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hollow earth? interesting links

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posted on Sep, 7 2009 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Hanslune
Ah All seeing

Everything in science is a theory.

That particular argument is not really supportable.

As I often tell believers in fantastic things- instead of wasting your time on website ...go find Atlantis, Mu or the openings into the hollow earth- it'll save time and band width.

Also I've noted that you haven't taken your 'idea' to a science board.

Taking a few moments to digest your reply I must say, it really had nothing to do with the subject matter, and it assuredly should harvest a warning from an observant mod. Simply stating all science is "Theory" most assuredly is correct, but sadly only a one liner, again, should draw a warning from a mod.

I will now attempt to address your off topic statements.

You, in a previous post suggest I take "My" idea there and have it analyzed and debated. One, it is not my personal idea, and two, I believe I covered that subject in my reply to that post. Now, three, how would you know if I did, or didn't take the subject to this other site? Is there some "Collusion" between you here at ATS, and this other site? Do you track all members, or only ones who seem to displease you. Fascinating line of thought, don't you think? Maybe, I decided on another avenue all together? Did you track that one as well?

To address the wasted band width issue I would like to use your present signature, if I may. "Seek knowledge not fantasy". Its wonderful isn't it? It tells me you would rather deal with left minded people, rather than the right minded folks. I have noticed in your post you used a good deal of thought when you wrote it, in my humble opinion, far more than any average left or right minded person. So, I conclude that you are one of the ones who has a balanced equality between the two. You, in my opinion are a skilled and graceful orator and writer, quite capable of communicating on a very effective level.

I am of average to just above average IQ. I am right minded and prone to fits of fantasy and imagination. I have very little "balance" in my brain and as a result, rejected by main stream intellectuals. But I dare you to look back into history, for surely you will find a great many left handed, right brained individuals who were the ones who discovered new things threw fantasy and imagination. I would be willing to bet that the person who came up with the theory of a "spherical" earth, was a south paw

So, in conclusion I would say having a over active imagination and capable of creating fantasy is not something to avoid, but accept, as a divine gift.

In as far as you suggesting to me, a left handed ignoramus, go to a "scientific" board and state my case, is saying, fail, fail, fail. It appears to me that even if the hollow earth is a reality, it is one you would rather see hidden. As far as me, or for that matter, any one else finding the hidden secrets of the past, anyone with half a brain would know that it is impossible to do by ones self. It would literally take a army to not only find, but to disclose this truth.

In as far as wasted bandwidth, I would have to ask, what makes you so sure its a waist? Do you do daily survey of all the members? Do you track the synoptic responses of the readers? Can you forecast the next thought in any one member mind? You do seem to be quite talented in such things.

Now, in fairness to the OP, do you have anything to add to the subject matter of this thread? How do you feel about this?

Just been reading a few sites on the internet about the possibility of the the earth being hollow. According to this theory, there are civilizations with advance technology living underground.

For myself I believe their is in fact, a ANCIENT (ONES)civilization who live there, who take an active role in concealing their existence from the slaves on the surface. I feel they look down on us as we do to stock yard animals. I feel this hidden, "secret society" would host other surface secret societies to aid in their secretive defense. I believe these secret society members would flood web sites like this one any many others to control the process of debate, in only one direction.

But that's just my fantastic opinion!

I do not "Wast" my time here, its great therapy for me

posted on Sep, 8 2009 @ 09:09 AM
Taking a few moments to digest your reply I must say, it really had nothing to do with the subject matter, and it assuredly should harvest a warning from an observant mod.

Hans: It didn’t because any intelligence mod knows that your previous post you said that the theory of gravity was just a ‘theory’.....did you forget?

Simply stating all science is "Theory" most assuredly is correct, but sadly only a one liner, again, should draw a warning from a mod.

Hans: Incorrectness is best corrected with a minimal of action.

I will now attempt to address your off topic statements.

Hans: My on topic comments were in regards to comment YOU made.

You, in a previous post suggest I take "My" idea there and have it analyzed and debated. One, it is not my personal idea, and two, I believe I covered that subject in my reply to that post. Now, three, how would you know if I did, or didn't take the subject to this other site? Is there some "Collusion" between you here at ATS, and this other site?

