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Hostile UFO Encounters: Colares, 1977

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posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by ArMaP
That'd be great Armap. Hearing descriptions from witnesses and participants improves our understanding of events.

I've just re-read the thread for the first time in a while. It's a hell of a case. I'm not sure what is the more remarkable...the events or the laissez faire acceptance of the event?

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 07:14 AM
Thanks for posting this report, Kandinsky.

This is definitely one of the more interesting cases to read about

posted on Jul, 31 2009 @ 07:29 AM
Excellent thread! yet another ufo case i have heard nothing about until now...shame most of the media only care about the phoenix lights or roswell when there are such great stories like this! s&f Wish i could translate those FOIA documents internos posted aswell

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 06:59 PM
It took me much longer than expected, the transcript and the translation were easy, but making the subtitles took longer and I had several problems with the video formats that I used.

But here is the first part, with English subtitles.

(click to open player in new window)

Maybe tomorrow I will post the second part.

PS: I noticed that there are at least 5 parts, I will see if they are worth posting.

Edit: and I noticed now that I misspelled "ufologist".

That will be corrected soon.
Edit 2: now is corrected.

[edit on 2/8/2009 by ArMaP]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

What a job ArMaP!

Thanks for doing this for all of us.

I don't believe I have heard your opinion on this case yet my friend?

[edit on 8/2/2009 by jkrog08]

posted on Aug, 2 2009 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
It took me much longer than expected, the transcript and the translation were easy, but making the subtitles took longer and I had several problems with the video formats that I used.

But here is the first part, with English subtitles.

Maybe tomorrow I will post the second part.

I watched the movie with subtitles and I must say it is quite alarming.

There is no way that this is a hoax.

I just don't see how this can be debunked.

This wasn't swamp gas or a weather balloon or an atmospheric phenominon.

This wasn't mass hallucination or hysteria.

This was something that happened and something that we should all take careful note of.

Like someone said earlier, it's like pirates just landing, raiding, and leaving again.

Very frightening post.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 04:12 AM

Originally posted by jkrog08
I don't believe I have heard your opinion on this case yet my friend?

This is one of those cases that I think may be interpreted in many ways, but none have a prosaic (it looks this is the fashionable word at the moment
) explanation.

Extra-terrestrial beings making experiments?
There is really nothing pointing to out of this planet actions, even if we cannot explain the punctures on the victims they could have been done in a normal way while the victim was paralysed or the light may have been hiding something that was doing the punctures.

A secret operation?
By who (or is it whom)? If the Air Force was sent there it looks like this was not an Air Force operation, and most likely not a government related operation, at least Brazilian government.

An unknown natural phenomena?
Not very likely. Although light can be produced by many natural ways, the way this light acted and the punctures on the victims do not look natural.

It's a real mystery that has been classified in the UFO category because the lights appeared in the sky, but I think that we do not even have enough information to really classify this case.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Kandinsky

There are definitely more indications that if this IS ET it's not here to make friends or trade.

i can't say for sure that all E.T.'s are non friendly but the ones involving this particular case definitely appear to be somekind of threat to us. why exactly that is,... is unknown. as you already know , two people died and many others were attacked and left with wounds and possible radiation poisoning. that's clear evidence they are not here to make friends.

i have seen this type of ufo with my own eyes up close and personal like , so i can understand why these people were frightened by them.

some other pics i have in one of my threads


here is a good video report about the case.

part 2

according to the video presentation

before his death, Colonel Hollanda revealed to investigators that he had contact with an Alien being



don't you find it strange that the video footage was never released ?

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by ArMaP
Thanks (publicly!) again Armap. It's great work. I entertained the idea of trying to write a transcript, but just couldn't keep up past one sentence...or word
It's an unusual series of events that's made more interesting by the probability that many witnesses are still alive. Dr Carvalho in particular makes for a credible witness and would/ should be supported by medical records of the period from the Belem Hospital and Colares' medical practice.

reply to post by easynow

Whoever or whatever was behind these incidents was apparently unfamiliar with good conduct. It appeared that samples were taken without consent, privacy invaded and general welfare of the guys living there didn't matter much. The deaths could be interpreted as being caused indirectly, I suppose?

The many ways of looking at it all raises more and more questions. According to Scott Corrales, there was a similar UFO/ chupa chupa wave in Argentina until recently. Not at the level of Colares, but featuring animal deaths and a similar form of humans being zapped. I'll try and stick to the facts as we know them and avoid too much imagination has a few ideas

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:48 PM
Second video.

(click to open player in new window)

If something is wrong just say, now that I have the subtitles file created it is easy to correct mistakes in any of videos, I may even re-make the first video, with the subtitles arranged as in this one.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Kandinsky

Well in my opinion it is obvious some type of aggressive observation or testing was being done. But by who or what? In my opinion it seems to make sense it was non-human related, but then again it could have been some secret government operation.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by ArMaP

A secret operation?
By who (or is it whom)? If the Air Force was sent there it looks like this was not an Air Force operation, and most likely not a government related operation, at least Brazilian government.

Of course it could have been a "black" Brazilian AF operation. Although I doubt that considering the nature of the Brazilian Air Force. Now it definitely could have been a US, Russian, European, or Chinese operation. I think it can be safely narrowed down to two possibilities though:

1. Non-human related

2. Human related Black OP, likely from some major world power.

If we look at the location of this incident (ie; the remoteness and demographic) it is obvious to me that the location, people, and time were intelligently chosen by someone or something. It also appears like there could have been more effort by the military to counter the UFOs. Aircraft support for the total duration (from first report to last report), maybe calls for a stronger militaries assistance (ie; USA, Britain, etc..Although it would likely be the US because they are in the same sphere of influence). On a more personal note, I can't imagine the horror those poor people must have gone through, I mean can you imagine being helpless to stop a hostile unknown force?

