posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:19 AM
well looks like you have managed to scrape the surface.
this level of coding is one of many the bible contains. you should read the book
the bible code
you can read extracts on amazon.
it covers the skip sequence style codes that are contained in the bible.
before some one starts going on about outer books having codes in them.
yes they do. but not in the same way. if you read the book they relay go into the maths of probability. for the code to exist.. having relevant text
where its embedded... the amount of codes ...finding codes before they happen etc etc...
the maths side shows one thing... its becomes astronomically ,infinitely impossible for it all to be created by chance..
their are many wrong codes out there on the net... few people use the unchanged Hebrew bibles. and you have to remember god decided to encode not
just everything of significance that has happened and and will happen .. but everything that could happen!!
obviously having free will and an all knowing god leads you to think that their are many possible time lines.. or possible outcomes.
the beast may come this year... maybe next.. but im sure as with the many codes about the anti Christ in the bible, one will be right ... the others
possibility that may have happened if time played out in a different way.
the point is everything is so perfectly coded in life... right down to our dna and up to the physics that operate in our whole universe.... it all
screams creator