posted on Apr, 8 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Seany
Look man, if topics related to drug usage make the news, they belong on an alternative news site, above all else.
There was a time when this site discussed these topics regularly... Not any longer.
My question is why.
I'm not jeopardizing this site. This site is the largest on the net of its type.
They're doing just fine.
And if it were me, I would get creative in certain regards to account registration...
For instance, if I were having a problem with decorum of a certain topic in particular, I would make people signing up TYPE IN response that they
understand that personal drug usage will not be tolerated on this site, although they are free to discuss the topic otherwise...
I mean, if someone isn't intelligent enough to do that, or willing to do that, they don't belong here in the first place...
Afterall "deny ignorance."
[edit on 8-4-2009 by Jay-in-AR]