posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by watchtheashes
I would be interested in seeing some sources about Joseph Stalin being made a saint because this is news to me. All I can find is a story in the
Telegraph on July 2008 which
The Communist party in St Petersburg has petitioned the Orthodox Church to canonise Josef Stalin if he wins a television poll to nominate the greatest
Russian in history.
A television poll? Seriously?
Everything else I found is blogs and forums pointing back to this article. I do not know the reputation of the Telegraph but the fact that they were
the only large publication paper to print this makes me think that this story is suspect.
As far as the all this playing with numbers goes I don't understand where the link between English, Sumerian, and the number 6 come in. Or even how
Sumerian works into the equation at all with the Old Testament (originally in Hebrew) and New Testament (originally in Koine Greek) which are not
related to the Sumerian language or number systems.
The assumption behind Gematria, or Hebrew Numerology, is that the numerical equivalence between numbers and letters is not coincidental and that
because God created the world through "speech", each letter represents a different creative force. But the Sumerian's had a polytheistic religion,
with anthropomorphic gods and goddesses which is a big no no in God's book so why would anything that has to do with "good things" be some how
linked to the Sumerian's or the number 6.
Which brings me to the number 6. How was this derived? Other then making certain phrases add up to equal certain numbers it seems to be totally
arbitrary. And if 666 is such a "bad thing" and 888 is such a "good thing" why would the magic numbers require the multiplication of the number
Playing with words and numbers can be fun and produce some interesting results but I wouldn't take any of it seriously. As I pointed out before this
calculation of yours only works with modern English, if you were to take any other language that uses the modern basic Latin alphabet such as German,
Dutch, French, or Malay to name a few; your not going to get the same results and could very well produce some contradicting results.
[edit on 17-4-2009 by deadboi]