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I was a Gray Alien in past life

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posted on Jan, 26 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by lowki

Just wanted to thank you for your reply

edit on 26-1-2011 by Abe7Fig because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 01:53 AM
can you be my leader?

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 02:31 AM
Originally posted by Abe7Fig


Just wanted to thank you for your reply

Stars and flags make happy little thank-you gifts. And they don't cost a thing. Just thought I'd mention that.

edit on 27-1-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by burntoast
can you be my leader?

sure, the most important is that you be powerful,
as the more powerful each unit, the more powerful the whole.

do magic, gain abilities,
fulfill your paradise dream.

Originally posted by aqlpskwo
reply to post by lowki

have you had any problems going back in your body after astral projection? like unable to fit in ect..

no, a part of soul stays in body.

I usually astrally-project while awake,
so it's typically only a soul-fragment that goes anywhere.

Originally posted by StlSteve
I'm sure you're for real, should I like stock up on candy. I like Pezz. Will there be Pezz when we're all dead? It will really suck if all my family and friends die, and like theres no Pezz.

For maintaining optimal health.
It would be better to learn to grow berries to satisfy your sweet tooth.
Blackberries are fairly easy to grow, so are raspberries.

Originally posted by burntoast
do you like being a human?

it's good enough for now.

do you like what the human-race is doing to this earth?(i sure dont)

I'd prefer to lay blame on the system that forced them to live this way.
evicted from their land,
incapable of growing food for themselves,
their swords and spears taken,
incapable of re-balancing the population.

If it wasn't for this blunting of teeth,
multi-national-corporations, that did harm,
would get what's coming to them,
from those they hurt,
the cycle of life.

is there ever gonna be a really big different change anytime soon?

change is always occurring,
recently at an exponential rate.

some areas may be decimated,
others will flourish.

how can i become a person within the stars

by advancing spiritually,
and allying with star-beings.

have you chosen a species/organization?

sorry about all these questions but find out and asking questions is my THANG

yar, pay me in stARRRS.

Originally posted by sphinx551
reply to post by lowki

1. Did the Anunnaki create the Neanderthals?

not sure,
though they seem like a reptilian mod, due to carnivorism.

2. Nibiru is a speceship, not a brown dwarf or planet?


3. Do you think the Magyars are, in any way, related to the Huns?

unlikely, the huns weren't very good procreators.

4. Where did the Magyars (Hungarians) really come from?

Sumerian colony, just like the Finns,
it's obvious due to the language roots.

Also Magyars are very sexual people,
a common trait for members of the cult of Inanna.

5. Is the Hungarian language the most "perfect" or "alien" Earth language? Somebody once joked that Hungarians are aliens in disguise.

Alien, since Sumerian is Annunaki language.

Thank you so much.


Originally posted by Erongaricuaro
Originally posted by Abe7Fig


Just wanted to thank you for your reply

Stars and flags make happy little thank-you gifts. And they don't cost a thing. Just thought I'd mention that.

edit on 27-1-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

Thanks I starred you,
love the support :-)
edit on 27/1/11 by lowki because: starred

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by Daecollo
I wonder if your right, but what if your just a pawn sent to send people in the wrong direction?

wrong is a perspective oriented thing.

I'm not sure what your affiliations are,
so it's hard to say how they would perceive me.

Also, the way your "Hive-Mind" works,

much like the internet

it just seems wrong, not having urges to kill, urges to have sex, urges to mate, urges to do whatever primal instincts you desire seems quite boring.

That's a description of contemporary humanity with Christian values.

It's true grays maybe somewhat docile,
but so are lots of herbivores.

the still eat, have sex, and reproduce.
though it be in a slightly different form,
than you may be used to experiencing.

Humans are not that simple, we are cowards, and back-stabbers, and we are very evil.

you talking about yourself?

