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Very Powerful TRUTH!

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posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 12:48 AM

This video discusses the 911 fraud (@ 4:30 into the video)

It also explains how the world is going to eventually take in this new world government as the "answer". The 911 events had to happen so that America can justify its invasion of the east. Our very own country was behind this "terrorist attack".

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by ThatxxAmericanxxDude

Welcome to Xenon, unchipped one. When you accept the implanted RFID module you will automatically know how to embed your video links so that we, the Borg, may view your link in situ.

This is a first light hearted reminder. If you do not comply with it's instructions , it will be followed by two more warnings of increasing severity.

If you still do not comply, your RFID module will be turned off and you will be set adrift in a sea of inhumanity in accordance with the Rockefeller Protocol.

Press the quote button on my post and read my code to learn how to embed your video links.

Have a productive day. Moloch IV out.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 11:27 AM
I hate to burst your "very powerful truth" bubble..well, not really...but if there was even a microbe of truth that the gov't was behind the 9/11 attack, anyone so cold, calculating, and vicious that they'd willingly murder 3,000 men, women, and children for their own ends wouldn't hesitate a second to pop YOU, TOO, in order to keep you from upsetting their apple cart. With the 9/11 attack, they'd have to muster in some pretty hard core resources. With you, they'd just need one guy with a silencer.

If you don't believe anythign else I tell you, then at least believe this- since the beginning of time, from every tyrant from Hitler to Stalin to Pol Pot to Kim Jong Il, it's proven that you don't have to go out looking through internet videos to find signs of secret shadowy dictatorships. Real world dictatorships are always blatant, and they will always make it a point to find you.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 11:32 AM
The nwo has been here at least since the early 90's. It just needs the right time to bring it to public attention.

Even though i think they just let 911 happen, i find it amazing that the general public, think that we have some nice people running society when history has always shown us, that governments are the ones we should fear most.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Real world dictatorships are always blatant, and they will always make it a point to find you.

Wouldn't it be sneaky of them if they started to innovate?

Suppose a dictatorship started that actually wanted to last for a long time? Wouldn't it pay them to be a lot more subtle about what they do? They could start to control and manipulate people instead of pushing them around blatantly?

I think the OP's video makes some very good points. In addition I don't think there is any doubt that people on the inside of the Bush administration were responsible for planning and executing the 9/11 attacks.

[edit on 14-4-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by ipsedixit

Suppose a dictatorship started that actually wanted to last for a long time? Wouldn't it pay them to be a lot more subtle about what they do? They could start to control and manipulate people instead of pushing them around blatantly?

Well, if you're going to hypothesize, then you can hypothesize anything you want. You might as well hypothesize we'reunder the dictatorship of space aliens. Hypothesize is just another word for, "make believe", after all.

All I can do is go by what real, living, breathing, dictatorships did, and *they* not only went out of their way to let everyone know who was boss, they went out of their way to get rid of anyone who might even think of being a rival for power. They had to, or else some conniving underling would get the idea to bump them off in a coup and sieze power for themselves. Thus, Hitler eliminated the Communists, Stalin eliminated military and political leaders, Pol Pot eliminated the intellectuals, and Kim Jong Il, well, pretty much eliminates anyone who even pronounces his name wrong.

If you want to hypothesize dictatorships, then at least make it so that it even remotely resembles human nature. For one thing, your even posting to this forum would earn you a midnight visit from something unpleasant.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
if there was even a microbe of truth that the gov't was behind the 9/11 attack, anyone so cold, calculating, and vicious that they'd willingly murder 3,000 men, women, and children for their own ends wouldn't hesitate a second to pop YOU, TOO, in order to keep you from upsetting their apple cart.

This is just one of the many cop-outs and excuses that the deniers and debunkers use to reassure themselves that life is great and everything is just conspiracy theories with no truth to them.

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
All I can do is go by what real, living, breathing, dictatorships did,

No. No, no, no. You can use your intelligence. You can think for yourself. You are not the prisoner of old paradigms. And neither are they.

and *they* not only went out of their way to let everyone know who was boss, they went out of their way to get rid of anyone who might even think of being a rival for power.

