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Fox sanitizes 9/11 video archive to conceal perp?

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posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:01 AM
One thing that bothers me is that the video is so bad you can't tell if his lips are saying those words or not. From just this video it appears to me that someone just edited that voice onto a film clip... its just impossible to make out if he is actually saying what it says on this clip.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by owlseleven
Someone please tell me the OP is winding us up here. Rob Riggle from The Daily Show? That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

I don't know if you are interested in the whole 9/11 thing or not.

I guess you haven't given it much study but he wasn't actually with The Daily Show at the time in question. If he was with The Daily Show at the time in question, I would have to agree with you. It would be one of the studpidest things I've ever heard too.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Alienmojo
One thing that bothers me is that the video is so bad you can't tell if his lips are saying those words or not. From just this video it appears to me that someone just edited that voice onto a film clip... its just impossible to make out if he is actually saying what it says on this clip.

I think in the early versions of the clip, it is clear. The Harley Man controversy has been around for a while. I don't know when people first took notice of the fact that Harley Man's speech sounds scripted. Probably at least a year and probably more, ago.

It's clear that someone at some point realized that the clip was becoming a problem. The fact that it has been digitally obscured on purpose tells us that Harley Man was likely a psy ops plant. His script was a clunker that drew attention to him, so something had to be done to hide his personal identity in order to thwart any attempt to investigate him and his "story".

In the thread Mystery expert at ground zero,

the OP, "letthereaderunderstand" wrote that he had a candidate for Harley Man's identity. In the thread he says it was the sound of Rob Riggle's voice on TV that started him thinking that he had heard that voice in another context, the Harley Man clip.

Some of the discussion on this thread would probably be more suitable to that thread, where a lot of Riggle, not Riggle talk is going on.

Anyway, that's how we got to this thread, which is an attempt to focus on getting a voice analysis of Riggle and Harley Man to either match their voices as being of the same person, or rule it out.

No tricks. No con game. Nobody trying to wind anybody up.

[edit on 24-4-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 01:05 AM
reply to post by Nventual

... so you posted grainy pics to support my comment? Is that what I'm seeing there?

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:15 AM
I doubt there's enough material here to do a reasonable voice analysis, especially if the source audio is from YouTube...
It would make sense to me however that Riggle would want to clear his name before this theory goes viral, but it could be that he doesn't have a good alibi, and therefore may believe that silence is the best strategy at this point.
I'm on the fence on this one, but this Harley Guy sure is very curious, and I've never even heard of him before today. I'm curious to see how this unfolds...

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by ipsedixit

Yes, I understand that fact, which makes your theory even more absurd. Your mind is retroactively connecting someone you've seen on a comedy show to an historical event that preceded any opportunity you would have had to be exposed to this individual. The chances of improbability are exponentially increased by this identification, once again, notwithstanding the added probability that this individual is also a government plant. Please consider the context here. Logic is not linear.

Rob Riggle's not a hard man to find. I just found him on Twitter after 5 seconds of "research." Confront him there for everyone to see!

[edit on 24-4-2009 by owlseleven]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 02:45 AM
Guys, really... it does not look or sound like Rob Riggle. Everybody's entitled to their opinion but.... I'm almost at a loss for words. This is way too out there.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 03:01 AM
I worked on some of this tonight, comparing some known Riggle audio to others of him. There was somewhat of a pattern in the spectrum views. I then compared a similar word of riggle's to some random musician talking that i had laying around my hard drive from old sessions. Big difference in the spectrum.

Then compared to the Harley man. Again similar words and tones as well. From what im seeing so far, it aint looking good for Mr. Riggle.

Im not it any way jumping to conclusions yet. This is gonna take hours extensive analysis to present this correctly. I only did a few controls and a couple tests.

My studio session scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled as of an hour ago. So I will be working on it all evening and into the night.

Im going to work out a presentation with all of the results, and maybe start a new thread depending on what the outcome is. I will keep everyone posted.

I also spoke to what you could call an "expert" in the particular field. Told him i was working on a friends personal civil case with an EX and could not go into details..LOL. Anyways...Im doing it correctly, its just gonna take a while.

4 AM in DC = bedtime. Night ATS

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by owlseleven
reply to post by ipsedixit

Rob Riggle's not a hard man to find. I just found him on Twitter after 5 seconds of "research." Confront him there for everyone to see!

Much of your post would be better suited to the Mystery expert at ground zero thread. It is the kind of thing they have been discussing over there. Very interesting observations, psychological insight, even a philosophical observation on the topology of logic. Way over my head.

