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Is Disney Conspiring to Undermine Easter?

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posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by Missing Blue Sky

Fair enough...but the use of the word "impaled: and "pharoah" did not sound very friendly. I will let it go though, because I and forgive without flaming. haha

Not here to flame. I starred your opening post because it is an interesting topic. But I can't blame Disney for not spreading religious propoganda to the masses. So hopefully now you can see that Disney will promote whatever it wants and why wouldn't they?

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Missing Blue Sky

Originally posted by Missing Blue Sky
Christians do all the punishing? Are you nuts?

The people who help others the most in the whole wide world are Christians!

Christians built the first hospitals and provided the first charity hospitals.

Christians built the first schools.

Christians invented the scientific method, which we would not have medicine and medical aid without.

Christians run the majority of homeless shelters in the world.

Christians invented the book and the printing press.

Christians go all over the world helping people who are suffering.

Christians donate Billions of dollars to aid organizations which aid the suffering people of the world.

Every Christian wants to be your friend, we are not the enemy.

people help people. with or without christanity.

and scientists craeted the scientific method, not christians.

christians, like other religions, exclude people who dont believe own god.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:03 AM
It's funny when Christians bitch and moan about someone 'taking over' their holidays.

You know, the holidays that they themselves basterdized from Pagan religions because, let's face it, it is alot easier to sell your crazy when it shares the themes and symbology of the crazy of the locals.

During Christmas USA has played Law and Order: SVU on an all-day marathon type schedule. I don't see any protest that the USA network is attempting to undermine Christmas and associate it with child brutality and rape...

And why the hell would Disney care about Easter. Nobody but those who constantly scream about the dying morals of an Easter that isn't soley rad-rabbits and yet another shot at childhood diabetes actually give a crap.

Nobody is trying to rain on your parade crazy people: You are funny enough to watch without interference.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:03 AM
Jesus never said to celebrate "Easter". Easter is a man made holiday.

So people can do whatever the heck they want on the secular holiday of Easter. I say secular, because that is what it is. Easter egg hunts, candy and Easter Bunnies. It all happens at church too.

Grant it, some people may celebrate it in rememberence of Christ on the cross. But as soon as they bring in the secular aspect to it - they are no longer celebrating Christ.

Oh, and im a "born again" Christian....I just take issue with man made holidays masked at celebrating something Jesus never said to celebrate.

In fact the word EASTER is a pagan word - yet all these Christians use it like its a biblical word.

Eostre - a pagan Anglo-Saxon Goddess
This mythical figure is said to have been the goddess of the sunrise and the spring. She is the Teutonic goddess of the dawn. The direction of the sunrise, East, is named for her. In Norse mythology, the name is spelled Eostare. Another considered the Norse/Saxon goddess of spring is Ostara. Eastre is believed to be an ancient word for spring

Some more links on "Easter"

Easter was no part of early Church worship
The New Testament does not mention an Easter celebration. Early Christians had nothing to do with Easter. Instead, they kept the Passover, instituted by God centuries earlier at the time of the Exodus (Exodus 12:13-14; Leviticus 23:5). Jesus Christ personally kept this festival (Matthew 26:17-18) and gave it a clearer meaning under the New Covenant with His institution of the symbols of bread and wine for His beaten body and shed blood, signifying His suffering and death on our behalf (verses 26-29). He is the Lamb of God, offered as the true Passover sacrifice for the sins of the world (John 1:29; 1 Corinthians 5:7).

Jesus told His followers to continue this observance in remembrance of Him and His death (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). Soon, however, pressure to replace Passover with popular Easter customs began to build. This movement was the basis for much contention over the next three centuries.

Notice how The Encyclopaedia Britannica describes this period: "The earliest Christians celebrated the Lord's Passover at the same time as the Jews, during the night of the first full moon of the first month of spring (Nisan 14-15). By the middle of the 2nd century, most churches had transferred this celebration to the Sunday after the Jewish feast. But certain churches of Asia Minor clung to the older custom, for which they were denounced as ‘judaizing' (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 5, chapters 23-25). The first ecumenical Council of Nicaea in 325 decreed that all churches should observe the feast together on a Sunday" (15th edition, Macropaedia, Vol. 4, pp. 604-605, "Church Year").

"After long and fierce controversies over its date (which is governed by the lunar calendar), the date for Easter set by the Council of Nicaea in 325 is the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the spring equinox. Easter became the centre of a fixed liturgical structure of times and festivals in the church year" (ibid., p. 499, "Christianity").

So happy Pagan Goddess Day!

PS. before you start bashing Disney, do some homework on history

[edit on 4/10/2009 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by stereovoyaged

The "bling" you refer to is religious art. Religious art serves the purpose of propagating the faith. It teaches the faith. It informs our hearts and minds...

