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The Great Genius

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posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by RussianScientists

Even at the expense of creating a conversation that teeters on madness or stupidity, I’m going to do this anyways…

Russianscientist, what could you have possibly done that will do as you say? I believe you are simply having fun at the expense of this website. Now I don’t blame you, this site is ripe for that type of tomfoolery. However, if what you say is true, and if you are going to post it on Youtube anyways, then please explain your world changing idea here. Allow me to go first however.

When I first saw this thread and read the contents therein, I was like… What the ffff…! Then I did a quick Google search on Nostradamus and this Great Genius… I read it and went, no way in hell. Everything that is talked about in his prophecy can fit my life and my fears.

I live between three rivers.

My greatest fear is just as soon as I receive any kind of notoriety, millions or billions of people will die. (Why, because when I was a child I was visited by the same demon that apparently visited a princess in the 11th century. I don’t have a audio memory of that experience, just a video. Not to mention when I was a child I used to tell people about who I would become. I always said it would either be in politics, military or both. The only way that can happen now is if the United States has a second civil war… It just so happens I had a vision of that a couple of years ago… So I am scared crapless, not for my sake, but rather, what if what I believed to be true as a child is in fact coming true?) Let alone the fact I have a tattoo of a solar system on my left shoulder and the word WizKid tattooed on my back right shoulder.

Between the ages of 6 and 9 I had daytime visions of me being chased by falling/rolling extremely large squares, pyramids, and spheres, as I pulled a cross behind me. The last time I had that vision I was thirteen. The very moment I discovered this formula was in fact something important for the world, just by asking a simple question btw, that feeling I used to get as a child washed over me. When that happened it took my breath away. Total fear and excitement flooded my senses. The only reason I have put this information on the Internet, and have sent it to hundreds of physicist, mathematicians, and other scientist is this is to big to let die. This is much bigger then any one person, on my soul I swear this formula will in fact change humanity. I will name but a few.

Medicine: This formula will in fact allow medical science to map every single human body. So in time mankind will be able to kill infections or cancers with purposely aimed lasers or other medical devices. Not to mention robotic and precise operations. Every nanofiber/atom of your being will be mapped, and with complete precision robots of the future will be able to operate without mistake. Not to mention medicine can be made instantly for the individual.

Space: This formula proves Relativity is in fact wrong. This formula proves everything exists faster then the speed of light and we can travel faster then light. This formula proves how space flight between the stars is not only possible, but also what to look for in nature to see how to achieve it, look into Muons. In fact we already have all the tools to build our first inter-star spaceship currently. This formula is the last coordinated system mankind will ever need. This formula allows mankind to map everything in the universe…EVERYTHING! And this Formula allows mankind to know exactly where we are within our own Galaxy and exactly where we are within the known universe. Plus much, much more…

Robots/AI: This formula allows robots to see the world in their language. This formula allows scientist to map AI, in such a way as to mimic the human brain. Science needs to give computers specific roles, one that does colors, another that does shapes, another that does numbers and math, etc etc, and still another that puts all the pieces together in nanoseconds to reach the correct answer every time… I would give a more precise answer but this is a conspiracy theory website for christ sake. The point being if science allows for the same type of compartmentalization that happens inside the human brain, computers/AI will learn faster, smarter, better. Not to mention this formula allows planes to fly themselves, vehicles to drive themselves… and each of these things can be created and working in just a few years!

Energy device: My energy device is simply a extremely small version of our planet. The energy it creates in amazing. Soon science will learn that if they use magnetics’ as the gravitational force and a little better setup they can increase the power output expeditiously, and then expand from there.

There are many more applications, many… Not to mention, as I said, all of this can be built within a few years. In less then one year science can prove everything I said in my Internet posts, with regards to my formula, are in fact true. The reason I gave this to the world is so it would be a world discovery. And not just one persons. But sadly that is not the way humanity works, we need to have someone to praise/blame. My only saving grace in all this is Nostradamus said this person would come, or be discovered, in the later half of the twenty first century. So that means by the time science pulls its head out of its collective asses it will be awhile before any of this is proven true. And each of you will have forgotten you read this, not to mention this post will be buried under billions of other posts, and I can consider myself lucky if even twenty people read this statement. However if you read my name in the paper or see me on the news, in the near future, you will know it is time to prepare because TSHTF is about to go down. Besides it aint important if you believe what I just posted above is true or not, all you need to know is I believe it. (well all except Nostradamus’ prediction…) Because as much as I hate to admit it, science is on the verge, as we speak, of finishing mapping our universe. That will of course be big news and they will need someone to blame, so stay tune.


