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YouTube - Baptist pastor beaten + tazed by Border patrol - 11 stitches

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posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Darthorious

I think the reason he can recall the names is because he's used to it and has alot of practice at it. On two occasions I've pulled over voluntarily since I was being aggressively tailed by the po po. I just pull over to see what they are going to do. Each time the officers pulled in behind me and all was good. I just don't like having to worry about an officer tailgating me, checking my driving habits out or waiting for me to cross the yellow line or something. I figure, if I've done something wrong let's get it over with so I can go about my business. Saves everyone some time.
This is totally contrary to his attitute towards the police I realize that but it's worked for me and I don't have any scars.

[edit on 17-4-2009 by The Undertaker]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 01:26 PM
I saw this story on infowars when it was first put up.......when are us patriots gonna learn that that constitution stuff don't mean a damn thing to these jackboots..........when will we learn there is no bill of rights are a slave...GET BACK IN LINE OR ELSE...when,....when are we gonna learn that we have to take our rights......there is no nice way to do you see...there's no nice way for them to take them.....awwwwwww.....this stuff makes me so you know why I'm the MOUNTINGFLAME, as are my fellow patriots.....cause we as one patriot can't burn nothing but collectively.....we can burn down a forest....may our oppressors live with fear that we will wake up and shrug off this feeble attempt to kill freedom...and those in our country on the wrong side of the law will be held accountable for their treasonous stance....get the hemp ropes ready

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by 4N6310

um? you guys are all living in the past, it already is the new world order, shutup, sit down sheep you have no more rights. you look at them wrong they will do the same thing to you.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 02:28 PM
a link on this Pastor's website shows these guys going through something very similar...but they got to drive away unharmed:

I sense a trend with these border checkpoints at random areas....the trend is God only knows what goes on at the 'secondary inspection areas' they want to send you to.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by tjsteeler

I didn't even say who instigated it, as it does not matter. Even if he angered the police, that does not make what they did alright. You seem the be under the illusion that there's a law that states, "If you upset a police officer, that officer is then permitted to damage your property, torture and beat you." If you start insulting a person or even DARE a police officer to hit you, that does not give them the right to attack you. Same as any other person on the street, cops are not above the law.

I don't care if this guy is a huge douche, this abuse of power is inexcusable.

[edit on 17-4-2009 by Viral]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by adigregorio
reply to post by virraszto

People who give up a little liberty for a little security, deserve neither and lose both --Ben Franklin (probably not exact, but gets the point across.)

[edit on 4/16/2009 by adigregorio]

Unfortunately enough people are doing this that it effects the rest of us. How many people on this thread have already given up their rights by saying "the guy should have let them search his car and he would have avoided all these problems". comply people, comply. Doesn't anyone question the automatic response of "comply" even when innocent and your rights are being stampeded? Well, why don't we all just "comply" and allow cameras in our homes, our cars everywhere we might be, because hay, your not doing anything "illegal" are you? If you refuse to allow cameras in your homes, you MUST be doing something illegal, right?

When we have the psychological 'warfare" taking place in this country that we do, we will end up with a large portion of society brainwashed into believing "at least I am protected". What they don't realize is, at this rate, who will protect them from our own government?

Now, I don't know that this guy is telling the truth, but with the information that we have, and assuming that he told the truth, he was well within his rights to refuse a search of his vehicle.

I believe that part of the problem with checkpoints, is that it is assumed you are guilty, instead of innocent until proven guilty. A checkpoint, any kind of checkpoint, means that the police are assuming I am guilty, until proven innocent, instead of being innocent until proven guilty. But hay, we are safe now right? Until one of us decides we are sick of being thought of as guilty until we can prove our innocence.

For those of you asking why he did not allow them to search his vehicle if he was doing nothing wrong, I ask why should he? It is our rights to say no, or is it? mmkay?

Blaine91555, no those officers were not within their rights to search his vehicle without his permission, UNTIL they had a search warrant or UNLESS they had probable cause. The same with your home, they have to have a search warrant and it is within our rights to say NO without fear of violence towards us for doing so. Telling a police officer that they cannot search your vehicle or home, is NOT probable cause.

The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters FlexYourRights

Maybe this will help people understand what the police are and are not allowed to do, and as citizens what our rights are. Look for other FlexYourRights videos.


edit, cause I suck at typing today

[edit on 17-4-2009 by amazed]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 05:44 PM
Well im suprised he wasnt burned at the stake or maybe we should just start giving law enforcement some nails and wood to start crusifying anyone right on the spot we can go back to public hangings no trial no law broken just flat out murder for higher.

