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YouTube - Baptist pastor beaten + tazed by Border patrol - 11 stitches

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posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by 5iron
Let's see wouldn't "Good evening Officer what do you need sir" and your outta there in under a min. But NO I've got to be a #ing smart ass to people with guns and badges. You got exactly what you deserved and someday if you keep this # up your going to get killed. If all you want to be is a #ing you-tube star learn to sing or do some stupid #ing trick dumb-#. GOOD JOB LAW ENFORCEMENT PLEASE DON'T BE SO EASY ON THE NEXT PERSON THAT WASTE'S YOUR TIME!

So if we go down the road where we can violently assault someone merely because they're a bit annoying (in your opinion) Then how would you like it, if someone came up to you and decided to rearrange your face because your grammar is awful (which might annoy some people)

Sorry no, the guy pushed his luck and he got beaten up. This was basically entrapment, he was trapping the cops into doing something illegal and stupid. When the cops entrap people into doing illegal things thats totally ok though.

Do the words police and state mean anything to you? I guess you don't think too deeply about stuff like that huh.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 11:11 AM
A lot of comments, I'm kind of behind on the conversation but I wanna leave my 2 cents.

This man, is a damn fool. He had nothing to hide yet he decided to be belligerent. I think it's about picking your battles. He could have answered the questions and showed what was in the car and BE DONE WITH IT. The cops would let them him go and he would live happily ever after.

I don't get it, if you guys have nothing to hide, why not cooperate with the officers ? The problem in the US is that people get too high on their freedoms and their 4th amendment that they become belligerent towards the law.

but then again ... that's only my 2 cents.

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 02:29 PM
So you are saying that if you get belligerant with the cops that is is OK that they can beat you up and damage your car?

posted on Apr, 20 2009 @ 04:27 PM
OK, I just read through the entire thread and my head now hurts. Did the guy instigate it, don’t know as not there put sounds like he did. Does that then entitle any law enforcement agency out there the abilities to disregard our rights? It is not a question of who started it (since I will agree that has not worked since grade school), it is a question of them just taking our rights away because they can!

As for the dog alerting the board patrol officers to obtain suspicion, my first question what type of training did the dog have? Anyone who works with dogs in any type of enforcement from law to military knows that you can only train a dog to do one type of search, thus we have rescue dogs, drug searching dogs, explosive searching dogs and so on. Thus if the dog on seen had alerted them to a person in the vehicle my response would be yea what do think I am. The dog can not tell you how many people are in a vehicle as if it looked into the window counted five people and then noticed six different scents and then said hay stop that guy he is transporting illegal aliens!! So what type of training had this dog had, not that it really matters at this point since in the end the guy was tortured, and if you don’t think so what do you call it when one refuses to do what you want and then you resort to violence?

All I know is that I would have stopped, answered any reasonable questions politely, and if they wanted to search my vehicle I would ask why politely, since they do have to inform you of why you are being searched (before they do it not after). If they just told me because the dog said you had something in your car I would say no get a warrant, I’ll wait right here with you patently until you get one. Would I still get the same treatment….I think I would, and that is the point. When is it going to be enough America? When are you going to wake up and defend your rights? Everyone knows that freedom is not free, and we will have to continue to fight to keep our rights!!

I might do it differently then this guy but I will not let my rights and freedoms get trampled on because I want to feel protected, and the truth is they can’t protect us. If walked over to the house down the street, knocked on the door, he answered and shot him, stabbed him, or even attacked him in any way what is the police, or any other law enforcement agency going to do to stop me? Nothing they would come looking for me, arrest me yet the act of violence still happened and that guy I attacked is still not safe because who’s to say it would not happen again by someone else. In the end it us living with each other peacefully, respecting one another’s rights and freedoms that really keeps the peace so stop giving up your rights just to have an illusion of safety that you really don’t have!

[edit on 20-4-2009 by averagejoeshmoe]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:10 AM
I can't believe people automatically buy this crazy pastor's account.

Has anyone even bothered to look at his other videos involving law enforcement etc...? The is deliberately antagonistic and unreasonably defiant. He repeatedly exaggerates his stories and throws in some lies just to help his self-absorbed ego.

He did an interview on KTAR and basically refused to answer any questions about himself and what led up to the incident. All he wanted to talk about was how evil the border patrol agents were, but gives no real insight on how it REALLY started. I have no doubt that this pastor deliberately acted suspiciously just to cause a scene.

Anyone remember the incident at Florida University with Meyer being tased? Everyone one was jumping on the Meyer bandwagon until they found out the entire story.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:18 AM
How come this pastor has video of all of his other encounters with law enforcement, EXCEPT this one? Maybe his story isn't as he says it is, or why wouldn't he have documented this one too?

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by tjsteeler
I can't believe people automatically buy this crazy pastor's account.

It's not about the pastor - it's about how our border patrol is pushing to expand it's jurisdiction beyond our borders. Checkpoints inside a country is contrary to a freedom and liberty. See Protesters want an end to security checkpoints

Maybe the pastor is a nutcase and is going beyond normalcy cause he has nothing better to do or maybe he's doing it in order to bring attention to the fact that this should not be happening in the United States of America.

America is not NAZI Germany and America is not a WAR zone. We don't need NAZI style checkpoints searching citizens in order to find something to arrest them for without valid a reason.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 06:49 PM
The Pastor recently was a guest on a Blogtalkradio show to update his case. A caller called in to ask him something and the good "pastor" had a meltdown of sorts...more like a screaming tantrum..

here is a link to the podcast

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 09:55 PM
I think its time for a few haundred Baptist Preachers to perform a rare ritual called an Exocerism.... thats right, one preacher is no match for the evil that is eminating from this modern day Sadom and Gamora ..... but 50 is just enough to get noticed... and 70 million Americans - want to know what up.... ?

so get your bibles and start a thumping at 1600 Pennsilvania Ave, W. DC. bring plenty of video for YouTube... or better yet, hold service with Obama on Sunday Morn....

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 03:28 PM
Guys here is a video regarding the incident

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