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2010-2012: Depopulation of the Planet

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posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by unrealweapon

Dude, seriously? Stop hammering that site down our throats. TS clearly has put time and effort in his research, from several sources and over several years from what i can read in his previous topics. I can understand you proclaiming your favorite gospel and everything but in my opinion people that just cling to one source as the truth miss a lot of the advantages in regards to different viewpoints.

I read some of the stuff you are advertising and i'm not seeing it. If this whole universe is an evil construct from some deranged Evil entity it should all be bad and it still isn't, the whole universe should be some hellish cesspit and it isn't. That stuff to me looks more like some modern day new-age Light workers doomsday bible or something, good reading for sure but nothing more than that. And you are just regurgitating what you read, nothing more. I've gotten more viewpoints and potential good information from the researched knowledge posted by indigo than your gospel.

And by the way, if you are right you should just kick back and relax because the show is almost over, who cares? Sorry about this, maybe i should just hit the ignore but i needed to get this from my chest.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Harman]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:13 PM
just got to sayit, cant stand it any longer, been thinkin about from the america post.

reptillian hunh, i guess thats where the native americans got
white man speaks with forked tounge!
think they might have seen the reptile in us
naw just kidding

listen i do agree with you about the nwo is fixin to make a big push, been thinkin that from when clinton was in office with the kioto japan treaty. before that thought it was a bunch of bs.

cant look at whats been going on and not come up with the any thing else.
also if you look at all the big banks, companies,goverments,and all the names that come with them, and not know that there are only a few in charge.

but all this other stuff is kinda over the top, terra papers, omega project, hollow earth, hollow moon, sanskrit, sumerians, aryans, note arnt the aryans supose to be hitlers master race , i think so. the list could go on and on. so many people have been tieing this togather for so long no one can really say whats what.

i will give you this, some of this stuff is out is possiable to see and touch it. but hardly any agrement about how old it is. this group says its this old,this group says its that old. i know lets carbon date it, send to the lab, now this lab say 10,000yrs, next lab 5000yrs. every now and then they might agree, but what about the dinos, something that big i bet would put out who knows how much co2 when they exhaled.Or how about wild fires, started by lighting strikes wouldn't that put a lot co2 out there. not sure but doesn't co2 break down to carbon 14, got to find that out. you know that if a bunch of cows passin gas can cause gloable warming, dinos wild fires, and a whole list of others things that produce co2 that breaks down, might change carbon 14 dating.

look i'm a simple man,and try to look at things as simply as i can.and for me it comes down to this.

i'm a Christian, i belive in the GOD of the bible, he made everything in heaven and earth. his thoughts are not my thoughts, his way are not my ways.

why would a god et or what ever,aryans, sumerian, make a bunch of slaves,work them like theres no end in sight,then let a book come out and tell whats gonna happen. seems to me if they were gonna kill us all off they would not want us to know. ya know keep us in the dark,use us as long as they can then kill us.

and if they are still scrapin out there how come we cant see it, if they are still here hiding under ground and fighting how come we dont see it, oh thats right we are just thier pawns. and why did they run off and leave thier buddies behind, wasnt the earth trashed any way.

let me try and wrap up what i'm sayin, i could ramble on for ever if i dont.
it all comes down to your faith,theres good and evil, light and dark here on this earth. and its not a bunch of ets. its GOD vs. satan
if you have taken Christ as your savior, and really mean it. live to best of your ablity, confess your sin when you know that you have and dont do it again or at least fight your sinful ways. God will protect you from the times that are coming.

God told us it was coming,he didnt give us extact times and dates.Jesus and paul both say this as wellas many others in the bible. Theres nothing you can do to stop it. but if you stand strong till the end,God through his Holly Sprit will let you know what to do. some will live through it some will die, but all who know him will see the kingdom.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 03:17 PM
So which person do u think is gonna be mainly responsible for de populating the earth...Like the revelations mentioning Satan to represent 666 and Nostradamus refering to him as 'The great King Of Terror'.
And Indigo Child, are u ignoring both the Bible as well as Nostradamus saying that there would be renewed an age of Saturn, A golden age and return of Christ....or is that really far off. I cant believe you would rather see Billy Mier and George Green rather than the authentic ones....
It would be good now for USA and India to look for help in Isreal against China.......I guess only Isreal would have any WMDs to counter attack China.....

