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Very Powerful TRUTH!

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posted on Apr, 23 2009 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
And 9/11, and the ensuing propaganda over the next 8 years, was specifically designed to lead people on to believe that terrorists could attack at anywhere at any time and that you're not safe.

Well of course. When WWI broke out they were paranoid about German spies hiding behind every tree, after Pearl Harbor they were likewise paranoid about Japanese saboteurs hiding behind every tree, and during the cold war, they were likewise paranoid about communists hiding behind every tree. If we're attacked by Martians, I guarantee that you'll see paranoid propaganda about Martians hiding behind every tree. Why is our being paranoid about terrorists hiding behind every tree really any different than any of the other times were were paranoid over some enemy or another?

Besides, it's not just us. You saw for yourself how the muslim world went ape sh*t with rioting after Denmark published those newspaper cartoons about Mohammed, and Denmark didn't even have anything to do with the Invasion of Iraq. Someone is obviously spreading ugly propaganda about the west to them, too.

Welcome to human nature.

Nobody said the victims of 9/11 were all fake. You're twisting words around and purposely being untruthful for your own agenda.

Then would you mind terribly explaining what you meant when you posted THIS? These are your own words, verbatim-

"In particular and of special interest is the remote-controlling of a jetliner and blowing it up (WTC). Or another plane landing safely, but planting plane parts to look like it was shot down/crashed (Pentagon/Shanksville). Then there's the fake funerals, passenger lists, etc."

We both know flipping well that you attempted to claim that the similarities between Northwoods and the 9/11 attack included "fake funerals and passenger lists" when you said this or otherwise you wouldn't have included it in your list of similarities. Be an adult and admit you made a faux pas.

Either way, you've been untruthful more than once. Your credibility is near zero.

Ahem, you overlook the fact that you're the one who is attempting to convince others of an untenable scenario, not me. I don't have to prove anything. You do.

posted on Apr, 26 2009 @ 06:22 AM
This guy is on the right page. He isnt brain washed.

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