[edit on 13-5-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by littlebunny continued

Now Russianscientist I have just laid it all out on the table and I am still not convinced I am this great genius, or I damn well better not be or I will be pissed. Because that means my life is not my own and everything I thought I discovered I was destined to do… So please Russianscientist tell us what it is you have done to change mankind… tell us… and lets allow those who read this to decide between us who they think the better candidate is.

Like I said this post will/is teetering on madness or stupidity… The only reason I do this is for educational purposes. To everyone, please ask me questions about my formula and I will answer them, and then you can decide for yourselves.


[edit on 13-5-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by littlebunny

Okay, can you please email or u2u me the formula for ftl travel and the one that proves relativity wrong. Also the formula that shows Muons as being the key.

Also I would like information on your energy device, what type of energy does it use? What is the entropic ratio? The formulas, etc...

posted on May, 13 2009 @ 10:45 PM
reply to post by littlebunny

Littlebunny I can see that you believe in your work, and I can believe that you believe in your work and in your dreams, but the fact is there is lots that you have not stated that is in the Nostradamus prediction of the Great Genius. Basically nothing you have stated that you know of is in his predictions. You cannot show us one thing that he predicts, and your mapping stuff is not one of his predictions, and your free energy stuff is not yours, it is Nikola Tesla's stuff. Furthermore, you yourself have not shown this free energy on video. You just talk about it because you can't produce it, that is why you give it away freely because it is worth nothing.

I won't be giving my knowledge away freely. I will be introducing the knowledge and it will be for sale. Even though I have the knowledge predicted by Nostradamus, I still don't believe in this Great Genius stuff, but I will be introducing all of this knowledge on YouTube that Nostradamus states that the Great Genius will have.

[edit on 14-5-2009 by RussianScientists]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by RussianScientists

What the heck? I stopped by last night to see if anyone had anything to say in this thread and I read your first statement Russianscientist, and then I come back here today to respond to what you had posted yesterday and now there is something entirely different in this same post… You changed everything, except the first couple of sentences. You went from my stuff can destroy a full square mile, and it will cause a religious revival of some kind, and that your stuff does this and that… Yet now you come off as, "littlebunny you can’t be the great genius you just can’t be, I am damn it, I am…"
Well Russianscientist I just went to my Super Eight answer ball with this question. “What is wrong with Russianscientist?” Funny thing is it came back with an answer I have never seen before. It said, “He is completely unspooled!” I mean talk about your Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde personalities. What the heck happened between your first response and this emotional outbreak you finally decided on?

Now, I don’t remember saying my energy device is not on video. Second, what makes you think I don't or haven't used this device? What makes you think others haven’t built it? And as I said, I discovered this device by listening to a story about Tesla, but you come off as if I stole it from his missing diary… Let me give the real story.
As I listened to that show the question I asked myself was, “what the hell did they have back in circa 1910 - 1920 that we don’t have today?” The quick answer was not a damn thing. So that puzzled me, how could he have built that device yet no one has built one since… Later that night I had a dream about ancient Egypt. It was like a Hollywood version of Egypt because everyone was clean. But here’s the interesting part. They were using lasers to cut stone and using light bulbs. When I awoke the next morning I was like, now that was a strange dream. And then I remembered that there are those who believe ancient people used electricity... Bagdad battery etc... So the question that lead me to the answer was, “What did they have in ancient times and in circa 1910 - 1920 that would allow each to generate enough power from a small device?” It took a couple of months, I tried several different setups each leading nowhere. And then one day I was flipping through the channels and happened upon this kids channel. The guy was showing kids how to make a magnet out of a 9v battery, copper wire, and a small iron bar. I remember laughing saying to myself, “oh yeah… I remember doing that when I was a kid.” And then continued channel surfing. A few seconds later is when the answer hit me. The rest is history.
I didn’t steal this device, the only thing I wanted to know was if it was even possible. Well it is. Then I wanted to prove if ancient civilizations could have had enough power for light bulbs, they could. Then I wanted to know if better devices can be created, and they can. Not only that when I created this device I was so excited. I was like, I’m gonna be rich… That lasted for about two days, because then I started thinking about how this device could hurt people. If you read my previous post you would know I have this horrific fear of gaining notoriety and then millions or billions of people dying. But I knew this device could not be hidden from the world. I thought about it for an entire year. I decided to give it away.

