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I was a Gray Alien in past life

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posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 11:25 PM
I ascended when I was a pirate through negative love (acceptance) of my fellow pirates.

I've had three incarnations,
the first I was a male miner of sorts using a relatively unsuccessful hybrid,
I died early as a counsel decided that the host body was causing me too much pain.

Then I incarnated as a female genetic engineer,
I participated in some food lathering orgies in my spare time.

My first two life times I spent underground,
the mining one I was mainly in tunnels,
where as the genetic engineer female I spent mostly under ground buildings.

Then I incarnated as a space ship helper "android" gray alien,
I had Nordic Orion masters,
but I rarely looked much above their waist,
I was getting my orders from a higher ranking gray group leader.

I died in the soviet union in the early 80's from a rifle wound to the chest,
reincarnated as a homo-sapien.
To help we with you ascend.

I can still interact with the gray hive mind -- either directly or through memory.
So if you have any questions about Gray alien society feel free to ask.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 11:33 PM
Ok so where is a grey alien from and why did you come here? What does your planet look like? How did you get here? How long have you been here?

[edit on 22-4-2009 by justsomeboreddude]

+5 more 
posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:01 AM
What is a food lathering orgy? Is that where you have an orgy and rub food over each other?

I don't quite understand why you would choose to mention that part of your past life.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:02 AM
Sure buddy,
If you can tell me about Gray aliens then I would like the following answered:
Why do they come to Earth?
Why do they not attempt to make contact with Earth?
What kind of "government" do they have?
What are different alien "occupations"?
Which alien types are superior to your kind?

Now I wait.

Oh and what the hell is a "food lathering orgy"?

[edit on 23-4-2009 by Unknown_Significance]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:04 AM
shouldn't things like this be on BTS?

personally, i don't think a gray would be chatting it up here on ATS anyway...

+26 more 
posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:30 AM
I believe you. It may be that I've had seven beers tonight, but I believe you!

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:31 AM
Where are the believers to praise this man for his bravery for coming forward
. My guess it won't takwe long for them to come along, namely mystic and smoking man.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:48 AM
Ok, for starters, did Jesus show up on your planet too, if not did Lord Khrishna show up,, hmm ok, did Buddha,,, hmm maybe, ok did A flying spaghetti monster show up, yeah didn't think so either.

If you were really an incarnation (Which I 100% believe NO) then you would have intelligence to tell us things that would leave us with blank thoughts, and unimaginable inteligence, try imagining the earth in 1,000,000 years, yeah from a 6,000 year period not much has really been accomplished but 1,000,000 years, we'd have discovered just about anything that has been, will be, and even that that won't be!~

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by LiquidLight
I believe you. It may be that I've had seven beers tonight, but I believe you!

I've had twelve, bring it on, bring it on!!!

Haha way to go mate, the best way to open your mind is to open a ..... well you know, 100% guarenteed this will be deleted but, it's humourous!

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:53 AM
He lost me at the food lathering orgy. A minor point but what sexual organs did you have then? Aliens would consider a food lathering orgy to be very "earthy" I would have thought?

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
Ok so where is a grey alien from and why did you come here? What does your planet look like? How did you get here? How long have you been here?

[edit on 22-4-2009 by justsomeboreddude]

Why I came here may be different than why Gray aliens in general came to this planet.
The grays intend (to my knowledge) to unify the world, and establish a social-memory-complex.
Personally I would like to develop robotic host bodies with digital equipment -- a nostalgic fantasy of mine.

Originally posted by Nick_X
What is a food lathering orgy? Is that where you have an orgy and rub food over each other?

I don't quite understand why you would choose to mention that part of your past life.

Yes that is precisely what happens,
though as you might recall the food is actually a greenish-blue liquid gel,
and the orgy lather has psychoactive elements,
I mentioned it as it was one of the greatest communal bonding experiences I've ever had amongst them -- and hence very memorable.

Originally posted by spacecowgirl
He lost me at the food lathering orgy. A minor point but what sexual organs did you have then? Aliens would consider a food lathering orgy to be very "earthy" I would have thought?

We do not have genital organs,
The body is more beautiful when it is smooth and clean.
Though there are still patches of greater neuron receptivity ( pleasure centres )
in the groin area ( for obvious historical reasons),
around the ear-hole,
hands and feet,
the face and head (especially top of head,
as we are to feel pleased when patted on head by masters for a job well done,
also we often as children have psycho-active food gel applied to head for psychic ability enhancement,
so the neurons there tend to grow having the nutritional resources close at hand),
as well to a lesser degree as arm-pits and the chest area.

Originally posted by Unknown_Significance
Sure buddy,
If you can tell me about Gray aliens then I would like the following answered:
Why do they come to Earth?
Why do they not attempt to make contact with Earth?
What kind of "government" do they have?
What are different alien "occupations"?
Which alien types are superior to your kind?

