reply to post by metal92
That is very impressive that you ask those questions every day. The more you ask the more peices of the puzzle will be revealed to you.
In my case I have realised that there is no mystery, these questions can be answered with relative ease, what is difficult is translating intellectual
understanding into experience i.e., realising the answers.
Who am I?
I am a spark of the divine; a child of god; a part of the whole and we exist eternally and we are inseparable from one another and one with each
other. Then there is the other 'I' the false ego which is just matter, it has no life of its own, only appears to be alive, like the moon borrows
light from the sun and appears to have be alilght, this false-ego borrows consciousness from the divine. When the divine being becomes localised in
space and time it becomes individuated and this gives rise to an illusion of particularity and separation - verily the false ego is just a function of
space and time. The 'I' becomes falsely identified with space and time and it begins to think that the modifications occuring within matter are
occuring to it and it experiences pain and pleasure. In actuality pain and pleasure are nothing more dissonance and resonance of the soul in various
relations with the infinite. The 'I' is in an eternal repationship with pure being, and the various modalitaties of that relationship give rise to
multiplcitiy of experience.
Where did I come from?
I am in an incarational cycle that I entered myself because of my desire to experience multiplicity and this desire causes my soul to incarnate into
the material world to experience what I desire. A desire only arises because of incompletenes and finitude - verily in desire is the presupposition
that one lacks something. This desire can only be satiated by returning to pure being and becoming infinite. As long as this separation exists, so
long does the soul remain in the cycles of incarnation.
What is my purpose?
The soul is on a journey to the infinite, and this means my soul's purpose is self-discovery and every lived moment of the souls's life should be
one of self-discovery and not a single moment should be wasted. Thus the soul is in a process of evolution, but this is ultimately illusory, because
soul is not becoming something it already is not, but it is realising what it already is.
The problem is as soon as the soul incarnates in a body it forgets who it is, where it has come from, and what it's purpose is. This is because the
body causes extension between the soul and the infinite by imposing space and time onto the soul and soul becomes entangled in it. It begins to forget
from the moment it is born because of conditioning and it becomes entrapped in a conditional reality.
This is why many advanced souls and masters take birth on this planet to assist in liberating the souls that is entangled. Look closely at all the
advanced spiritual masters, they teach the same thing: meditation. Why is meditation the answer? The reason you are entangled is because of space and
time, these are categories imposed by your mind and within this feld of space and time all phenomenon occurs; thoughts are no different to the forms
you see "outside" they are all occuring within the field. So as long as this phenonena is occuring to the soul, it observes nothing but constant
flux and this tricks into thinking that it too is in a state of flux and it begins to think "I am going", "I am coming", "I am aging" In
actuality the soul is not going, coming or aging, it is the body that is going, coming and aging.
So ones entire spiritual evolution is really a process of disentanglement from the material mode and for this the soul needs to develop pure logic to
discriminate between the real and the unreal at every level of reality. In order to this it must expand its awareness and this is why meditation is
prescribed for the soul to develop.
What is happening during our meditations? The perbutations in the field of reality that the soul is witness too are gradually reduced so that only
nothingness remains and the mind becomes completely void, it is then that space and time collapses into a null-state and the extension between the
soul and the infinite disappears. Then you have entered into pure being and your journey is complete. However, in real life practice, meditation is
not that simple. To reach the null-state you must disentangle from every association with matter from the gross to the most finest level of matter and
this requires a gradual expansion of consciousness through innumerable meditations and inevitably innumerable incarnations.
You must also deal with many obstacles and temptations on your way which will entrap you and divert your attention from your spiritual evolution. The
conditional reality that we inhabit today is one designed to completely entrap you and stunt your spiritual evolution. The Pleaidians reveal that
while the average age of a human being is 75 years or so, the average spiritual progress in an entire life time is 7 months. Now, considering that it
takes millions of incarnational cycles to complete our jouney, one can realise the extent of just how much we are stagnating on Earth.
We must awaken before we are spiritually evolved enough to be accepted as equals in this universe and to take back our soul and our planet from our
ruling masters.
[edit on 11-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]