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What would it take for people to relize aliens existed?

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posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 05:13 PM
A lot of people believe their own experiences, which I think is understandable but unreasonable. I have little or no confidence in my own ability to make sense of something I see that could be unusual. I've seen magic acts and know I can be mistaken and fooled badly. So in my case, "seeing is not necessarily believing." Besides, even if a flying saucer landed and people got out and told me they were aliens, why should I believe them? Like aliens can't be liars?

Nope. Just give me some of that good, hard evidence, logically linked to whatever the explanation is, and confirmed by people who are neutral and who are ordinarily opposed to each other.

But I still think that it might turn out that human beings trying to understand UFOs and the associated strangeness might be a lot like your cat trying to understand why you pay for car insurance. Just on a whole different incomprehensible level of reality.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by Nohup]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 09:55 PM
I want to believe aliens exist, and with the size of the verse odds are they do exist. I've had an encounter of the second kind with two other friends. I do not consider this proof that aliens exist.

For me to know they exist without a doubt in my mind, I would need to personally see craft(s) landing in my area, aliens coming out and making some kind of communication with this being repeated on a world wide scale. If this was documented with professional quality videos and photos I would consider it "Proof".

I would need to be with a large group of people. If I were to have a encounter of the third kind alone (or with a few people) in the forest, the government testing a new hallucinogen is as plausible as aliens picking me to say 'Hello'.

I'm sure if there were mass encounters of the third kind there would be those that will say it is a government conspiracy involving mass mind control and media manipulation.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 09:59 PM
Edit: Deleted double post

[edit on 23-4-2009 by lucentenigma]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 08:48 AM
I would saying showing themselves in public. I know for many people I know who absolutely do not believe in Aliens, I would want the alien to smack them in the face and then maybe they will believe

If we saw a mass UFO presence and then they landed and came out, people who believe that. I also think that there will be people who will still think they are not real even when they show up and or proof is given. For me I know they exist so I dont need anymore proof although I would like to see one.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by theflashor
What would it take for people to relize aliens existed?

just interested to the replies to this question.

Aliens to show up and be filmed walking up to meet the Prime Minister of England, India, the President of the United States, and a number of other world leaders. I have seen statements that "the world is not prepared to accept aliens" but that seems pretty hollow in light of all the films about aliens (actually, at least one of the silent films was about aliens so we've had films like this for over 100 years), science fiction books (dating to BEFORE Jules Verne), tv programs, etc, etc. Star Trek has pretty much been shown all over the world.

People would believe, but they want the same kind of evidence for aliens as there is evidence for Queen Elizabeth or Prince Charles or Desmond Tutu, etc.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by Gawdzilla

You are such an elitist you don't care what the great "unwashed" believe? The thread is about the people, the great "unwashed". 90% believe already and that they have governments, many elected, that do not serve the will of that majority of their employer group (I think I prefer that term to "unwashed"), but something else is a real problem. Most people know things are dreadfully wrong, but with all this slight of hand and NLP they can't put their fingers on the pulse.

So you think "the people" are a small washed group of elitists! Good for you!!!!
I'm so impressed. I'm one of the experiencers, and one thing ets live in, at least the ones most people experience, is a moneyless resource society where everyone is highly educated, substantially equal, and no one ever falls through the cracks.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
reply to post by Gawdzilla

You are such an elitist you don't care what the great "unwashed" believe? The thread is about the people, the great "unwashed". 90% believe already and that they have governments, many elected, that do not serve the will of that majority of their employer group (I think I prefer that term to "unwashed"), but something else is a real problem. Most people know things are dreadfully wrong, but with all this slight of hand and NLP they can't put their fingers on the pulse.

So you think "the people" are a small washed group of elitists! Good for you!!!!
I'm so impressed. I'm one of the experiencers, and one thing ets live in, at least the ones most people experience, is a moneyless resource society where everyone is highly educated, substantially equal, and no one ever falls through the cracks.

I was born in a farmhouse, my parents were sharecroppers. I know the "great unwashed". If you're not familiar with the term, that's not my problem.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:33 AM
I was raised on an orchard, and have met a lot of farmers, who mostly had above average IQs, but then the average in BC is 110. So I'm sorry, the people as a whole are an educated very worthy lot, and they know, in great numbers, they're being lied to and had!!!!