Yes they did. People did a lot of things differently in times past. Human nature hasn't changed. I'll give you that. But people are certainly a lot smarter in certain ways than they used to be.

Stalin used terror backed by violence. Hitler was more sophisticated. He used violence supplemented and in the end superceded by modern advertising techniques.

The current crew of bullies, as Rick Siegal called them are the heirs to the Nazis. They are progressive and subtle in the means they use to exert control, but, as 9/11 has shown, they haven't taken violence out of their toolbox.

They had to, or else some conniving underling would get the idea to bump them off in a coup and sieze power for themselves. Thus, Hitler eliminated the Communists, Stalin eliminated military and political leaders, Pol Pot eliminated the intellectuals, and Kim Jong Il, well, pretty much eliminates anyone who even pronounces his name wrong.

Your main point is well taken in the above section, but I think you are generalizing just a little. In addition to eliminating obvious threats like the communists for example, Hitler (as other rulers in the past have done) did something very clever. He gave the powerful men in his party their own spheres of influence. He eliminated the ambitious, yes, but gave the remaining venial little men around him, each, a little playpen of his own, to run amuck in.

The current contollers are oligarchical families and corporate interests with a long history of collegiality. They are used to competing,yes, and working together.

If you want to hypothesize dictatorships, then at least make it so that it even remotely resembles human nature.

The NWO is all about human nature . . . and how to control and exploit it.

Anyone seriously interested in the future of all of us should take a look at a video called The Century of Self. It tells the story of the history of the fusion of psychiatry and the advertising industry that created the modern world of commerce that we live in today. The manipulation and control of masses of people through subtle means has a long track record.

Check out the following page for links to that film and some others just as interesting:

For one thing, your even posting to this forum would earn you a midnight visit from something unpleasant.

There is a danger (someone like Alex Jones is much more likely to have an accident), but you are stating it in the terms of the Stalinist era. What will happen in our time is that the oligarchs and their tools, the corporations, will try to take control of the internet itself to makes sites like this one and conversations like ours more difficult to access.

We are moving into the era of control by media, by pharmacological means and by constricted access to the levers of power (elections don't mean anything any more).

[edit on 14-4-2009 by ipsedixit]

posted on Apr, 14 2009 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I hate to burst your "very powerful truth" bubble..well, not really...but if there was even a microbe of truth that the gov't was behind the 9/11 attack, anyone so cold, calculating, and vicious that they'd willingly murder 3,000 men, women, and children for their own ends wouldn't hesitate a second to pop YOU, TOO, in order to keep you from upsetting their apple cart. With the 9/11 attack, they'd have to muster in some pretty hard core resources. With you, they'd just need one guy with a silencer.

You're the type of person who thinks ignorance is bliss, going on through life thinking everything is fine. Rather then lying to yourself you should try opening your eyes and seeing the world for what it really is. You honestly believe America doesn't think of its people as expendable? 5,000 soldiers have died in the Iraq war alone. They send soldiers out in waves, as if they're just a number. The American people are basically the pawns in their twisted game of chess. The main chess pieces are the ones with actual control, the pawns are the most expendable and first to die. The point is there was no other possible way for America to persuade the U.N to allow America to invade a country. So the world had to be fooled into believing we were under attack by destroying the Twin Towers.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by ThatxxAmericanxxDude
You're the type of person who thinks ignorance is bliss, going on through life thinking everything is fine.

Ahem...people are being laid off left and right, we're losing (or lost) our 401(k)s, everything from clothes to electronics to tampons is being manufactured in China, the gov't is spending its way past "bleeding money" right into "bled white", and now we're starting to see an increase in really weird crimes like women raping/murdering children and cop killings. We don't even have enough military force to beat off a bunch of illiterate Somali slum dogs from hijacking ships. Then of course, global warming has now opened a shipping channel through the arctic ice in the first time in the Earth's history. Things here are most certainly *not* fine.

Rather then lying to yourself you should try opening your eyes and seeing the world for what it really is. You honestly believe America doesn't think of its people as expendable?

