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Originally posted by maya27
"If the doc didn't tell me to reduce or omit it, then it must be okay"! So the doctor gives them medication, which causes side effects, which leads them back to the doctor, who prescribes something for the side effects. What a nice little earner for the system!
I'm not knocking GP's, I am however, unimpressed by my governments (UK) supposed efforts to create any meaningful change.
I can't help but see that it's all based on maximum revenue from the Drug companies and the Junk food industry.
Originally posted by rapunzel222
and ignorant about how really to lose weight and be healthy?
they say eat lots of fruit and vegetables. thats true. (and grains, nuts, seeds, beans etc), but they omit to say: DONT eat dairy, DONT eat sugar and DONT eat meat. (except i guess for eggs or if ur determined to eat meat - fish). The dairy bit is absolutely critical. so is the meat, really. read the china study by dr campbell if your interested in the reasons why. he is a scientists and has done lots of studies on rats; and large scale population studies. (there are a few big industries like dairy/meat etc that dont like his work much). the links between casein (protein found in milk) and lots of diseases - like cancer - are pretty enlightening.
also, obviously dont drink coke, soft drink, anything with aspartame in it like equal; caffeine (coffee) - green /herbal tea is ok.
make sure get enough protein by beans/chickpeas/lentils/corn etc.
its a bit hard to start out ; and its i guess, not as fun as kfc, but the info should at least be made public so people can make their own choices as to whether they want to be healthy and lose weight or not. follow that diet and you'll lose weight all right; it will fall off you. even w/o exercise. also u probably wont get heart disease or cancer or diabetes - or will cure yourself of them if you have.
people need to be getting all minerals too; often iodine deficient (seaweed); magnesium deficient (green vegies); selenium deficient (nuts - brazil nuts); calcium - figs/bread; vit d - sunlight - 15 mins a day; enzymes - q 10 - flaxseed oil etc etc. essential sugars/proteins. chinese herbs are a good way of getting your minerals u may be lacking and fixing any health probs too. mushrooms often found in the herbal combos can cure lots of th ings.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd
Check out the difference in size between vegetarian bodybuilders and meat eating ones. In fact check out the winners of Mr.Universe and see how many didn't eat meat at the time of winning. As far as i'm aware none of them at the time of winning were vegetarian or vegan.
If i'm wrong point it out and i'll happily eat that pie they call humble
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Originally posted by maya27
There is a large flaw in your thinking here. The pharmecutical corporations make less from the UK government than they do say the USA. The reason is that our government forces the prices of medications down. If it's all about money then why would they do that? The NHS doesn't earn money anyway.
You are making ecsuses for peoples choices. The government can't really do more than it is doing. They have had major campaigns about obesity, healthy eating and making sure people exercise. Hey when i was at school there was a massive 5 a day program. If you want the government to do more than this then the only thing they could do would be forcing people to exercise at gun point.
I'm sorry but it's down to the individual if they're obese and your talk of taking away blame from individuals is just going to make the problem worse not better. Already people claim it's not their fault and look for excuses. How many times have you heard an obese person blame it on their thyroid and when you ask what they take for that they tell you they don't take anything. That's because there is nothing wrong with it,
I am not "making excuses" but I do know that here in Britain we have a different way of checking Thyroid Function, They don't test the T3 in comparison to the T4, works out cheaper for NHS. The test is on an averages graph, so, often people won't present as being either Hyopthyroid or Hyperthyroid.
The Pharmaceutical companies are where the money is, don't kid yourself!
I have a few friends who are doctors, one of them in particular would have run over his grandmother to get that very well paid post within a pharma company punting anti depressants like smarties.
And no I don't want anyone to be forced to do any kind of exercise at gunpoint. We could offer them a coke and a mars bar as a reward instead though.
Read your own signature
Originally posted by maya27
I am not "making excuses" but I do know that here in Britain we have a different way of checking Thyroid Function, They don't test the T3 in comparison to the T4, works out cheaper for NHS. The test is on an averages graph, so, often people won't present as being either Hyopthyroid or Hyperthyroid.
Originally posted by maya27
I have a few friends who are doctors, one of them in particular would have run over his grandmother to get that very well paid post within a pharma company punting anti depressants like smarties.