We can give the local police judge dread like uniforms and they no longer get a car only a bike wont be any need for a arrest sense theres no police station and the cops are now judge jury and executioner.

Sad state of affairs but pretty soon there going to raid the wrong person kick down the wrong door and all the officers will go in and they wont come out alive. I just waiting for a small city to go up in arms over something like this I dont think its far off from happening either.


[edit on 17-4-2009 by falcon]

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 05:54 PM
"I believe that part of the problem with checkpoints, is that it is assumed you are guilty, instead of innocent until proven guilty. A checkpoint, any kind of checkpoint, means that the police are assuming I am guilty, until proven innocent, instead of being innocent until proven guilty. But hay, we are safe now right? Until one of us decides we are sick of being thought of as guilty until we can prove our innocence.

For those of you asking why he did not allow them to search his vehicle if he was doing nothing wrong, I ask why should he? It is our rights to say no, or is it? mmkay? "

Amazed, I totally agree.

and remember since the wild west we have been brainwashed to some extent to believe the local sheriff is the 'good guy' and even up until the 1960's and 70's when our parents taught us to respect 'the LAW-man'. It was after this point that police corruption became public with little effect on the public belief in those claims (aka cop shows of the 70's that condoned such behavior because the scumbags deserved it anyways). Now we have the internet, bloggers and youtube...NOT good for the government who introduced it through Gates as a ponzi-pawn. As if he would have been able to even patent it worldwide without them preparing for the bounty.

I wonder if this was a marketting scheme to tabulate the dissentaries to begin with or they never expected such an outcome. I tend to think a little of both was predicted by their hired 'experts'.

This also explains why the free internet and choice of sites is up for discussion in mainstream government as a topic of homeland security issues, they tried the pornography route, but too many decent folks ruined that for them. They tried the 'internet luring children' tactic too, that was nipped in the buttocks. Now they can't shut anyone up, they choose to possibly shut us all up by turning it off so that we cannot find meaningful commonalities in any meaningful and productive anti-establishment group. An uninformed person is a useless protestor.

Maybe that is the answer, stop hiding behind our computers and stop trusting or not trusting the written words of unknown persons and get to know our neighbors (and strangers) as friends again and actually KNOW what they mean by their actual facial expressions instead of an emote. They might be doing us all a favor by shutting this sh*t off.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 06:38 PM
its happening because people keep asking and not adequetly acting.

that is a travesty of more than justice.

Police officers. Stop snorting coc aine from the evidence locker before you go on patrol. Your over use of steroids, and those ego enhancing tapes you listen to at night, well they are messing up your minds. When the police force becomes a majority outlaw badge wearers, its time for justice department all know where that leads right?

Id say fire the people in charge of hiring police all over america and find someone who can read people on a first interview better so we avoid getting over reactive cops, unless its a protocol issue.

The only reason local cops are corrupt is because local populaces are in many cases. Many cities out there are mere facades of backwoods fascism or suburban mafias or urban gangs..its all so pathetic for a time where we are advancing in so many ways, unfortunately this kind of action is a evolutionary step back.

The law should be changed at the federal level, so that cops have no right to use violence unless a weapon is CLEARLY brandished or the SMELL of a drug is nearby a specific car. Of course cops are like criminals, really good liars and paradigm jackbooted thugs.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Viral

You have no idea if it even happened the way he claims. This person is well known for lying, exaggerating and embellishing stories involving the police.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 01:01 AM

I was wondering how he could recall every officers name. I never check names right off the bat and chances are if they were wacking on me last thing I would be doing is trying to check the name. I would be defending myself which he claims he didn't

This pastor isn't known for having a very good attention to detail. In another video he claims his car he is driving to be black or dark blue. The officer in the video informs him that the car is silver.

