posted on May, 14 2009 @ 02:51 PM
I'm not sure that RFIDs could be injected by disguising them in vaccinations. First, the little implants are not so little, you'd notice them,
because, second, you don't inject them deep into muscle tissue like you do with vaccines, they go in your skin.
And third, the needle they'd have to use to inject an RFID would be substantially different from the tiny ones used in vaccination.
All that said, no, I wouldn't accept one. If I had young children, maybe, if I couldn't find an immediate way to live off the grid.
They'll likely just phase them in bit by bit until one day we have a generation that has no idea of what it's like to live without them. Unless they
can find a good fear mongering scheme to help bring them to us a bit sooner. That's probably what we should be afraid of.