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by ub1476

I think it very speculative, mixing various calenders and then correlating them to hyperdimensional space etc. It doesn't work.

The Hindu Yuga system has something to do with astrology, the movement of the sun around the galaxy, and the galaxies around the centre of the universe. There are 14 manvantaras 306,720,000 years, each manvantara refers to the movement of the sun around the centre of the galaxy(the central sun) the modern estimates range from 225 million to 250 million years on how long it takes the sun to go around the galaxy, maybe later on we will arrive at estimates closer to the Hindu ones. Anyway each manvantara(ours is the 7th) consists of 71 mahayugas, and each mahayuga consists of 4 yugas(Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron) At the end of each manvantara there is a destruction phase and the entire Earth is submerged.

Now what age are we in? According to traditional Hindu calender Kaliyuga began in 3102BCE, but I am not sure why it is 3102BCE and possibly this is a mistake. The Guru of Yogananda Paramhansa(of Autobiography of a Yogi fame) gives another account. He connects the Yuga cycles to the precision of the equinox and there is an ascension cycle and a declension cycle. According to him we are now in the declension cycle Kaliyuga ended around the 17th century and now we are in the Dvapura Yuga and we will enter the Treta Yuga in 4100AD. In other words things are not going to get worse but better. However, the golden age is still thousand of years away.

To be honest all of this astrology business gives me a headache. I am not advanced enough to understand it.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by hounddoghowlie

Hehe, I do not hold back. The Aryans, Sumerians, the NWO, the Illojim/Annunaki, Pleadians, superfloods, depopulation, prophecies and predictions, lost civilisations is all a part of our history.

We have a habit in in modern culture of separating that which challenges our worldview from the world. So in physics they will separate anything to do metaphysics and ether; in history anything to do with lost civilisations or "forbidden archaeolog" is separated. The irony is, that no matter how much we try to avoid it, these things keep coming back to haunt us. It's like trying to clean up your bedroom by your stuffing everything under the bed.

This is why I do not compartmentalize. I do not find any of the above incompatible with my worldview and find them just as acceptable as I do more mundane things. The truth is the real world is far more stranger than fiction than the common man would like to admit.

Regarding Christianity. You see the problem is your version of Christianity is based on what orthodoxy tells you. If you really want to be a true Christian read around what the orthodoxy tells you. Let me recommend some reading material:

1. The Gospel of Judas
2. The Gnostic Gosepels
3. The Talmud of Jmmanuel
4. Jesus lived in India

When I tell a Christian to read around they retort, "We don't need to read anything else, we already have the answers" What they don't realise is that reading around is not actually going to weaken their spirituality, but strengthen it.

I never stopped myself from reading around. I read the bible, the Quran, the vast library of Hindu scriptures, parts of the Secret Doctrine in Theosophy, parts of the Sikh Guru Granth Sahib, Parts of the Buddhist Sutras. Literally dozens of books on spirituality. I've also been involved in a few spiritual groups.

If anything I have come out of the process far more open minded, with diverse knowledge and understanding and higher intellectual ability. Do not deny yourself the opportunity to expand your mind. That is verily the nature of your soul.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by CuteAngel

Simply put the books of Revelations and Nostradamus give cryptic and vague predictions. Wheres Meier gives very specific and definite predictions. George Green does not predict anything, he just exposes what the NWO are trying to do, because he's been an insider with them.

I can only take information that I can verify seriously. Incidentally, I own a book on Nostradamus.

Israel cannot help India or America. Israel is so small, that if Iran hits with just 2 WMD, it will be destroyed.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 06:36 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
reply to post by ub1476

We are going deeper into Kali Yuga. As another posted said it only started 5000 years ago, and there are 427,000 years to go. This is why I say that we are entering into an age of pure evil and 2012 is when it is going to get more intense than before. This is an age where spirituality will be persecuted.