This nutty pastor probably put his head up against the glass himself. IMO, he was probably acting suspicious on purpose just to start an uneeded confrontation. This guy loves to antagonize polive officers.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 01:34 AM
ok first of all let me say that i do feel bad for the pastor and i think that no one truly wanted the events to play out the way they did. With that being said let me tell you how i see it. the pastor was pulled over he refused to let the officers check his car which is his constitutional right however as soon as the police took it to the next level by bringing the dogs in he MUST allow the police to search the car. he resisted which escalted the situation. in his position i would have allowed the officer to wrongfully search me and then take down the names of the officers and the badge #'s and filed complaints and contacted the right people to get the point across that it is not ok for officers to lie about probable cause. the thing with probable cause is that an officer can compeltely fake it if he feels determined to in this case that is whut happened here. we have to protect our rights as citizens and by outting the corruption within the police force is a good way to start but you have to comply and then retaliate. getting beat up and standin up for your rights is one thing but its not the only thing you can do to protect yourself. maybe next time contact IAB and report police mis conduct.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 08:40 AM
I wrote Bernie Sanders about this. I urge everyone to write their congress and complain. at the minimum these officers should be prosecuted. I demanded the internal security check points be stopped. I know they won't but I protested anyways. The scary part is I would follow the same procedure to resist giving information just like the minister did. Still will. Dont want to get tazed but screw them. If people don't willing resist then you allow it to happen. The greatest form of protest to be had is silence, to not be a willing participant in the negation of your civil rights. I use the phrase to 'opt out' not participate in complying to the excessive rules and do so in silence. Not answer their questions, don't even acknowledge their existence. just go about your daily life as if they don't matter or exist and go on implementing the positive and constructive change that we need to put into place to restore a sensible and reasonable state of existence.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 09:13 AM
I haven't read the whole thread yet (I read the thread after I post which is probably very bad) But I'm sure it's degenerated into an argument about "He shoulda just let him search the car and it wouldn't..blah blah.."

If you're going to argue that point, you are going to miss the point that the bloke was tasered repeatedly and had his face shoved in broken glass, his head stood on. Basically roughed up so bad he ended up in ER.

Remember, this is not a civil liberties issue, this is a -well they're not police, just glorified rent-a-cops- But this is a police brutality issue. An issue where the chain of command is so utterly dissolved, that people who clearly enjoy their jobs too much are getting paid to taser and stomp on people who dare to talk about the 4th amendment.

Who is in charge of these monkeys? I've heard so many stories about these gestapo border patrol types that it's not even funny, someone needs to reign them in.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 05:11 PM
This is a slippery slope !

On one hand a citizen is demanding his rights.

On the other hand, the border patrol agents have to protect the country.

What is a person to do? Do they demand their rights as USA citizens?

Do they conform to authority even if their rights are not given?

If a serial killer cop tries to arrest you and attempts to kill you, do you have a right to fight back and save yourself?

If a serial right neglector ignores your rights do you have a right to fight back?

I do not know the answers to these questions. All I can say is.

Whoever is in the write or wrong, it is a good Idea to keep posting videos of authorities acting in trivial manners. Than we can let the public be the jury.

The authority figures are their because the public wants protection from crime. But it is up to the public to decide if authority is overstepping its bounds or not.

Fire up your Camcorder and record , you may be the only hope we have as a country of the people for the people.

You might be comfortable now, and feel the need to ignore all of this, but when the cameras are mandatory in your own living room, it may be too late. No I am not being silly, that is the end game here on this current distrusting trajectory of public protection!

Do as you wish, but do wisely. !

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
No winners in this one. He was wrong and stupid to not cooperate, the Officers were way out of line in how they responded. Of course all of this depends on how truthful he is in the first place. For all we know he caused the whole incident and is practicing a lie for court or a law suit?

Those Officers were within their rights to search the car by the way, that is an old druggie myth. Too bad he was not smart enough to cooperate and he would have driven off a couple of minutes later with and apology for the inconvenience most likely.

Forgive me for the skepticism but I ran with a bad crowd when I was young and they talked just like that and always claimed complete innocence.

He should not cite the Fourth Amendment to the world if he does not know it.

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

This applies to private property only, not a car. When you get a Drivers License you agree to being subject to search for cause. No Warrant is needed.

I'd say both sides screwed up here. He sounds more like an Activist than a Pastor. Who knows? Being honest I can't jump to conclusions since the only side of the story we have is from the guy who refused to cooperate for no reason.

You should really know what you're talking about before you speak.

The fourth amendment does protect you or your car from being searched without a warrant on reasonable suspicion.

The dog alerting probably would be reasonable suspicion, but the officers that effected the arrest would have had to witness the dogs alerting.

A cop who pulls you over for a traffic violation does NOT have the right to search your car without your permission.

I have had several sherriff and policeman friends who can attest to that.