Hans: Yes a sinister group of the Smokey gods people are monitoring your every keystroke. I’m part of the plan to lure you to a website where knowledgeable people can change your pseudo scientific spew to the sparkling waters of reasons and science

[large amount of delete ‘verbage’]

So, in conclusion I would say having a over active imagination and capable of creating fantasy is not something to avoid, but accept, as a divine gift.

Hans: Agreed, but best used for the creation of materials branded as fantasy not reality

It appears to me that even if the hollow earth is a reality, it is one you would rather see hidden.

Hans: If it were true I would rather it was shouted to sky, painted on the moon and emblazoned on every book in the universe.

As far as me, or for that matter, any one else finding the hidden secrets of the past, anyone with half a brain would know that it is impossible to do by ones self. It would literally take a army to not only find, but to disclose this truth.

Hans: Not true you can discover much by reading books that deal with reality

posted on Sep, 9 2009 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

I will agree with you that some of the things I bring up are quite challenging, and are only made as a fisherman puts a worm on a hook. Yes, absolutely thought provoking, and it is up to each person to decide what is possible, probable, and can be a actuality.

You seem at times to forget I do not agree or support the pseudo vision of reality, to include the entire "educational" and "Scientific" communities. And, just as a psychiatrist I have had to go back and re examine my building blocks. Then I re examined the building blocks of society, humanity, and this world. It is all "Pseudo".

I am a "Iconoclast" and reject it all.

1. a breaker or destroyer of images, esp. those set up for religious veneration.
2. a person who attacks cherished beliefs, traditional institutions, etc., as being based on error or superstition.

I am also a "Visionary" because I have seen "things" outside of the accepted norm or reality.

7. a person of unusually keen foresight.
8. a person who sees visions.
9. a person who is given to audacious, highly speculative, or impractical ideas or schemes; dreamer.

You have made some very provocative statements in your last post, may I address them?

Staying within the spirit of this thread "hollow earth? interesting links". You yourself have in essence admitted its reality, and given your opinion as to who monitors keystrokes. Yes, this would be a most interesting link, and one I had considered many years ago.

Just for a moment, please bare with me with the following fantastic thought. Throughout history civilization has been manipulated into killing itself with wars or human sacrifice. And on the other side been lead to breakthroughs in science and human awakening. Good vibes, bad vibes, all coming from the same place, the grand chess board of life. Of course the instigators of this game would always have patsies to blame should the divine lime light be aimed at them. Possible? After all it does appear that this same motis operandi is playing out on the surface, isnt it? Could this not be a possibility?

The book "The Smoky God" is quite a fantastic book, and written as though it is a non fiction. But with a little critical thinking did this event really take place as you are lead to believe? Or might it too be another ploy to manipulate the mind of the reader into believing this hidden kingdom is kind and righteous, and only interested in being left alone by the surface world. Other books make mention to the fact that entry into this kingdom is a one way ticket, never to see our Solar Sun again. Why was Olaf allowed to leave? Was he shown all of the Kingdom, or was he shown what was intended for him to witness...... This train of thought could lead to some very "interesting links ".

I am quite aware of the implications of this statement: "Hans: Yes a sinister group of the Smokey gods people are monitoring your every keystroke. I’m part of the plan to lure you to a website where knowledgeable people can change your pseudo scientific spew to the sparkling waters of reasons and science".

My answer to this is, so, whats new? The plan has been playing itself out since we humans started to walk upright. Just another avenue, another face on a very old game. "knowledgeable people"? Who decides they are knowledgeable? And what knowledge do they bring to humanity? Where does this knowledge or information originate? And for what ultimate ulterior reason does it attempt to do this?

I do however disagree with your summation of this web site. Far from being a conspiracy itself, it servers humanity in that it gives people like myself and millions of others a chance to address these fantastic ideas and search for themselves to find the ultimate truth, not science. In my opinion, it is science that hides this truth from the people in the form of a matrix. When "Science" finally reveals the true reason why the planets rotate around the sun, then and only then, will I give any credence to science.

Your attempt to "HiJack" the mission of ATS has been noted, and hopefully the owners have as well. This is a place to discuss, debate, and share, not to control the masses into another matrix, your version of pseudo science.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 08:13 AM
I am a "Iconoclast" and reject it all. I am also a "Visionary" because I have seen "things" outside of the accepted norm or reality.

Hans: If you were truly visionary and an Iconoclast you wouldn’t be using these two pieces of technology, English and the Internet – why do you do so?

