reply to post by jkrog08
jkrog08 I'm pretty sure I'm the one, but I'm still not claiming to be the Great Genius.
Why don't you put forth some questions to me my friend. Specific questions and maybe I will answer them as long as you don't ask me to reveal
secrets at this moment in time.
YouTube is an excellent media, and millions of people will see the YouTube videos, and others in the media will hone in on the YouTube videos and then
it will all start.
jkrog08 Statement equals (S)
Answer equals (A)
(S) regular human being with great abilities (a next stage in evolution?) that will drastically change mankind for the better and lead to a "golden
(A) many people have great abilities, they just haven't realized how to use them because they haven't discovered them
(S) Among his crowning achievements are 'free energy", unification of religion and science, a deeper understanding of medicine, robotics, and a
quantum leap in the understanding of consciousness, reality, and the Universe.
(A) science and religion and the others will blend to a great extent
(S) According to this it will be a new "age of enlightenment" which will then lead to some troubles further down the road.........Or some have
interpreted the prophecy has saying the Great Genius will be a savior in dark times (NWO).
(A) My knowledge will make me a great savior in the coming dark times, because people that should die as expected will not die because they will have
the knowledge to protect themselves; but my friend, it is all of you working together that will actually save each other, as I stated before.
(S) What is agreed however is that he will become the world leader and become a Jesus like figure, similar to a "second coming". If you look at
this prophecy and compare it with the predictions of a "technological singularity" around 2012 it seems to fit that something might happen in the
2012-2020 time frames.
(A) My knowledge will save far more lives than Jesus ever saved.
(S) I think it would be great personally as we need a new "super revolution" and "golden age" especially now. It is also thought that the
prophecy predicts he will lead us into a large interaction with beings not only from other planets, but from other realities as well.
(A) Interaction will occur with other beings through gaining the knowledge because the other beings will not be able to remain hidden from all of you,
and once all of you have the knowledge many of you will be very useful to them everywhere in the Universe.
(S) Nostradamus describes the coming of a great scientific genius that will help rebuild human society. From CENTURY IV-31: "This man...will be one
of the highest, most developed geniuses ever to appear in our present history of man.
(A) My scientific knowledge is vast in a way you can't comprehend because it is different than what you know of.
(S) He...made the decision to use his genius to help rather than to hurt mankind...
(A) In my first thread I tell of using some of my knowledge to save lives instead of being used as a weapon of mass destruction.
(S) One of the things he self-contained, self-supporting space stations...
(A) This is easy to have self supporting space stations on other planets and moons once you have the knowledge, otherwise self supporting space
stations will never exist.
(S) It was very easy for him to spot this man along the nexus of time paths because he creates such a large ultimate effect...This man is one of the
major forces who will help the earth recover from the scars of war.
(A) Release of all of my knowledge will be great in extent and will shock the knowledge of the scientific world.
(S) This great genius will be influential in pointing out the mistaken premises that today's science has built itself on. His ability to perceive
scientific truths will cause major breakthroughs in our technological capabilities.
(A) I already related this above in the other post.
(S) From CENTURY VII-14: "[He will] make clear the connections between the physical universe and the metaphysical universe as dealt with by
religions." Because of these great advances, Nostradamus describes a time when a majority of people will be aware of higher powers and energies: "It
will make every person a philosopher."
(A) I already related this above in the other post.
(S) What kind of time frame are we looking at here? Nostradamus reported that this great genius will show up in the mid-twenty-first century. Many
people have avoided working with Nostradamus' predictions because they foretold so many awful events.
(A) Nostradamus was a good man, obviously he wrote this so that I would release the knowledge in advance of what is to come.
(S) there will still be a great spiritual rebirth throughout the entire world...This will cause a great rebirth of philosophy and a great blending of
the best aspects of eastern and western religions...This will bring about the best aspects of the Age of Aquarius."
(A) This is very true.
[edit on 12-5-2009 by RussianScientists]