Your idea of us "evolving" into a 4th Dimension? Outrageous, you would call it that, but give us enough time to see how it works, and we would adapt to make our own 4th Dimension, not one thats tied to a hive mind,

ahem... we are using the internet hive-mind for this transaction.

and certainly not one that lowers our primal urges and instincts.

you know there are chakras above the second one,
which is responsible for things like food and sex.
science confuses people into believing,
that it is all that we are good for.

the current level of development,
the third, is about free-will,
where we make choices.

though we're quickly approaching 4th density,
where it's about setting and accomplishing goals.

If you don't evolve,
I'm sure another planet can be found,
where others are also persuing primal urges,
like cavemen, or low level reptilians.

of course when you are at a higher-density,
you are still fullfilling all the lower-densities,
as you're frequency increases,
you're simply doing more,
in the same timeframe.

You say that reptiles would want to eat us?

I'm sure they are already.
Carnivores eat things like meat.
Sometimes "victims" or "prey" don't like,
how some people like to play with their food.

If they revealed themselves to us, and started eating us, you would bet we would at least get our hands on there technology, even if 3/4 of our race dies, we would be able to fight back, reverse engineer, adapt, overcome.

ya, we'd be robots by then.

It's okay though, as any good carnivore,
they take care of the herd population,
usually picking off the weak,
letting the strong to thrive.

We would gladly sacrifice ourselves to kill many of them, for the greater good, if we are cornered.

Human's are very adaptable creatures.
We also have strong and powerful wills, even if that skill has went down over time, it is still there, and usually comes whenever we need it.

*shrugs* really, they are quite innocent creatures.
humans cause much suffering through factory farms.

before attempting to ruin diplomatic relations with star-beings,
we should probably get to work on ourselves and internal relations.

If we don't treat animals and plants with love and respect,
then we can't possibly assume star-beings would treat us so.

Remember you have all the power vested in you,
as we are merely the station you tune to.

If we want to stop chem-trails,
we have to stop petrochemical agriculture,
one of the easiest ways is to buy organic food.

If we want to free the tortured and enslaved,
we can start by freeing factory-farm animals,
easily by becoming vegan.

avoid deforestation,
by using recycled paper.

it's really best,
if we make all our own stuff,
then we have full control,
over our lives,
and impact.

I'm starting to like the reptiles even better, I'm sure they have found a way around this, they obviously still have there urges for eating meat, and mating.

hey, maybe you'll incarnate as one if you like. :-)
edit on 27/1/11 by lowki because: higher density be more stuff in same time frame

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by lowki

tnx 4 d reply.

i saw from the posts made reference of hearing buzzing sounds and electrocution.. which happened to me one night by the way while i was sleeping. i was shocked over and over again it was frightening and intense! i still hear it buzzing when im laying down trying to sleep i even made a thread about it for details. what do you think of that? coincidence? nothing? anything? tnxxx

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 02:10 PM
what if my dream is to help out the earth ? what if i just wanna live life and help others?

i have this calling or so called feeling of me just saving parts of the earth then saving my own self i rather suffer then see others go through hell. im for the people and for this planet

posted on Jan, 27 2011 @ 03:54 PM
Great three-corner hat Lowki. Nice photo. Seems the only hat that looks OK on me, oddly enough, is the tall British type pith helmet as was worn in the Zulu War. Who knows? Maybe I was there. Not sure I would want to remember it, might have been fun though.

Seems everyone was updating their avatars so I had my compañera shoot a new one for me this morning. Let me know if it brings back any recollections. I half recall some adventures in the Caribe, might have crossed paths before. There may have been times in the settling and expansion of the US that was fun. My career playing war games on the test range had its moments as well but I think I'm all done with that country for now.

edit on 27-1-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by burntoast
what if my dream is to help out the earth?
what if i just wanna live life and help others?
i have this calling or so called feeling of me just saving parts of the earth then saving my own self i rather suffer then see others go through hell. im for the people and for this planet

That's just fine.
Can ask for innerguidance to find where your gifts will be appreciated most.

I made a thread about inner versus outer theism.
To explain how you can be the leader of your own life,
then you can maximize how many people you help,
being steered by spirit to where you're beneficial.