About my formula. I believe I accidentally rediscovered something that has been lost to mankind for thousands of years… Maybe ten, twenty thousand years. That picture I provided in that link is the symbol for alchemy. That symbol is said to be thousands, or tens of thousands of years old. Because that is a fact, according to you I’m just a big thief! However, the way I discovered that formula is actually a funny story. But hell, I might as well charge people if they are going to laugh… why give comedy away for free!

Back to you: You have done nothing, zip, nadda to prove you discovered anything. I mean the claims you made here without giving anything tangible, not even a hint, clue, nothing… it’s like some nut claiming… “I can pound a fifty gallon drum up my butt, so that makes me the greatest magician of all time!” … Oh yeah… show us… “Um it will be on Youtube later, but to really see what it does you will have to pay for it because I wont give my secrets away for free.” And then you have the nerve to say I have produced nothing? When I have How To's all over the Internet... I think my Super Eight answer ball was right.

You said your ‘whatever’ will teach spiritual enlightenment. Well surely you’re not going to charge for that, I mean are you? Then why not teach us this enlightenment, ie...your answer to this great awakening. I mean don’t worry about posting it here, the chances that more then a few people are following this thread is slim. Not to mention most people are incredibly lazy. It aint like they are going to try and learn something simply because you posted it. Especially when the easy answer is, it don’t work or it don’t do anything. So come on, give us something, anything. Please…. A little bit of spiritual enlightenment will do this thread some good. Kick down dude!

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 15-5-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 02:39 AM
How will my formula allow for an awakening? Below you will find instructions of how to see our true reality. These are simple instructions. The only thing I ask is if you decide to follow the instructions, instead of posting what you experience within this thread please u2u me. The reason I ask that, if you post what you see then other people may attempt to see the same thing you described...and that wouldn’t be fair to them. I would ask that you don't post that information here so each person can experience our true reality with their own mind.

How To See Our True Reality

Here are my suggestions:

Grab a chair, then find a wall in your house that is bare. Put the chair four feet or so from the wall. This exercise works better with a white wall, it allows your eyes to focus faster and better, but its not needed. Sit in the chair and stare at the wall for a few seconds. Then look towards the end of your nose and find a little section of space that is right in front of you. Now look for a larger piece of space that is right in front that, and so on and so forth until you reach the wall. When you reach the wall look for and see all the little pieces of space that exists between you and the wall.
Before you begin this is important. Narrow your focus to start with, I mean really narrow it and focus on a little aspect of space or it won't work for you. If you try to understand all the space between you and wall in its entirety you will not see anything and this will be a complete waste of your time. However, it you start with a small narrow focus, no bigger then a three dimensional centimeter of space and move out one centimeter of space at a time you will see the most exciting thing that has been in front of you your whole life. Once you comprehend that narrow band of space, then and only then allow your eyes and mind to move just a little further out. Just a little, and continue onward until you finally reach the wall. This should take about half hour or less. In two hours or less, you will be able to see all the space between you and that wall in neat little centimeter style blotches. From that moment on you are ready to move from that seat and go outside and see our reality for what it truly is. When you finally see our Universe/our true three-dimensional reality, from that point on, the world will change for you. Looking through telescopes is even more exciting. Heck just standing outside day and night changes your perspective on everything. I must warn you however doing this is tough, Extremely tough, you will have to really focus every time. But when you finally get it, boy is it worth it.
*The End*

After you see our true reality I would suggest you share that exercise with your family and friends. If you have children I strongly suggest you have them try this exercise. I have been doing this for years, and it still takes effort for me to see our reality. However, I see a day in the future when children will see our full three-dimensional reality just as easily as we are ignoring it now. When that day comes I guarantee future generations will be using more of their brains then we are currently. I am sure most of you are aware science says we only use 10 to 20 percent of our brain at any give second. Imagine that increasing to 30 up to 50 percent. How can I say that, because it should be a fact we will have to use more of our minds to see all the stuff we are currently ignoring. I pray I am still alive when that happens. I would love to read their poetry, their philosophy, see their paintings, and all the other wonderful things they will be able to discover.

I hope you decide to see our reality, and if you decide to do the suggestions posted above, I hope you u2u me what you see and that you share that information with others.