PS: Thanks for the second video translation.

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 05:00 PM
Very nice post Kandinsky!I remember reading about this before.

.I believe that good and evil are universal traits.So I guess that there are good AND bad aliens.

I starred and flagged this thread because its a great read and most of all I believe its proof that not all aliens are not here to help us.


[edit on 3-8-2009 by crowpruitt]

posted on Aug, 3 2009 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by jkrog08

I guess that covers all possibilities, the biggest problem is that the possibilities under "non-human" are limited only by our imagination, and some people have a very active imagination...

PS: I already have the other 4 videos, so if they are as interesting as the first two I will translate and post them. I also downloaded the PDFs from the links internos posted.

posted on Aug, 4 2009 @ 04:04 PM
Part 3.

Remember that part 2 ended in the middle of a sentence, that is why this third part begins in a strange way.

(click to open player in new window)

One interesting thing that can be seen near the end of the video and that I did not knew (maybe I haven't read all that I should, like all links on this thread
) is that there was a commercial pilot on the mission.

What was a commercial pilot doing in a secret mission?

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by easynow
reply to post by Kandinsky

great thread Kandinsky

this case will definitely make you wonder what these E.T.'s are really up to. this evidence and my own experience indicates to me that they are not as friendly as some people would like to believe.

Repeat.. not ETs.

This is the sloppy handiwork of earth based beings. If ETs would do something like this why is there not more reports of this type of thing available? Seems too me like some sort of isolated lab experiment. Check the report and follow the govs involvement or should I say lack of.. that should be a first clue.

[edit on 6-8-2009 by kronos11]

posted on Aug, 6 2009 @ 04:19 AM
reply to post by kronos11

Repeat.. not ETs. This is the sloppy handiwork of earth based beings. If ETs would do something like this why is there not more reports of this type of thing available? Seems too me like some sort of isolated lab experiment. Check the report and follow the govs involvement or should I say lack of.. that should be a first clue.

You're probably right. In the scheme of things, 'aliens done it' are fairly low down the list. I agree that the isolation of the incident is intriguing. Why hasn't it happened since? Why not somewhere else? I'm not sure it's an argument because it applies to human agency too.

I can imagine why an experiment like this would be carried out, but suspect the sample would only be representative to rural areas. Hollanda describes the population of simple, rural people with only one telephone in Colares. Could it have been an operation in psyops? Instigate mass-hysteria through creative use of aircraft lights and infiltrate the population to encourage panic. A people in panic aren't much of an opposition. Maybe it was a way of seeing how people would react if told 'aliens are coming?'

Some at the time wondered if it was an operation by Brazilian forces to scare away the paramilitaries. Others thought it was the paramilitaries trying to scare away the village to smuggle arms through. Neither of these scenarios appear practical IMO. Over two months and an area of several hundred square miles would require a lot of resources... I've considered a US Military/CIA operation (black op?). They'd have the resources, the history of bizarre ideas borne to fruition! If anyone did would have to be someone like the CIA. But why Brazil? The US had security problems with Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia.

It's a difficult series of events to get a handle on. The contemporary reports don't favor mass-hysteria. Usually that's the first reason given when people are from a village. Maybe the lights were local paramilitary activities? Then again, the descriptions of some of the lights and their forms aren't helicopters or planes. The illustrations aren't anything usual. Then there's the recurring theme of lights beneath the sea and harbor. Descriptions of lights coming out of the water. A few descriptions of structured craft by military witnesses.

Hollanda explained...

'I was terrified,' Hollanda told investigators Bob Pratt and Cynthia Luce, during an interview in 1997. 'We never saw anything approaching. Suddenly a big disc-shaped object 30 meters in diameter . . . was hovering exactly above us!’ It made a noise like an air conditioner, and in the midst of that we could hear a sound like a bicycle sprocket when you pedal backwards. It was emitting a yellow glow that would grow and dim, every two or three seconds . . . about five times. As we watched we could see small yellow and orange lights in the middle of it. And after the fifth time, the lights turned light blue, dimmed -and then it disappeared with incredible speed toward the sea.
Extract from Timothy Good: WaterUfo

From the same source...Hollanda lists the different shape of objects that were recorded...

The first was a disc with windows. The second was rectangular, like a barrel on its side. The third was trapezoid, or like a pyramid with its top cut off. The fourth was like [the fuselage of] a Boeing (jetliner). The fifth was triangular or like an arrowhead. They flew very high in the sky [and] were also seen leaving the water. The sixth was domed. The seventh was pointed on the top and bottom and was black on top and white on the bottom. The eighth was like a ball with three sticks coming out the back, with lights on the sticks.

It's a strange case. No simple answers.

posted on Aug, 7 2009 @ 04:27 PM
Rookie pilots, they lose control.
The Vickie Landrum case in Texas happened because of an out
of control UFO.

With AC currents coming from the ionosphere to the ground there
might be some bad burns even though Tesla had flames go all
around him without harm.

Perhaps those pilots were from the same town, like an out of control
motor cycle club there sought revenge on the town they just visited.

Human pilots, ETs are little gentle imaginary folk.

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 05:59 AM
Kandinsky -fascinating case and great,great thread.

Here are some more photographs of the object(s) :







[edit on 02/10/08 by karl 12]

posted on Oct, 8 2009 @ 07:24 AM
I saw the History channel special on this case, it's very good, they also said the brazilian military recorded the ufo's and the lights, they must be locked somewhere in a top secret office, they should disclose that. This is a well documented case with tons of proof and witnesses, and in the end, it's all for nothing.

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