Originally posted by aqlpskwo
reply to post by lowki

tnx 4 d reply.

i saw from the posts made reference of hearing buzzing sounds and electrocution.. which happened to me one night by the way while i was sleeping. i was shocked over and over again it was frightening and intense! i still hear it buzzing when im laying down trying to sleep i even made a thread about it for details. what do you think of that? coincidence? nothing? anything? tnxxx

the first thing that came to mind for your case was HAARP,
though if you live near some high-frequency power stations, *shrugs*.

When I lived in basement, and was feeling electrified it happens to be near some high-voltage power-lines.
However when I walked under them, even if I was conducting electricity,
it was hardly noticeable, except if I tried to kiss a girl under the power-lines,
then it would be like these many static electric bursts.

though being in a spruce tree effectively negated that effect,
and it seemed to be growing there just fine.

I personally ascribed my electro-shocks to kundalini awakening.
I asked for it, so I got it.

Only went away after I read "We the Arcturians"
where I felt a strong mental connection with them.
I'm fairly certain they helped heal me.

Originally posted by Erongaricuaro
Great three-corner hat Lowki. Nice photo.

Thanks :-)

Seems the only hat that looks OK on me, oddly enough, is the tall British type pith helmet as was worn in the Zulu War. Who knows? Maybe I was there. Not sure I would want to remember it, might have been fun though.

remembering is your choice of course. :-)

when I hypnotically regress people,
usually I get people to retrieve those memories,
that would most help them in their present situations.

Seems everyone was updating their avatars so I had my compañera shoot a new one for me this morning. Let me know if it brings back any recollections.

seems like a mexican blanket,
but when I was a peruvian or aztec,
we did an awful lot of self blood sacrifices.
I'll spare you the graphic details.

I'm reminded of it whenever I see a knife.
Also I spent many lifetimes doing blade warfare,
it's a fairly common method of dispatch.

So I have many knife safety rules.
like to point knives away from anything biological,
if in crowded area can point it into something hard like a sheath,
also have a special way of carrying knives safely.
If i see any on a table, I usually point the edge towards the plate.
If in the kitchen, then I put spare knives into the sink,
and pointing towards the wall.

A blades edge focuses energy,
so can cut energy at a larger distance,
than the actual physical edge of the knife.

Zelda Ocarina of Time kinda reminds me of Triangulum m33,
m33 was much more co-operative and Magical quest-oriented.
I think m33 might be the source of some fantasy-fiction,
though much is likely from this galaxy or planet.

Just like how Whirlpool m51 might be source of some robot-sci-fi.
Though much sci-fi is political satire,
and local projections of the future.

I remember being in a temple as a thick-skinned bio-robo hybrid,
there were three galaxies on display in an elaborate chamber,
there was a priest there explaining some things to me,
the three with red borders were claimed or heavily infiltrated,
I looked around the room, there were many other galaxies,
the color of the frame designating their status,
most were violet-rimmed for visited,
some were blue-rimmed for known,
nearby ones were green, traded.

I half recall some adventures in the Caribe, might have crossed paths before.

who knows, I was keeping a low-profile,
preferred to stay on the ship,
or in wilderness areas.

There may have been times in the settling and expansion of the US that was fun.

Well, hope they were :-).
I was busy living underground.

My career playing war games on the test range had its moments as well but I think I'm all done with that country for now.

okay :-).
edit on 28/1/11 by lowki because: magical m33

edit on 28/1/11 by lowki because: Whirlpool m51

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:27 PM
ok... I have to admit something because the obviousness of it is taking a toll on my conscious.