Thus, the difference between you and I. *You* seem to believe the US gov't is some immortal disenbodied brain sitting in a vat of fluid plotting and making decisions on the behalf of America for the past 230+ years. *I* believe the gov't is made up of hundreds and thousands of individuals trying to work toward a common goal by committee. Some of them are consciencious, some are selfish jerks, some are power hungry back stabbers, and some are even outright bumbling idiots. Every few decades, we get a whole new bunch of good people/bad people/back stabbers/idiots, who may or may not be doing things that contradict what the previous bunch did.

This is how I know these conspiracy stories are rubbish. In the real world, the guys manufacturing all the fake airplane wreckage would be on strike for better pay, the secret explosives would never have even made it to the towers becuase the truck driver would have been arrested for trying to buy crack coc aine from an undecover cop, and the cruise missile that hit the Pentagon would have been painted in "Lufthansa" colors.

Give me a break.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Is your opinion researched or just bias?

Have you looked into the Bush family at all and at the ties the Bush family had to Hitler and Nazi-ism?

Have you read about "Operation Northwoods" where our own Joint Chiefs and Secretary of Defense signed off on a plan to stage terrorist attacks here and abroad, killing Americans and blaming it on Cuba so that we would have an excuse to go to war with Cuba?

Have you heard about "Team B" that consisted of Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, etc. that tried this same exact thing back in the mid 1970's? They tried saying Russia was amassing weapons of mass destruction and we had to take out that threat. The CIA said it was all false information and nothing ever happened, but guess what? This same gang of criminals said Iraq was amassing weapons of mass destruction. Turns out it was all false again, but they got their war this time.

You go ahead and keep thinking everything is fine and dandy while this country and the rest of the world crumbles around you.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Have you looked into the Bush family at all and at the ties the Bush family had to Hitler and Nazi-ism?

Yes, I have, actually. Those "ties" turn out to be not much more than a five degrees of separation, "Kevin Bacon" game that links everyone to anyone else on the planet via five people. Bush's grandfather worked for a bank who was owned by a Dutch corporation, which was owned by a German corporation, who was owned by a guy who once gave money to the Nazis before being imprisoned by Hitler. That's all. Look it up if you don't believe me.

Did it ever occur to you that there are plenty of REAL Bush issues to complain about, without having to invent make believe ones out of thin air? I'm no fan of Bush, but that's pretty shaky "proof of Nazi ties", guy.

Have you read about "Operation Northwoods" where our own Joint Chiefs and Secretary of Defense signed off on a plan to stage terrorist attacks here and abroad, killing Americans and blaming it on Cuba so that we would have an excuse to go to war with Cuba?

If you're goign to quote Northwoods then quote it correctly. Northwoods wasn't set up to kill anyone. It was set up to stage hostilities with Cuba. They WANTED to keep people alive becuase they were going to be the witnesses to these staged hostilities that the gov't wanted.

Even then, they threw Northwoods in the trash and never actually did it. Little wonder why- all you need to do is read it to see it was so convoluted they would never be able to pull it off without slipping on a lot of banana peels...which only proves my point about the gov't incompetence making them unable to pull off any conspiracy successfully, actually.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

They never threw Northwoods in the trash. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense all signed off on it and it went to the President to sign. The President said no and fired the Secretary of Defense. But the point of the whole idea is our Joint Chiefs and Secretary of State all signed off on this plan to stage fake terror attacks on our own planes and ships to go to war with another country.

And that was 40+ years ago. You think the Joint Chiefs and Secretary of Defense would never think up something like that again? Oh wait, we DID have a Secretary of State that tried getting us to go to war with Russia back in the 70's, but DID get us to go to war with Iraq, and I posted that video to which you haven't commented on yet.

In particular and of special interest is the remote-controlling of a jetliner and blowing it up (WTC). Or another plane landing safely, but planting plane parts to look like it was shot down/crashed (Pentagon/Shanksville). Then there's the fake funerals, passenger lists, etc.

Operation Northwoods was very similar to 9/11 in many ways. They just made 9/11 more heinous and more believable to not only the world, but to us in the U.S. as well.

[edit on 21-4-2009 by _BoneZ_]

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

They never threw Northwoods in the trash. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of State all signed off on it and it went to the President to sign. The President said no and fired the Secretary of State.