Enjoy The Ride…

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 15-5-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by littlebunny

Charles Marcelo or littlebunny, I think you are living in a fairy tale; the Alice in Wonderland fairy tale to be precise.

You aren't the Great Genius and I'm not the Great Genius, get it through your head man.

Your information is worthless. If Nostradamus wrote about you, it was definitely the blank page at the end of his book, get over it man.

Little Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland your attempt to put things on this site that I have not stated is truly a wonder. I have never stated that I am the Great Genius, and believe me, you are not the Great Genius. I still have all of the knowledge though, and it is not cheap.

I don't post my knowledge on this site simply because this site keeps the copyright to whatever is written on this site. In your case you can write and write, and whatever you write is still worthless. I don't have emotional outbreaks little rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, you are the emotional one. Look at what you have written, it is full of emotion and hate.

You don't have the device that you try to make others believe that you have, especially if you have been giving it away freely. If you had what you state, then it would have been all over in the newspapers and the media if you have given it away freely. When in fact none of us have ever heard of your crap, because that is all it is, it's crap. You don't have the scientific background to produce something spectacular, the only thing you have are your dreams. Look at your last post, just by reading it anybody can see that you are ready for the Funny Farm, and no one will ever take you seriously. As a matter of fact, I think you have been an inmate at the Funny Farm, because what you told others to do is exactly what inmates at a Funny Farm do, they just sit and stare at a blank wall all day trying to comprehend something that doesn't exist.

posted on May, 15 2009 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by RussianScientists
reply to post by littlebunny

Charles Marcelo or littlebunny, I think you are living in a fairy tale; the Alice in Wonderland fairy tale to be precise.

You aren't the Great Genius and I'm not the Great Genius, get it through your head man.

Your information is worthless. If Nostradamus wrote about you, it was definitely the blank page at the end of his book, get over it man.

Little Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland your attempt to put things on this site that I have not stated is truly a wonder. I have never stated that I am the Great Genius, and believe me, you are not the Great Genius. I still have all of the knowledge though, and it is not cheap.

I don't post my knowledge on this site simply because this site keeps the copyright to whatever is written on this site. In your case you can write and write, and whatever you write is still worthless. I don't have emotional outbreaks little rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, you are the emotional one. Look at what you have written, it is full of emotion and hate.

Emotional outbreaks? Hate and emotion? WoW! Actually, I would now call me a prophet, because if you read the first post in this thread I explained how this conversation was going to teeter on either madness or... and because of your response that I am now quoting, it has officially gone towards...stupidity. My response to your other statement that you completely changed was done with humor. You do know what that is, right? And Alice and Wonderland, did you put littlebunny and AandW together all by yourself... congrats! You are the Great Genius.

You don't have the device that you try to make others believe that you have, especially if you have been giving it away freely. If you had what you state, then it would have been all over in the newspapers and the media if you have given it away freely. When in fact none of us have ever heard of your crap, because that is all it is, it's crap. You don't have the scientific background to produce something spectacular, the only thing you have are your dreams. Look at your last post, just by reading it anybody can see that you are ready for the Funny Farm, and no one will ever take you seriously. As a matter of fact, I think you have been an inmate at the Funny Farm, because what you told others to do is exactly what inmates at a Funny Farm do, they just sit and stare at a blank wall all day trying to comprehend something that doesn't exist.

At least I have posted something within this thread allowing others to find out for themselves. You on the other hand continue to tell everyone how great you are while doing nothing, absolutely nothing, but breaking your own arm patting yourself on the back, while the rest of us are going... What in the hell is this guy talking about?

Congrats… This thread has officially been taken over by complete stupidity.

--Charles Marcello

[edit on 15-5-2009 by littlebunny]

posted on May, 17 2009 @ 08:47 PM
I have studied Nostradamus for years. The Great Genius is also a reference to "Ogmios". "Ogmios" or "The Great Genius" is Jesus Christ. The prophecies in question have to do with the second coming of Jesus Christ.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 02:19 AM
Hi Friends I am the so called Great Genius and I know this truth since my child hood days. Now I am planning to do things as planned. One more thing I am a muslim but going to convert as a hindu to preach Advaita with scientific secrets of energy. For this new revolution and evolution, I have already created a university.

Thanks for everyone

posted on Oct, 23 2009 @ 12:48 AM
Governments know who already is the great genius to come, also Scientology does also, How ? Scientology had been searching years ago by surveying certain people in many countries and cities of the world, and by chance they came up with one, but was not reported.