I was just looking at lowki's new avatar picture and had a very unusual and somewhat uncomfortable realization that is very amusing to me. It totally cracked me up as the thought crossed my mind "This is what I would look like after a sex change operation"
This is strange and awkward. Except for his hair being lighter, we could be brother and sister.... which I'm pretty sure is completely impossible, so I'm just going to try to relax.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Oh dear, this is going to drive me completely insane.

posted on Jan, 28 2011 @ 11:50 PM
what a find!!! my first post after joining this site- what seems to be an evolved brotherhood. and ended up checking out the interpretation of grays that I have found to be either rediculous or massively informative. This site I recognise as massively informative via a language I have recently taught myself. Thought I was going insane for a while but the use of the profane terms of today to interpret archaic literature is profound and amazing to say the least.
Looks like I have some catching up to do in regard to meeting myself on the horizon, - I though i was alone- extrememly alone before understanding that the Grays are here to help, to work productively in bringing the hive to its full function, and it's now my job to intergrate to their universe, whether my body likes it or not. I used to have a fear of drowning, but i'm sure the fire will dry it out the way it is intended for the rebuilding of the world.

Daily probes sound intrusive at first, but i'm sure the dragon can take it if I leave it to her to deal with while I collect food for her belly from a cave I recently heard about and wish to explore. I like archeology, and now I get to be one for a while, hopefully find a great foreman and make him proud enough to introduce me to the boss after a good tenure.

Thankyou for your great work!

posted on Jan, 29 2011 @ 04:07 PM
can u draw a picture of you as a alien in the past life? to get a idea what u looked like?

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 11:48 AM
Oh hey, It's galactic day on my calendar,
so figure I'll respond here.

Originally posted by burntoast
can u draw a picture of you as a alien in the past life?
to get a idea what u looked like?

sure, I have pics from earlier.

Here is a drawing of the incarnation directly after my pirate-life,
I was a blue reptilian hybrid miner.

Here is a photo from Brazil,
of a host-body very similar to the one I used in my most recent lifetime as a Gray.

Here is a pic of me when I was a Draco youth, in the Draconian Empire
one edit I'd make is to make the head more bulbous and protruding upwards.

Here is a pic of a fairly common style meeting with beings from the stars:

While it says Antares, it could have been Altair, or even Sumer here on Earth.
Memories get kinda jumbled, and these temples look similar enough.

Landing pads, circular openings on top, with enough meetings they also have enclosures to avoid inclement weather.

Originally posted by fireinthelake
what a find!!! my first post after joining this site- what seems to be an evolved brotherhood. and ended up checking out the interpretation of grays that I have found to be either rediculous or massively informative. This site I recognise as massively informative via a language I have recently taught myself. Thought I was going insane for a while but the use of the profane terms of today to interpret archaic literature is profound and amazing to say the least.

I'm curious as a language designer myself.
Can you be more specific which archaic or profane terms?

Looks like I have some catching up to do in regard to meeting myself on the horizon, - I though i was alone- extrememly alone before understanding that the Grays are here to help, to work productively in bringing the hive to its full function, and it's now my job to intergrate to their universe,
whether my body likes it or not.

? free will is available.

I used to have a fear of drowning, but i'm sure the fire will dry it out the way it is intended for the rebuilding of the world.

do you mean the sky fire or something else?

Daily probes sound intrusive at first, but i'm sure the dragon can take it if I leave it to her to deal with while I collect food for her belly from a cave I recently heard about and wish to explore. I like archeology, and now I get to be one for a while, hopefully find a great foreman and make him proud enough to introduce me to the boss after a good tenure.

So do you want to do cave exploration, to find a nest,
or do you want someone else to do it for you?
I'm not quite sure what you mean.

Thankyou for your great work!

You're welcome.

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by lowki

For some reason I was thinking of you earlier today, in meditation. Sending L & L! I hope all is going well and positive in your life,and you are gaining even more insight and awareness. Wishing you and your loved ones well.