That said, the traditional Hindu calculations for the 3102BCE calculation for Kaliyuga could be wrong. I posted a thread on the the Lumeria Scrolls, a channeled text which discusses our origins in the Pleadies and our migration to Planet Earth. According to that Kaliyuga begins to end in an age when man has learned to create artificial lights(19th century) so perhaps post-2012 Kaliyuga ends. The Hindu yuga cycles say that the end of each cycle there is a minor destruction. So this might be it.

However I would take channeled texts with a pinch of salt. From the way I can see it and the foreacast ahead of the future where the world is under global communism. I don't see it as a positive thing at all.

I don't know much about "Junk DNA" to comment. And yes we are alone responsible for our own destiny.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

Kalki arrives on a white horse according to hindu text....

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
reply to post by ub1476

I think it very speculative, mixing various calenders and then correlating them to hyperdimensional space etc. It doesn't work.

The Hindu Yuga system has something to do with astrology, the movement of the sun around the galaxy, and the galaxies around the centre of the universe. There are 14 manvantaras 306,720,000 years, each manvantara refers to the movement of the sun around the centre of the galaxy(the central sun) the modern estimates range from 225 million to 250 million years on how long it takes the sun to go around the galaxy, maybe later on we will arrive at estimates closer to the Hindu ones. Anyway each manvantara(ours is the 7th) consists of 71 mahayugas, and each mahayuga consists of 4 yugas(Gold, Silver, Bronze, Iron) At the end of each manvantara there is a destruction phase and the entire Earth is submerged.

Now what age are we in? According to traditional Hindu calender Kaliyuga began in 3102BCE, but I am not sure why it is 3102BCE and possibly this is a mistake. The Guru of Yogananda Paramhansa(of Autobiography of a Yogi fame) gives another account. He connects the Yuga cycles to the precision of the equinox and there is an ascension cycle and a declension cycle. According to him we are now in the declension cycle Kaliyuga ended around the 17th century and now we are in the Dvapura Yuga and we will enter the Treta Yuga in 4100AD. In other words things are not going to get worse but better. However, the golden age is still thousand of years away.

To be honest all of this astrology business gives me a headache. I am not advanced enough to understand it.

[edit on 16-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]

Plus also in the Kali Yuga within the first 5k years, there is a 10k period of a golden age, I have a weird hunch that's what we are in. I don't feel we are in the deepest of the Kali Yug and the ascending which seems to be coming about this time can confirm that we are coming into this "golden age" and 2012 is said to be when we are back aligned with the sun or something like that and the 20.12 is the equinox.

I my mind's eye, I can see the 20.12.12 being the new cosmic energy as a LOT of people seem to be preaching love and a guruji seems to think we are still in Dwaprar Yug and the weather conditions are down to these chemtrails and NOT the natural planetary cycles, so we may not even have the rain which is predicted and we still have moral (if medicine doesn't mess up!) and it seems reasonable we are in either the 10k ascending years (when 2012 is when we come into alignment) the yuga length is the full time to orbit by the sun (off the top of my head).

Also in the bible, the Old testament refers to a golden bull - the taurean age, the bible with Jesus has two fish - peices (spelling!) age and we are approaching the aquarian age, so the world can't officially end until the age returns back to Gemini if you look at it that way.

A horoscope believeing scientist

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Indigo_Child

er dont mind me but wanted to make a correction

christanity came from etheopia not india

look it up

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by nerdychemist

I see no predictions of there being a golden age within the Kaliyuga. Even if we take the alternative model of the yuga system we are still in the Dwapur age and there is a lot of time to go before we reach the Treta Yuga(4100AD) I think these attempts by some authors or relating the Mayan calender to the Hindu Yuga system is just clutching at straws in the dark. There is no link between them.

2012 is not going to be a positive time on Earth. It is going to be hell on earth, civil wars, famines, world wars, earthquakes, tornados, floods. The whole nine yards. You only have to look around you to see the signs.

Anyway for those who pretending that a golden age is coming in 2012. A few tips when you awaken from this fantasy:

1) Get out of your cities: You are not safe in your city
2) Get a first aid kid, a sleeping bag, some hiking shoes and any other survival gear. Basically take anything you can put in one backpack in knowledge that you won't be returning. Also maybe one of those simple face masks or mouth guards.
3) Invest in some food seeds and raw food
4) If you in America you have the luxury of acquiring a gun
5) Do not trust anybody you don't know

I am serious. Your reality is going to change(for the worse) in just 1 or 2 years.