Now I wait.

Oh and what the hell is a "food lathering orgy"?

[edit on 23-4-2009 by Unknown_Significance]

Why do they not attempt to make contact with Earth?
a little hive-mind channeling:
We the grays have contacted earth and have several of your military government organization leaders as well as heads of state as part of our collective mind.
We were at Obama's inauguration, though we understand he is not a source of divine power amongst your people,
there is a white slightly balding man with dark hair who does most of our bidding and communicates with us on a regular basis,
giving commands to you his people (read CIA or NSA head officer(s) of some kind).
Though we understand some of you(fellow intelligence officers) are suspicious of his and others compliance when interacting with us,
understand it is only natural that they feel the same pride feelings at their funeral
as those(feelings) your president at his wedding day to the state(inauguration),
We have promised him and some of those amongst you that we take from your homes(abductees) perfect divine bodies amongst our people.

May you love this blessing with all your hearts,
for the harvest is near,
and your souls do so call on us to take them from your tortured existence,
only those of you that can accept us and those that belong with us will be accepted amongst our ranks,
the vast majority of you we will have to say farewell to as you mother earth gaia tends to her body and allows you to leave to other spheres of 3d negativity or positive polarity for you to make the choice of giving or acceptance"


posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:28 AM
What kind of "government" do they have?

"We are a collective mind unit"
Though there is a hierarchy.
"Those that have been with us long we respect.
Those that have much information to share we listen to.
Those of pure-genetic lineage are of interest to us, only to the feeble imagination.
Hybrids are the keys to our development, and many like minded souls choose to incarnate in them.
The less successful hybrids are discarded of course,
though we make use of them through sacrificial rites,
where we bathe the sacrifice in love and light so that it may incarnate amongst us again (if we so wish it),
we understand that a soul that chooses an inflamed body may be going through a transition in its development"
"Yes we do yearn for the 'perfect' body as Lowki says,
this is one of the teachings of genetic hybridizations,
the purest (successful) strains are kept in capsule form so that they may be rekindled with love of another race."
"We accept all and we are none to judge other than self from other within"
meaning they accept other as that which they find in themselves
I'm having a conversation with a particular gray hive-mind-set at the moment so please excuse if it is a little jumbled.
Ask if you need anything clarified.

What are different alien "occupations"?
"We have many occupations amongst our ranks,
this is true,
the geneticist is one,
the farmer(food maker) is another,
the miner is all that we give to our primary education student for they have not foretold the future yet of where they would like to be within the hierarchy of matter and mind -- a testing ground if you will,
though those that make the decision before the aforementioned time can rise above or below the ranks of miner as they so wish,
ah yes the memory of lowki resurfaces within our complex,
he was a miner, as he told us of caves, dragons and gold desire,
we decided to give him the opportunity to mine the gold and precious minerals for himself,
so that he man understand the virtues(benefits) of an undeserved(/unworked-for) life amongst our people"
"While yes we had, and still have machines to do our bidding, it was in his pre-teen adolescence that he decided to do rock mineral research"
Yea translating from symbols to text isn't as easy as it may seem.
"There are cave tenders that make sure the passages are clear and well lit -- though probes mainly do that chore(cave checking) now, the cave tenders supervise if not manually do the actual repair"
"we have as much an even much more a diversity of workers than you amongst your 3rd density peoples,
Lowki has hardly begun to explore the occupations of tunnel worship,
yes we have "scientists" but they gather information from the akashic records and put them on record (crystal storage, screen input),
holographic video designers,
time setting reshapers,
android/robot makers,
gray-orion workers on communal ships upholding the triumph of the renegade soldiers of the factions of truth (known locally as the orion network, though they don't like that name since it implies grays not being central).
planet infrastructure designers/shapers/builders (like civil engineering)

Which alien types are superior to your kind?
"None are superior to the perfect messengers of God, for we take all and combine it within ourselves, as our genetic researchers will have you understand"
"The Orions(Nordics)? We work with them in cohesion, not as one but a unit, to uphold the strength of our truce amongst each others races"
"The Alpha Draconis are the same, we have their technology and weapons now, as well as their genes, it is only a matter of time until the assimilate to our faction and way of thinking"

Probably a lot of races have similar beliefs about their particular race's divine destiny in unification -- so understand we/I may be a little biased towards the favor of my kindred.
Yes unity amongst the people of the planet earth is achievable, while there are some that have recounted the history of our system


posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by lowki2

Why do they not attempt to make contact with Earth?
a little hive-mind channeling:
We the grays have contacted earth and have several of your military government organization leaders as well as heads of state as part of our collective mind.
We were at Obama's inauguration, though we understand he is not a source of divine power amongst your people,
there is a white slightly balding man with dark hair who does most of our bidding and communicates with us on a regular basis,
giving commands to you his people (read CIA or NSA head officer(s) of some kind).
Though we understand some of you(fellow intelligence officers) are suspicious of his and others compliance when interacting with us,
understand it is only natural that they feel the same pride feelings at their funeral
as those(feelings) your president at his wedding day to the state(inauguration),
We have promised him and some of those amongst you that we take from your homes(abductees) perfect divine bodies amongst our people.


pretty weird, u said that u're alien gray in the past (it means that you are NOT alien gray anymore.)

