that is... out of this world... it not a proper investigation, and is just perpetuating ignorance. Skeptics are needed to counter balance the people who will believe anything.

1) OP: The sky is green. You are all fools.
2) Skeptic: What are you talking about? The sky is blue.
3) OP: It is a holegraphic projection. The sky is really green.
4) Skeptic: Where is the proof?
5) OP: I don't need proof! You are an ignorant skeptic who doesn't believe me.

This is a problem if you ignore requests for evidence. Evidence is important. Taking someone at their world, especially if it doesn't make sense, is in itself ignorant behavior.

So, I must disagree with your post. I am finding it too biased.

+6 more 
posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by bobbylove321
So my advice to people is to IGNORE the skeptics if they have nothing intelligent to say. If these skeptics are presenting an intellectual debate, then by all means they have the right to, but what they DON'T have the right to is preventing people from evolving mentally.

The best conspiracy theorists are skeptics.

The worst conspiracy theorists are true believers.

The skeptic employs the critical eye to zero in on the truth, no matter what form in which the truth is found.

The true believer employs the blind eye to ignore potential truths, for those are what may shatter his beliefs.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 03:14 PM
I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: The majority of disinfo agents are unknowing/unwilling. People that are passing on false information without even realizing it.

These are the most effective.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 03:52 PM
reply to post by bobbylove321

The REAL DisInfo Agents Are Skeptics!

Actually, if you start to categorise skeptics into the disinfo clan, you run the risk of alienating everyone through paranoia which will only become self defeating. (Reminds me of the saying, ''in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is King'')!

Being skeptical is how, one way or another, we all ended up here at the same point in time. Being skeptical is a God given right which unfortunately, is not exercised enough for it to make a difference. Not being skeptical is the true disinfo agent as you are willfully submitting yourself to the message of profit (the MSM). With this, there are two extremities of information. One where the Government lies directly and deliberately for the purpose of votes and sustenance of power; the other where someone posts nonsense for points, passed off as 'evidence'. Both extremities are only dissected by the ability to question and to cooperate.

Intelligence, as it often crops up, is more attuned to having the ability to doing the right things rather than doing things right. We don't question because we have to, we question because we need to!

Be skeptical of disinformation and completely deny ignorance!

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by bobbylove321

MOST of these people however are ignorant skeptics. I don't even consider them "skeptics" really because a skeptic has a logical argument of some sort.

Well I think you're being kind there.
I think some just troll for fun to get a reaction.
Skeptic or Troll?
I think a lot of the time it's fairly easy to tell them apart.

[edit on 27-4-2009 by Flighty]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 04:27 PM
What's with all this skeptic/believer stuff?

Conspiracy theorist or not, we are all searching for the truth. However truth is variable -everyone sees the truth differently, and it doesn't necessarily mean (because they differ) that one person is right and the other is false. They could both be right, they could both be wrong.

How about a collective truth, an assembling of ideas to form a grand opinion?
At least that's how I look at it.

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 05:37 PM
This thread was started because the OP was spouting nonsense in another thread.....couldn't back up anything and got annoyed cos he had nothing.

What's the next logical step??

Start throwing around "dis-info" accusations or make yourself feel better by appealing to other "believers" (whatever that means.) by starting an US vs Them thread....

[edit on 27/4/09 by blupblup]

posted on Apr, 27 2009 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by bobbylove321

A lot of people say the government pays people to go on forums and spread disinfo is this true? Yes, it is true.

How do you know its true?

Originally posted by bobbylove321

I've seen sentences such as these on many different types of threads:

"You are delusional there's no 9/11 cover up."

"There's no aliens, you need to check your medications."

"Crop circles are made by farmers when they are bored. Nothing to see here."

"There's no proof that our minds effect our reality."

"Reptilians? Yes, I'm sure lizards can walk on two feet and control humanity."

And the list goes on.