Staying within the spirit of this thread "hollow earth? interesting links". You yourself have in essence admitted its reality, and given your opinion as to who monitors keystrokes. Yes, this would be a most interesting link, and one I had considered many years ago.

Hans: I was kidding, but why not discuss your original visionary and iconoclast thoughts with real scientists and convert them to your way.

Just for a moment, please bare with me with the following fantastic thought. Throughout history civilization has been manipulated into killing itself with wars or human sacrifice.

Hans: Humans seem quite capable of doing this themselves. No outsiders are needed. Our cousins the Bonobos and Chimps act much like ourselves, with their envy, jealous and even wars.

And on the other side been lead to breakthroughs in science and human awakening. Good vibes, bad vibes, all coming from the same place, the grand chess board of life. Of course the instigators of this game would always have patsies to blame should the divine lime light be aimed at them. Possible? After all it does appear that this same motis operandi is playing out on the surface, isnt it? Could this not be a possibility?

The book "The Smoky God" is quite a fantastic book, and written as though it is a non fiction.

Hans: One could say the same for any number of sci-fi books – perhaps HG Wells' War of the world actually happened and ‘THEY’ are hiding it from us?

In my opinion, it is science that hides this truth from the people in the form of a matrix. When "Science" finally reveals the true reason why the planets rotate around the sun, then and only then, will I give any credence to science.

Hans: True reason?

Your attempt to "HiJack" the mission of ATS has been noted, and hopefully the owners have as well. This is a place to discuss, debate, and share, not to control the masses into another matrix, your version of pseudo science.

Hans: I’ve been here several years ~ the owners, AFAIK live within the hollow world. I suspect they love me dearly.

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 06:27 PM
reply to post by Hanslune

Hans: If you were truly visionary and an Iconoclast you wouldn’t be using these two pieces of technology, English and the Internet – why do you do so?

Normally I would spit answers out with little effort, without much thought, as can be attested to by those who have followed my writings over the years, knee jerk responses. But for you I will do my utmost to put as much thought as my half brain can muster. Yes, I am fully aware of my "Creators" built in limitations.

"English and the Internet" as far as I understand them, are not institutions. As much as some might try to control the masses threw them, they are still tools to communicate with. I would agree, English may not be the most efficient language to communicate with but it is the language most people will understand and can work with. The internet is a channel of communication that will again, be able to reach the masses in a more open and uncontrolled manner, unlike the highly controlled mass media to include TV, Movies, Radio, Printed Press, Magazines, Books ect. It is a new found avenue of freedom in a world of slavery, which will lead to my next point.

We, who live on this planet, have never really been free, to be all we could be. We have always been ruled threw secrecy and psychology to always fall into one mold or another. Granted, there are many molds we do have the freedom to choose, but only the ones the "Institutions" create for us. It is the norm in the educational institution to prepare a person to study only one main topic at a time, and usually it is drawn out to take ones life time to complete its study. You are free to take up as many of these "disciplines" as you like, but to be efficient in them would take you a few more lifetimes to complete. We, at best, are looking at a highly compartmentalized stacked deck against us, because we are born with half a brain, destine to live 80 to 100 years at best. We are born to fail.

(quote)Hans: I was kidding, but why not discuss your original visionary and iconoclast thoughts with real scientists and convert them to your way.(/quote)Just as a side note, "kidding" is a form of "fantasy" made to reveal a inward thought, as my uncle said to me a long time ago, you kid about whats really on a persons mind. I have found his words to be true over the years.

I do not want to classify all "scientists" in the same mold so I would stress there are some free thinkers out there who are not bound by the "discipline" of their choice. But one must agree, Free Thinking scientists are the ones who will have their "Grants" pulled from them, or their discoveries blackballed in the media because they dare to go against the "Institution" of their "Discipline". If you go against the institution, you will be "disciplined"!!! You suggest that I, a slave, go to another "Slave", and tell him he is not dealing with his slavery in a intellectual manner, and that he needs to look at some things I have discovered about our mutual slavery? Who am I to point out he has been lied to from the very beginning, and besides that, he is most likely a "Half Brain-er" like myself" and by birth too stupid to open his eyes and realized who and what he really is.