That picture of the grey, is the most similar to what I saw at the door end of May 2010. There were subtle differences, but there is no other picture online that is as close. He was just over 4 1/2 feet, akin to the same height as my then, 8 year old. Head if anything, slightly narrower and finer boned even, no buldge, just long and narrow, again akin to my son. Eyes were very slightly smaller, definitely a kind of lense. But the rest was even thinner, finer, very very thin as if a stick man, but not quite. He was not grey in color but a kind of ruddy dusky rose though it was evening so hard to depict. A friend in Finland who has some inside info called those the pinky's. When he disappeared a second or two later, it surprised me how he moved. He twisted to the side, fluidly, moving rapid fluid movement (never saw anything like it) and vanished. My son experienced what he said was like missing time, at the exact moment I was dreaming of abduction for the family that night.
edit on 3-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2011 @ 07:11 PM
1. Is there really such creatures/entities such as The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse? Here is a thread about it:

2. Do other planets with humans have cars, computers, televisions, and airplanes?

3. Are there ethnicities and or races of humans on other planets that don't exist on Earth?

4. What do you think of this video?:

5. How technologically advanced are the Pleiadeans compared to Earth humans?


posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 10:43 AM
ok...I have not really been keeping up with this thread because well....pirates are a little on the RUDE side, haha
... but anyway.

...back to the robots!

You were talking about it was important for the conscious to experience other ways of living but what about self preservation?... like, not just take a robot and put someone's soul in it just to be different but let's say if you are injured or getting ill and then you start replacing parts with intricate mechanical ones... or something like that... like robocop, lol... or eddie in those certain pictures where he appears to be mechanical. Like, it starts with an arm or a leg and goes from there. Just how far could prosthesis go? Are there any parts of the body that can remain remain functional for very long periods of time compared to others that could be preserved longer?
Way back when I first saw akira, the image of the brains and spinal cords of the test subjects within the jars always gave me this weird idea about not only cryogenics but that if you had the right components to keep the CNS submerged in, that it would remain functional and in the movie (yes, fictional i know but with many unique ideas in it in my opinion) the test subject were alive but still living a captive existence within the jars. That always tripped my #. Not that i think living in a jar would be good really... perhaps not but the point is that now I am wondering what parts can be preserved the longest. just how far could prosthesis go for someone... maybe whose natural parts were wearing out.

Oh, that would be CRAZY!

Now, i don't mean that it would be cool if they just started puttting people into robots and they woke up as a robot like "whuuuu" when just a little while ago they were a school child or something, but what if someone very clever who was a brilliant machinist, scientist, physicist... and all that who also knew all sorts of others things that had experienced a lot just decides they are not ready to die yet... so they will just start rebuilding themselves bit by bit. That would be insanely incredible! That would be like, the craziest # EVER!

I mean, wouldn't that be a more believable motivator to say "we must become machines"... to preserve ones own life than to say "yeah, we're just going to start taking people's souls and sticking them in robots"

I mean you have several people swearing greys are robots and this place is the absolute first i have heard that theory. i'm not saying it's not out there but when you look at it from a completely different angle it makes a heck of a lot more sense to think that they would be smart enough to think of this and were not originally created as robots but implemented robotics into themselves over time for longevity. That just makes much more sense for this robot theory.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:15 PM
In my past life I was a sex slave in Interzone, I would be tortured in the most pleasing way. My life before that I was a little boy, Teddy, and my sister pushed me into an empty pool on a cruise ship and I died. I have been many and will be more.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Logan5782
In my past life I was a sex slave in Interzone, I would be tortured in the most pleasing way. My life before that I was a little boy, Teddy, and my sister pushed me into an empty pool on a cruise ship and I died. I have been many and will be more.

What is Interzone?... and how can the willing be a slave?

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by ChaosMagician

Originally posted by Logan5782
In my past life I was a sex slave in Interzone, I would be tortured in the most pleasing way. My life before that I was a little boy, Teddy, and my sister pushed me into an empty pool on a cruise ship and I died. I have been many and will be more.

What is Interzone?... and how can the willing be a slave?

If someone in their past lives has done such things to others,
then they can find the enjoyment from experiencing it,
as the enjoyment of balancing their karma.
edit on 20/2/11 by lowki because: (no reason given)

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