What if some or none of those statements are true? One can believe in aliens or reptilians and not in the NWO/Illuminati, Just like one can believe in the NWO/Illuminati without believing in aliens or reptilians.

Originally posted by bobbylove321
They will ridicule any poster that says ANYTHING that goes against what they believe in because they know that if the poster is right, then they've been believing a lie, and they don't want to accept the responsibility that perhaps they ARE believing a lie.

The same thing can be said about conspiracy theorist.

Originally posted by bobbylove321
The skeptics make the threads seem foolish and a waste of time to make anyone interested in learning more to QUIT. This is their job indirectly, or even in some cases directly.

Some of the threads on this site are beyond foolish. In fact some people intentionally create crazy threads to see how many people will believe it.

Originally posted by bobbylove321
I, for one, am not afraid of ridicule for such thing only shows ignorance in people which don't want to accept the responsibility that they could be potentially wrong, and that they've been believing a lie their whole life.

I don't even think this requires a comment.

Originally posted by bobbylove321
Also, some of these skeptics always demand PROOF. Some things in life you can NOT prove in the physical sense using our current primitive science. It is NOT possible.

Science can NOT prove intuition, feelings, emotions, dreams, how the heart works, what is the mind, how the mind works, etc.

It is simply not possible because such things would require a beyond this realm explanation, and scientific communities don't want to accept such things because it would shatter their current theories.

Yes scientist do know what causes feelings, emotions, dreams how the heart works, what the mind is, and how it works. Many scientist have written papers on these thing.

Skeptics demanding proof = bad
You dismisng proof because you dont like it = good


Do you really believe that people who have dedicated their lives to finding the truth would just dismiss it because it would shatter the current theory. Shattering theories is what science is all about. Scientist thrive on shattering theories that have no proof behind them.

Originally posted by bobbylove321
So my advice to people is to IGNORE the skeptics if they have nothing intelligent to say. If these skeptics are presenting an intellectual debate, then by all means they have the right to, but what they DON'T have the right to is preventing people from evolving mentally.

Please don't throw the word evolve around, it makes people who believe in evolution sound crazy.

How is not believing reptilians/aliens/the government want to kill you bad?

Originally posted by bobbylove321
This is NOT their right.

Nor is it yours good sir!

Originally posted by bobbylove321
Deny Ignorance.

Believing everything you hear is not denying ignorance. There is such thing as a healthy middle.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 01:46 AM
Hahah, people who have a different opinion than you CLEARLY are paid to. Nobody just has different opinions for rational reasons.

People have the right to say whatever they want. I vehemently oppose the OP's opinion that skeptics have no right to "prevent people from evolving mentally." This is an internet forum. The only way they could do that is by posting text and links on the internet. To say they have no right is to say they don't have the right to free speech.

I don't think anyone can be sure enough of their own position to have the right to say that the opposing position should be ignored. That is dangerously close to censorship.

It's a pathetic kind of "mental evolution" if it can be stopped by a few negative words on the internet. Nobody that thin-skinned should be browsing the internet.

Being closed minded has nothing to do with what you believe, only with how you believe.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 04:49 AM
If you truly believe in DisInfo Agents, then you have to understand that such a person would play both sides of the game to ensure a successful win.

Think of the recent crowd disturbances at G20. You want to show the protesters in a bad light? Do you edit the film to your advantage, or have a small group who light the fuse inside the crowd by being the first to cause problems. Perhaps both.

Of course, this could also be disinfo, or is it?

To be honest, DisInfo Agents wouldn't have to do a lot of work, as most groups argue happily amongst themselves without getting anywhere.

posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by cautiouslypessimistic
I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again: The majority of disinfo agents are unknowing/unwilling. People that are passing on false information without even realizing it.

These are the most effective.

A great disinfo agent would start a thread like this to try and create doubt in peoples' minds about what they read. Rather than read a thread for what it is, they would then be inclined to read it and think: did a disinfo agent write this?