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 09:41 PM
Remember im not trying to bash.....but this all coming from a guy who is the only one who can see the E.Ts..??? First off how can even E.Ts see into the future if it hasen't happened yet??? predictions are things that are going to happen in the future if it follows the same timeline structure???? nothing is set in stone, thats why we have free will. If some terrorist somehow killed all the illuminati members thoose predictions woulden't come true they would be altered. Billy also first said it would start in 2006, then 2007 then again in 2008 and 2009 .... hes going all the way untill 2012 ... which is supposivley the huge mayan calender date. Mayans didn't predict nuclear war, that was nostradamus or revelations in the bible or somthing, it would be based on astronomy. I know everyone loves to survive on earth but come on.....what would you rather choose to be one of the only survivours of earth or to die the same way everyone else does in a huge nuclear bomb war..... i know i would
... also noone knows how thoose guidestones came to exist.. but coulden't it just be some simple masons that wanted to do good on this earth it did say the population should be 500,000 but if it was so long ago i bet they didnt even know what population density was, there are still so much parts of the world people can live. PROTECT PEOPLE AND NATIONS
WITH FAIR LAWS AND JUST COURTS , why would they only listen to the 500,000 rule and not the other ones...Like we take good care of the earth pshhh

posted on Apr, 16 2009 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by symmetricAvenger
reply to post by jkrog08

OOOOKKKk for some i guess we can all go off and say we are "the one" /me rolls eyes

how about some mathmatics

One of 8


Btw dont thank me,. you should have done this in class.

lol i laugh sometimes i really do!

armagedon is coming.. 11:59


That was pretty good and I agree with him, but just on the coal.

The liars like telling us there is limited oil, but the earth makes it!!!!!...

Do a search on ABIOTIC oil.

It HAS TO, because we've consumed wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more "dinosaur" remains than could have possibly existed!!!

And the other thing is, the vehicles are getting more fuel efficient!!!

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 06:36 AM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
reply to post by nerdychemist

I see no predictions of there being a golden age within the Kaliyuga. Even if we take the alternative model of the yuga system we are still in the Dwapur age and there is a lot of time to go before we reach the Treta Yuga(4100AD) I think these attempts by some authors or relating the Mayan calender to the Hindu Yuga system is just clutching at straws in the dark. There is no link between them.

2012 is not going to be a positive time on Earth. It is going to be hell on earth, civil wars, famines, world wars, earthquakes, tornados, floods. The whole nine yards. You only have to look around you to see the signs.

Anyway for those who pretending that a golden age is coming in 2012. A few tips when you awaken from this fantasy:

1) Get out of your cities: You are not safe in your city
2) Get a first aid kid, a sleeping bag, some hiking shoes and any other survival gear. Basically take anything you can put in one backpack in knowledge that you won't be returning. Also maybe one of those simple face masks or mouth guards.
3) Invest in some food seeds and raw food
4) If you in America you have the luxury of acquiring a gun
5) Do not trust anybody you don't know

I am serious. Your reality is going to change(for the worse) in just 1 or 2 years.

I can't sense that, although I can sense the epidemic....I have seen other people pleased about 2012, but, you seem the worst doom and gloom and I am in the UK, I live outwith a city also!!

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 09:00 AM
Have anyone seen the prophecy by Grandfather Stalking Wolf?

"It was at the end of the fourth day that the third Vision came to him. As he gazed out onto the landscape toward the setting sun, the sky suddenly turned back to a liquid and turned blood red. As far as his eyes could see, the sky was solid red, with no variation in shadow, texture, or light. The whole of creation seemed to have grown still, as if awaiting some unseen command. Time, place, and destiny seemed to be in limbo, stilled by the bleeding sky. He gazed for a long time at the sky, in a state of awe and terror, for the red color of the sky was like nothing he had ever seen in any sunset or sunrise. The color was that of man, not of Nature, and it had a vile stench and texture. It seemed to burn the Earth wherever it touched. As sunset drifted to night, the stars shone bright red, the color never leaving the sky, and everywhere was heard the cries of fear and pain."

