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hollow earth? interesting links

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posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 05:20 PM
That's interesting but just plain ridiculous. If the Earth were hollow, there would obviously be no core. No core = no magentic poles = no gravity. I DO believe however, that many of the cave systems found in the world might be connected. Not all with each other, but the Mammoth Cave system and others in the Southwest US.

[Edited on 27-4-2004 by xenophanes85]

posted on Apr, 26 2004 @ 05:32 PM
I don't think the earth has to be "hollow" for there to be underground civilizations. We've made massive underground bases and mines that snake under the planet.

So I am sure there are pockets of availlable space under the earth where a civlization could survive and thrive.

I just don't think there is one. a civilization underground that is

Lets also not forget that newer cities are built on older cities all the tim. Bath in england is built over the Roman baths that were erected around the natural hot springs of the area.

So when you walk the main street of bath, there is an older city under you. This is not the same as hollow earth I know.


[Edited on 4/26/2004 by Spiderj]

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 09:34 AM
Yes, but we are talking about cities which are believe to be hundreds of miles down. We've only gone 8 miles down, who knows whats beyond that.

Some more interesting reads

Another piece of evidence pointing towards the theory that all heavenly bodies are hollow is that, as you would expect with a hollow sphere, both the Earth and our moon are known to "ring like a bell" when hit with a shock wave.

In "Moongate: Suppressed findings of The US Space Program" (1982), Nuclear Engineer and researcher/writer William L. Brian II presents evidence proving that the moon, as any hollow sphere would, "rings" when hit by asteroids or heavy space junk. And that's not all. According to Dr. Brian, "the evidence provided by Apollo seismic experiments also points to the conclusion that the moon is hollow and relatively rigid." (1)
He also reports:


According to the common concept that we have of our planet, the North Pole is a barren, frozen place where no self-respecting bacteria would live. And actually, that's basically what it is. But according to hollow Earth investigators, openings into the inner cavity are located in the polar regions, and warm air from the interior shapes an environment, in certain polar areas, amazingly different from anything which we probably imagine. There are no secrets in this regard, and all of the information was documented by the explorers at the time, but it is certainly not the kind of information to which we are exposed in our science classes at school.

For example, Dr. Fridtjof Nansen is considered one of the greatest Artic explorers of all time. His explorations and findings were taken so seriously that he was knighted by royalty upon returning to his native Norway. In the 1890s, Nansen organized a 15 month sleigh exploration, taking off from the ship Fram. He wrote in his book Farthest North about being at 77* North latitude: ' It was a strange feeling to be sailing away North ... over an open, rolling sea, ... we might have been hundreds of miles away in Southerly waters, the air was so mild for September at this latitude ... I have to ask myself if this is not a dream. '( P 120 ) Apparently, at that extremely Northern latitude, there should have been ice cover by September.


posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 11:35 AM
This is a fascinating topic, and one I'm sure to dig deeper (pun intended!) into. Just a thought that popped into my head, especially for the debunkers....what if the whole 'hollow earth' is in a different plane altogether?

Just a thought

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 10:14 AM
Infinate... you might be interested in my latest blog entry.. which is in fact about Admiral Byrd and his flight..

I would really not rely on his story much if I were you, that is if you are looking for truth.

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 02:36 PM
Most times ATS is wonderful.

Sometimes, like this thread, it is disappointing.

A hollow earth with its own sun........ deary me, deary me indeed.

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by JayKew

Most times ATS is wonderful.

Sometimes, like this thread, it is disappointing.

A hollow earth with its own sun........ deary me, deary me indeed.

if you don't like a thread, don't post in it. Simple. Even you can understand.

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
Infinate... you might be interested in my latest blog entry.. which is in fact about Admiral Byrd and his flight..

I would really not rely on his story much if I were you, that is if you are looking for truth.

reading yout blog now
. Byrd story is more like a fairy tale if you ask me, to hard to believe.


One thing which cannot be called evidence is the Byrd story. Its funny how everything in his story has something to do with the Nazi's. Overall, Byrd story doesn't seem possible and cannot be proof of a inner earth.