Read your own signature
Originally posted by maya27
And how many of these meat eating bodybuilders are you going to check up on in years to come to find out how many of them go on to develop Diabetes or a heart condition?
Unfortunately, unless there is a history in the family of a condition, you may not realise that you are headed for a serious problem until it's too late.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
I am fully aware of the thyroid function tests as many in my family have a low thyroid (hyothyroidism). They all started to gain weight but they simply ate less and exercised more and they aren't obese. Many people blame it on their thyroid when there is absolutely no evidence that they have a problem. If all the obese people who claim to have a thyroid problem do have one then we have a damn epidemic.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Your ideas on hypothyroidism don't stack up though. You say at the end that obesity and chronic weight gain cause hypothyroidism, however all of my family are extremly lean and always have been that way. So what caused their hypothyroidism? As it's a family trait i would argue it's genetic on my mothers side as my great grandmother, grandmother, mother, and her 2 sisters all have it along with one male cousin again on my mothers side.
I can see what you're trying to say, but i'm afraid it isn't that simple, if it were it would be solved already. Unless i am missing something in what you're saying. Maybe you could provide a few peer reviewed articles that i can read
These results indicate that leptin is an important physiological regulator of several endocrine functions in humans.
The consequences of falling leptin include suppression of reproduction, linear growth, and the thyroid axis, as well as activation of the stress axis (3). As with the mouse gene, mutation of the human leptin receptor gene can also cause obesity with central hypogonadism and hypothyroidism (9).
What i would agree with is that being obese can lead to hypothyroidism, not because of leptin but simply because the thyroid can't produce enough hormones to spread around such a large body, it tries hard but fails, just like the pancreas with insulin in obese people.
Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
Well, I would say that there are exceptions to the rule. There are obviously conditions in which the thyroid is unable to function properly; however, this would not be frequent as most people believe. Like you said, obese individuals are using hypothyroidism as an excuse when it is very possible that the problem doesn't originate with the the thyroid in every case.
There is no doubt that I could be wrong but you must understand that Leptin is a newly discovered hormone and its effects on metabolism are not fully understood.
Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
These results indicate that leptin is an important physiological regulator of several endocrine functions in humans.
The consequences of falling leptin include suppression of reproduction, linear growth, and the thyroid axis, as well as activation of the stress axis (3). As with the mouse gene, mutation of the human leptin receptor gene can also cause obesity with central hypogonadism and hypothyroidism (9).
These studies clearly show that malfunctioning Leptin receptors(aka Leptin Resistance) can give way to hypothyroidism. And like I said before, Leptin Resistance is caused by an overproduction of the hormone which is prevalent in obese and chronically overweight individuals.
Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
I would say that you're right and wrong. Yes, Leptin and Insulin are similair but the process your describing seems a bit unlikely. In the case of Type 2 Diabetics, cells are simply resistant to insulin and therefore the body must produce more to get the job done.
The hypothesis is that Leptin is similar to Insulin in that respect.
Insulin and Leptin are two of the most impacting hormones in the body. What makes them so important is that they are easily regulated by diet.
Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
Good discussion, by the way.
Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
I understand it's new, however we have to stick to the current scientific models until something comes along and proves it untrue. If the research on leptin takes off and is backed up by research then i'll simply drop my old beliefs on the thyroid. However there is one thing which is hard to debate here. When someone starts gaining weight and has a normal thyroid, it is because they are eating more calories then they burn. Even if leptin does what you asy it might do, without the food intake you cannot put the weight on, simply fact of energy.
Normally leptin's function is to reduce appetite and induce fat burning (among many other functions). That is what high leptin signaling in a brain does. Low leptin in the brain is an indication to eat more and store more fat (that is, to successfully reproduce, and to live long enough to do so). However, elevated leptin in a fasting blood sample indicates leptin resistance and, probably, low leptin signaling to some parts of the brain while other parts of the brain get the full high signal. In other words, some of the brain hears only a whisper, while other parts (of the brain and periphery) get screamed at. Neither is good communication.
Low-leptin signaling to the appetite center of the brain induces the brain to want to make the body hungry, and it alters physiologic functions so as to store more fat. Ultimately, increasing fat stores should manufacture more leptin to overcome the resistance. In the meantime, however, one continues to get fat and often obese.