Governments data bases already track people and information collected point to certain people, but they do not interfere to much and letting so far destiny to take its course.

If you search for answers and read you will see what your government wishes you see, and to learn, of course this leads to blind followship of being a cog in the machinery, which gives the sense of bliss of being ignorant, (blind sheepeople) controlled by wolfs in power. Today mass pleasure is sex, violence, and sport which replaced the Roman blood sport of killing christens and having Gladiators slice and dice each other. War now replaces this Bloodlust in most people entertainment. When this type of Bloodlust involve you directly, and you are in the middle of it, then you cry foul. Hippocrates to the end you are, you sit their and say how awful, and go back to watch more. Are you really enlighten, really wise after all this time? What should you do? Yes it is too hard to think isn’t to come up with a true logical answer to which you have to find for your self. Typical modern day human thinking has not changed from the beginning after all.

Of course this is top-secret from the public, but you must remember Governments want to remain in power and one thing has always been learnt is to watch and wait, and gather Information to predict the future rather than on prophecy alone. Secret services are holders of secrets that even president and senators do not even know about, after all they are elected only for a short time, nor are they the main power base of nations but puppets elected by the people funded by the real power and money.

If people think this is far fetch then being ignorant is no excuse of logical facts, as to how the world operates.

The great genus is a necessity even to them as they know they can not totally control forces beyond their control to which this universe is made up of matter and energy together, they need him as just as everyone else will too. Wisdom is used by both good and evil that why there is balance between these forces opposed with each other.

The Universe is made up of both these forces that allows creation and destruction and back into rebirth again in a never ending cycle of life and death.

The answers to mans problems are all around us, but are hidden by many for their own selfish gains and this includes governments, corporations, and individuals of power and wealth.

The genius is in the seeing of all truths and combining of wisdom of the past present and future. Why and how the future wisdom?
Time is only a passing of mans imagination from one reality into another for at the heart of man is the energy that is within and the body is but a physical matter interconnection to this reality, what ever the body feels, sees, and learns is retained within the energy that the soul is made up of. Children are a birth of a combination between farther and mother both on the physical plane as well on the energy plane of existence and there by creation of a new person to be.

The minds eye can see into the future the many possible futures to come and can trace these paths to discovery of new unforseen truths and wisdom to be. This is what we call foresight, which many use without realising it.

Creation of the Universe was simple by combining all and compressing it all within the tiniest point of existence, and then releasing it, thereby allowing an infinite combination of possible different energy and combined with matter to form the universe as we know it today.

There is no chaos except where intelligent life begins to manipulate it for its own ends.
We are children of this creator of energy and matter we call God, there has only been one ever and in his wisdom and kindness and generosity he did create man and woman, by understanding him we can become to understand why we are. We were lost, but we can all find our way home, In a new light and out of darkness we can help each other to understand, and to move forward. One must take control of oneself, and the responsibly for that is laid squarely at your feet, acceptance is life, rejection will lead to death. Your choice.

To claim to be but he is but a foolish action to be seen by all. Patience to all, let creation take its course, and let it set the path for in the end it has been revealed to all to know, but it seem only to the very wise.

Will it be?, only time will tell.

posted on Oct, 28 2009 @ 10:48 PM
What if it were me? What if it were you? Are you prepared to accept who you are and what you are capable of?

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 03:37 AM
"What is the truth? Can the truth ever exist when it's exact existance is based on the perception of those first to ineterprate?"

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 09:33 AM
In Conversations with Nostradamus by Dolores Cannon, the source of this thread, there is also a description of THE ANTICHRIST as a humanitarian inventor, a similarity to the Great Genius she does not address. She did speculate that the Great Genius was the Second Coming however.

There is a book at the media center:

Written by a guy claiming to be The Great Genius, Anti/Christ, and the reincarnation of Tesla. The notion that Tesla=AntiChrist has been speculated on here:

The unification of science and religion can be found in his book under "33 Triads".

The Great Genius has invented Free Energy (Rev 13:13):

Artificial Intelligence via Soul-Catching (Rev 13:15)

See "Neuromimetic Hybrid Processor" in his book, also described in Conversations...

And Teleportation (Rev 14:2-4) via quantum phase shifting, via literal singularity (as opposed to the Kurzweilian use of the term)

The method for creating a singularity is not mentioned in his book but he has compared The Seraphim to Calabi-Yau Spaces - see "Mass Engine".