In this thread we are probably going to be either scouring the ground looking for voice analysis experts or audio engineers (Thank God one has taken an interest in the conversation!),or we are going to be arguing over wave forms and visual representations when we get the results.

As far as confronting Mr. Riggle goes. Both he and his publicist have been emailed or contacted through his website in ways specified by him there. People in the other thread I mentioned have been trying to do that with no response, yet.

Everything you are talking about really belongs in the other thread.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by Lombardy Inn
I also spoke to what you could call an "expert" in the particular field. Told him i was working on a friends personal civil case with an EX and could not go into details..LOL.

I think you were smart to do that. After all, you would be seeking his technical help, not trying to get sidetracked into a tangential political discussion that might bog everything down and possibly create roadblocks for you.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:25 AM
reply to post by MakeSoap

Seriously? You think this is like Tom Cruise in a movie? This was shot on the street in NYC and was not edited for months by a production company. It was a strait on shot, I feel its pretty accurate to compare the height of this man and the reporter that was interviewing him.

I 100% believe this is not Rob Riggle. The Harley man did seem very suspicious though in his answer. So I am open to the idea of him being a plant or something of the sort.

Besides I hear Riggle rides a honda.

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 09:39 AM
once again the arguments turn down the wrong road. Who cares if it is rob riggle or not? The point is that this guy shows up an hour after the worst attack on american soil and sounds like he's reading straight from a copy of the fema report

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by purehughness

posted by Elepheagle
I had NEVER seen that BBC report where they informed the public that WTC7 had collapsed before it actually collapsed. Talk about a smoking gun? I mean, I saw Loose Change, but wow....

Most people do not know that CNN reporter Aaron Brown live on CNN also got a report an hour early that WTC7 had collapsed or was collapsing. The 9-11 perps were screwing up and advising their Mainstream Media partners too early. They should have known they would not have sense enough to look behind them to see if the building was still standing and keep their big mouths shut.

Over an hour before the WTC 7 demolition at 4:10pm, Aaron Brown reports - "building 7, in the wtc complex, is on fire and has either collapsed, or is collapsing".

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by mavman
reply to post by MakeSoap

This was shot on the street in NYC and was not edited for months by a production company. It was a strait on shot, I feel its pretty accurate to compare the height of this man and the reporter that was interviewing him.

I 100% believe this is not Rob Riggle. The Harley man did seem very suspicious though in his answer. So I am open to the idea of him being a plant or something of the sort.

Can you tell us where they are standing? Is the reporter Rick Leventhal standing up on the curb or something else, and Harley Man down on the street? TV reporters are very sensitive self-centered creatures, and do not like taller people they are interviewing looking down at them if it can be avoided. And a shill for the 9-11 perps might want to appear shorter than he was. You did notice that somebody tried to digitally mask his face in some videos didn't you?

Can you explain why US Marine Lt Colonel Rob Riggle has not come forward and set the matter straight? Definitely Harley Man was a disinfo agent the morning of 9-11 with a memorized script to give to the TV viewers; we just want to find out who he is. We know Marine Captain Rob Riggle was there in New York City at ground zero on the morning of 9-11 by the words written on his own website, and stayed there for the next 18 days on the bucket brigades. His voice matches and he is our primary suspect until he proves differently. What is he waiting for?

The digital rectangle

Capt. Riggle left active duty in the summer of 2000 and immediately joined the Marine Corps Reserves. In the fall of 2001 Capt. Riggle was in New York City. His reserve unit, MTU-17, stationed in Manhattan, were among the first military responders to the attacks on the World Trade Centers. Capt. Riggle was activated from Sept. 12th through the 30th, 2001, where he worked at ground zero moving rubble by hand in the bucket brigades. On November 10th (the Marine Corps birthday) Capt. Riggle received orders back to active duty for one year. He was assigned to Central Command (CENTCOM) in Tampa, Florida.

Military career
Riggle is a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Marine Corps Reserve and served in Liberia, Kosovo, and Afghanistan. He is currently a public affairs officer with the New York City Public Affairs unit and is a recipient of the Combat Action Ribbon. He has referred to his military experiences on The Daily Show, often when acting as the show's "Military Analyst", sometimes stating he could kill any other member of the show. He is the only Daily Show cast member to have been in the U.S. military.

In August 2007, Riggle went to Iraq to report for The Daily Show as well as entertain the troops under the purview of the United Service Organizations.

On April 15, 2009, The Daily Show announced that Riggle had been promoted from Major to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

[edit on 4/24/09 by SPreston]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 11:26 AM
This is the kind of person that keeps me coming back to ATS again and again.