The other thing that is hard to debate is that when someone puts on weight their thyroid gland has to work harder to produce enough hormone to spread around a larger body. At extremes this leads to the thyroid growing a goiter, a swelling of the thyroid gland as it desperately attempts to produce enough hormone for the body. The thyroid can only produce so much hormone before it has to wave the white flag and give up. If that happens due to someone being obese then it'll make the whole situation worse, but it isn't usually the cause of the original obesity in most obes people.
The studies were interesting but seem to have been conducted on already obese patients. The problem with that is the leptin might be higher because they're obese rather than them being obese because of the leptin resistance. This needs far more research.
Type 2 diabetes is not just about insulin resistance. It can also simply be the body not producing enough insulin in the first place. Some diabetics are stupidly sensitive to insulin but produce very little. My own father has this kind and has had it for over 30 years.
Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
So, now we get to why people are overfeeding and research seems to suggest that Leptin plays an important role. Without getting too deep, Energy In(calorie consumption) vs. Energy Out(calorie expenditure) is not always cut and dry. The calorie content dictates the results of body composition when calorie consumption is kept with 500 or so of calorie expenditure.
Adding Leptin to the picture, one starts to see the puzzle piecing together. Leptin problems are associated with high carbohydrate intake; Leptin problems that cause appetite and hunger. So, overeating occurs because one is simply hungrier which is ultimately brought on by carbohydrate intake.
Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
No doubt, more research is needed, indeed.
Originally posted by DevolutionEvolvd
Yes but, type 2 diabetes is typically preceeded by insulin resistance.
Originally posted by maya27
Originally posted by rapunzel222
and ignorant about how really to lose weight and be healthy?
they say eat lots of fruit and vegetables. thats true. (and grains, nuts, seeds, beans etc), but they omit to say: DONT eat dairy, DONT eat sugar and DONT eat meat. (except i guess for eggs or if ur determined to eat meat - fish). The dairy bit is absolutely critical. so is the meat, really. read the china study by dr campbell if your interested in the reasons why. he is a scientists and has done lots of studies on rats; and large scale population studies. (there are a few big industries like dairy/meat etc that dont like his work much). the links between casein (protein found in milk) and lots of diseases - like cancer - are pretty enlightening.
also, obviously dont drink coke, soft drink, anything with aspartame in it like equal; caffeine (coffee) - green /herbal tea is ok.
make sure get enough protein by beans/chickpeas/lentils/corn etc.
its a bit hard to start out ; and its i guess, not as fun as kfc, but the info should at least be made public so people can make their own choices as to whether they want to be healthy and lose weight or not. follow that diet and you'll lose weight all right; it will fall off you. even w/o exercise. also u probably wont get heart disease or cancer or diabetes - or will cure yourself of them if you have.
people need to be getting all minerals too; often iodine deficient (seaweed); magnesium deficient (green vegies); selenium deficient (nuts - brazil nuts); calcium - figs/bread; vit d - sunlight - 15 mins a day; enzymes - q 10 - flaxseed oil etc etc. essential sugars/proteins. chinese herbs are a good way of getting your minerals u may be lacking and fixing any health probs too. mushrooms often found in the herbal combos can cure lots of th ings.
The only things I would change in this post is perhaps the title. I would add "and to prepare your body to fight against any future attack from the H1N1 Flu pandemic", (or future mutations).
The dietary advice for the most part is spot on IMHO with regard to
building up Immunity, whilst minimising the risk of Cytokine Storm complications. And Oily fish, or other means of getting Omega3- Olive oil, and others. Also Garlic, Garlic, Garlic.
The red meat, Mmmmm, well, if you can afford to buy some that hasn't had a traumatic and depressing life, pumped full of antibiotics, steroids, GM
feed etc, and hasn't been hearded up in an inhumane and prolonged terrified state to await its brutal death, I'm sure it won't do you any harm.
If you're a regular meat eater, you probably won't even feel the effects of the adrenalin that pumped through its body as it awaited the inevitable.
blow. But if you suffer from arthritis, you will most likely feel the effects of the toxins in your joints! Good Luck!