So what the heck is the difference between, "throwing it in the trash" and "the president said no and fired the secretary of state"?

But the point of the whole idea is our Joint Chiefs and Secretary of State all signed off on this plan to stage fake terror attacks on our own planes and ships to go to war with another country.

Dude, I read the report, so don't make things up. They weren't terror attacks. They were to be staged military attacks by the Cuban armed forces. Empty ships were going to be sunk, remote control planes were to be shot down, and Cuban exiles in Cuban military uniforms were to be "captured" at Guantanamo. It was definitely warmongering, but all this bit about murdering U.S. citizens is coming entirely from your own antiestablishment imagination.

And that was 40+ years ago. You think the Joint Chiefs and Secretary of State would never think up something like that again? Oh wait, we DID have a Secretary of State that tried getting us to go to war with Russia back in the 70's, but DID get us to go to war with Iraq, and I posted that video to which you haven't commented on yet.

I didn't comment on it because I agree with some of it. I agree there were interests in the gov't looking to knock over Iraq. My senator is Joseph Lieberman, and he was probably the biggest one. That doesn't mean there was any secret conspiracy to stage the 9/11 attack. It just meant the gov't knew a good opportunity when it saw one.

In particular and of special interest is the remote-controlling of a jetliner and blowing it up (WTC). Or another plane landing safely, but planting plane parts to look like it was shot down/crashed (Pentagon/Shanksville). Then there's the fake funerals, passenger lists, etc.

Good GOD you can't be serious.

posted on Apr, 21 2009 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Dude, I read the report, so don't make things up. They weren't terror attacks.

Really? I wish you people would thoroughly read and understand what you're reading before making such statements. The very first words on Page 12 say:

The terror campaign could be pointed at...

I've bolded, underlined and italicized it for you in case it wasn't clear enough. Among some of the false terror attacks are:

Exploding a few plastic bombs in carefully chosen spots

Hijacking attempts against civil air and surface craft

So who's making things up now?

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
Good GOD you can't be serious.

If that's all you got, then thanks for reading! While I pointed out a few similarities between 9/11 and Operation Northwoods in my previous post, I'll point out a few more:

pretexts which would provide justification for US military intervention in Cuba

9/11 provided justification for US military intervention in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The desired resultant from the execution of this plan are based on the premise that US military intervention will result from a period of heightened US-Cuban tensions which place the United States in the position of suffering justifiable grievances. World opinion, and the United Nations forum should be favorably affected by developing the international image of the Cuban government as rash and irresponsible, and as an alarming and unpredictable threat to the peace of the Western Hemisphere.

Wow, same thing happened with 9/11. So many similarities it's really undeniable. Unless you're in denial.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
if there was even a microbe of truth that the gov't was behind the 9/11 attack, anyone so cold, calculating, and vicious that they'd willingly murder 3,000 men, women, and children for their own ends wouldn't hesitate a second to pop YOU, TOO, in order to keep you from upsetting their apple cart.

This is just one of the many cop-outs and excuses that the deniers and debunkers use to reassure themselves that life is great and everything is just conspiracy theories with no truth to them.

I think its even worse than that, GoodolDave you know full and well its a ridiculous argument you know full and well the people who planned 9/11 could care less about people who have been fully discounted as conspiracy theory loonys they don't and wouldn't go around "popping them" they don't need to.

What the planners of 9/11 did want and did get was war. And I think we can both agree the numbers killed are much higher than the 9/11 death toll. On both sides for that matter.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by andy1033
The nwo has been here at least since the early 90's. It just needs the right time to bring it to public attention.

Even though i think they just let 911 happen, i find it amazing that the general public, think that we have some nice people running society when history has always shown us, that governments are the ones we should fear most.

The NWO agenda has been in existence for much longer than that. But it really got rollin' with Mayer Amsel Rothschild in Germany (son of a Jewish immigrant) in the 1700's. The NWO cabal is mainly made up of 13 families which includes the Queen of England.

Wanna know who the Illuminati and their minions are? Here ya go:

[edit on 22-4-2009 by Albertarocks]

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by _BoneZ_
Really? I wish you people would thoroughly read and understand what you're reading before making such statements. The very first words on Page 12 say:

The terror campaign could be pointed at...

