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What would it take for people to relize aliens existed?

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posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:41 PM
I believe in aliens, and that's just from reading abduction stories. It depends on the person, I think. There could be a disclosure from Obama and there would still be people who would be in denial. Even if public contact was made it could be explained as mass hysteria. So, I think there is no way that absolutely everyone would believe in aliens unless they came down and enslaved us or walked among us.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by theflashor
ok put your self into alien shoes. Would you fancy mass landing here on earth, with the threat of humans. Because its obvious we as a whole cant handle the truth. The truth is in deed out there, and anyone that dont beleive by now are deranged or hasnt studied the subject and evidences that surrounds the subject,

First, if I could travel the galaxy I wouldn't be afraid of the locals.

Second, I have studied the material and I'm not deranged. (I get a psych eval every year to make sure of that. (Terms of my employment, not an obsession, BTW.))

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:44 PM
they may not be scared of us, but they may not want to hurt us.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by theflashor]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:44 PM
According to the latest poll close to 90%, unless it went over, believe.

According to CNN's poll close to 90% believed and the government was covering it up. There was criticism that this was not a proper cross selection.
Well, in Canada, Larry King's show gets watched by many including the elderly.
Seems like quite a mixed segment of society watch it here.

According to Bill Holden in the 90s a sample across every age group was taken, though it was a smaller one, and 90% believed.

I think its time to face the fact that most people believe and want disclosure.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by mystiq]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:47 PM
but i have been ranting here on ATS for nearly 2 hours posting messages and not 1 person has posted well i beleive.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by mystiq

The truth is not decided by vote. Just because people want to believe doesn't make it true.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:54 PM
Not sure about aliens but ufos certainly do exist. Motherships, discs, rhombus types, ufo orbs, seen them and yes they do exist.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:55 PM
but beleiving in santa clause is one thing beleiving in 1000s or millions of peoples statments and evidences surrounding aliens is another.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by theflashor]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by theflashor
but beleiving in santa clause is one thing beleiving in 1000s or millions of peoples statments and evidences surrounding aliens is another.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by theflashor]

Millions of people have seen Santa. I rather look like him myself.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by Gawdzilla]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:05 PM
I'm so sick of hearing people say "dur dur I'll believe it when i see it, touch it feel it up my anus dur dur". NoOOO really? Any borderline mentally retarded organism with some kind of ability to reason would believe it if they see it. But to know something is there when you can't see is another story.
Some of us know when something isn't right based on our ability to reason especially if that something has always been with us from the time that we were living in caves to this present day. How many of you have seen, touch and feel Christopher Columbus? If you haven't how do you know he existed?

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:05 PM
did he come down your chimney lol

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by DOADOA

exactly! seeing isnt allways beleiving i cant see the radio waves going to my stereo but i know they are there!

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by theflashor
reply to post by DOADOA

exactly! seeing isnt allways beleiving i cant see the radio waves going to my stereo but i know they are there!

A repeatable, quantifiable and scientifically sound concept.

Any of those three applies to alien spacecraft in Earth's atmosphere?

And, some people might not want to hear that they're NOT here (yet), but that doesn't change the facts.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:15 PM
Let's say it were real; For some, no further proof is necessary... for others, no further proof would convince them, even if they were in the room with the alien, witnessing them. They would sooner doubt their own existence, the existence of the universe they are standing in, or believe that they were dreaming than be convinced by the evidence.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by blackhatchet]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:16 PM
in these days of show-me beliefs and the intrinsic instict to have no faith in anything i believe for some it will take a staunch slap in the face by the alien overlord himself.

The narrow mindedness of man and his egocentric style of belief will be hard to overcome for anyone offering proof

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by theflashor
but beleiving in santa clause is one thing beleiving in 1000s or millions of peoples statments and evidences surrounding aliens is another.

But millions of people did give statements and evidence surrounding Santa Claus! He was on the TV, in movies, in stories, at every store, on merchandise packaging, and even in monumental Court Cases. A billion people worldwide were in on the conspiracy...just to deceive young, gullible, credulous children!