Now, lets throw into the mix these people who sell their souls and join secret societies who work tirelessly to enforce the "Discipline" and to highlight the free minded so he will be watched and blackballed at the proper time. Of course, these secret agents, these traitors to humanity are installed in positions of influence and power because the "Institution" was created to control and manipulate the free thinker, and keep him in a "Intellectual" prison the remainder of his natural life, and I do mean Natural, for that will bring me to the next point.

As Simon Cromwell said to Shaheen Jafargholi in Britons Got Talent, "You got this really wrong" This is the state of "knowledge" in the world today. Outside of our vision the truth is that little school boy Shaheen, is actually a paid and trained actor who has performed in many TV series, and for Simon not to know this, is impossible. But this is the nature of this "Institution" illusions and out and out lies, but what is different in any of the "Institutions", to include Religion. You got this really wrong in the beginning. Which came first, the "Bonobos", or the Divine Spirit? It is all reversed from virtually the beginning. Where is the scientific "Institution" that deals with the origins and creation of mankind, both physical, and spiritual? They are separated into anthropology and mythology based religion and totally at war with each other. In their view one or the other must be correct. Was it "evolution" or "creationism". For the way the institution is set up, it MUST be one or the other, no middle ground is allowed. The institution sets up the intellectual battle ground and creates the rules of engagement. Again, it is a stacked deck. To answer the question as to which came first, you as a person must decide what the odds are of this world being in existence in the first place. You do not build a car in one day, nor are you completely aware of what the finished product will look like. It take a great deal of "THOUGHT" before you can create anything, to include not only a automobile, but a "Bonobos" as well. The car might go threw a process of "Evolution", before your "creation", is ready to be "inhabited" by a cousin of ours, the Bonobos.

Hans: Humans seem quite capable of doing this themselves. No outsiders are needed. Our cousins the Bonobos and Chimps act much like ourselves, with their envy, jealous and even wars.

A automobile will always be a automobile, with all of its strengths an weakness. It is only when a human BEING enters the car, can it be something else. You can use that car for good purposes or you can use it for selfish reasons. The choice belongs to the driver. Bonobos and Chimps, in my humble opinion are nothing more than a automobile set in autopilot, who can only follow the orders it was provided when it was created. And those orders come in the form of instinct. They have very little choice in how they will respond in any given situation. They were given these orders in the event they found themselves in the worst case scenario of survival. They have little choice when food is scarce and given few choices, must follow what comes naturally, instinct. Mankind on the other hand, for the most part, is that souped up Bonobos with all the whistles and bells like "speech", "empathy", "Emotions", and "Choice". Were automobiles created to just sit in a lot? Were humans created to just sit, in a tree?

No outsiders needed? You are correct, if you view this world threw the eyes of some one or thing that has not the spirit, or the driver. You would view this spirit, this soul, this ghost, as a alien entity who constantly inhabits your creations, to the point of total and complete freedom, something that frightens you to no end, because deep inside you are jealous to the point of insanity because you can not experience what this "spirit" does. You can never know all of these "Choices" or to live forever in another state of being. You must try to control this alien entity by any means possible, and since you created them in the first place, you already know what "Instincts" can be used to manipulate this spirit into choices you would prefer it make. You would never allow them to know who and what they really are because you know they were created, to take your place, and as the old book says, inherit the earth. I say, it has always been about, outsiders, who are really from the, inside

Hans: I’ve been here several years ~ the owners, AFAIK live within the hollow world. I suspect they love me dearly.
I would have to say, good for you, and I mean that in the best way. But there are some of us who have fallen from the family's graces because we see things differently and become the black sheep because the family just cant seem to accept new trains of thought, and leave the "industrial Institutions" mindset.

Hans: One could say the same for any number of sci-fi books – perhaps HG Wells' War of the world actually happened and ‘THEY’ are hiding it from us?
I will go back to the subject of love in a minute, I just want to bring up a possibility about this war you speak of.

Today, for the most part, wars are created for the consumption of the masses, and to keep them occupied as a defense for the owners of the surface world, and of course profit for the lesser of the intellectuals. It was the kings of old who plotted wars to keep their subjects occupied so they would not realize they were slaves to the crown. It was the banks who reaped the profits. Both King and bank retained their status and power, a win win situation. It had to be this way otherwise the king would have arrested the bankers. The bank uses the king as a puppet, to loose his head and play the part of the patsy.