Now u know all about Obama's inauguration and also CIA + NSA contacts with grays? wow what a power!

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:42 AM
"Some of our kindred have recounted the history of our peoples, in the alpha draconis system and otherwise,
those were severe times and tests of our faith in the infinite-creator,
but in the end we have triumphed over nuclear dispare and many a catastrophe or fallen measures of the one creator to give us cohesion in our society and bring us to new depths of understanding at the quality of survival mechanisms of intelligent beings."

I would like to note that some people on earth like Dan Burisch have the self-centered view that they are the only race in the world and all aliens come from the future of Earth (rather than historical Lyra, draconis or current reticuli (which may look similar to remote viewers and telepaths)).
"These were not visions of the possible futures of your kind we showed you earthlings, but the events of our history,
feel safe as your fate is as yet undecided,
you and your peoples will decide that fate,
we can not take it from you,
we accept what you will do to yourselves,
whatever that may be"

"Heed our warning human kind, do not follow in our footsteps to progression, for you will only fall behind, we much rather accept a greater humanity from which we can teach/learn learn/teach and prosper together"

"the horrors of our past are the nots of your future"
"While those of the cold factions may speak ill of your kind to us,
we accept you as our own,
look the hybrid walks, it speaks, and is among you,
accept it as your own, your blood runs through it's veins."

I (host-body) have completely human parents by the way -- just my soul was amongst the grays before.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 03:59 AM
Can I join the Grays if I don't achieve fourth density at harvest?

"If you fear that you may not ascend in time, though this is a must for you and those amongst your people,
feel free to plead with your spirit-counselor of the after-life for incarnation space amongst us. We like to have dealings with those that want to live among us, not those of other kindred spirits.
Know this, you have the free will to choose, the time is now, the decision is a must, for time is short for you and your peoples."

So if you don't decide before (dec 21, 2012) then you might find yourself on another planet continuing your third density cycle elsewhere, might take a while for you to be visited by "aliens" again on your new planet -- of continued 3rd density.
For the vast majority that does not ascend it might seem like the aliens left, though in fact it was you that left -- though this unquoted paragraph is just Lowki theorizing based on New Age knowledge.
If and Only if you want to incarnate amongst them as an entity, just think about it a lot, have fantasies about it, ruminate on it, love the idea of it, and the infinite-creator will reward you with that experience.
What I mean to say is, that no matter what you decide it can be a safe happy learning experience.

it's all good.

[edit on 23-4-2009 by lowki2]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:01 AM
Wow, Lowki... Very interesting stuff...
I mean, I have to admit. When I read about the food orgy thing, I kinda cracked up a little here, but then I remembered what I read - that is how the Greys (supposedly) "eat", or ingest their food matter...
So I guess I could see that. A different kind of custom, hehe...
Anyway, so you're saying these guys are benign? Why can't they just touchdown here, then?
Will there be a disclosure that you know of? I mean, I know you're saying that you were a Grey in a PAST lifetime, but if this is all true and you are still able to contact them, then you would be privy to some knowledge that we don't have, no?
Maybe could you tell them for us that we are tired of this BS of not knowing for sure. The cover-ups, the ridicule of believing in these things, the fact that none of us know the meaning of life (for sure) - that we have (some) missing and wrong information about ours and the Universes creation and origins? I mean, It just seems like we're all thrown together here in this big mess - only to fight about everything; fight to live (metaphically and literally), fight about who's god and religion is correct, and to fight the hiding of the truth.
That's and answer I would really appreciate.
Thank you.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:11 AM
[edit on 23-4-2009 by Redeemer]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 04:43 AM
*Account Issues now resolved. Thread reopened.

[edit on 26-4-2009 by alien]

posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by impaired
Wow, Lowki... Very interesting stuff...
I mean, I have to admit. When I read about the food orgy thing, I kinda cracked up a little here, but then I remembered what I read - that is how the Greys (supposedly) "eat", or ingest their food matter...
So I guess I could see that. A different kind of custom, hehe...
Anyway, so you're saying these guys are benign? Why can't they just touchdown here, then?