So, a couple 1000 people claim they were visited by Aliens in their sleep or in a corn-field, or via Astral Projection, or through frequencies broadcast on their TV sets, or through the fillings in their teeth, or by abduction, or by UFO Sightings. A couple 1000 people have seen Nessie, Sasquatch, and the Chupacabra too. So what? It doesn't make any of them necessarily real.

It is perfectly natural to WANT to believe. It is also perfectly healthy to remain impartial or skeptical until QUANTIFIABLE evidence is provided. Fuzzy videos or pictures that may or may not be altered (and are never in focus), and testimony of eye-witnesses (usually decades after the event), or repressed memories obtained via hypnosis by a psychotherapist (repressed memories were debunked by the FBI's 15 year study in the Lanning and Lanning II Reports) do not qualify as quantifiable. If these things sway you then you are TOO eager in your WANT to believe to the point that you have skewed all evidence due to Personal Bias.

* I believe that Extra-terrestrial life most probability exists.

* I'm open to the astronomically remote possibility (but not probability) that Extra-terrestrial life just so happens to be Carbon-based and possess Anthropomorphic features such as opposable thumbs, two eyes, two arms, two legs, and look pretty similar to us.

* Although it is even less likely still that this Extra-terrestrial life (which just so happens to be strikingly similar to us in appearance) have actually visited us on our planet, it is an idea that I would like to be true.

Still, I want to believe...but I'm waiting to be convinced through quantifiable proof.

Show me the ships...not on grainy doctored digital photos and film, but in a Museum or Air Show...or even the actual, physical wreckage of a crashed one. Show me the aliens...and not in cheesy Alien Autopsy videos that make Ed Wood's movies look like masterpieces in comparison. Better yet, Open Source the Aliens...allow anyone to freely scrutinize the physical, quantifiable evidence. Then, and only then, will the desire to believe be replaced with an actual belief reinforced by knowledge and certainty rather than blind faith and wishful thinking.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by theflashor
What would it take for people to relize aliens existed?

Well, some of it depends on what you mean by "alien." I'm assuming you mean like Star Trek-type creatures, pretty much like us, who come from other planets -- not the trans-reality, trans-dimensional entities, matrices, or thought projections from other times or realities.

Anyway, I guess a good, across the board consensus would convince me. If the Pope, the Presidents from all the countries in the world, the U.N., a variety of neutral scientific experts, Michael Shermer, Billy Graham, James Randi, Seth Shostak, and Jon Stewart all said that, yes, it's been proven that aliens exist, then I guess I'd be pretty foolish to doubt them all. And if they had all the evidence and positive proof laid out plain as day, that would pretty much cinch it.

That being said, it still wouldn't necessarily explain all the weird sightings or experiences people have had over the years. Nobody is going to say every flying saucer ever seen was because of any particular group of aliens. Too much really freaky and weird stuff has happened to have it explained away by such-and-such aliens.

I personally think the whole notion of "aliens" is much, much more complicated than critters from other planets, and might actually have something to do with perception, consciousness and reality in some way we can't even comprehend.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Gawdzilla
reply to post by mystiq

The truth is not decided by vote. Just because people want to believe doesn't make it true.

Well around 2-3%, or millions, have been experiencers as well, according to researchers finding, in the US alone. Many more than that have had sightings.
This is belief with an enormous amount of supporting evidence and testimony.

But the title of this thread is misleading. Because 90% of people do believe they exist and are being covered up, give or take a percent or two. Its not the people that need to be convinced.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by mystiq

Originally posted by Gawdzilla
reply to post by mystiq

The truth is not decided by vote. Just because people want to believe doesn't make it true.

Well around 2-3%, or millions, have been experiencers as well, according to researchers finding, in the US alone. Many more than that have had sightings.
This is belief with an enormous amount of supporting evidence and testimony

Frankly, I don't care what the great unwashed believe. They believe that a zombie hears their prayers. And, of course, people reporting UFOs are not people reporting aliens. And even if they reported them, we'd need supporting evidence.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by theflashor

Perhaps an extremely rough anal probing while circling Pluto in a space vehicle might convince some people. Still, some might just think they have been kidnapped by a deviant sex cult.

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