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:40 AM
For me personally, It would Take Chuck Norris disclosing to the world by fighting an ET to the death in a caged ultimate fighter death match, Televised live, with no ads.
We would know it was real when the ET's head would explode from a lightening fast round house kick from Chuck.
I would need to see the ET's head explode. Otherwise the ET could just be Jean Claude Van Damme painted Grey.

Geez I'm in a weird mood tonight.

On a serious note, I think it will take more than Mr Bassets posturing on CNN during UFO new confrences. Why give a deadline of MAy 31st, if you have information, out with it.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:43 AM

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Next_Heap_With

Awesome, and thats just one little part too. Just a small square in the night sky with all those stars and galaxies. Amazing.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by mystiq
I was raised on an orchard, and have met a lot of farmers, who mostly had above average IQs, but then the average in BC is 110. So I'm sorry, the people as a whole are an educated very worthy lot, and they know, in great numbers, they're being lied to and had!!!!

The "great unwashed" doesn't refer to intelligence. People do just to conclusions on that, however. Not surprising, they jump to conclusions about unidentifiable lights in the sky and blobby squiggles in images, so why not?

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by Next_Heap_With
This did it for me...

The Ultra Deep Field is very impressive. Things like that make me hope that aliens exist. They also make me wonder if we'll ever meet them.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by theflashor

existed or exist? i think it should be "exists". "existed" makes it sounds like they are, there's nothing people have to do to realize aliens exists. the fact is they exist since time immemorial, if we compare their existence to our existence. relatively speaking we are the new comers.people just have to wait. another few human lifetime didnt and will not matter in the grand scale of things.
naturally there will be those who will jump in and to proclaim and not to say the lest "disproclaim" but then it makes the whole trip sit down relax and enjoy the show.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by enkira]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 10:23 AM
I think most intelligent people realize that we cannot possibly be alone, to think that we are is ignorant; but based on our very limited understanding of life in general, understandable.

To make the non-believers believe, would require 1 alien doing an interview on Jay Leno or Jerry Spring or Montel or FOX News or similar, as we all know everyone gets their opinions and news from TV.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by warrenb
I think most intelligent people realize that we cannot possibly be alone, to think that we are is ignorant; but based on our very limited understanding of life in general, understandable.

To make the non-believers believe, would require 1 alien doing an interview on Jay Leno or Jerry Spring or Montel or FOX News or similar, as we all know everyone gets their opinions and news from TV.

The subject line really needs work, IMHO.

"What would it take for people to relize aliens existed?"

Not much, just a good look at the night sky.

"What would it take for people to relize aliens existed and are visiting Earth?"

A reasonable proof. Not ATS reasonable, but real world reasonable.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by theflashor
they may not be scared of us, but they may not want to hurt us.
[edit on 23-4-2009 by theflashor]

Of course, the only races that mean us harm are the reptilians and zeta greys. They even send us messages through crop-circles, which are blue-prints for advanced tech, thats why they are disclosed as the farmer having the ground flattened. If you look at the corn at a molecular level, you would see that it has changed.

There is even people who have made telepathic/psychic channeling contact with them.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 11:30 PM
people keep talking about they want REAL EVIDENCE!!!!

god damn it there is loads of it, even i started to question my believes again. But looking over some of my old research nope i still 100 percent believe and i am not naive or easily brain washed. Only the people that think they dont exist or that there is a good chance that aliens may exist but have never been here are naive in my eyes.

just one clip

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by theflashor
people keep talking about they want REAL EVIDENCE!!!!

god damn it there is loads of it, even i started to question my believes again. But looking over some of my old research nope i still 100 percent believe and i am not naive or easily brain washed. Only the people that think they dont exist or that there is a good chance that aliens may exist but have never been here are naive in my eyes.

just one clip

Blobs of light in the sky are proof, alright. They're proof of blobs of light in the sky. If you want to make them into aliens, that's fine. But don't call it proof, it's just blobs of light until you can show otherwise.

posted on Apr, 25 2009 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by theflashor

Giant UFO's hovering over a major city for hours, or a nice presidential meet and greet with aliens with full press from area 51. That's about all I can think of that would convince everyone everywhere. The latter would be preferrable, even tho it would be staged as heck (like all press conferences) the former would have people panicking in the streets.

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