I should add that to my above list of Christian contributions posted above, the largest purveyor of fine art in the history of the world...Christianity.

anyhoo I digress..This art is not "sold off" because it really can't be....because it belongs to all of us. These extraordinary paintings, statues, frescoes, tapestries, buildings and garments all remind us of the truth that God is always with us and all around us. The more people who come to this faith, then the more people who can go out in the word helping the suffering. Money does not solve problems, only willing people to go out and do the hard work and labor required of a situation solve problem.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12

I expalin to people that I celebrate it as a national holiday, not a religious holiday.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by stereovoyaged

What do all of you Christians think of the fact that the Vatican is worth approx 1.2 billion USD not including its "priceless" treasures, For what purpose, isnt' christianity supposed to be a humble faith. The pope has more bling than 50 cent, lol, If they sold even a fraction of that, they could feed a lot of starving ppl.

The catholic/christian church promotes Jesus and the cross like McDonalds promotes hamburgers. Billions serve every day. At the end of the day it's all about the revenue generated to further indoctrinate the masses. It's an oligarchy of power by intelligent design that has been purged and prosecuted the true owners, to lock the truth of humanity and creation away in a vatican vault, for their own personal means to deify themselves as the keepers of authority over the masses.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Missing Blue Sky

I will give you that. the christians and the catholics have done a lot of good things.

But they have done a lot of evil as well. So it kind of cancels itself out.

ON one hand they will go to Africa and save teh starving children, and bring them food, which is fantastic.

yet they tell women that they shouldn't use birth control, and not give access to it, so the women have the starving children in teh first place.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by Missing Blue Sky

Dont you guys teach that the world around us, life, birth, nature, etc is the proof that God gave to us all to proclaim his power. If thats the case, I'm sure he doens't want a gold septar and a Benz to worship him further. And you say money doestn' solve problems? You are correct, but 1.2 billion dollars would buy a hell of a lot of rice and clean water.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by spines

What's even more funny is when you non-Christians, who bash Christians and Christian holidays, actually observe some of them. Ironic, huh?

[edit on 10-4-2009 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by Seekerof

I don't observe nothing, but a young man enjoys free gifts in dec, free choc in april and double time and a half. I call it more....taking advantage of rather than observing.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by stereovoyaged

Your right, it would. The problem here is that you, as with others, would rather spend those billions bailing out corrupt bankers and failed companies.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by stereovoyaged

So you claim.
Internet anonymity, ftw.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
reply to post by stereovoyaged

Your right, it would. The problem here is that you, as with others, would rather spend those billions bailing out corrupt bankers and failed companies.

What? thats a bit presumptious dont you thinks, who's talking about the economy. I'm Canadian, I am not bailing anyone out, lol If I was a billionaire, A Substancial , and I mean SUBSTANCIAL amount of my foturne would go to help ppl in need. Thats not a chrisitan thing, thats not a non believer thing, thats a humanity thing!

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by stereovoyaged
If I was a billionaire, A Substancial , and I mean SUBSTANCIAL amount of my foturne would go to help ppl in need. Thats not a chrisitan thing, thats not a non believer thing, thats a humanity thing!

Again, so you claim.
Internet anonymity, ftw x 2.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:23 AM

people help people. with or without christanity.

and scientists craeted the scientific method, not christians.

christians, like other religions, exclude people who dont believe own god.

The church did fund the experiments yeah..they were christians. And there were many many more professing practicing christians who advanced science....

The idea that you are a scientist first and your religion is private is a 20th century idea, not so before then. There were no great Jewish, Islamic or Buddist univerisities advancing science...oh yeah...they were Christian.

Calculus, the big bang theory ( a priest no less came up with that one), electronics, the encyclopedia, entomology, genetics (another priest), geology, oceanography,etc. etc etc...all devout Christians.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
reply to post by stereovoyaged

So you claim.
Internet anonymity, ftw.

I don't understand? So I claim? lol Am I being accused of being a ....dare I say a CLOSET CHRISTIAN!!.....If I was and I was lieing about not celebrating, wouldtn that make me a sinner?..

LOGIC, ftw

[edit on 10-4-2009 by stereovoyaged]

[edit on 10-4-2009 by stereovoyaged]

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Seekerof
reply to post by spines

What's even more funny is when you non-Christians, who bash Christians and Christian holidays, actually observe some of them. Ironic, huh?

If that was aimed at me: I (used to) observe the pagan ones as I was raised that way. Now, I don't observe religous holidays (although christmas and easter are good excuses to miss work and see the family).

If it was aimed at those who make fun of christians and still celebrate the holidays: Man, change the nouns around and it's basically the point I just made.

"What's even more funny is when christians, who bash pagans and pagan tradition, actually observe some of them. Ironic, huh?"

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:29 AM
Can we please focus on the topic and NOT on each other.

Thank you.

posted on Apr, 10 2009 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by spines

Originally posted by Seekerof
reply to post by spines

"What's even more funny is when christians, who bash pagans and pagan tradition, actually observe some of them. Ironic, huh?"


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