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Was Jesus's real teachings twisted

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posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 09:55 PM
I'm new here, and I have read things that say, Jesus's true teachings were twisted, I can't remember where I read it or seen it. If anyone has any information on it, it would be greatly appreciated.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 10:43 PM
Maybe. I have often wondered the same thing. Basically the early Roman Catholic church chose which books made it to the bible and which ones didnt. They left out things like the gnostic books and the testimonies of most of the apostles.

I am always baffled by two things:
1. Why is the God in the Old Testament so tough on everyone, but then Jesus is so loving to everyone. I have a bible that you can read in a year. Each day has a section of old testament and a section of new. When you read them together it is like it is about 2 totally different Gods.

2. Why does Jesus kind of throw out the law, but then the writings of Paul kind of puts them right back in. I think the bible and Jesus are way more awesome if you just ignore all the stuff Paul added.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 10:43 PM
Maybe. I have often wondered the same thing. Basically the early Roman Catholic church chose which books made it to the bible and which ones didnt. They left out things like the gnostic books and the testimonies of most of the apostles.

I am always baffled by two things:
1. Why is the God in the Old Testament so tough on everyone, but then Jesus is so loving to everyone. I have a bible that you can read in a year. Each day has a section of old testament and a section of new. When you read them together it is like it is about 2 totally different Gods.

2. Why does Jesus kind of throw out the law, but then the writings of Paul kind of puts them right back in. I think the bible and Jesus are way more awesome if you just ignore all the stuff Paul added.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 10:51 PM
Jesus used logical parables to relay what His message was(is). Many did not make it into the Holy Bible because it was manipulated by the powers that be in their time to suit the needs they had at the time. Unfortunately for all of us we will never truly know.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 11:02 PM
Personally, I think they were...

Why would we need a church to worship? We can do it alone, with people, anywhere.

Who needs people in shiny outfits and big fancy hats to tell them what is right, what is wrong, and to beg for one dollar from you every Sunday?

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
Maybe. I have often wondered the same thing. Basically the early Roman Catholic church chose which books made it to the bible and which ones didnt. They left out things like the gnostic books and the testimonies of most of the apostles.

I am always baffled by two things:
1. Why is the God in the Old Testament so tough on everyone, but then Jesus is so loving to everyone. I have a bible that you can read in a year. Each day has a section of old testament and a section of new. When you read them together it is like it is about 2 totally different Gods.

God is everyone. He is tough on himself. Have you ever been bummed at yourself or been overly hard on yourself? The only way to judge properly is to put yourself in someone else's shoes, yet viewing it from someone else's vantage point and empathizing with them doesn't relinquish you from yourself. This is why it says, "Love the lord your god with all of you, and love your neighbor as yourself". You alone are not God, but you are part of him. You loose thousands of cells a day, but generate new ones also, same with being a part of the body of God. This is why it is Eye for Eye and Tooth for tooth. You reap what you sow. Your eye for your eye, and your tooth for your tooth. Does that make sense to you?

2. Why does Jesus kind of throw out the law, but then the writings of Paul kind of puts them right back in. I think the bible and Jesus are way more awesome if you just ignore all the stuff Paul added.

"I have in no way come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it." Paul is Jesus, incarnate as are you. When you remember this, it will be as a flash of lightening from east to west, that is Front to back. You are resurrected in spirit, which means "a gust of wind" in other words, talked about as even now you pronounce "Jesus". You will fulfill the law because you will die as will every stone of the temple be turned to dust, that is, all pay. You are the only begotten image. There are many like you, but none are you. You are completely individual and a uni verse unto yourself a "son of man". Jesus isn't a name, but a meaning as God says, "I shall not meet you as a man". Jesus means, "Self existent salvation"....You and IN his name, you are saved. In self existent salvation, your name has been called. "And behold, I am with you even until the end of the age"...


[edit on 22-4-2009 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Yeah, I am always questioning whether Jesus and the God of the old testament actually have anything to do with each other.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by CaveMan TeK

I really like the story of Jesus. He was such a rebel. His teachings were the opposite of what the Pharisees were teaching, and he would just toy with them. I bet if he were around now he would drive a Harley, wear a leather jacket, and have a cigarrete hanging out of his mouth. Then he would just sit back and wait for someone to throw into his face how is body is a temple and he's violating the temple by smoking. Then he would probably say it doesnt matter if my lungs are black as long as my soul isnt as dark as yours or some wild thing like that. Then they would just be like crap I am not talking to that guy anymore.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

That gives me a whole new perspective on Jesus

[edit on 22-4-2009 by CaveMan TeK]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

I think Jesus' is just as tough:

Luke 14:26 "If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.

I rather find it appealing though.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by CaveMan TeK

I really like the story of Jesus. He was such a rebel. His teachings were the opposite of what the Pharisees were teaching, and he would just toy with them. I bet if he were around now he would drive a Harley, wear a leather jacket, and have a cigarrete hanging out of his mouth. Then he would just sit back and wait for someone to throw into his face how is body is a temple and he's violating the temple by smoking. Then he would probably say it doesnt matter if my lungs are black as long as my soul isnt as dark as yours or some wild thing like that. Then they would just be like crap I am not talking to that guy anymore.

What ever you are doing, is what jesus is doing. God is true, therefore you must see him in truth.

The jesus you are imaging is the one he warned you to stay away from, the image of him.