Great work I am looking for your final input and conclusion.

When this is complete please post your results here but start a new thread dedicated solely to voice analysis on this subject.

Originally posted by Lombardy Inn
I worked on some of this tonight, comparing some known Riggle audio to others of him. There was somewhat of a pattern in the spectrum views. I then compared a similar word of riggle's to some random musician talking that i had laying around my hard drive from old sessions. Big difference in the spectrum.

Then compared to the Harley man. Again similar words and tones as well. From what im seeing so far, it aint looking good for Mr. Riggle.

Im not it any way jumping to conclusions yet. This is gonna take hours extensive analysis to present this correctly. I only did a few controls and a couple tests.

My studio session scheduled for tomorrow has been canceled as of an hour ago. So I will be working on it all evening and into the night.

Im going to work out a presentation with all of the results, and maybe start a new thread depending on what the outcome is. I will keep everyone posted.

I also spoke to what you could call an "expert" in the particular field. Told him i was working on a friends personal civil case with an EX and could not go into details..LOL. Anyways...Im doing it correctly, its just gonna take a while.

4 AM in DC = bedtime. Night ATS

[edit on 24-4-2009 by Realtruth]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 11:33 AM

posted by Alienmojo
One thing that bothers me is that the video is so bad you can't tell if his lips are saying those words or not. From just this video it appears to me that someone just edited that voice onto a film clip... its just impossible to make out if he is actually saying what it says on this clip.

Here is a better sound syncronized version of the same clip we have been viewing.


posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 12:41 PM
I recorded the audio from the Harley Man interview, a Rob Riggle daily Show bit and Rick Leventhal on 911 as separate .mp2 files while playing them on the VLC flash video player.

I used the program Expstudio Audio Editor, a freeware program downloaded from the web. (The free version only allows for .mp2 recordings.)

Then I took screenshots of the wave forms from the three recordings.

Things to keep in mind. I am not an audio engineer or anything close to it. I did this in a rush. The volume settings for each recording were as good as I could get them but the source audio for each recording was not at the same volume. This is only a rough preliminary try at this. The experts will have to do the expert job.

The first screenshot is of Rick Leventhal's voice waveform from the 9/11 man on the street interview he did with the doctor who heard the explosion. (It is embedded as with the other videos mentioned in this post, on page one of the thread.)


The next screenshot is of Harley Man in the interview of the same day.


The next screenshot is of rob Riggle in what I believe is a "Daily Show" bit.


I won't comment for now. What do you think?

[edit on 24-4-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by ipsedixit

A wave form really doesn't tell you much about what frequency an individual speaks with. It more or less just shows you whats there and times of different syllables. The only reason for wave forms, is that they are easier to work with when cutting certain parts out, as you can see exactly where it ends. But hey man, that's how i started with audio tech though. Just messing around with programs.

A spectrum view is what is used by analysts. Simply put, it is a voice fingerprint. Although not 100% accurate, I have read somewhere researching about it that roughly 10% of suspects found through voice spectrum analysis were not the actual criminal.

Im going to post a picture in about an hour of the first "control" spectrum that i find pretty consistent.

Its when Riggle says "Niger" and then says it again at the end.
I thought this was a good one because its the same word, at different times.

Also will be posting links to "cleaned up" audio i made of both clips from those 2 videos, just for you guys to munch on while i complete this "investigation"

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Lombardy Inn
reply to post by ipsedixit

A wave form really doesn't tell you much about what frequency an individual speaks with. It more or less just shows you whats there and times of different syllables. The only reason for wave forms, is that they are easier to work with when cutting certain parts out, as you can see exactly where it ends. But hey man, that's how i started with audio tech though. Just messing around with programs.

A spectrum view is what is used by analysts. Simply put, it is a voice fingerprint. Although not 100% accurate, I have read somewhere researching about it that roughly 10% of suspects found through voice spectrum analysis were not the actual criminal.

Im going to post a picture in about an hour of the first "control" spectrum that i find pretty consistent.

Its when Riggle says "Niger" and then says it again at the end.
I thought this was a good one because its the same word, at different times.

Also will be posting links to "cleaned up" audio i made of both clips from those 2 videos, just for you guys to munch on while i take on this "investigation"

[edit on 24-4-2009 by Lombardy Inn]

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by SPreston

That video shows them talking about it possibly collapsing. It's clear that they didn't know everything that was going on, but they did at least know that the building was on fire and in danger. That leads me to believe that the BBC got the same report as them and simply misread it.

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