There is sufficient information now available to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a global catastrophe did occur in the past, and as far as we know, maybe even more. What we are lacking is the specifics that lead up to this war. What was this war about, ownership of the slaves? Profits? Or maybe who or what would play the role of god. It is also obvious that a certain number of "Family Members" were cast out of the garden, why? Were they cast out because they did not agree with the status quot? Did they refuse to bow to the lord god of the bible, or to the king? Did these fallen angels anger the god and king because they dare to create a new life? Or maybe they dared to suggest that the "Smoky God" Cont below.

[edit on 10-9-2009 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on Sep, 10 2009 @ 07:29 PM

was not God Almighty, but only a mechanization of the divine.

Oh yes, I agree that there was a great war where families and countries were torn apart because of disinformation and out and out lies. But why hide it from us? Why hide their existence from us? They must have had the forethought that some day we would awaken to our true nature, our true Genesis. Was this war fought out of love for us, or a hatred for, "them", first gen, or a much older reason, the instinct of survival. Why did the first gen try to destroy the second and third gen, why? I have my suspicions....

Now, you ask me to "Convert" scientist to my way of thinking? They can not even think for themselves.............. they are "Institutional" , "machine" men.

I will close with this speech from "The Great Dictator". I would only replace one word, "Democracy" with the words "Divine God". Let us ALL unite under the name of the Divine God.

It is time.............

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by eduardmc
Naughty boy, you said in your second thread that you did not know where your first thread had gone and now you give a link to it.
I think you just like to start this same conversation once a year and once you have a lot of interested replies and your story isn't standing up to scrutiny you rudely disappear.
Your first thread had lots of people interested until you went away so abruptly but now i for one have lost interest in your delusions.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by infinite

Originally posted by Todeskopf
Tell me, how does your light shine in the halls of Shamballah?

according to the theories, an inner sun. Overall, this is highly interesting. Apparently, there is our plans for a field investigation in the north pole to find the opening to the hollow earth

I would recommend the theory of hollow earth to get away from the words inner sun. It perpetuates disbelief.

We can say that the core of the Earth is not indeed a ball of iron and instead more of a a nucleus of sorts, although there are EQ tests that seem to indicate a pretty solid Earth instead a hollow, but i stand by the idea that it is possible we dont truly understand EQ and the way they interact with different forms of mass.

I tend to think we are much more similar to the things we look at in Microscopes than we lead ourselves to believe.

Quod est inferius est sicut quod est superius, et quod est superius est sicut quod est inferius - As below, so above and as above, so below.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
Great topic with cool links. I am sure one of the scientific debunkers will be along shortly to rain on this parade though. For all the implausibility this theory appeals to me. Everything I have learned tells me that it should not and could not be true, yet I keep thinking about it and being haunted by it. If there truly are advanced beings residing inside our planet, then it is time for them to come on out and give us a hand.

Real science proved eons ago that the Earth, like as are all planets and stars, be a hollow sphere. This is because the magnetic force [strong force] holding atoms together as molecules and crystals there of is stronger than is the gravity [weak force]. Modern geology "plate tectonics" and "expanding diameter" are clear evidence to prove the Hollow Earth paradigm to be the correct one. In the video inserted below Geologist Jan Lamprecht explains it to us. For those who do not know it "one eon" is 26,000 terrestrial years.

The indigenous population that live in the Hollow Earth are said to be technologically developed way beyond our comprehension. They are said to be a race of giants. Thus the skeletons of giants presented in the above video. Also we have to understand that the inhabitants of the Hollow Earth are seeing by Infrared eye sight. So if they were to emerge from their troglodyte darkness they would be blinded by the sunlight. Thus contact is rare. Thus if they do emerge into our "serfdom" [slave] existence on the "surface" they do so only when there is complete darkness such as during New Moons where there is not even the reflection of sun light from the Moon. Incidentally the Moon is also hollow and is inhabited. Venus and Mars too. In deed all the planets of our Solar System are inhabited in their hollow interior. This world is not governed by its surface population, it is actually governed by its underground "under world" population in their DUMB "deep underground military bases". It might shock you that we on the surface are actually considered to be mere cattle. We are told in the Book of Genesis that the giants were very often eating us. Cannibalism and vampirism were and still are very common. That is all that we are to them who live in the underworld.


edit on 17/7/2011 by CAELENIUM because: (no reason given)

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