[Edited on 30-4-2004 by infinite]

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 03:17 PM
How can the earth be hollow if it's flat

Seriously, though, I did look into this several months back, there were a few threads addressing this then, too. Since then, I've looked into the theory even further, and I personally have become thoroughly convinced it is false. However, I have not read through the whole thread, just the first 2 posts. groingrinder must be a prophet

I'll look into this thread's arguements this weekend an state where the hollow earth arguements are weak or false based on current scientific theories and observations, and where the hollow earth theories are stronger then those currently accepted.

So in short, this was a chance to post an amuseing link, and a heads up
infinite, keep up the search, never just accept something from someone who has an impressive title or appears to be inteligent!

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
How can the earth be hollow if it's flat

Seriously, though, I did look into this several months back, there were a few threads addressing this then, too. Since then, I've looked into the theory even further, and I personally have become thoroughly convinced it is false. However, I have not read through the whole thread, just the first 2 posts. groingrinder must be a prophet

I'll look into this thread's arguements this weekend an state where the hollow earth arguements are weak or false based on current scientific theories and observations, and where the hollow earth theories are stronger then those currently accepted.

So in short, this was a chance to post an amuseing link, and a heads up
infinite, keep up the search, never just accept something from someone who has an impressive title or appears to be inteligent!

Thanx junglejake, im starting to doubt this now. Byrd story is just unbelievable, but apart of me would like this theory to be true. Think of what it would be like to have another civilization inside the earth. Well anyways, i shall continue the search

posted on Apr, 30 2004 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by infinite
Thanx junglejake, im starting to doubt this now. Byrd story is just unbelievable, but apart of me would like this theory to be true. Think of what it would be like to have another civilization inside the earth. Well anyways, i shall continue the search

I know how you feel. I wanted to believe it too.. the the idea is thrilling enough by itself. It is straight out of a Jules Verne novel... and yet.. one must never stop looking and researching.. behind every lie there is usually some truth.
Find that truth.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 04:32 AM
I made a simple model for predicting the gravity for people living on the inside of a hollow earth. I just need some data:

  • Is there a star inside the hollow earth? If so, what mass?
  • What is the radius of the sphere that approximates the inner open space? (You can also give me the density of the shell and I can calculate this myself)

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 07:28 AM
I can't remember what website it was, but it stated that the inner earth is heated via the inner core. Sorry if this doesn't help

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 10:49 AM
Always an interesting topic, what's underground. Most of what we verifiably know covers less than 10 miles of 4000 mile's depth. The rest is speculation.

There is an iron/nickel core? Maybe...somewhere underground, that's true. Repeatable magnetic readings are what we got. Readings that keep 'flipping' over time; still being studied.

Solid or liquid or gas interior? Perhaps a 3-D landscape of all three. At the surface, where gravity is maximum, there are vast hollows of cave systems. There are immense liquid bodies of water, oil & natural gas. Interesting to consider that - assuming uniform Earth density (hollow or solid) - the cohesive force of gravity dissipates to zip the deeper you go. At the center there is no Earth gravity, but there is the pull from the Moon - and Sun.

I forget the source, but isn't there A Russian researcher (along with a New York man, named Goldman I think) who has been discounting the theory of Jurassic/Cretaceous era vegetation being the source of underground petroleum? I know this may at first seem OT, but it's not. He's been heading the idea that oil comes from deep interior repositories, not fossilized living matter. He did an experiment, I recall, where a huge continuous granite mass was drilled for oil. There was no way that plant sediments could be beneath this mass, so there was no reson petroleum engineers would drill there. He predicted oil - and voila! Oil was found. Food for thought.

Lastly, out of non-study of this, I don't get volcanoes. I realize there are temperature differences on the surface due to solar exposure, radiation gains/losses, wind patterns/currents, water body patterns/currents, & elevation. But underground the differences even out and become more uniform mostly due to conduction - and the absense of all those surface weather forces. So why would there be such a temperature difference in the core that hasn't evened out after all these millennia? There isn't nuclear fusion going on is there? My intuition would peg the core at about 50 degrees - absent any solar radiation.

Any comments? TIA.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 11:14 AM
Those who live on the inside of a hollow earth float off to the center of the earth if they don't hold onto something: My calculations.

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 12:01 PM
An interesting side note:

I read in one of the 6 science mags I read monthly about a guy trying to mount an "expdition" to the center of the earth. This was several months ago, and I may hvae even posted something on here (ATS).