Honestly, I doubt that there are many disinfo agents on here. You have so many people on ATS that there is really no need for such agents. In any group of people you will always have skeptics, people presenting false facts, and what not--making disinfo agents moot.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 10:42 AM
These "skeptics", most of them, are government agents. There are tons on youtube who proved they were agents and they threatened me with the anti-patriot act for posting the following:

On 10-10-09 the us/israel will do another false flag and on that same day, Russia, China and the SCO are going to destroy America. Russia has told us for two years they will preemptively nuke us over Iran and they have put the hardware in place to do it.

This is the war of Armgeddon and you can know it is now by all the chemtrails hiding the sign in the heavens, Nibiru. This is also the reason the government is now classifying all asteroid events secret.

News and sources here:

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 04:59 PM
Disinformation need not come from a skeptic or a paid agent. It can come from an individual, or individuals, who post/predict/declare folderol on a site such as this, and make the sensible/realistic/actually probable (more than 95% probable, to borrow a recent percentage as an example) scenarios seem crazy by association. The wormy apples can help spoil the barrel.

[edit on 6-7-2009 by Viking04]

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 05:28 PM

Originally posted by TLomon
Over all your post is well written, but you lack objectivity. The problem isn't with people being "skeptics" or "believers". It is the attitude, which you clearly outlined, and which both can potentionally be guilty of. I would recommend ignoring anyone if they don't have something intelligent to say.

Now, with regards to proof - that is a valid request. For what reasons are you stating that proof isn't need? For some of the posters here, the claims made are quite incredible. However, completely ignoring any evidence and jumping to a conclusion that is... out of this world... it not a proper investigation, and is just perpetuating ignorance. Skeptics are needed to counter balance the people who will believe anything.

1) OP: The sky is green. You are all fools.
2) Skeptic: What are you talking about? The sky is blue.
3) OP: It is a holegraphic projection. The sky is really green.
4) Skeptic: Where is the proof?
5) OP: I don't need proof! You are an ignorant skeptic who doesn't believe me.

This is a problem if you ignore requests for evidence. Evidence is important. Taking someone at their world, especially if it doesn't make sense, is in itself ignorant behavior.

So, I must disagree with your post. I am finding it too biased.

I would tend to agree somewhere between what you said and what the OP said......

There needs to be intelligent objection to claims, but ONLY Intelligent objection to claims.....There is too much name calling in all forums of all kinds....

Some things I believe can not be proven with what we are presented as science....

And it is because of this that these arguments start......

Close minded people don't think like that, they think everything can be proved via our current science system......

I would ask them to then prove, that they can prove everything they want with science...

Good post though....It's all about balance.

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by bobbylove321
So my advice to people is to IGNORE the skeptics if they have nothing intelligent to say. If these skeptics are presenting an intellectual debate, then by all means they have the right to, but what they DON'T have the right to is preventing people from evolving mentally.

The best conspiracy theorists are skeptics.

The worst conspiracy theorists are true believers.

The skeptic employs the critical eye to zero in on the truth, no matter what form in which the truth is found.

The true believer employs the blind eye to ignore potential truths, for those are what may shatter his beliefs.

What if the skeptic's info within the critical eye is false, but he does not know it is false and is why he believes what he does?

How then can we prove what is false and what is truth?

How can we expand our mind to other possibilities if we don't open our mind?

My only problem with any thread is close mindedness ...

I love a well thought out skeptical argument , but to say one side is more correct than the other is forgetting the simple principle of balance within the universe....

Truth lies somewhere in between the way out their believers and the " this can't be true" skeptics...

The thing though is that me being open minded, I can except that somebody even though they can't prove it COULD be correct anyways.

I can accept that when some body claims something incredible, they could be bs ing us...

Close minded people only think one way.

They don't even consider that their beliefs could be wrong, where as an open minded person , while still having beliefs, accepts that they COULD be wrong.....

Skeptics do as much assuming as truth seekers.....

posted on Jul, 6 2009 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by bobbylove321

David Icke

Yes. The man who knows all the great mister Icke. I don't agree with a lot of his theories, but he does have some good ones.