"Again the warrior spirit appeared to Grandfather, but this time as a voice from the sky. Like thunder, the voice shook the landscape, saying, 'This, then, is the third sign, the night of the bleeding stars. It will become known throughout the world, for the sky in all lands will be red with the blood of the sky, day and night. It is then, with this sign of the third probable future, that there is no longer hope. Life on Earth as man has lived it will come to an end, and there can be no turning back, physically or spiritually. It is then, if these are not changed during the second sign, that man will surely now the destruction of Earth is at hand. It is then that the children of the Earth must run to the wild places and hide. For when the sky bleeds fire, there will be no safety in the world of man.' "

Seems like a bomb to me.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 10:25 AM
Yeah could be something like an atomic bomb!! the red coloured sky would be the disintegration of the people nearest the bomb

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 11:10 AM
indigo you are misgiuded.there is no alignement in 2012.the real date was 2008 which has now passed.these cycles dont serve any purpose but to keep us enslaved.the planet revolves around the sun and it is stuck in the same place going and going.

I challenge you to debunk this thread

the 3 creators are evil as no loving god would create such a system where you have to eat to survive,die and born again on the basis of karma.

btw i am a hindu

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 12:42 PM

This is an interesting topic.

I have issues in having to kill plants for food as well, the website said that all religions were corrupted and to be free is to look at "light" and not have your mind turned to the bad energy.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by nerdychemist

Below is a wonderfull article which speaks about China, it could throw some light into this topic, maybe Indigo is just trying to warn...
Well I must agree on one thing with you, scriptures of all religions talk about the coming of a saviour. The christians awaiting Christ's second coming, the jews for their messiaha, the Hindus - Kalki and other religions naming their saviours and most people believe that it will happen after mass destruction in 2012. Any huge change in civilization should be accompanied by destruction......
I am still unable to comprehend Indigo's concept of 427,000 years left of the present age...within that time mankind would evolve into somthing much different and imagine that with the current depletion of natural resources whats gonna be left after 427,000 years...? Could the years mentioned in the Aryan scriptures be telling about a different measurement of time that indigo is not aware of...? (i.e) not years at all, some other measurement such as minutes, seconds (to name a few examples)...I dont think Indigo was able to interpret those scriptures appropriatly...

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 02:31 PM
What a terrific (or is that terrorific?) posting! Does the critical mass scenario apply here at all. With all the "ascension", "doomsday", "rapture", et al going around, a person either ends up accepting one reality whole heartedly or ignoring everything. Either option is unacceptable to me.

The whole "illusion vs delusion" debate is confusing to say the least. Whether we agree or disagree with this posting does not stop the world going around. Tomorrow we still have to get into our cars, earn a living, maintain our homes and feed our families.

I believe that a person's "Intent" in life is what matters most. Sure, people will still be murdered, raped, abused etc. but this does not mean we need to hide in our homes waiting for the worst.

Where in the karmic cycle does a man who murders a child who would have become another Hitler, fit? Could it be that he was honouring his own sacred contract?, even though it went against every fibre of his body, due to upbringing, religious indoctrination or whatever.

Whether Zacharia Sitchin, David Icke, Sylvia Browne, Doreen Virtue, JZ Knight etc, are all correct or incorrect, it makes no difference if we, as individuals, all have the INTENT to make things better, not by societies standards, but the standards set by ourselves. After all who is the best judge of ourselves than ourselves?

Thanks again for the posting. It has given me a lot to think and read about.

posted on Apr, 17 2009 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by unrealweapon

If you are Hindu then you will understand that this universe was not created it is a holographic projection of pure being and pure being is manifesting itself through us.

The Gnostic belief of there being an evil creator that has created the universe is a distortion of the Aryan doctrine on Maya. Maya is not evil but rather depicted as the divine mother and one of the greatest Hindu saints of all time, Ramkrishna was a devotee of the divine mother.

The universe is not evil and if you say the universe is evil then you must also admit god is evil. If god is the ultimate reality then it means evil is latent within god for any manifestation of evil to happen. This is the problem the Abrahmic religion faces. It is not a problem in Hinduism because evil does not exist. It is merely the absence of light.

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