"To the least of these so to have you done to me"...You are him. Do you understand why Jesus is innocent? He doesn't know himself, being himself eating with sinners and protitutes who sell themselves for promise of salvation that is currently here, yet not recognized because of an image that is even brought to life before you and speaks.

Ever seen "Passion of Christ" or any movie about Jesus for that matter? He isn't speaking in code, but because people go chasing after things that are not real, true, manifest, and proven. They follow the beast. Beasts need to be put down because they are wild and will hurt people. By believing that someone else is your savior, you sell yourself out as Judas, the left hand of Jesus. God doesn't change. "I create evil and I form the light" I do all these things. I am George Bush, I am Gandi, I am Brittney Spears, I AM.

This is what Jesus said to preach and IS the good news:
"Do not go into the ways of the Samaritains, rather, go only to the lost sheep of He will rule as God and proclaim to them...Repent (re-think) for the kingdom of god is at hand"

Have Jesus teachings been twisted? YES "Each man shall bear his own load"

You are Jesus, all of you. Innocent even until death. It pleases us to bruise him, OURSELVES, so you can bet Jesus is smoking. I just had one, but it's not what he wants, if this cup could pass, yet he does because that is what you want. It pleases the father to bruise him, his only begotten image.

"Why do you call me good, no one is Good but God who is IN heaven"


[edit on 23-4-2009 by letthereaderunderstand]

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 06:53 AM
Christianity and Judaism are metaphorical and mystical by design which invites different interpretations of the meanings

Jesus introduced the concepts of Buddhism / Hinduism to a greater audience

The disciples asked Jesus

"When will the kingdom come"?

Jesus said,

" The kingdom of the father will not come by expectation, they will not say see here or see there.

Heaven is spread upon the Earth and men do not see it"

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

sometimes...I too ignore Pauls writings, Jesus freed woman from bondage and Paul binds them up again, at least he says its in his opinion however the church rather likes Pauls opinion..

I Corinthians 14:34-35; "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church."... also outside of the church
1Tim 2...3:11 Paul does not permit woman to teach, or have authority over men etc, girls know your, buts its ok to be sunday school teachers.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 08:50 AM


posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 10:35 AM
Well, I tend to think that many of his teachings were omitted from the Canon. Of course, people can twist what Christ said any way they like. I mean, people use his phrase that he brings a sword not peace as justification for war. So, in a round about way, therein lies your answer.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 12:30 PM
Try reading "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross". Sorry, I forget the authors, but they were philologists who thought the New Testament was a punny story (sorry, couldn't resist). Their point was that for political and survival reasons, The New Testament was layered in ...ummm...I think they said three levels, based upon words with several meanings, i.e., puns.

The first level was for the benefit of the Romans, the second for the common converts, and the third for the true believers. Each level of meaning hung together well enough for its purpose: the first kept the Romans off their backs, the second the traditional Jewish authorities, while the third kept the "true" faith.

It's an interesting read and philologically plausible.

But of course, the man's words were twisted: how the hell else could the "Prince of Peace"'s philosophy justify the murder and torture of millions? How else could "his" church of equality revert to an oppressive patriarchy? How else could it be turned into the excuse for endless conquest and conflict?

For the record, I'm not a christian...I think it is one of the most evil things ever perpetrated upon humanity, along with Islam: both are rotten branches from a bad root.

posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Hey Jack Van Impe, what are you even talking about? Could you speak English. Maybe I am stupid or something but your posts sound like the ramblings of a lunatic.


posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 11:18 PM
This is what is missing from the teachings. They do not lack in substance, they lack in tense and this is why confusion is happening.

Have you ever heard of the term "the living word" or a "living document"? If you have do you understand what it means?

The Greek and the Hebrew are not as English and have no direct translation. If ever a conspiracy transpired, it is the sealing of the books from the masses, while letting them have the book in front of them.

Then there is this mind set against understanding the originals, being assured that the King James is proper, but I tell you, it is not. There are key things that are not being transferred to the English reader or any other Latin language, that if not understood leaves one with the story but not the meaning. It counterfeits itself, so that delusion is caused by the very truth not fully disclosed to the one receiving it.

Jesus name and all names in the bible are actions cloaked in names. EVERY name has meaning that fills in the sentence. If you read what the names mean in place of the name...the story becomes living and you can only know what I am talking about by doing it.

YOU ARE JESUS and it is the story of your life, all of you. So he says, "Forgive them father, for they know not what they do"...I tell you, there are some standing here who shall not pass away until they see the kingdom in all it's glory....I say that to you.


posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by justsomeboreddude
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Hey Jack Van Impe, what are you even talking about? Could you speak English. Maybe I am stupid or something but your posts sound like the ramblings of a lunatic.

The Jack Van Impe comment made me almost pee myself....thanks

posted on Apr, 24 2009 @ 05:56 AM
interesting debate.

unfortunately unsubstantiated. transcripts of the gospels have been dated as far back as 50AD which was a mere 20 years after the death of christ. this kind of origin gap is unprecedented in archeology. even the earliest copies of plato were written 500+ years after plato lived and died. so even from a scientific point of view, the chances of jesus' story being changed much is unlikely.

second, when those early transcripts are compared to todays bible, they are largely unchanged. noone can bring forth any sort of case that jesus' teaching were altered.

so mostly, due to a lack of evidence, arguments in this thread will amount to "i dont agree with this particular teaching so i think it was altered"

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