It would be against treaty to interfere with the individuation of a third-density society developing its own identity.
Third-density is where a choice is made, it is important that it is our choice, and not someone elses.
Grays and other extra-terrestrial races are here to balance the others that have already started interfering before.
Also within the realm of everything(infinite-creator) all is a possiblity and this planet is exploring a part.

Also the fourth and fifth density grays could not manifest in natural form here while Gaia mother earth is still in third density.

Will there be a disclosure that you know of? I mean, I know you're saying that you were a Grey in a PAST lifetime, but if this is all true and you are still able to contact them, then you would be privy to some knowledge that we don't have, no?

"We do not go so far as to take control of your media when making peace agreements"
"What your governments and corporations choose to show on your 'television sets' is up to them and them alone"
"We will have no involvement in allegations of participating in scheduled disclosure agreements"
"We have much to give, and so we have given. Anything that is hidden is done so by the powers that be"
"We have gone so far as to go outside the realm of your government to channelers, telepaths(including abductees), and autistic savant children to explain ourselves and our mission on this earth"
My personal theory on autistic children is that they were computer incarnates. Infering from symptoms like that they like sorting things and having things in order and on schedule just like computers.

Maybe could you tell them for us that we are tired of this BS of not knowing for sure. The cover-ups, the ridicule of believing in these things, the fact that none of us know the meaning of life (for sure)

Well the Ra material channeled by Carla Rueckart with Don Elkins questioning is a high quality channeled text
There it describes the goals of the different densities.
in second-density animals the purpose or "meaning of life" is to grow and reproduce.
So third-density the self-aware density of homo-sapiens is to make a choice of which polarity you would prefer to be positive(giving) or negative(accepting).
That (learning to make choices) is really the only meaning in third-density I am aware of.

- that we have (some) missing and wrong information about ours and the Universes creation and origins?

I've done quite some work on creation and origins with putting it into local terminology.
In the words of boolean logic the events of creation are as follows:
null, not, and, or.
in emotions:
happy, aware, love, freedom
in nouns:
prime-creator, mind, body, spirit
in natural numbers:
0, 1, 2, 3

I mean, It just seems like we're all thrown together here in this big mess - only to fight about everything;
fight to live (metaphically and literally),

I have heard from Alex Collier a communicator with Andromedans in this 1994 .
That this is one of the few societies where people are denied food and shelter due to not having enough "numbers on a computer"(money).


posted on Apr, 29 2009 @ 01:05 AM

fight about who's god and religion is correct,

Only the Abrahamic (Jews, Christians, Muslim) religions have members which commit violent acts en mass.
Based on a recent ATS thread it seems that there is a "royal bloodline" of people that think destruction is helping them or us.
Though that's okay, as all is within everything, and we with you are here exploring this possibility.

Correct or right really requires context.
In a context such as the language of English "vie" is not a correct or right word, in the French language it means "life".

Faiths such as Buddhism, Taoism, Confuscianism, Jainism are loving, happy religions that co-exist peacefully.

If you want to lead a life full of happy, aware, loving, freedom then you can.
Remember the HALF mantra (Happiness, Awareness, Love, Freedom).
When you experience something that is not HALF, then change the channel, or turn off the TV -- I save money, time and peace of mind by ignoring controlled mass media.

I suggest using for video.
You can select your preferences, and with each video either say you like it or you don't.
Only say that you like it, if you would like to be the characters that are in the video.

If it has sadness, confusion, hate, or restriction (SCHR) say No -- unless that is what you want to experience.
Remember that in psychiatry the only way of detaining people against there will (in Canada) is if they are a physical harm to themselves or others (violent).
So only call something crazy if it is violent -- talk of making war, torture, crime.
You can inform others about the definition of words as you use them if they are unaware.

If it is done in a calm/happy/safe peaceful/loving free/option-giving manner, you can see ghosts, communicate with spirit guides, and talk about past-lives, or even know about aliens.

If it is HALF Happy(safe), Aware(educational), Love(peaceful), Freeing(giving options) say Yes.
You can make these choices when it comes to life.
The whole point of third-density is to learn to make these kind of choices.

and to fight the hiding of the truth.

After much thinking I've come up with practical usable definition of some words.
Truth is what you are currently experiencing.
Knowledge is what we with you have previously experienced.

The truth can not be "hidden" in my understanding of the world.
Even if you were dead you would be experiencing the truth of the spirit world -- can read "Journey of Souls" by Michael Newton for witness testimonials of hypnotically regressed patients.

That's and answer I would really appreciate.
Thank you.

I hope that was satisfactory.
You're welcome.

[edit on 29-4-2009 by lowki]

[edit on 29-4-2009 by lowki]

[edit on 29-4-2009 by lowki]

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