The guy's plan is fairly ingenius (few bugs or not all detials given in article) and cheap. I don't have the measurements he states in the article because a friend of mine in Arizona has the mag right now, but the plan was to blow a hole in the crust using high explosives and current mining techniques. Not huge, just large enough. I think the hole was supposed to go half a mile below the surface's altitude. Then you pour molten iron into the hole. The molten iron would have thousands of probes capable of cumminicating through stone and iron (bug 1, didn't go into detail about that tech). The weight of the iron would cause it to continually rip open the ground and continue to sink. If the molten core theory is not correct, the large amount of molten iron would fall about 50 miles before cooling, otherwise the mantle would continue to heat the iron, and we would at least get to explore the mantle (bug 2, how is that patch of molten iron going to discend to the center of the earth while the rest of the mantle does not?)

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 01:04 PM
sorry if it's been said already, but with the sun ever-present in the smack-dab center of the planet, how would there ever be night? humans and most other mammals use the night as a time to rest. it's kind of a universal agreement so that most animals can rest safely from prey who themselves are asleep. of course, nocturnal animals have learnt that they can use this against their prey...

so do these humans in the center live without a night? when do they sleep? how do they measure time? days, months, years... do they even care about these things? what is preventing the sun from "falling" against the inner crust of the planet?

gravity is another problem. the reason we have gravity is because the planet earth is so dense. with a hollow planet there would be very little gravity (i would assume).

EDIT: so the sun is our gravity source... makes sense. it could have a greater density than the volume it occupies and therefore make sense... but how on earth did the sun get there? kind of like the throwing the sand analogy(the sand would spread out in a methodological fashion, spelling your name would be impossible?) : even if the earth would be hollow by some freaky coincidence of two semi-spheres colliding, what are the chances of them doing so around a tiny(!!) sun? and as they do this, the timing and precision would have to be perfect so that the sun wouldn't crash into the planet.

if these humans inside the earth are more advanced than us, why haven't they contacted us? or if they've realized how stupid and dangerous we are, why not block off the entrances?

[Edited on 1-5-2004 by toffa_h]

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by toffa_h

gravity is another problem. the reason we have gravity is because the planet earth is so dense. with a hollow planet there would be very little gravity (i would assume).

Well, although you're probably right, that has yet to be proven. As soon as we can mesure a gravity "wave" the story will change. But currently, a gravity wave detector is being produced, but hasn't been finished, so it could revolutionize science as we know it upon it's completion....Although that's very doubtful

posted on May, 1 2004 @ 02:43 PM

EDIT: so the sun is our gravity source... makes sense. it could have a greater density than the volume it occupies and therefore make sense... but how on earth did the sun get there? kind of like the throwing the sand analogy(the sand would spread out in a methodological fashion, spelling your name would be impossible?) : even if the earth would be hollow by some freaky coincidence of two semi-spheres colliding, what are the chances of them doing so around a tiny(!!) sun? and as they do this, the timing and precision would have to be perfect so that the sun wouldn't crash into the planet.

How does the Sun, which we keep as the center of our solar system, keep from hitting the planets? Our sun is moving at a separate speed and direction than is the planets orbiting them. Also, look at the rates at which Earth orbits, its rotation, and the rotation of our sun. What type of sun would have to be below us, given what we know about suns? What we know is that Jupiter is not supposed to have enough mass to become a star. Jupiter is known as a proto-star. Nickel/Iron cores are not the only way to create a magnetized atmosphere. If there were 4 different spheres, each rotating at different speeds, with one rotating in a reverse direction, you would get some magnetic activity, especially if the different spheres have different levels of Iron in them.

Now, why don�t I believe this?

Mine has to do with shockwaves and seismographs.

Another piece of evidence pointing towards the theory that all heavenly bodies are hollow is that, as you would expect with a hollow sphere, both the Earth and our moon are known to "ring like a bell" when hit with a shock wave.


The same thing is described in public astronomy classes. The assumption is that the earth is hollow has merit here, but only in the face of the thought that we don�t have a SOLID CORE. Liquid has similar reactions to shock waves as air�look at the correlation between earthquakes and tsunamis�one�s a liquid, the other, a solid.

posted on May, 2 2004 @ 07:07 AM
jlc163 Excellent post, i wish there was more like you. Btw, you got my vote 'cause of that post

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