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 10:31 AM
The Great Genius is in fact the Great Universal Monarch that is to come !

If you do your homework right you will learn...

Nostradamus wrote his quatrains in French...

The Legends tells of a Great Man who does have to feel great pain and has a path of life out of the ordinary.

A French King who will restore the french monarchy , he will be the 70 King of France but was not born they're.

a Mage King , warrior and priest with great knowledge

Aquarius is the Birth sign of this great man he will bring the new Age to it's Full Potential

that's enought information for the moment...


posted on Nov, 27 2010 @ 09:58 PM

There is considerable agreement that a great scholar will emerge from the land bounded by three seas... This quite obviously indicates that the said scholar will be a Hindu from India.

Away from the din of contradicting opinions and speculations among commentators and scholars, about the identity and time of arrival of the Great Genius, He has already taken birth. True to prophecy, He was born in a small town in south India (peninsular India ) and is a great scholar of the Hindu scriptures and the scriptures of other religions.

Nostradamus' quatrain doesn't state that the supposed "ruler" (or "Great Genius") would be born in India. It says he comes, or emerges, from India. If he (or she) were born in India, I feel Nostradamus might've been more clear in his wording. It would seem to me that this individual emerges from India, but does not necessarily originate from India (or even Hinduism). The "Great Genius" supposedly "unites" all the various aspects of humanity, so it'd seem this individual would be somehow be connected to all cultures already. This individual might even start off as a devout atheist, and come to embrace Hinduism through his/her studies. Or maybe this individual is somehow born with a latent Hindu outlook. India might be the "last hope" of this supposed genius, or perhaps India is the "starting line" for his/her "spiritual conquest." Either way, the whole Hindu Avatar connection is fascinating.

This Great Genius, who is an incarnation of Lord Dattatreya, is known as His Holiness Shri Datta Swami. Shri Datta Swami has preached Divine Knowledge that is so revolutionary and outstanding that highly elevated spiritual souls and scholars and have declared that such knowledge has never been revealed before to mankind.

I find it interesting that certain people claim that they have "arrived" or that their "long awaited one" has already arrived, but yet the world doesn't seem to have changed much, as promised. As they say... pics or it didn't happen. (Same goes for you, Share International)

posted on Jun, 21 2013 @ 11:31 PM
One should wonder if 2012 is the pivotal point in which him designated "The Great Genius" decides whether to help or annihilate mankind. Someone of such intellectual prowess would certainly be capable of either.

posted on Jun, 30 2013 @ 04:51 PM
What's amusing is that everyone expects that as soon as this Great Genius arrives, that he's just gonna start changing humanity radically

as violent and fearful as humankind is, assuming this person arrives as a human that dies just as easy as any other, why would such an intelligent person go and announce themselves, and why would people receive them in the first place?

its like secret government projects that changed the world, many of them were completely unknown for years or perhaps even decades, so it seems to be nothing more than impatience on the account of those expecting instant results for things that are supposed to change all life on Earth. How very arrogant & impatient such statements seem, just like people that claim that the "End Of Time As We Know It" came & passed with absolutely nothing happening, when probability sequences could be set in definite motion as of that date, with no apparent results for months/years/or even decades before people realize that said date really was *that important*.

posted on Jul, 6 2013 @ 11:43 AM

posted on Jul, 6 2013 @ 04:47 PM

Originally posted by Kalki11

A genius would make sense to everyone, in simple language.

The Holy Spirit is a continuous slingshot effect, in the form of a golden helix, that simultaneously accelarates/decelarates the aether into superluminal and subluminal densities respectively

That signature says it all or says nothing and you are the only one that knows what it means. Solving the world's problems doesn't take money as your fb account seems to beg for. Well not really beg but reprimand for not helping??

Well, after studying Memes and The Tipping Point, after offering all kinds of corroborative evidence and intellectual property, after a subdued and over-the-top video, not a single person has offered to help...fine that's fine. The folks that know me personally are exempt, I know you're poor and regard me as eccentric or.... As for TeslaCult, I'm very disappointed. I am very aware that my claims are patently insane and that nobody wants to be associated with or back someone that is insane. History says you should. So, I have changed the title of my crowdfunding page to something more explicit. Both Jesus and Tesla begged for $$$. I'm not asking you to do anything but click the SHARE.

Both Jesus and Tesla begged for money?!

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