All right then, poor choice of words on my part, but it still doesn't help you. The plan specifically was to lead people on to believe the Cubans were engaged in overt military actions. One idea was to have Cuban marked fighters harrass (but NOT shoot down) civilian aircraft so that the passengers could report the Cuban markings. Another was to allow a Cuban exile to be captured at Guantanamo in Cuban uniform. These aren't terror attacks as we would know them today because Northwoods was to make sure we'd know full well who'd be behind it.

Nto that it matters, as you still evade the fact that the government was so horrified at the plan that they scrapped it and cashiered the guy who came up with it.

So who's making things up now?

You are. You *still* didn't say anywhere how US citizens were supposed to have been killed in these staged attacks, as you claimed it did. In fact the plan specifically said a plane loaded with people who never really existed was to have been shot down by the Cubans.

If that's all you got, then thanks for reading! While I pointed out a few similarities between 9/11 and Operation Northwoods in my previous post,

I didn't bother posting any comments becuase claiming the victims of the 9/11 attack were all fake is not only disgusting on the order of making jokes about holocaust victims, it's so foolish that it would make sense only to a ten year old. If anyone were to be killed in any such attack, it necessarily means that hordes of reporters, journalists, and not a few congressmen woul descend like locusts on the victims' next of kin for an interview, and any staged plot would start unravelling the moment everyone realized these victims never actually existed. Heck, Bush can't even out a CIA agent without hordes of journalists tracing it back to him. Of COURSE everyone would eventually find out these people never really existed. So if you want a similarity, fine, I'll give you one- where the heck did you get the idea that Northwoods wouldn't have failed and just blown up in the gov't's face for the same reason any 9/11 plot would have?

Riddle me this, Batman- one of the biggest sources of pressure for having a 9/11 investigation to begin with were the Jersey Girls, widows of people who were killed in the attack. If the people killed in tke attack were fake victims, then it would mean these widows are all fake becuase they're mourning people who never existed, too. WHY ARE THEY PRESSING FOR A FULL INVESTIGATION, THEN? Go ahead, tell me that the Jersey Girls are really all secret disinformation agents working for the conspiracy. I double dog dare you.

Now, do you really, and I mean REALLY, want me to continue posting my opinion on this claim?

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Stillresearchn911

I think its even worse than that, GoodolDave you know full and well its a ridiculous argument you know full and well the people who planned 9/11 could care less about people who have been fully discounted as conspiracy theory loonys they don't and wouldn't go around "popping them" they don't need to.

No, actually, I don't know that. Come to think of it, *you* don't know that either, since a week doesn't go by that someone or another from the truther movement doesn't post innuendo on how some witness, journalist, or whatever I.E. Berry Jennings, the Jersey Girls, Hunter Thompson etc. was snuffed to "keep them quiet". If memory serves, the same goofballs who put out Loose Change also put out a flick claiming that they "accidentally deathed" JFK Jr to keep HIM quiet.

This is what happens when you attempt to use make believe to support more make believe. You get so dependent on it that it becomes harder and harder to steer your claims back into reality.

posted on Apr, 22 2009 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
The plan specifically was to lead people on to believe the Cubans were engaged in overt military actions.

And 9/11, and the ensuing propaganda over the next 8 years, was specifically designed to lead people on to believe that terrorists could attack at anywhere at any time and that you're not safe. To see a run-down of the propaganda by MSNBC's Keith Olbermann, check out "Bush administration False Terror Alerts" Part 1 and Part 2:

Part 1:
Part 2:

Originally posted by GoodOlDave
I didn't bother posting any comments becuase claiming the victims of the 9/11 attack were all fake is not only disgusting...

Nobody said the victims of 9/11 were all fake. You're twisting words around and purposely being untruthful for your own agenda. That's the definition of a disinfo artist. And for you to say that Northwoods had nothing to do with terror means you really didn't read it like you said you did (which would be untruthful) or you were purposely being untruthful about what it actually said. Either way, you've been untruthful more than once. Your credibility is near zero.

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