"There's no aliens, you need to check your medications."

being a skeptic of aliens, I wonder who said That is the wrong way of thinking for that Skeptic to say that. He embarassed me as a skeptic...

"Reptilians? Yes, I'm sure lizards can walk on two feet and control humanity."

ok I may have said something really close to that..

They will ridicule any poster that says ANYTHING that goes against what they believe in because they know that if the poster is right, then they've been believing a lie, and they don't want to accept the responsibility that perhaps they ARE believing a lie.

Being a skeptic this is FALSE. I always provide ridiculous evidence for my side. Ask anyone, when I go into war, I put my helmet on and my cup on as well...

The skeptics make the threads seem foolish and a waste of time to make anyone interested in learning more to QUIT. This is their job indirectly, or even in some cases direcly.

Sometimes I see this, but some skeptics are ignorant of proper evidence, most however, like myself, are not.

think finding the truth is bad because you'd get ridiculed for your beliefs

Truth? Funny word. Since their really is not such thing as Truth, only perception which reverts into theory and theory reverts into Opinion.

Now am I saying ALL skeptics are trying to ridicule threads and persuade people NOT to learn the truth and pursue more information? Of course not.

I respect that

Also, some of these skeptics always demand PROOF. Some things in life you can NOT prove in the physical sense using our current primitive science. It is NOT possible.

Odd. Why is our science primitive? If you believe in the illuminati then they must certainly be hiding the TRUE science from people. And this does not mean reverse engineering..

Science can NOT prove intuition, feelings, emotions, dreams, how the heart works, what is the mind, how the mind works, etc.

Actually we are making breakthroughs in those areas! Especially dreams, now we can record dreams and put them on a tv. Also the heart is pretty simple to understand. The mind deals with psychology not science. Intuition as well and feelings and emotions, none of that deals with science.

It is simply not possible because such things would require a beyond this realm explanation, and scientific communities don't want to accept such things because it would shatter their current theories.

Shatter? doubtful.

So my advice to people is to IGNORE the skeptics if they have nothing intelligent to say. If these skeptics are presenting an intellectual debate, then by all means they have the right to, but what they DON'T have the right to is preventing people from evolving mentally.

hmm. I like that. very well said and for this i will star your thread and flag it as well


Ladies and Gentlemen I am a skeptic, but i am not a disinfo agent. And even if I was, I would be making much more money than I am making

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 07:53 AM
I hate people who call me a "sheep" just because I don't believe everything I see on the net and youtube. I consider my self a skeptic in some ways, I do however believe in aliens. I personally have never had a alien or ufo experience, I've had a paranormal experience though (very recently actually, won't get into it here though).

So I'm not a full on skeptic, but I do like question most things in the ufo community, especially things like video.. and psychics and stuff like that.

[edit on 7-7-2009 by InfectedWithDevils]

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by bobbylove321

So, I'm an ignorant skeptic/disinfo agent because I don't follow blindly and think for myself? Sorry I don't believe all the garbage people like David Icke and Alex Jones put out there to scare people with. I like a little proof I can see with my own eyes and not take someones word for it.

posted on Jul, 7 2009 @ 08:18 AM

Science can NOT prove intuition, feelings, emotions, dreams, how the heart works, what is the mind, how the mind works, etc.

...actually, i think science can prove all of these things quite easily.

I feel as if i fall under the category of "skeptics", and you should be darn happy i do. If this forum were full of people who believed everything they read on the internet and were convinced that what they believe in their head is true then this forum would not be worth visiting.

It would be called the fantasy forum

i think "deny ignorance" goes more for us skeptics then for you blind beleivers. Common, not even half of the content of these forums is true... if it were all true then life would be pretty epic and fantastic.

Unfortunetly most of the "stories" contradict each other, and its likely that only some of the information that gets through is true.

So i say, mabey its the imaginitive creative ones that are plaguing the forum

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