If you have committed a crime that they have witnessed i.e. breaking the speed limit or some other infraction, they can hold you until a canine unit comes to give them probable cause, or if you give them permission they can search it, other wise they can't.

That's why a cop will always ask if you MIND if they search your car, most people will let them, and most smugglers will let them too, because they don't want the cops to call in a canine unit.

If you are pulled to the side of the highway because a border patrol agent is checking all cars that pass, you have comitted no crimes and any detention is unlawful.

This isn't the only time he's refused to give information, and I'm sure that the border patrol agents were told to look out for him and had the excuse of the canine alerting already planned.

If he brings a lawsuit, I wouldn't be surprised to find that the border patrols surveillance tapes have mysteriously been erased and if not, they are in a world of $h!t....


posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by deadpool84
ok first of all let me say that i do feel bad for the pastor and i think that no one truly wanted the events to play out the way they did. With that being said let me tell you how i see it. the pastor was pulled over he refused to let the officers check his car which is his constitutional right however as soon as the police took it to the next level by bringing the dogs in he MUST allow the police to search the car. he resisted which escalted the situation. in his position i would have allowed the officer to wrongfully search me and then take down the names of the officers and the badge #'s and filed complaints and contacted the right people to get the point across that it is not ok for officers to lie about probable cause. the thing with probable cause is that an officer can compeltely fake it if he feels determined to in this case that is whut happened here. we have to protect our rights as citizens and by outting the corruption within the police force is a good way to start but you have to comply and then retaliate. getting beat up and standin up for your rights is one thing but its not the only thing you can do to protect yourself. maybe next time contact IAB and report police mis conduct.

The police didn't bring the dogs in. The border patrol claimed that the dogs alerted and he asked the police to have the border patrol bring them back out because he didn't see the dogs do anything.

The cops asked the border patrol to bring the dogs back out but they refused, so the cops went ahead and broke out his windows anyways.

The only defense the cops can use is that they were going by the testimony of the border patrol agents that the dog alerted, otherwise they would be breaking the law by further detaining him or effecting an arrest like they did.

In a court, that isn't likely to hold up, especially if border patrol video doesn't show the dog alerting.


p.s. the BP and the highway patrol are probably in DEEPSTUFF.

posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by tjsteeler

I was wondering how he could recall every officers name. I never check names right off the bat and chances are if they were wacking on me last thing I would be doing is trying to check the name. I would be defending myself which he claims he didn't

This pastor isn't known for having a very good attention to detail. In another video he claims his car he is driving to be black or dark blue. The officer in the video informs him that the car is silver.

This nutty pastor probably put his head up against the glass himself. IMO, he was probably acting suspicious on purpose just to start an uneeded confrontation. This guy loves to antagonize polive officers.

For the LAST DAMN TIME...... standing up for your rights is NOT F$$$$NG suspicious.

Standing up for your rights should be EVERYONE'S only thought in today's jacked up society.


posted on Apr, 18 2009 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by News And History

Let's see wouldn't "Good evening Officer what do you need sir" and your outta there in under a min. But NO I've got to be a #ing smart ass to people with guns and badges. You got exactly what you deserved and someday if you keep this # up your going to get killed. If all you want to be is a #ing you-tube star learn to sing or do some stupid #ing trick dumb-#. GOOD JOB LAW ENFORCEMENT PLEASE DON'T BE SO EASY ON THE NEXT PERSON THAT WASTE'S YOUR TIME!

posted on Apr, 19 2009 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by 5iron
reply to post by News And History

Let's see wouldn't "Good evening Officer what do you need sir" and your outta there in under a min. But NO I've got to be a #ing smart ass to people with guns and badges. You got exactly what you deserved and someday if you keep this # up your going to get killed. If all you want to be is a #ing you-tube star learn to sing or do some stupid #ing trick dumb-#. GOOD JOB LAW ENFORCEMENT PLEASE DON'T BE SO EASY ON THE NEXT PERSON THAT WASTE'S YOUR TIME!

Bull$h1t....It;s not about fame it's about waking people up to their common misconception that standing by and letting the gov. usurp your rights away from you is not helping you.

He's attempting to help the people in authority, i.e. the highway patrol and the border patrol to understand that they don't have a free pass on violating our rights.

This is not about being beligerant, it's about waking people up to see that their individual liberties are being stolen.

You sir, need to wake up to this and do everything you can to assert yourself as being the real power in this nation.


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